#spreading help





Please, help me and my family

A few years ago, my mom got us stuck in a pretty big debt, about 50 thousand dollars.

And exempt this one, she had a loan for our house. To pay the last one we sold our old house and now we all living with my grandmother.

And now the creditors demand to pay the debt or we will lose my grandma’s house too. I don’t know want to do or where to go.

For the last couple of years, my mom managed to pay more the 30 thousand. But we still have to pay a lot of money, around 15 thousand TILL THE END OF THIS YEAR. So I ask you for help.

And because of that my grandma now has a heart disease and we need to buy tablets for her.

And in the end of it, I started to sleep really bad, become anxious and can’t sleep normally without antidepressants.

We all strangling so much. So if you can help with donation or with sharing this, I will be infinitely grateful ❤️

You can go to this link, and donate. If you have any questions, I would love to answer it.

PayPal: [email protected]

So… I decided to post a little update: the total amount we managed to raise is $1 193 from $10K. I wanna say thank you every single person who have donated! I means a word to me!

And we have only one month to raise the remaining amount. So, please, if you can donate even a dollar, it would help so much!

