#stranger things reader insert



Steve Harrington x Reader. Season 3 finale spoilers.

The floor was cold, the atmosphere chaotic. The screams of your friends were drowned out by the fireworks and snarls of the mindflayer. Despite the noise, you clearly heard Billy, or the Mindflayer rather, whisper, “Stay still, it will all be over soon,“ his words sent ice through your veins. You struggled against his grasp, but it was no use. Realizing the imminence of your demise, you felt an overwhelming sadness, not even for yourself, but for Steve Harrington, the first and apparently last love of your life. As the “flaying” began, he was the only thing on your mind. You hoped that he would survive this, that he would get out of Hawkins, that he would be happy. You hoped-

“Y/N!” Steve screamed as he blew his cover to run to your side.

This caught the attention of Eleven, who managed to use her powers to throw Billy away from you. She fell back against Mike. The rest of the kids were still blasting the mind flayer with fireworks. Steve used the opportunity to pick you up and carry you away from the action.

“Y/n? Can you hear me? You gotta wake up okay? I did not survive being tortured by Russians only to have you be flayed before I could even-” his voice broke, and before he could continue, he was rounding the corner to where Dustin was.

“Shit. Is she okay?”

“I don’t know. Billy - the mind flayer- how do we know if she? What if she was?” Steve tried, but his heart couldn’t even handle the idea of you being lost to him.

“She wasn’t flayed.”

“How do you know?” Steve asked reluctant to be relieved.

“The hive mind is activated, she would be awake and trying to kill us if she was,” Dustin explained.

“Then why isn’t she waking up?”

“I don’t know Steve, but we have bigger problems right now,” he said gesturing to the fact that they were almost out of Fireworks.

Steve hesitantly left your side to help the others and watched in absolute shock as Billy sacrificed himself. It was only moments later that the mind flayer collapsed. It was over. Jonathan hugged Nancy, Mike went to Eleven, Lucas held Max as she cried, and both Steve and Dustin turned towards you.

“Y/n wake up!” Steve tried shaking your shoulders. He lowered his head to your chest to hear your heart beating and feel your breathing, “Y/n, c’mon, I need you to wake up,” he tried again, sounding more desperate.

Before he could continue, the FBI came running in and they were all escorted out. Steve barely managed to convince the EMT to let him ride with you. He was stuck in the waiting room for what seemed like forever, shrugging off the nurses who offered to check out his injuries. Dustin, Mike, Nancy, and Jonathon came in, gathering in silence waiting for any news. The worst part for Steve was when your mother showed up, he had never felt more guilty than when he lied to her about what happened.

Eventually, the doctor came out with a flustered look on his face. He asked for your mom, and Steve quickly stood to join them. The doctor protested, but your mom assured him that Steve should come with her.

“So, I don’t know how to tell you this, but as far as we can tell there is nothing physically wrong with your daughter. She is seemingly in a coma with no cause. As such, there is nothing medically we can do other than sustain her condition if you choose to do so,” he then turned to Steve, “Can you run me through what happened again?” Steve managed to recount his story, trying to ignore your mother’s sobs. As soon as he finished, he exited the room in shock, he sunk down to the floor, struggling to breathe, replaying the doctor’s words over and over again in his head. His chest was filled with immense pain at the thought of losing you.

He sat there a while trying to calm himself down before forcing himself off the wall and back to the waiting room, where Will, Mrs. Byers, and Eleven had joined the others. All eyes went to him expectantly, but with one look at him Dustin said what they were all thinking, “Shit…”

Steve repeated what the doctor had said, Nancy pulled him into a comforting hug. While the others started brainstorming. There was an hour of outrageous theories until finally, Will realized something, “She wasn’t completely flayed, but the process was definitely initiated.”

“Obviously,” Dustin chimed in.

“But what is flaying? It’s like your identity being ripped away from you and replaced with the host mentality,” Will continued.

“So maybe Y/n’s soul or whatever was separated. Nothing medically wrong with her, because that’s not a physical connection” Mike added.

“So in other words, we have to jumpstart the connection again,” Lucas agreed, and then all eyes shifted to El.

