#st x reader


Pairings: Eddie Munson x GN!Reader

Warnings: Swearing, fluff, Eddie Munson

Words: 278

Request: request idea: Eddie and reader making people uncomfortable with their PDA in public but they don’t care cause love❤️

PDA (The Headcannons)


Masterlist|Stranger Things Masterlist

Taglist:@matth1w,@redspaceace-writes​,@simonsbluee,@sebby-staan,@sebastianstanslefteyebrow​,@darling-i-read-it,@sebby-staan, ​@tubble-wubble


“No seriously, please stop, everyone’s staring.” Steve’s face was blank, and he was starting to sweat.

“Not our problem.” Eddie smiled, his arms around Y/N’s waist and lips pressing on their cheek, then drifting down to their neck. “Let them stare, they’re just lonely and sad if they have nothing better to do.”

“What makes you think that?” Steve himself was beginning to feel a little uncomfortable with the showy display of affection.

Y/N’s arm came up to grip some of Eddie’s hair, causing him to smile devilishly against their skin. “Well, I love Y/N, so what should stop me from expressing that love?”


One of Eddie’s eyes opened, his motions stopping momentarily, “You think I’m embarrassed of my love for Y/N?”

“I never said that” Steve scoffed and rolled his eyes.

This time, Y/N spoke up, “We have nothing to hide, is what Eddie’s saying. If people have a problem with him showing his love for me, they likely don’t receive that love and therefore are lonely and sad.”

“That’s a bit harsh.” Steve totally wasn’t feeling called out by the couple’s point. He rubbed the back of his neck. Totally.

“So is the world, Harrington, so is the fucking world.” Eddie droned off as his lips moved up and proceeded to explore Y/N’s, even eliciting a slight moan from them with the ferocity of the kiss.

Some people around them grimaced. Others turned back in their seats, beat red, and hurriedly finished their food. Steve, on the other hand, dwelled on the remark Eddie and Y/N seemed to live by. He was going to prove he wasn’t lonely and sad, even if it took forever.

Pairings: Eddie Munson x GN!Reader

Warnings: Swearing, fluff, Eddie Munson

Request: request idea: Eddie and reader making people uncomfortable with their PDA in public but they don’t care cause love❤️

PDA (The Fic)


Masterlist | Stranger Things Masterlist

Taglist: @matth1w@redspaceace-writes​, @simonsbluee@sebby-staan@sebastianstanslefteyebrow​, @darling-i-read-it@sebby-staan

  • He’s very touchy.
  • Eddie likes to show you off
    • not only because you’re “smokin’ hot babe” but because he wants everyone to know you belong to him.
  • Kisses.
    • shameless, sloppy, wet, kisses.
    • tongue 90% of the time
    • He’ll kiss you in front of people who give you the “you’re hot” stare to scare them off
  • Def grabs handfuls of your ass.
  • Kisses on neck turned hickies
    • he’s a vampire in disguise ig
  • oh don’t get me started on him and you being in his lap.
    • There’s a seat next to him. Does he care? Fuck no. Your seat is right on his lap
    • Someone staring? In his lap you go, he’ll stare them down with his arms around your waist ad his lips on your neck.
    • Forget about sitting anywhere else or at all when he’s done with you
  • He knows nothing about personal space
  • He also is incredibly handsy
  • Will 100% grab a handful of your hair (if you have hair) and pull you into a passionate and heated kiss
  • if you don’t, he’ll grab your chin, or jacket, or shirt, and pull your face into his for a kiss.
  • bottom line, he’s very shameless when it comes to his affection for you. “Let them stare, they’re just sad and lonely.”

Pairings: Eddie Munson x Henderson!Fem!Reader

Warnings: Mention of drugs, swearing, fluff, the party being the party, Eddie being Eddie

Words: 1,120

Request: The reader is Dustin’s sister and Eddie’s girlfriend but they’re dating in secret. Dustin has caught Eddie staring at her during lunch and hanging out by her locker constantly (basically doing a terrible job at being subtle), but instead of assuming that they’re together, Dustin’s first thought is that Eddie is selling her weed. So he gets Mike and Lucas to help him spy on them; but instead of finding him selling her weed, he finds them having a very romantic date near Lover’s Lake. Dustin’s reaction is up to you (he could think it’s the best or worst thing ever), but it would be hilarious if he confronted them

Author’s Note: I would like to apologize in advance if this does not meet your expectations. It has been a little bit, however, I’m getting into the groove of things once more. I also absolutely loved this request and would love to write more Eddie x Henderson!Reader <3


Masterlist|Stranger Things Masterlist

Taglist: @dpaccione​,@matth1w​, @redspaceace-writes​,@fandom-puff​,@darling-i-read-it​,@simonsbluee​,@sebastianstanslefteyebrow​  


Mike frowned as he approached Dustin, confused at what had his friend stopped in the middle of the hall. He put a hand on his shoulder and followed his gaze, the expression on Dustin’s face now mirrored onto Mike’s. “Is that Eddie?”


“With your sister?”


“Like literally talkingto-”

Dustin snapped, turning to the boy with his eyes wide as saucers. “YES MIKE, YES, IT IS.”

