#spot conlon x reader


Requested: Can you do a Spot Conlon x male!reader where Spot’s afraid to come out to his boys because he thi is it’ll hurt his image?

Warnings: internalized homophobia, implied homphobia


Spot Conlon, king of Brooklyn. The name had power behind it. Any newsie that heard the name was instantly filled with fear. Every newsie in the Brooklyn lodging house felt lucky to have Spot as their leader. Everyone would love to get the respect of their leader, almost kissing the ground he walked on just to get his attention. At only five foot four this newsie struck fear in all of New York, but only one person knew the real Spot. You.

The second you’d joined the Brooklyn newsies Spot couldn’t stop staining. To everyone’s surprise Spot had offered you to sleep on his bunk. It had made all of the newsies admire you, no one had ever been allowed anywhere near Spot’s things unless it was absolutely necessary. At first you didn’t understand the power Spot had behind his name, he’d acted extremely nice and sweet to you when you had joined, and still did if the both of you were alone.

It was obvious that Spot was only tough to keep up his reputation, you couldn’t remember all the times he’d poured his heart out to you at night, and the first time you’d kissed. It had caught you by surprise. Spot liking you wasn’t something anyone would have thought was possible, newsies always tried flirting their way into selling papers, but with Spot it was different. Once the both of you were together, you had understood why. Spot wanting to assert a somewhat more predominant role in the Brooklyn lodging house.

You didn’t mind keeping your relationship with Spot a secret. It was the reason you’d been a newsie in the first place. Only one other newsies knew, but you hadn’t said anything in fear that they would all start figuring out things with you and Spot, who was still nowhere near being ready to come out. You’d curl up next to each other at night, sometimes talking about where you wanted to go once you couldn’t be newsies anymore. Anytime a newsies knocked on your door Spot would jump so far away from you, making sure both of you were on opposite sides of the room. It didn’t bother you at first, but then you started feeling that Spot was getting distant, hardly even hanging around you until you were in the comfort of your room.

There was no doubt in your mind that he was just being cautious about the rest of the boys finding out. Spot frequently spoke about his image and how it was so hard how to keep. He didn’t want anything to change that, and he wasn’t sure how all the newsies in New York would react. You’d decided to come out to the boys first, see how it went. You would do anything for Spot, and if it meant changing lodging houses because things went south you would do it just to give him that comfort.

Everyone had taken it extremely well, some even coming out to you as well. You weren’t sure about your relationship with Spot anymore after that. You tried to coax him into it, knowing everyone in the lodging house would keep his secret if that had been what he wanted. It seemed that jealousy was the only way to get through to your boyfriend. It hadn’t been on any account of your own, but your best friend who knew there had been something going on between you and Spot. He’d gotten too close to you for Spot’s liking one day, and Spot’s need to assert his dominance kicked in.

You’d never had a kiss like this one. Spot storming over, grabbing your face in his hands and pulling you in for the roughest kiss both of you had ever shared. Your knees were weak, your body only being held up by Spot’s hold on you. Your hands held onto Spot’s shirt tightly, pulling him closer to you as he deepened the kiss. Once he pulled away you were left there standing in shock, Spot going off inside the lodging house making everyone stare at you in confusion. You couldn’t help but smile, knowing that this wasn’t something you had to worry about anymore.


Tag List:  @mathletemadison@hats-or-badges@theatrequeer@snakeyboimusical@mariah-vg@briefexpertgladiator@the-moon-looks-old-and-gray@neko-kaiyo