“Do you think you could try to find her? Like you did Billy or Heather?” Mike asked.

“I can try,” El nodded.

Dustin walked over to where Steve was laying with his head in Mrs. Byers’ lap. She ran her fingers through his hair like she had for her sons so many times, mind wandering to Hopper. Steve looked so broke, like he had given up any hope.

“We need to get into Y/n’s room, we think we know how to fix her,” Dustin announced.

It was like that swiped a switch in Steve, and he popped up at once, “What do you mean?”

Dustin explained everything to Steve and Mrs. Byers, and then again in layman’s terms. From there the whole group formed a plan. Mrs. Byers and Nancy would go distract your mom. Dustin, Mike, and Will would distract the nurses. Steve and El would sneak into your room, while Jonathon kept watch. For once, everything went smoothly.

El was searching the cabinets for something to cover her eyes with, and Steve handed her the red ascot from his Scoops uniform. She went to your side and took your hand, instantly being transported into your consciousness.

It was dark, unlike anything she had ever experienced before. Every step she took was echoing, the entire reality was glitching in and out, but there was no sign of you.

“Y/n?” she called out.

The blackness would flash to a scene of you and then back to the nothingness, “Y/n, can you hear me?” El tried again, “I need you to focus on my voice, and I can bring you back. I’ll bring you back home, back to Steve.”

At the mention of Steve, the glitching stopped and El could see you know for the first time, you laid on the ground folded into yourself. You were pale and shaking, looking only a moment away from death. As she got closer she could hear you softly repeating, “Please don’t, I’m sorry.” There was no indication that you knew she was there. She touched you lightly on the shoulder, but it didn’t phase you.

“Y/n? We need to get out of here, I need your help,” she tried, again receiving no response. The glitching started again, each time putting more and more distance between the two of you. El knew that you wouldn’t survive it much longer.

In the hospital room, Steve watched as blood trickled down Eleven’s face. He didn’t know why it was taking so long. He tried to get an idea of what was happening through the one-sided conversation that he was hearing, but even that was being drowned out by his fear of losing you, What if this didn’t work? The lights started flickering, the machines in the room going nuts, and then suddenly Eleven called his name, “I need you to talk to her, to bring her back.”

“What does that even mean?”

“Steve, we don’t have time, just talk to her!”

“Okay….Uhm…Y/n? It’s Steve. Your boyfriend,” he started, feeling extremely uncomfortable, before his emotions took over. “I’m sorry that I wasn’t there to protect you. I’m here now though, and I need you to come back to me. I need you to wake up, cause you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I don’t want to lose you. Not now, not ever. Please Y/n. I love you so much, please wake up.“ As he finished, everything went black, the entire hospital lost power.

In your head, every nightmare you had ever had was playing through your mind. You were cold and afraid, feeling lost beyond anything you have ever felt. Whatever was happening to you it was killing you, you could feel it draining you. A strange numbness started to overtake you. You weren’t giving up, you were running out of fight. Just as you were trying to prepare yourself for whatever would come next, you heard a familiar voice, “Okay….Uhm…Y/n? It’s Steve. Your boyfriend.” Hearing his voice made everything stop. A warmth filled you, and you forced your eyes open, seeing Eleven.

"El?” you asked weakly.

“You’re going to be fine, I’m here,” she reassured, moving towards you and taking your hand.

The next thing you remember was hearing Steve’s voice, “Are you okay?” he asked, you forced your eyes open to see who he was talking to.

“I’ll be fine,” Eleven reassured him, wiping her nose.

“Everything was going crazy in here and then the power went out…Is she okay now?“

Suddenly Eleven’s face lit up, “Why don’t you ask her yourself?”

You had never seen Steve turn around so quickly in his life, a wide smile on his face as he practically dove onto your bed holding you like his life depended on it. “Nice to see you too,” you laughed. God did he love that laugh, and that smile, and you.

“I am so glad that you are okay,” he sighed, allowing himself to relax a little for the first time since he had found out about the Russian code from Dustin.

“Are you okay?” you asked running your finger lightly across his cheek. His eye was swollen and undoubtedly painful. His lip was busted and his nose was also bruised and swollen. In other words, he looked like he got into a fight with his hands tied behind his back.

