#st tos caps


Sorted caps, Star Trek The Original Series, S1. HERE.

  • Charlie X - Robert Walker, Jr. #3,200
  • Christopher Pike - Sean Kenney #9,800
  • James Kirk - William Shatner   #63,000
  • Leonard McCoy - DeForest Kelley #29,300
  • Mr. Spock - Leonard Nimoy #50,000
  • Scotty - James Doohan #5,400
  • Nyoto Uhura - Nichelle Nichols #7,000
  • Sulu - George Takei #6,800
  • Nurse Chapel / Number One - Majel Barrett      #4,800
  • Yeoman Janice Rand - Grace Lee Whitney #5,000
  • Harry Mudd - Roger C. Carnel   #2,100
  • Klingon - John Melicos & others. #4,500

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