

How each of the characters would give a presentation in class:

Harry: (class presenting Harry is different than teaching DA Harry) hands in pocket, talks low, and pauses a lot

Ron: stumbles over words a lot and rambles. Finishes by saying “Um yeah thanks”

Hermione: practiced a lot but still says “um” a bit. Confident enough because she knows her research is good

Draco: monotone yet surprisingly eloquent. Of course well researched and prepared

Neville: very nervous yet knowledgeable. He comes out of his shell more if the subject is herbology

Cedric: charismatic as always

Fred: has some pizzazz to his work. A moving model or a demonstration of some type. Pretty memorable for the class

George: adds in lots of funny jokes. To the point where people kinda forget what he’s talking about but it’s okay

Luna: talks soooo much and she already talks a bit slower. Honestly, depending on the subject, she could take up half of class time if uninterrupted

Ginny: ready for it to be over with already. Talks fast but doesn’t really stumble over words

Pansy: may not be the best research or work but dang does it look nice

Today is my birthday ! so here is how each of the characters would celebrate your birthday:

Harry: just got you a card and a pat on your back. Not good with gifts

Ron: someone had to remind him, awkward but his mom made baked goods for you so all is well

Hermione: 50/50 chance she forgets. If she remembers, she will get a simple but thoughtful gift

Draco: if he doesn’t care about you, your lucky if you hear the words “happy birthday” leave his mouth. However, if you are important to him, he will plan something very nice

Neville: will 100% know when your birthday is and probably bring you flowers (or balloons ?)

Cedric: probably remembers and gets you something small but it’s sweet

Fred: less likely to remember than George but if he does, he will pick a good gift

George: more likely to remember but the gift will probably be more general or something he likes

Luna: will definitely remember but brings it up at a weird time or in an odd way? Like in the middle of a conversation. Minimally will send some good vibes and if your close to her, she’ll get you something special

Ginny: 75% chance of remembering but she considers quality time or doing something a gift because she isn’t the best gift giver. She’ll plan something fun

Pansy: I honestly think that if she’s your friend, pansy will go all out for your birthday

If each of the characters had YouTube channels, this is what they would be part 3 - prof addition:

(Obviously their content would be about what they teach but aside from that)

McGonagall: chess strategy

Snape: for some reason I think he’d write really cringy poetry and recite it monotonely

Dumbledore: knitting duh

Flitwick: sings covers of songs. Also uploads performances of the Hogwarts choir

Sprout: I feel like she would be a roller blade girl? Like she’d post videos of her skating around. Super aesthetic

Hagrid: gardening tips, tea time. Honestly super domestic and homey vibes

Slughorn: party vlogger

If each of the characters went to college, this is what their majors would be:

Harry: would go into college undecided

Ron: criminal justice/ law enforcement but tbh 50/50 chance of dropping out after the first year

Hermione: PreLaw with a math minor and definitely took 18 credits or more every semester

Draco: finance for the family business but this was really an excuse to travel abroad and party

Neville: botany obviously

Cedric: communications (I have no idea what communication majors do and honestly Cedric doesn’t know either)

Fred: business

George: marketing

Luna: environmental studies with a minor in art

Ginny: athletic training

Pansy: started as finance or business because her parents wanted her to but then switched to something fun like fashion design