He put his hand over yours and pulled it down to his chest over his heart as he had done so many times before, “It’s worse than it looks, I promise. I’m just glad you’re okay.”

You were going to ask him what happened but were interrupted by the kids coming in excitedly. They were vividly telling you everything that happened after you were “Semi-flayed” as Will had coined it. You listened to every word, happy to know that it was all over. Their commotion gained the attention of the nurse, who proceeded to kick everyone out. Well, everyone but Steve who was practically glued to your side.

She went back to find the doctor and notify your mother, promising to bring back the ice that you requested for Steve’s eye. There were more happy reunions, followed by another round of tests, and finally, you were discharged. Joyce took Will, Jonathan, Dustin, and Lucas home. Nancy took Mike and Eleven back to her house. Your mom went back to your house and you went with Steve to his.

You both were exhausted but found it hard to sleep.

“What happens now?” you asked innocently.

“What do you mean?”

“How do we move forward from this? I mean nothing can ever really be the same can it?”

Steve thought for a moment, “I think we grieve and heal, then we start looking for the little victories again until this is nothing more than a memory.”

You nodded, “I love you, Steve Harrington,” you spoke softly.

You missed the grin that spread across his face before he kissed your forehead, “I love you too.”

You laid like that for a while, it didn’t take Steve long to fall asleep. You thought about what he said. Tomorrow would be hard, and the day after that too, but eventually your life would become some type of normal again. You shifted to look at his face, careful not to wake him. You felt a sense of relief, knowing that as long as the two of you had each other, you could work through the rest.

Just a Fall

This is my first Stranger Things imagine, it is Steve Harrington x reader. It’s a concept I might flush out into a mini-series, maybe… For more of my writing check out my masterlist here.

It was just a little fall, you were hanging up a welcome home poster for Dustin who was finally returning from his camp when you lost your footing and bumped your head. It was no big deal and honestly, if his mom hadn’t come out to check on the noise you made, you probably would have just iced it and called it a day. But she insisted on taking you to the hospital in case you had a concussion. She called your parents and your mom was going to meet you there. You didn’t even want her to do that, but at least she agreed to let you tell the boys.

While in the waiting room, you used a payphone to call Will and let him know you’d miss the surprise. He asked if you were okay, and you gave him a purposely vague answer not wanting to have the party freaking out about nothing. You were about to call Steve when the nurse called your name. You were slightly relieved, you knew that Steve would feel obligated to come make sure you were okay even though he absolutely hated hospitals.

It was just a little fall, you explained to the nurse. But regardless, she was running rounds of tests to make sure that there wasn’t any brain trauma or other hidden injuries. What should have been treated with a bag of frozen peas was now turning into a whole ordeal. You were really starting to understand why Steve disliked hospitals.

It was just a little fall, you whispered as the doctor told you and your mom that they had found something far more serious through your scans. As to the what and the how, you didn’t hear any of what the doctor was saying. Once the words terminal and nothing we can do, came out of his mouth your brain shut off. The next thing you heard was “months, if she’s really lucky, a year.” Your eyes shifted up to your mom’s which was a mistake because seeing her completely breakdown was not helping you at all.

“Okay, so are we done here?” you spoke calmly.

“Y/n, I know this is a lot to process. I can get a psychologist in here to help you talk through things. We can-”

“I mean you said that I am dying and that there is nothing to be done about it, so what else is there to talk about?”

“Y/n-” your mom tried.

That was enough of that for you, you had to get out of there. You ignored your mom calling after you and made your way out to the front. Now the question was where to go from here. You could head to Steve’s, to the mall, to see the Party. All you knew was that there was absolutely no way you were going home.

You started walking towards Steve’s house, knowing that he was working and his parents were out of town for the weekend. You hoped that you’d be able to keep your head down and try to figure out the best way to tell him and the rest of your friends the news. However, you saw your mom’s car on the next street over and quickly changed your mind ducking into the Henderson’s house, glad to see that Dustin’s mom wasn’t home.

“Hey Henderson, how was camp?” you greeted.

