


In an unforeseen twist of events I have written my first Janeway/Chakotay fic since exactly 365 days ago, when I posted my last contribution to @25daysofvoyager

I can’t thank my dear @ariella884 enough for giving me a reason to get back to my eternal OTP. Although “to Lose the earth” did help a bit as well. ;) 
I hope you like the part of your Christmas gift that isn’t stuck on a boat across the Atlantic. ;) 

Big, big thanks to @wishful-thinker-87 for offering a bit of a Christmas miracle by providing the exact words I needed to hear. Thank you, my dear. <3 


Fandom: Star Trek Voyager
Summary: A missing scene to be added to page 239 of Kirsten Beyer’s “To Lose the Earth”
Location:rightHERE one Ao3


I hope you all get to enjoy the holidays as best as possible.
Stay safe, stay home, read fanfic. <3

Eeeek!! I’m so excited!! @killermanatee , there’s nothing I love more than you writing JC in the relaunch universe!! Thank you for this gift!!!


Goodbye 2020!  My Favorite Voyager Fics by Month

Just like last year and the year before that, I challenged myself to pick one memorable fic I read from each month of the year.  As always this was extremely challenging.  I go month by month on A03 and make a google doc of all the fics I enjoyed during the month.  Then I narrow it down to one fic per month to post here.  Every year I tell myself I’m going to branch out and read different pairings, but yet again most of these are J/C, I will note when they are not.  I hope you enjoy!

And there you have it!  My 2020 list.  Hope you enjoy reading as you are hunkered down for some social distance holidays.

Also please tag those I didn’t link to tumblr if they have accounts!

Oh my!! @arcadia75 !!! I am speechless!! Thank you so much for including my fic (the only one I wrote this year even) in this list!

And such a great list, including some I haven’t read yet! Guess I have to add to my ‘to read’ list!!


Late night at the ball

this is sooooo pretty @jane-dee01​!!!


Off duty

oooohhhh so pretty @jane-dee01​!!!!

the-voyager-bunch:This. Is. How. You. Look. At. Your. Captain, okay!


This. Is. How. You. Look. At. Your. Captain, okay!

Post link


so listen

i designed a crazy intricate janeway/chakotay pin

you can pre-order it here/etsy if you want to it’s 3 inches wide and half a ton of different enamel colours, silkscreened faces, and a backstamp of one of my fave jc lines

i hope you like it!!!


Purchased immediately obvs.


so listen

i designed a crazy intricate janeway/chakotay pin

you can pre-order it here/etsy if you want to it’s 3 inches wide and half a ton of different enamel colours, silkscreened faces, and a backstamp of one of my fave jc lines

i hope you like it!!!


Oh my gosh so cute!


Next time on Star Trek Prodigy:

Hologram Janeway: I’d like to introduce Captain Chakotay, he served under the real Kathryn Janeway for seven years

Chakotay: (muttering) did a lot of other stuff under her, too




The problem with J/C isn’t that they didn’t get together but that somewhere along the line it was decided that they were never going to get together and instead of doing anything at all else with that relationship (unrequited love, turning them into just best friends who don’t want to screw each other) the writers continued to write them like they were suppose to get together. This is continued even into Endgame (I think, it’s been 20 years since I saw it). At the beginning of the ep Janeway asks him if he’s going to make it to dinner and he says he has other plans which we know are with Seven. These dinners are scheduled weekly things that have been going on for years. They’re very cozy but they’re also a chance for them to talk about work stuff in a casual environment. By planning a date at the same time as a fixed weekly event on his calendar the writing makes it clear that Chakotay considers those dinners to be romantic and that the audience should too. It’s the last damn episode and they refuse to let the audience recontextualize their relationship as anything but romantic.

