#newsies x male reader


Requested: you dont have to do this but its lgbt so i hope you do. hcs of Oscar (Delancey ofc) slowly getting a crush on a guy but he has internalized homophobia??? i hope that makes sense ♡

Warnings: internalized homophobia, homophobia, mentions of bullying and fighting


  • You were new to being a newsie
  • Your parents kicking you out the second they’d found out you were gay
  • When you showed up to the circulation the next day Oscar’s breath seemed to catch in his throat
  • He always tried ignoring this feeling but something about you made those feeling stay on his mind all day
  • It didn’t take long for everyone to realize Oscar was treating you a whole lot nicer than everyone else
  • As soon as it was brought to his attention he seemed to completely change
  • You turned into the most picked on newsie of the entire lodging house
  • It hadn’t been until a week later that you found out why
  • Walking back from a long day of selling you found yourself pinned up against the wall in the alley
  • You weren’t surprised to see it was Oscar but your heart started to beat out of your chest nonetheless
  • You’d never been this close before and you were sure Oscar was finally going to lay a hand on you
  • The entire alley was silent
  • Nothing but the sound of people walking by filling your ears
  • Oscar didn’t say anything 
  • Only staring at you with a look of confusion on his face before his lips met yours
  • Your eyes almost popped out of your head
  • But something about the passion that had been put into the kiss made you melt and kiss back
  • The second you started to run your fingers through Oscar’s hair he pulled away quickly
  • He gave a small smile before leaving you there
  • This had continued on for weeks
  • It confused you at first
  • Until you realized Oscar was trying to hide who he was
  • You couldn’t blame him
  • All the times you were pinned up against a wall with both of you speaking quietly to one another made up for it
  • A few times you almost forgot about your relationship with each other
  • Forgetting that you understood why Oscar would always pick on you along with the other boys
  • But one day it seemed to be different
  • It seemed as though something pushed Oscar over the edge
  • Fighting out in the open leaving you with a good shiner for weeks
  • He tried making up for it the night you walked back to the lodging house
  • Explaining his father’s suspicions of his late night adventures
  • You hadn’t accepted it
  • Wanting him to figure out what he truly wanted before ever coming near you again
  • To everyone’s surprise a few weeks later Oscar visited the lodging house
  • It seemed he figured out what he had wanted
  • Kissing you in front of everybody
  • Willing to be a newsie just to get you to believe him
  • But you were too keen on having surprise visits in your favorite alley to ever allow Oscar to become a newsie


Tag List: Let me know if you want to be added to the list :)



Warnings: internalized homophobia, homophobia


“Y/N come on. It’ll be fun. Who cares what Dad thinks.” Katherine explained for the thousandth time making you sigh. She’d been trying to convince you to have alone time with your crush the entire week but you weren’t having any of it. 

“I do! Okay? He’s happy you’re with Jack, what is he going to say when he finds out I’m with Davey. I can’t take over the business once he dies if I’m with Davey. No one will ever buy the paper!” You exclaimed, throwing an old newspaper across the room. 

“Y/N…” Katherine trailed, walking over rubbing your arm trying to calm you down. “Just try it. We want you to be happy. That’s all we want.” Katherine explained softly, making you nod. 

“Okay.” You nodded. “But you have to help get him in here without dad being suspicious. I don’t want a repeat like last time.” You explained making her nod and hug you. 

“The boys are going to be so excited.” She smiled before making her way out of your room. You sat on your bed rubbing your face, hoping you’d made the right decision.

The second you were alone with Davey in your room you were a bit on edge. Any little noise you heard outside of your room made you sit on opposite ends of your bed. It hadn’t been until Katherine came in to “give you water” and told you your dad was leaving for the day that you finally let yourself be anywhere near Davey.

“Next time you can come to my house. My parents won’t care that you’re there.” Davey smiled making you stiffen.

“Next time?” You asked, making Davey’s eyes go wide.

“I mean… if you want there to be a next time.” Davey explained making you nod slowly and blush.