The scene in question was Eddie Munson, leaning up against the lockers, arm above his head and eyes trailing over Y/n Henderson’s body. It wasn’t the first time this had happened. For the past month, Eddie has been lurking around Y/n’s classes before they got out, her locker waiting for or with her, talking to her in the parking lot after school. He wasn’t as on edge about it until now; the meetings becoming more and more frequent, and Eddie leaning closer and closer to Y/n.

They couldn’t make out the conversation, but it was very clear that Eddie was up to something, especially when he leaned in and whispered in her ear. He watched in horror as his sister’s head flung back with laughter.

“What do you think they’re talking about?”

Dustin had plenty of ideas, but with Eddie, no one could be certain. “Not anything good, that’s for sure.” The curly-haired boy shook his head disapprovingly.

The bell rang and Y/n closed her locker. She bumped Eddie’s shoulder lightly with her own, walking past him with no further interactions. To the duo’s surprise, Eddie, like a lost puppy, trailed closely behind her. This was unlike the metal weirdo they looked up to, and even more uncomfortable.

However, this wasn’t the only occurrence that bothered the younger Henderson. During lunch, Eddie was on his normal caffeine rush, bouncing in and out of his seat, popping jokes and making the two freshmen laugh as per usual. It only stopped when Dustin’s sister made her way to the table across from them. She didn’t even look their way, but Eddie was cut off, suddenly stone cold silent, his gaze fixated on the woman a mere table away.

He looked at her skin, so beautiful and soft. Then to her eyes, the e/c pools of wonder, he liked to think he could stare into them forever. His eyes knew no boundaries as they explored every inch of her visible figure, only kind and charming words coming to mind with every part he mentally scanned. Oh how he wished he could- 

“Earth to Eddie!” Dustin snapped his fingers impatiently. He still hadn’t registered what quite stunned the mighty Eddie “the freak” Munson, but the second he did, he wasn’t having any of it. “Nuh-uh. Leave my sister out of your shenanigans.” 

That pulled Eddie down from cloud 9, confusion washing over his face as he looked at the boy. “Shenanigans? Jeez Henderson, you wound me.”

“I mean it, Eddie. She’s to stay out of your…” he lowered his voice, “contraband.”

“I have no clue what you’re talking about.” The wolfish grin resurfaced, and his attention refocused on his target. Truly, Eddie didn’t. He wouldn’t even think about selling Y/n drugs without himself being there to monitor everything. He wasn’t thatirresponsible.

“MIKE! LUCAS! GET YOUR ASSES HERE NOW.” Dustin practically screamed into his walkie. All of his nightmares were coming true.

Frantically, Dustin explained the situation to a wheezing Mike and Lucas, who had both just ridden their bikes like their lives damn near depended on it. “I saw Y/n sneak out of her window and into Eddie’s van. I heard her talking on the phone about going to Lover’s Lake. We need to stop Eddie!”

“From what?” Lucas’ brows furrowed. He had missed a bit from training, but after being caught up, he agreed. Y/n was Dustin’s older sister, yet, felt like an older sister to the trio as a whole. She may have been older too, but the three couldn’t stand by as she slowly ruined her life with drugs. “I’m in.”

“Me too.” Mike nodded, exchanging glances with the other two.

“Then its settled. To Lover’s Lake.”

Y/n chuckled softly, looking at her lap before flicking her eyes up to Eddie’s when he grabbed her chin. “You’re beautiful, Y/n.” He admired her once more before leaning in for the kiss-


The two separated quickly, startled out of their minds. Y/n’s hand had come up to her chest, accentuating the panic that ran through her veins. “Henderson?” Eddie narrowed his eyes and tilted his head.


“Dustin, what the hell are you doing here?” She had regained her composure after realizing it was only her brother and his friends, but still had visible uncertainty lingering on her face.

“I could ask you the same. Buying weed?!”

“Dustin…” Lucas and Mike had already realized the truth of the event, giving Dustin an empathetic glance and waiting for it to click. And then it did.

The candles set up around the blanket, a small picnic basket as opposed to Eddie’s lunchbox, Eddie’s guitar, his jacket around Y/n’s shoulders, a stunning view of the lake just before them. This was no drug deal. If it were, it’d have to be one of the romantic variety.

Dustin’s eyes were wide, his mouth agape. “Ohhhh…” he drawled.

“Like I told you, Henderson, I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m not selling your sister anything.”

“Then- Wha- How-” He cleared his throat, “How long has this been going on?”

“For a while, D.” Y/n perked up. “We just didn’t want to tell you quite yet. Frankly, the only reason you know now is because Eddie is shit at being subtle.”

“Yeah.” Eddie smirked at hearing his name, but the look quickly fell as he turned to face Y/n, “Wait what-”

“I hope you’re not mad, D.”

The boy thought to himself for a second, then looked to his friends by his side, then back to his sister and club leader. “A moment, please?” The trio turned and huddled, much to the duo’s surprise. A couple times throughout the little chat, they collectively looked back with intense squinty glares before they finally reached a verdict.

“We are not mad.” Dustin spoke, “But you must promise, Eddie, not to involve my sister in any drug related things, nor be…gross…within proximity of us.” The three exchanged a glance yet again, “And our final condition is that you know, despite being our friend, if you hurt my sister, there will be hell to pay.”

Lucas and Mike nodded, agreeing with the last statement. A threat, honestly. Eddie only chuckled though, not the least intimidated, but not worried about doing so either. “Sure there will be, Henderson.”