“It was great! I met this girl, she’s totally awesome and we are doing long distance. We are actually heading to set up a satellite to talk to her now. Do you want to come with?”

“Of course I do,” you agreed, allowing Dustin to fill you in on everything else that had happened in the last month.

“Sounds like you had a good time,” you add, trying to focus on the conversation and not everything else that was on your mind.

You allowed your mind to drift, until Will’s voice brought you out of your thoughts, “Hey, are you okay?”

“Yeah, it’s just been a weird day,” you answer.

“You know you could talk to me, I mean any of us really, if something was wrong?” he asked.

“Of course I do. And you can talk to me about anything.”

Will knew that there was something that you were hiding, but he decided to let it rest for now. The two of you made it up to the top of the hill and started helping Dustin set up Cerebro. He tried to contact Suzie, but it was radio silence on her end. El and Mike left claiming that El had a curfew. Max and Lucas left shortly after to catch a movie. That left you, Will, and Dustin. Will stayed for a while and the two boys talked about new DnD campaign possibilities. But soon even he left. Dustin was clearly upset both about Suzie not answering him and his friends leaving so easily.

“Hey, it’s okay, she probably went out to eat with her family or something. And things will get back to normal with the Party in no time,” you assured him, “Why don’t we call it a night and go see Steve, we can all watch a movie together and you can stay the night or I’ll drive you home after.”

Dustin’s face lit up, and he started packing up so the two of you could leave. The two of you started talking carelessly and for a shining moment, you almost forgot that the first half of your day had even existed. The two of you stopped by his house so he could get a movie, you also had him leave his mom a note telling her his plans and to call Steve’s house if she needed him. You had almost made it out when the phone rang. Dustin was quick to pick it up.

“Hey Mrs. Y/l/n, yeah Y/n is-” your eyes went wide and you shook your head wildly at Dustin. Luckily he caught on, “I haven’t seen her since she stopped by earlier. I’ll let you know if she comes back, but she is probably just staying the night at a friend’s house. It is a Friday night. Bye,” he said quickly before hanging up the phone, “Are you going to tell me why I just lied to your mother?” he questioned.

“I- I’m - It’s just that-” you tried, but the words were lost on you. How were you supposed to tell him that a little fall had turned into you finding out that you were dying? As in no more Y/f/n Y/l/n. For the first time since that little fall took place only hours ago, tears escaped your eyes. And just like that every shred of calm and collective, of unaffected and indifferent, melted away. You were crying uncontrollably in front of one of your best friends, truly feeling the implication of the doctor’s words for the first time.

Dustin was at a loss for words, in the entirety of your friendship he couldn’t remember ever seeing you cry. He decided to pick the phone back up and call Steve.

The phone barely rang twice before Steve answered, “Hey man, Y/n’s mom just came to my house. Apparently, something happened and they haven’t seen or heard from her. Her mom’s a wreck, I’m on my way out to look for her, do you think you could walkie-talkie the Party and see if any of them have seen her? If not I thought I’d pick you up and we could go check some of her favorite spots. I don’t know what’s going on but it’s apparently really serious. I’m freaking out.”

“She’s here. But she doesn’t want her parents to know. Whatever happened, it’s bad man,” Dustin replied.

“How bad?”

“She’s bawling her eyes out on the couch, avoiding her parents, and hasn’t said a word about it, so I’d guess it’s pretty bad.”

“I’ll be there in 5,” he said before hanging up. He grabbed his keys and left without another thought. For the entire time that the two of you have been dating, hell, for the entirety of your friendship he couldn’t remember seeing you cry. And you adored your parents. His internal freak out was escalating as he pushed harder on the gas pedal. He needed to get the Henderson’s house and get you in his arms, where he could keep you safe from whatever this big bad terrible thing was.

Dustin went to you and put his arms around you trying his best to comfort you, “It’s okay Y/n, whatever happened we’ll figure it out. Steve’s on his way, just try to calm down and breathe.” He was wondering what the hell could have happened to upset you so badly. He was extremely thankful when Steve came through the door. He excused himself debating whether or not he should alert the rest of the Party. Ultimately, he decided that he needed to fully access the situation before getting them involved.

