#yes you


I want to see you gain weight, that’s all ‍♀️

Sprite x Reader

I couldn’t find any sprite fics so i decided to write one myself! I have Opinions™ on and Thoughts™ about the character of sprite and they mainly consist of What The Actual F*ck Was The Tinkerbell Thing and How Will This Centuries Old God Adjust To Being A Child. (yes yes their main motivation was being perceived as a child when not but that’s exactly what i mean. now they are an actual child. in child spaces. like school. they can’t just not go to school now that they age. like. they weren’t in school from what i know at all before this. high school is terrible lol poor sprite) anyways i got really off track with this but my main point is! sprite fic out sometime this week!! i’m excited to get back into writing and it probably won’t be my best work due to my accident but i won’t get better if i don’t work for it! (my physical therapist 2022)

 I will be leaving this blog up as an archive, but I will not update it anymore.New blog   →  HERE 

I will be leaving this blog up as an archive, but I will not update it anymore.

New blog   →  HERE  ←   just the same ol’ stuff,  though.   Hope to see you there.  Ciao!  :)

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Now that GAAW22 is over I just wanted to take a second to reflect and appreciate how many amazing things Glee Tumblr has come up with this past week.

Huge shoutout to everyone at @gleesourcebut@itstruthtimeand@backslashdelta in particular who organized/ran this event, queued everything, and hyped creators up. I was not only in awe of your creations but the effort you put into this fandom event.

Also shoutout to everyone who participated whether that was “only” on a few days or on all of them. Going into the gaaw22 tag has been such fun and it’s crazy to think there’s still more to get out of Glee 13 years after it premiered/7 years after it ended. I have literally seen every single GAAW22 post and even if I didn’t like/reblog your particular one, I enjoyed seeing them all. The different interpretations of the themes were so much fun and showed diversity in the fandom.

Lastly, I wanna show appreciation to the people who supported my own entries in any way, whether that was by letting me run my concepts by them or by reblogging with funny and sweet tags. I honestly only planned for two, maybe three days and told myself with every new dawn that I would skip this one, only to put something together in the evening. I have been giffing pretty much non-stop for a week and a half now and though I definitely need a break and for sure could have spent more time on some of those sets, it was fun to let go of expectations a bit and just have fun with the given day’s theme. I have to say that the peak for me were the first two days, particularly day two as that was a concept I had been planning since about January. A great thing to do while Eurovision was on in the background!

Once again, thanks to all and especially especially the people who spent their time creating things for this anniversary appreciation. I think you’re all neat and I’m looking forward to seeing what else you do, event or not.


THANK YOU for sticking around!

Thank you for following me

Thank you for dealing with my awkward phases

Thank you for dealing with my emotional moments

Thank you for sending in Asks

Thank you for waiting patiently during my hiatuses

Thank you for being such a good group of followers!

I’m marvelling at your confidence, and wondering if, just maybe, it’s shot through with

I’m marvelling at your confidence, and wondering if, just maybe, it’s shot through with a bit of audacity. Maybe even a touch of hubris. But then which gods is your arrogance directed at. Dare I be that narcissistic? 

It’s not fool-hardy, though, never that. It’s the kind of confidence that you’ve earned, that you’ve spent time cultivating, growing and settling into. It’s comfortable, in the way that brash youth can’t quite get its head around. You’ve had time to feel out the edges, work your bum into the cushion, make an imprint. It’s yours, and maybe that’s the most important part of it. 

Your submission isn’t a quiet thing, something to be hidden under furtive glances and dipped heads. You wear it proudly, wrapped around you like armour, rather than hidden underneath your ribcage, tucked away where the heart of you is, so that, should it be found, you’ll go with it. 

I’m going to have to earn it, aren’t I? I’m going to have to show you that I can take it from you, just as you’re going to have to try and show me that you can keep a hold of it. It’s not going to be given freely, and we will fight over this, most precious of things. And you may even win a battle or two; I’m not infallible. 

But know this, pretty girl; I’ve got the mind of a general, and I will win this war. 

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There are things you do for me, and then there are the things you do for yourself.  They bleed into

There are things you do for me, and then there are the things you do for yourself. 

They bleed into one another, sometimes, in the Venn diagram of our lives. A crossover that is never quite one or the other, but always more one than the other. You dance for me, in the way that you dance for me. It’s sex in motion, the curve of your hips tracing their own curves in the air, an infinite recursion, just as your hands trace the same lines. You dance to impress me. You dance to arouse me. You dance for me. 

But you dance for yourself, too. I love to watch you like that, when your primary thought isn’t to tease or titilate, but instead merely to enjoy the music, and let it translate through your body. You never played an instrument, but to say that your body isn’t played, that the music isn’t just as much coming from you as dictating the beat that you follow, would be erroneous. It may be factual, but that doesn’t make it right. 

You dance for me. You dance for you. We meet somewhere in the middle. 

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I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: it’s more important to know and understand fully why something is harmful than it is to drop everything deemed problematic. It’s performative and does nothing. People wonder why nobody has critical thinking skills and this is part of it because no one knows how to simousltansly critique and consume media. You need to use discernment.

This is ultimately why propaganda is going to work on you. Because you never learned how to think for yourself and the actual ideology behind things. You simply rely on group think and the bare minimum explanations to tell you what’s good and bad.

Sawthis article linked on twitter yesterday and…. yeah. YEAH. 


seeing certain mutuals on the dash like thank god you’re here. i missed you.


Having internet friends is an experience. Did you eat today? I can’t believe your sister hasn’t apologized yet, what a bitch. Drink a glass of water right now. Want to see a cat picture? I love you. I know you better than your parents. I don’t know your name. I’m having a rough day, can you talk to me about your favorite videogame? I love you. Good morning means good night means good afternoon means go to sleep. Here’s a doodle I made in class. I’m stealing your clothes as we speak, they’re so pretty. I love you. I love your pet. What does your hair look like? I’d love to see that weird leaf. I love you. I’m making you your favorite food. Thank you for holding my secrets for me. I love you. We’re having a coffe date. I love you. I’m giving you a screen-sized hug. I love you. I love you. I love you.