“Yeah, I do.” You smiled with a small nod. 

Your heart began to race when Davey scooted closer to you. You’d dreamed of this many times before. Finally getting to kiss the boy you’d had the biggest crush on. You scooted closer, placing your hand on Davey’s chest, feeling your fingers twitch, wanting to curl his shirt in your hand and pull him in for the kiss already. All the worries you’d felt ever since your crush developed on Davey seemed to catch up to you. Memories of your father screaming at you the last time you’d had a boy over only at the slightest thought that you would ever bring a boy home to be more than a friend.

“Davey we can’t.” You explained pushing him away before your lips even touched. 

“Why? None of the boys will judge us. They know we like each other.” Davey explained making you shake your head. 

“It’s not the boys I’m worried about Davey.” You shook your head. 

“Then who are you so worried about?” Davey asked, making you look down. 

“My dad.” You mumbled fiddling with your thumbs. “I think you should go.” You explained looking up. Davey tried saying something but you cut him off. “This wasn’t a good idea Davey. I’m sorry. Katherine will walk you out.” You whispered motioning to your door. 

That night you’d cried into your pillow so no one would hear you. You thought about how you’d been foolish to even think about letting yourself give in to those feelings. You knew how the world would react. You knew there’d be no hope at ever having a normal relationship like the rest of your friends. If you couldn’t be openly happy with it, the you didn’t want it at all.

You were talking to Crutchie one day in the lodging house. Having avoided Davey for a while you were shocked when you saw him. You tried to continue the conversation normally, but couldn’t take your eyes off of Davey. He kept glancing at you, whispering something to Jack and Katherine making you furrow your brows. Your attention was pulled back to Crutchie when he started talking about a girl who always came to buy from him that he was starting to get a crush on. 

You wondered how that felt, being able to like someone and actually be able to be with them in public, not worrying about whatever anyone would think, or even going to jail just because of it. You wondered what it would be like to be with Davey. How it must’ve felt to have his lips against yours, almost regretting pushing him away when he’d been in your room the other day. It seemed that Davey could read your mind, walking over like a man on a mission. At first you thought he wanted to confront you about what had happened, but to your surprise you were pushed back against the wall you’d been standing near.

“Davey-” You started but his lips cut you off. You let out a little noise of surprise, your hands coming up to hold onto his shirt. You pulled him closer to you, melting into the kiss, but Davey pulled away all too soon, making you lean forward to get more, your eyes still closed.

“I’m sorry I-” Davey started but you pulled him back in for another kiss, the entire lodging house erupting in cheers.


Tag List: Let me know if you want to be added to the list :)


Requested: Could you do a Trans!Race and Male Reader smut,just like some really fluffy smut with a somewhat insecure Race? If you’re comfortable with that

Warnings: smut, insecure race, sad race for only a little bit, and nothing else really cause fluff

and for all my trans folks out there who might get dysphoric from reading this, Race isn’t fully transitioned so just beware when reading


You’d been watching Tv, minding your own business when Race had walked in, straddling your lap and pulling you in for a kiss. It caught you by surprise but you kissed back, placing your hands on his face, deepening the kiss. Race hummed into the kiss, smiling against your lips before pulling away.

“Well hello there.” You laughed, giving him a small smile. The only response you’d gotten was Race’s lips connecting to your jaw. You let out a breathy moan when Race nipped at your skin, showing your sweet spot no mercy while he did anything he could to get the darkest hickey on your neck. “Race.” You moaned, grabbing his hips to stop him the second he started grinding down against you. “I- I thought you didn’t want-” You tried asking but Race shushed you.

“I want to. Please.” Race almost begged. “I want you.” He mumbled against your lips. 

“Race we don’t have to if you don’t really want to. I know you said the last time you did it with someone, it made you uncomfortable.” You explained, pulling away to caress Race’s cheek. 

“But it’s not fair to you.” Race shook his head with a sniffle, his vision starting to go blurry from tears. 

