#st tos


Mr. Spock’s Mood


Kirk: hello Mr. Spock<3!

Spock: captain

*Kirk experiences anguish*

Kirk: are you in a bad mood Mr. Spock<3?

Spock: I am not in a bad mood captain

Kirk what happened?

Spock: what? I’m not in a bad mood

Kirk: Bones! Watch out Spock<3 is in a bad mood! 

Bones: oh

Spock: I assure you I am not

Bunze: Spock that green blood sugar of yours is probably low. A snack will probably improve your mood

Kirk: yeah! How about a snack!

Spock: my mood is fine

Sulu: when I am in a bad mood a short nap usually does the trick

Chekov: or a litol valk around the ship!

Uhura: what’s going on is somebody upset? Is it Spock?

Bones: let me check your vitals

Kirk: Mr. Spock</3

*spock sighs*

Kirk: it’s okay Mr. Spock<3 everybody has bad mood sometimes


Shout out to Rachy (ckc), anonymous, and Bloopotronic for putting some more sand in my collectible ko-fi hourglass! I’m going to use the funds to steal birds from trees!

If anybody else likes my work, and wants to help me do more crimes, my ko-fi link is in my bio!

Is That Mr. Spock?


Kirk: is that mr Spock<3??

Kirk: Lemme talk to him!

Kirk: I wanna talk to Spock<3 Bones!




Spock on communicator : c-captain?



Spock: Jim! Why are you crying?

Kirk: I don’t know Mr. Spock <3 I think I just need a hug.

Spock: of course Jim. Come here.

Kirk: thank you Mr. Spock <3

Kirk: Mr. Spock<3?

Spock: yes Jim?

Kirk: can you hug me tighter?

Spock: How is this?

Kirk: tighter please

Spock: Jim…

Kirk: tighter

Spock: this is quite tight already.

Kirk: tighter

Spock: Jim any tighter and I might -

Kirk: I would like it tighter Mr. Spock <3


TW Elder Abuse


I’ve come to break my haitus to spot light fundraising for Nichelle Nichols after being abused.

If anyone is left following me, make sure to spread this around, especially to the older star trek fans that may not know this fundraising is happening.

Lets make sure Nichelle Nichols is taken care of in recovery. Our elders cannot be forgotten while they are suffering.


Is That Mr. Spock?


Kirk: is that mr Spock<3??

Kirk: Lemme talk to him!

Kirk: I wanna talk to Spock<3 Bones!




Spock on communicator : c-captain?




Spock: Jim! Why are you crying?

Kirk: I don’t know Mr. Spock <3 I think I just need a hug.

Spock: of course Jim. Come here.

Kirk: thank you Mr. Spock <3

Kirk: Mr. Spock<3?

Spock: yes Jim?

Kirk: can you hug me tighter?

Spock: How is this?

Kirk: tighter please

Spock: Jim…

Kirk: tighter

Spock: this is quite tight already.

Kirk: tighter

Spock: Jim any tighter and I might -

Kirk: I would like it tighter Mr. Spock <3




au where eberytjings the same but they have to go to five guyd


Rápido boceto de Sulu. Es la primera vez que lo dibujo

Quick sketch of Sulu. It’s the first time I’ve drawn him

(Si se ven algo extraño por debajo es porque donde estoy dibujando es un papel que ya usé antes. A ver si adivinas qué es. Se adivina mejor si le das la vuelta a la imagen ⤵️)

(If you can see something strange underneath, it’s because where I’m drawing is a paper I’ve used before. See if you can guess what it is. You can guess better if you turn the image upside down ⤵️)

Por cristinardvaya

No se por qué pero la idea de Spock y su contraparte del Mirror peleando por McCoy me gusta

I don’t know why but the idea of Spock and his Mirror counterpart fighting over McCoy appeals to me

Parece que ha habido un malentendido. ¿Se pelearán o se pondrán de acuerdo?

There seems to have been a misunderstanding. Will they fight or will they agree?

