#sports gays



Quick question: Who is more whipped for their idol/rival/motivation to continue with their sport?

A. Yuuri “He never fails to surprise me” Katsuki (Yuri on Ice!!!)

B. Tobio “As long as I’m here, you’re invincible” Kageyama (Haikyuu!!)

C. Rin “I’ll show you a sight you’ve never seen before” Matsuoka (Free!)

Note: Otabek “He had the eyes of a soldier” Altin and Keiji “He was a star” Akaashi were not included in order to keep it a fair competition.

An edit:

Who is more whipped for their sports rival/partner/idol/inspiration?

A. Yuuri “I will show our love to the whole world” Katsuki

B. Tobio “So long as I’m here, you will be invincible” Kageyama

C. Rin “I will light a fire in you” Matsuoka

D. Tetsuya “You are my light and I am your shadow, and I will make you the strongest player in Japan” Kuroko

In order to create a more even playing field, the following characters were removed from contention: Otabek “He had the unforgettable eyes of a soldier” Altin, Keiji “The fleeting thought that ‘he was a star’ crossed my mind” Akaashi and Seijuro “It’s because my opponent is him that I want to keep playing” Akashi.