“Why is it not fair?” You asked, but remembered all the conversations about this you’d had before. “Race we don’t have to have sex okay? That’s not important. We do so many other things that make you feel comfortable, I don’t want to do this when I know that it does the exact opposite.” You explained, watching Race’s lip quiver.

“I want to. I trust you, and I know you wouldn’t say anything about… down there… that’ll make me uncomfortable.” Race explained, trying to hold back his tears.

“Are you really sure?” You asked, earning a nod. “And we can stop anytime, you know that right?” You asked, rubbing his arm, trying to get him to calm down.

“Well… I’m scared to do it from the back, s-so I guess we could do it from the front.” Race explained, his voice shaky. 

“Race look at me.” You said, grabbing his face in your hands making him look at you. “We don’t have to do this. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable, no matter where we do it.” You explained, pulling him down to kiss the tears that had slipped down his cheeks away.

“I really want you Y/N. I won’t be uncomfortable, and I’ll tell you if I am, I promise.” Race explained, wiping his cheeks free of tears.

“Okay.” You smiled, picking him up as you got off the couch, carrying him to your room. 

You tossed him onto your bed, earning a small laugh from Race.You both kicked off your clothes, both of you pulling each other back in for a kiss the second all of your clothes were off. Your tongues explored each other’s mouths while Race tugged at your hair sending shivers down your spine. You let out a surprised groan when Race started to pump your length, but he pulled you in for a kiss to muffle your moans. 

You blindly reached for the condoms and lube you kept in the night stand, kissing Race while you lubed up your fingers and slowly slid them into him. He pulled away from the kiss because of the long moan that left his mouth. Race couldn’t say anything, moans being the only thing coming from him.

“Look at my handsome boy.” You cooed in his ear, picking up the pace of your fingers. Race whined, holding onto one of your arms as his back arched off the bed. “Look at me.” You whispered, making Race finally open up his eyes. “There’s my boy.” You smirked, curling your fingers inside him making Race let out a pleasured cry.

“Y/N.” Race moaned out, his nails digging into your arm.

“Yes?” You smirked, leaning down pecking his lips.

“I need you in me.” He moaned, almost begging.

“Well since you asked so nicely.” You teased, pulling your fingers out of him. You tore the condom open, slipping it on and lining yourself up with Race’s entrance. “Are you sure about this?” You asked, kissing Race’s nose softly.

“Please.” Race nodded, pulling you down for a kiss. 

You slowly sunk in all the way, a moan that sounded like relief leaving Race’s parted lips. You groaned once you were fully in, pulling Race in for a kiss.

“I love you.” You whispered, pulling Race in for a kiss. 

“I love you too.” Race moaned against your lips, bucking his hips up to meet your thrusts.

You picked up the pace, both of your moans filling the room, Race’s nails raking down your back making you shudder. Race pulled you down against him, his legs wrapping around your waist to pull you closer. You reached back to lift his legs slightly, your next thrust hitting Race’s gspot making his back arch off the bed, and a stream of curses and moans left his mouth, his walls clenching around your length making you groan. You rested your forehead onto his, both of you cumming at the same time, and you pulled out, giving Race kiss after kiss, watching as a tired smile formed on his face.

“Are you okay?” You asked, caressing his cheek, kissing his eyes, nose, and lips softly.

“Perfect.” He responded, both of you getting ready for bed and curling into each other’s arms.


Tag List:  @the-moon-looks-old-and-gray@mathletemadison

Requested: Can you do a Spot Conlon x male!reader where Spot’s afraid to come out to his boys because he thi is it’ll hurt his image?

Warnings: internalized homophobia, implied homphobia


Spot Conlon, king of Brooklyn. The name had power behind it. Any newsie that heard the name was instantly filled with fear. Every newsie in the Brooklyn lodging house felt lucky to have Spot as their leader. Everyone would love to get the respect of their leader, almost kissing the ground he walked on just to get his attention. At only five foot four this newsie struck fear in all of New York, but only one person knew the real Spot. You.