He wandered back downstairs to see Steve repositioning himself behind you on the couch and wrapping his arms around you. He was honestly a little afraid of what could have happened to make you this upset. But no matter what it was, it was going to be okay. You would get through it and he would be by your side every step of the way. Hell, whatever this was, it probably would be easier to survive than demogorgons, mindflayers, and the upside down and you both made it through that.

“Y/n, I love you and everything’s going to be okay. Just calm down, focus on my voice and try to take deep breaths. I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere, I promise. Shhhh, it’s okay just to breathe in and out. I love you so much,” he spoke softly.

“It was…only a…fall,” you muttered in between sobs, “I don’t…I can’t…It was…I barely fell…”

“Y/n? Are you hurt? Did you fall and hurt yourself?” Steve asked softly, making eye contact with Dustin who shook his head.

“I was hanging up the poster…I fell and… Mrs. Henderson wanted to… make sure I didn’t have a concussion. The hospital…But then the tests…and my mom wasn’t helping… The doctor said that I…but it was only a fall…” you explained miserably as tears rolled down your cheeks, your breathing starting to return to a less alarming pace..

That was definitely not cohesive enough for Steve to figure out what happened, but Dustin was starting to piece it together. Steve refocused on trying to calm you down when Dustin stepped forward, “Y/n, what did the doctor say?”

Instead of answering you started crying harder again. Steve shot Dustin a death glare before it clicked in his head what he just asked you and his stomach dropped. He just wrapped his arms around you tighter hoping to god that his idea was way off-base.

Eventually, you calmed down enough to talk. Steve moved so that he could look you in the face, Dustin offered you some tissues before sitting down beside the two of you. “Y/n, what happened at the hospital?” Steve asked softly.

“The doctor told me that I’m sick. I’m sick and I’m not going to get better and there’s nothing they can do about it,” you explained defeatedly, avoiding eye contact with either of them, “months maybe a year if I’m lucky,” you answered Dustin’s question before he even asked it. There were so many more questions that he had, but a look from Steve told him that now was not the time. You got up to go to the bathroom, leaving the two boys sitting in disbelief.

“Dustin, what time will your mom be home?” you asked, breaking the silence upon returning.

“Shit! Literally any minute.”

“Okay, Steve, can I crash at your place?” you asked, already knowing the answer.

“Of course. Dustin, do you want to come too?” he asked.

“I think I should stay here, call Y/n’s parents and let them know she’s okay, being vague about her whereabouts, etc.”

“Understandable, just do me a favor and don’t tell the Party. Not yet, I just need a little time to process everything and then I’ll tell them myself, I promise.”

“Of course, scouts honor,” he replied causing you to smile before Steve all but ushered you out the door.

Once the two of you were alone in the car and far enough away from the Henderson’s house not to worry about running into Mrs. Henderson, he turned to you, “Do you wanna talk about it?”

“I think I’m all talked out for tonight,” you answered honestly.

He nodded understandingly. It was a few more minutes before you arrived at his house. You both wordlessly made your way up to his room where you took out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt that you had left there, making your way to the bathroom to change. You didn’t waste any time climbing into bed where Steve soon joined you. He wrapped his arms around you a little tighter than normal, as if he were afraid that you might slip away from him. You didn’t mind though, you enjoyed his warmth and presence. You dreaded the next day and all that you knew would come with it. Instead, you tried to focus on the solace you found with Steve. This, you thought, is what I’m going to miss the most. A single tear made its way down your check before your exhaustion took over and you fell asleep.