The result is that Voyager is really frustrating to watch. These two characters who clearly mean a lot to each other never reach a resting place in their journey together. They don’t have to be romantically linked to get there. They can be friends who value each other’s friendship. But it’s disingenuous to call what Janeway and Chakotay have a friendship. They are friends but they don’t have a friendship; they have a deeply unhealthy stagnant pseudo-romance that neither of them is willing to let go of for years but that they can not progress with, either. The show could have used that for legitimate angst by having Chakotay move on earlier in the show with someone else in a way that acknowledges how his relationship with Janeway has stalled his love life and prevented him from really committing to a friendship with her which could in turn make them better friends. But no; we get surprise Chakotay/Seven which addresses exactly none of the reasons those two characters want a relationship with each other. It ends up being sad because the audience knows it’s a rebound with no substance. There could be substance behind it but that would mean being honest with Seven about how he’s used his relationship with Janeway and now wants something real.

I love Voyager’s parts but as a unified whole it honestly sucks. Even the best managed relationships on the show were handled sloppily in fits and starts which stagnated when they weren’t being directly looked at.

Bad transition but Prodigy pretty much has to pair Janeway and Chakotay off. Pairing them off would make the relationship as seen in Voyager a whole lot less sad (hey, they eventually figured it out!) I read some interviews from the show runners and their stated goal with Prodigy is to get kids watching legacy Trek, specifically Voyager. Which is absolutely wild to me especially consideration how well produced and written Prodigy is.

If the characters are not involved in Prodigy it’s going to make watching Voyager afterwards really weird because so much of their interactions are coded romantic. And even kids are good at picking that stuff up. I started shipping them at 11 and Prodigy’s target demo falls in there. From a writing perspective it seems that having them on the show at the same time kinda obligates them to pull that trigger on that.

In conclusion! When Voyager originally aired I was not heartbroken by Chakotay/Seven; I was insulted because the writers were screwing with me. That was the goal. That’s what they wanted to do with that story, so if it doesn’t happen in Prodigy (not expecting much btw, they aren’t main characters in that show but neither are Deanna and Will in Picard and we saw how that went) I will not be disappointed. I’ll just be insulted and so will everyone else who cares at all for these characters.

I agree with all of this, they never knew what to do with J/C.  Reality would have been that they had a conversation about their relationship.  See Kristin Beyer’s short story in ….. the thing I’m forgetting the name of right now.

Agree with what is said about C/7 here too.  It was ridiculous to shoe horn in in the very last episode.  Would I have ever liked C/7, probably not, but I wasn’t even given the chance, because it was never developed properly.  All we got was Seven’s cringe holodeck crush.

I will smile a nostalgic smile if J/C is confirmed to have gotten together in Prodigy.  I grimace when people claim its what is deserved though.  Yeah, does it suck the 90s Voyager boys club writers couldn’t get their heads out of their asses to portray a healthy, mature, human relationship?  Yup.  But no one deserves anything.  Hope for, yes, deserve, no.


How I imagine post Voyager went

Janeway: we’re home

Chakotay: Well Seven and I broke up

Janeway: What? When? How? You didn’t leave the bridge

Chakotay: it’s fine. Listen, we should probably talk about the five years of oddly romantic ‘friend dates’ we’ve been on, huh?


Kate Mulgrew: Yeah, I don’t want Janeway to have a love interest because I want her to be taken seriously by our male audience.

Also Kate Mulgrew: spends seven years staring at Robert Beltran’s lips and touching his chest at every available opportunity completely unprompted


Robert Beltran (circa mid-season 4): Yeah so I feel like Chakotay’s starting to look like a chump with all this yearning and we need to have him stop pursuing Janeway.

Also Robert Beltran: proceeds to keep staring at Kate Mulgrew for the next 3 years like she’s water and he’s been trapped in the dessert for ages

I feel like we’re never going to know the whole truth of what when down between KM and RB.


Any JC fanfic author who’s posted a Resolutions-related fanfic with the disclaimer “the world didn’t need another Resolutions fanfic but here’s one anyway”… You are wrong. The world will never have enough Resolutions fanfic. You are providing a valuable service.