Por cristinardvaya

Un simple y rápido dibujo

A simple and quick drawing

Idea: McCoy es un gran doctor, incluso en el universo del Mirror, pero a menudo se ve eclipsado por Spock. Su trabajo nunca está recompensado, y todos piensan que es inútil (es un trabajo que no exige capacidades físicas. La fuerza física en el universo del Mirror es esencial). Spock le obliga a hacer entrenamiento, pero es muy duro con él y lo sobreexplota. McCoy llega a pensar que ser doctor no sirve de mucho en este universo, hasta que salva a Spock de la muerte con sus habilidades médicas y su pericia. A partir de ahí descubre cómo poner cualquier situación peligrosa en su favor en vez de usar la fuerza bruta, y Spock se lo agradece.

Idea: McCoy is a great doctor, even in the Mirror universe, but he is often overshadowed by Spock. His work is never rewarded, and everyone thinks he’s useless (it’s a job that doesn’t require physical abilities. Physical strength in the Mirror universe is essential). Spock forces him to do training, but is very hard on him and over-exploits him. McCoy comes to think that being a doctor is of little use in this universe, until he saves Spock from death with his medical skills and expertise. From there he discovers how to turn any dangerous situation to his advantage instead of using brute force, and Spock thanks him for it.

Siguientes páginas del cómic, pero… ¡Sorpresa! Esta vez en dibujo digital . De ahora en adelante, intentaré seguirlo en digital.

Next pages of the comic, but… Surprise! This time in digital drawing . From now on, I’ll try to continue it in digital.

(Previous) || (Current)

Page 15/35|| Page 16/35

Beginning of the comic

(Click for better quality)


Por cristinardvaya

Algo rápido para San Valentín. Me esperan unos meses en los que apenas tengo tiempo libre, todos los días, por la mañana y por la tarde, ocupados . Me las arreglaré para subir algo de vez en cuando

Something quick for Valentine’s Day. I have a few months ahead of me where I barely have any free time, every day, morning and evening, busy . I’ll manage to upload something from time to time

¿A quién no le gusta una cenita romántica a la luz de la Luna?

Who doesn’t like a romantic moonlit dinner?

Por cristinardvaya

Se suponía que esto era un boceto

This was suposed to be a sketch

Ahora tengo una época en la que no tengo mucha inspiración para dibujar, pero yo intento lo mejor . ¿Dejaré algún día de dibujar besos?

Now I’m in a period when I don’t have much inspiration to draw, but I try my best . Will I ever stop drawing kisses?

Por cristinardvaya

Después de un tiempo, aquí llegan las siguientes páginas del cómic.

After a while, here are the next pages of the comic.

(Previous) || (Current) || (Next)

Page 14/35|| Page 15/35 ||Page 16/35

Beginning of the comic

(Click for better quality)


Es hora de ponerse serios, Spock quiere saber ya qué es lo que pasó

It’s time to get serious, Spock wants to know what happened

Por cristinardvaya

Continuación del cómic

Continuation of the comic

(Previous) || (Current) || (Next)

Page 13/35|| Page 14/35 ||Page 15/35

Beginning of the comic

(Click for better quality)


McCoy tiene derecho a resistirse

McCoy has the right to resist

Por cristinardvaya

reapersun:Cover - Page01->Chasing Your Starlight - a K/S + TOS/AOS fanbookSpock Prime discovers s



Chasing Your Starlight - a K/S + TOS/AOS fanbook

Spock Prime discovers something he thought was lost, while AOS Kirk and Spock struggle with developing feelings for each other…


More info here!

Reminders: This comic is not explicit, but there is some implied/non-graphic sex. Also contains angst, unrequited-but-oh-wait-not-really love, and accidental bonding. I should also mention that the book takes place in AOS but leans toward the TOS pairing more heavily, since it’s my personal fave :3 It also ignores some canon elements with no explanation, sorry not sorry :P

I’ll be posting all the pages over the next several weeks. Feel free to give feedback on them, as this is my first crack at ST stuff and I’m sure I’ve made lotsa mistakes :P Hope you enjoy!

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