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Commitment Issues (Dialogue under cut)Tuvok: Chakotay, is something troubling you?Chakotay attempts Commitment Issues (Dialogue under cut)Tuvok: Chakotay, is something troubling you?Chakotay attempts Commitment Issues (Dialogue under cut)Tuvok: Chakotay, is something troubling you?Chakotay attempts

Commitment Issues (Dialogue under cut)

Tuvok: Chakotay, is something troubling you?
Chakotay attempts to look at Tuvok but his gaze flits away.
Chakotay: It’s hard to look at you like this.

T: …I am doing this for your sake.
C: I know, sorry. I’m just…nervous.

T:Hm. It seems unlikely you will be able to become intimate with Janeway at this rate.
T:Shall we kiss, then? (The human way of course)

Chakotay pauses, shocked.

C: Uh…a kiss?
T:In the human manner, of course. (C: I heard you for the first time.)
T:To quickly acclimate you to the idea of becoming intimate with the captain.

C: And you’d be…alright with that?
T: I would not have suggested it otherwise.

Chakotay begins to ramble, flustered. Tuvok watched impassively.

C: Look Tuvok, you’re really kind. I mean I know this has been a really…’out there’ request on my part and I’m gratefu, but you don’t have to push yourself. I wouldn’t want you to be uncomfortable or to do something you’ll regret later.

I mean, I know you’re still in love with T’Pel and I like Kathryn and you and me have become really good friends since the Maquis. I just wouldn’t want to jeopardize that. Not that I don’t want to kiss you, it’s just…I don’t know if it’s because I like you too or if I’m just going a bit crazy from the loneli-

Tuvok’s expression changes to one of displeasure, gaze falling.
He reaches out and cups the other man’s face. Chakotay blushes, wide-eyed and nervous.

T: Commander. All will be well, I assure you.
I have made a commitment to you and I will honor it to the end.

Tuvok leans in closer.

T: So please…think of Kathryn. I will not mind.

Tuvok kisses Chakotay.

As Chakotay relaxes into the kiss he thinks to himself; As if…as if I could think of anything but you in this situation…

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