#sprite x you



Sprite x Reader

Part 1 because i’m just really excited to post this lol.

I’m not really sure if i should continue with the second person narrative as i usually do first but let me know! and if you request a fic you get to decide narratives so request away! I’m also quite clearly very rusty as i ended up deleting a whole character from this story lol.

It had been a week since what seemed to be part of a giant figure had arisen from the earth and quite understandably people were freaked out. News companies were just getting access to footage and people who witnessed it so the media was all abuzz. You were in the middle of watching one of those crazy conspiracy theorists on YouTube theorize—in quite a usual fashion, they always had the same three answers—about the stone giant when your mom called your name up the stairs.


“Yeah Mom?” You yelled back appearing at the top of the stairs, slightly disgruntled that she had interrupted your video just when it got to peak crazy.

“I need you to take your sibling to the library. They have a school project and they need books on the jurassic period.”

“Fine.” You shrugged, S/N grinned at you and you ruffled their hair as you went by.

Grabbing a coat and scarf for yourself you watched as S/N did the same. Snatching the scarf from their hands you wrapped it around their entire head and fake laughed manically.

“Y/NNNNN.” They whined and struggled to unwrap the scarf. Once they had managed to you were already halfway out the door and they hurried to catch up.

You were very lucky to live so close to the local library and you spent much of your time there, either studying or reading the latest book they ordered. Arriving at the library in question you quickly showed your sibling to the dinosaur section and then showed yourself to the history one.

After a quick scan of the section you disregarded the people and turned to the books. You figured that if you can’t watch your crazy YouTubers you might as well read some false history. You picked out your favorite false history book, an old book that the library refused to get rid of and sat down to read it. A couple of minutes later someone sat down next to you.

“That book is full of lies.” You looked up and saw a teen about your age with short reddish hair.

“Oh I know.” You replied smiling slightly. “It’s funny to read when you know how untrue it is. The library won’t get rid of it.”

“That’s stupid. Someone could read it and actually think that what the author is saying is true.”

“That’s what I said. Apparently it was a gift from some old mayor or something and they think it gives them more credit.” Closing the book with a thump you added. “I’m Y/N.”


“Nice to meet you Sprite. Do you have a phone number?” Nodding they pulled out their phone and you entered their number. You contemplated what their contact should be before settling on “Sprite ” in reference to the soda.

They put down “Y/N” in response and you smiled at each other. Just then S/N walked up to you with an armful of books.

“Oh I have to go. See you around?”

“Yeah. See you Y/N.” You gave them a little wave before going to help S/N check out.

“Do you really need that many books?” You questioned.


“Okayyy.” You opened the tote bag you had brought along and they dumped them in. Swinging the bag onto your shoulder you pretended to stumble under the weight and laughed at the glare S/N sent your way.

I NEED more Sprite fics.

Sprite x Reader

Part 1 because i’m just really excited to post this lol.

I’m not really sure if i should continue with the second person narrative as i usually do first but let me know! and if you request a fic you get to decide narratives so request away! I’m also quite clearly very rusty as i ended up deleting a whole character from this story lol.

It had been a week since what seemed to be part of a giant figure had arisen from the earth and quite understandably people were freaked out. News companies were just getting access to footage and people who witnessed it so the media was all abuzz. You were in the middle of watching one of those crazy conspiracy theorists on YouTube theorize—in quite a usual fashion, they always had the same three answers—about the stone giant when your mom called your name up the stairs.


“Yeah Mom?” You yelled back appearing at the top of the stairs, slightly disgruntled that she had interrupted your video just when it got to peak crazy.

“I need you to take your sibling to the library. They have a school project and they need books on the jurassic period.”

“Fine.” You shrugged, S/N grinned at you and you ruffled their hair as you went by.

Grabbing a coat and scarf for yourself you watched as S/N did the same. Snatching the scarf from their hands you wrapped it around their entire head and fake laughed manically.

“Y/NNNNN.” They whined and struggled to unwrap the scarf. Once they had managed to you were already halfway out the door and they hurried to catch up.

You were very lucky to live so close to the local library and you spent much of your time there, either studying or reading the latest book they ordered. Arriving at the library in question you quickly showed your sibling to the dinosaur section and then showed yourself to the history one.

After a quick scan of the section you disregarded the people and turned to the books. You figured that if you can’t watch your crazy YouTubers you might as well read some false history. You picked out your favorite false history book, an old book that the library refused to get rid of and sat down to read it. A couple of minutes later someone sat down next to you.

“That book is full of lies.” You looked up and saw a teen about your age with short reddish hair.

“Oh I know.” You replied smiling slightly. “It’s funny to read when you know how untrue it is. The library won’t get rid of it.”

“That’s stupid. Someone could read it and actually think that what the author is saying is true.”

“That’s what I said. Apparently it was a gift from some old mayor or something and they think it gives them more credit.” Closing the book with a thump you added. “I’m Y/N.”


“Nice to meet you Sprite. Do you have a phone number?” Nodding they pulled out their phone and you entered their number. You contemplated what their contact should be before settling on “Sprite ” in reference to the soda.

They put down “Y/N” in response and you smiled at each other. Just then S/N walked up to you with an armful of books.

“Oh I have to go. See you around?”

“Yeah. See you Y/N.” You gave them a little wave before going to help S/N check out.

“Do you really need that many books?” You questioned.


“Okayyy.” You opened the tote bag you had brought along and they dumped them in. Swinging the bag onto your shoulder you pretended to stumble under the weight and laughed at the glare S/N sent your way.

Sprite x Reader

I couldn’t find any sprite fics so i decided to write one myself! I have Opinions™ on and Thoughts™ about the character of sprite and they mainly consist of What The Actual F*ck Was The Tinkerbell Thing and How Will This Centuries Old God Adjust To Being A Child. (yes yes their main motivation was being perceived as a child when not but that’s exactly what i mean. now they are an actual child. in child spaces. like school. they can’t just not go to school now that they age. like. they weren’t in school from what i know at all before this. high school is terrible lol poor sprite) anyways i got really off track with this but my main point is! sprite fic out sometime this week!! i’m excited to get back into writing and it probably won’t be my best work due to my accident but i won’t get better if i don’t work for it! (my physical therapist 2022)
