#st bride


Sian Bride / St. Bride’s Charm [136]

“The charm put by Bride the beneficient,
On her goats, on her sheep, on her kine,
On her horses, on her chargers, on her herds,
Early and late going home, and from home.

To keep them from rocks and ridges,
From the heels and the horns of one another,
From the birds of the Red Rock,
And from Luath of the Feinne.

From the blue peregrine hawk of Creag Duilion,
From the bridled eagle of Ben-Ard,
From the swift hawk of Tordun,
From the surly raven of Bard’s Creag.

From the fox of the wiles,
From the wolf of the Mam,
From the foul-smelling fumart,
And from the restless great-hipped bear.

From every hoofed of four feet,
And from every hatched of two wings.”

-Carmina Gadelica, Volume II. Edited by Alexander Carmichael. Attributed by Carmichael to Mary MacVuirich of S. Lochboisdale.