The second you’d joined the Brooklyn newsies Spot couldn’t stop staining. To everyone’s surprise Spot had offered you to sleep on his bunk. It had made all of the newsies admire you, no one had ever been allowed anywhere near Spot’s things unless it was absolutely necessary. At first you didn’t understand the power Spot had behind his name, he’d acted extremely nice and sweet to you when you had joined, and still did if the both of you were alone.

It was obvious that Spot was only tough to keep up his reputation, you couldn’t remember all the times he’d poured his heart out to you at night, and the first time you’d kissed. It had caught you by surprise. Spot liking you wasn’t something anyone would have thought was possible, newsies always tried flirting their way into selling papers, but with Spot it was different. Once the both of you were together, you had understood why. Spot wanting to assert a somewhat more predominant role in the Brooklyn lodging house.

You didn’t mind keeping your relationship with Spot a secret. It was the reason you’d been a newsie in the first place. Only one other newsies knew, but you hadn’t said anything in fear that they would all start figuring out things with you and Spot, who was still nowhere near being ready to come out. You’d curl up next to each other at night, sometimes talking about where you wanted to go once you couldn’t be newsies anymore. Anytime a newsies knocked on your door Spot would jump so far away from you, making sure both of you were on opposite sides of the room. It didn’t bother you at first, but then you started feeling that Spot was getting distant, hardly even hanging around you until you were in the comfort of your room.

There was no doubt in your mind that he was just being cautious about the rest of the boys finding out. Spot frequently spoke about his image and how it was so hard how to keep. He didn’t want anything to change that, and he wasn’t sure how all the newsies in New York would react. You’d decided to come out to the boys first, see how it went. You would do anything for Spot, and if it meant changing lodging houses because things went south you would do it just to give him that comfort.

Everyone had taken it extremely well, some even coming out to you as well. You weren’t sure about your relationship with Spot anymore after that. You tried to coax him into it, knowing everyone in the lodging house would keep his secret if that had been what he wanted. It seemed that jealousy was the only way to get through to your boyfriend. It hadn’t been on any account of your own, but your best friend who knew there had been something going on between you and Spot. He’d gotten too close to you for Spot’s liking one day, and Spot’s need to assert his dominance kicked in.

You’d never had a kiss like this one. Spot storming over, grabbing your face in his hands and pulling you in for the roughest kiss both of you had ever shared. Your knees were weak, your body only being held up by Spot’s hold on you. Your hands held onto Spot’s shirt tightly, pulling him closer to you as he deepened the kiss. Once he pulled away you were left there standing in shock, Spot going off inside the lodging house making everyone stare at you in confusion. You couldn’t help but smile, knowing that this wasn’t something you had to worry about anymore.


Tag List:  @mathletemadison@hats-or-badges@theatrequeer@snakeyboimusical@mariah-vg@briefexpertgladiator@the-moon-looks-old-and-gray@neko-kaiyo

Requested: Can you write gay Davey oneshot please

Warnings: internalized homophobia


  • Davey had known he was gay for as long as he could remember
  • He hid who he was for the longest time
  • Not knowing how his friends or family would react
  • It wasn’t until he’d met you that he started feeling more comfortable with who he was
  • Davey had seen how comfortable you were with your sexuality and he couldn’t help but admire you
  • He fell for you and he fell hard
  • There was no question about it
  • Everyone around the both of you could see just how infatuated Davey was by you
  • You were Davey’s first kiss, and it surprised you to say the least
  • Davey had initiated it, and no one would have ever guessed he would have done that
  • You couldn’t deny that you felt the same way about Davey 
  • Your relationship with each other started not long after your first kiss
  • Davey learned how to be comfortable with himself from you
  • Finally seeing that him being different didn’t have to define who he was
  • There were still times when Davey was a bit insecure
  • But it was nothing a small kiss and some reassurance couldn’t fix
  • Davey had some getting used to
  • But you were his first after all


Tag List:  @mathletemadison@hats-or-badges@theatrequeer@snakeyboimusical@mariah-vg@briefexpertgladiator@the-moon-looks-old-and-gray@neko-kaiyo