Pairings: Eddie Munson x Henderson!Fem!Reader

Warnings: Mention of drugs, swearing, fluff, the party being the party, Eddie being Eddie

Words: 1,120

Request: The reader is Dustin’s sister and Eddie’s girlfriend but they’re dating in secret. Dustin has caught Eddie staring at her during lunch and hanging out by her locker constantly (basically doing a terrible job at being subtle), but instead of assuming that they’re together, Dustin’s first thought is that Eddie is selling her weed. So he gets Mike and Lucas to help him spy on them; but instead of finding him selling her weed, he finds them having a very romantic date near Lover’s Lake. Dustin’s reaction is up to you (he could think it’s the best or worst thing ever), but it would be hilarious if he confronted them

Author’s Note: I would like to apologize in advance if this does not meet your expectations. It has been a little bit, however, I’m getting into the groove of things once more. I also absolutely loved this request and would love to write more Eddie x Henderson!Reader <3


Masterlist|Stranger Things Masterlist

Taglist: @dpaccione​,@matth1w​, @redspaceace-writes​,@fandom-puff​,@darling-i-read-it​,@simonsbluee​,@sebastianstanslefteyebrow​  


Mike frowned as he approached Dustin, confused at what had his friend stopped in the middle of the hall. He put a hand on his shoulder and followed his gaze, the expression on Dustin’s face now mirrored onto Mike’s. “Is that Eddie?”


“With your sister?”


“Like literally talkingto-”

Dustin snapped, turning to the boy with his eyes wide as saucers. “YES MIKE, YES, IT IS.”

The scene in question was Eddie Munson, leaning up against the lockers, arm above his head and eyes trailing over Y/n Henderson’s body. It wasn’t the first time this had happened. For the past month, Eddie has been lurking around Y/n’s classes before they got out, her locker waiting for or with her, talking to her in the parking lot after school. He wasn’t as on edge about it until now; the meetings becoming more and more frequent, and Eddie leaning closer and closer to Y/n.

They couldn’t make out the conversation, but it was very clear that Eddie was up to something, especially when he leaned in and whispered in her ear. He watched in horror as his sister’s head flung back with laughter.

“What do you think they’re talking about?”

Dustin had plenty of ideas, but with Eddie, no one could be certain. “Not anything good, that’s for sure.” The curly-haired boy shook his head disapprovingly.

The bell rang and Y/n closed her locker. She bumped Eddie’s shoulder lightly with her own, walking past him with no further interactions. To the duo’s surprise, Eddie, like a lost puppy, trailed closely behind her. This was unlike the metal weirdo they looked up to, and even more uncomfortable.

However, this wasn’t the only occurrence that bothered the younger Henderson. During lunch, Eddie was on his normal caffeine rush, bouncing in and out of his seat, popping jokes and making the two freshmen laugh as per usual. It only stopped when Dustin’s sister made her way to the table across from them. She didn’t even look their way, but Eddie was cut off, suddenly stone cold silent, his gaze fixated on the woman a mere table away.

He looked at her skin, so beautiful and soft. Then to her eyes, the e/c pools of wonder, he liked to think he could stare into them forever. His eyes knew no boundaries as they explored every inch of her visible figure, only kind and charming words coming to mind with every part he mentally scanned. Oh how he wished he could- 

“Earth to Eddie!” Dustin snapped his fingers impatiently. He still hadn’t registered what quite stunned the mighty Eddie “the freak” Munson, but the second he did, he wasn’t having any of it. “Nuh-uh. Leave my sister out of your shenanigans.” 

That pulled Eddie down from cloud 9, confusion washing over his face as he looked at the boy. “Shenanigans? Jeez Henderson, you wound me.”

“I mean it, Eddie. She’s to stay out of your…” he lowered his voice, “contraband.”

“I have no clue what you’re talking about.” The wolfish grin resurfaced, and his attention refocused on his target. Truly, Eddie didn’t. He wouldn’t even think about selling Y/n drugs without himself being there to monitor everything. He wasn’t thatirresponsible.

“MIKE! LUCAS! GET YOUR ASSES HERE NOW.” Dustin practically screamed into his walkie. All of his nightmares were coming true.

Frantically, Dustin explained the situation to a wheezing Mike and Lucas, who had both just ridden their bikes like their lives damn near depended on it. “I saw Y/n sneak out of her window and into Eddie’s van. I heard her talking on the phone about going to Lover’s Lake. We need to stop Eddie!”

“From what?” Lucas’ brows furrowed. He had missed a bit from training, but after being caught up, he agreed. Y/n was Dustin’s older sister, yet, felt like an older sister to the trio as a whole. She may have been older too, but the three couldn’t stand by as she slowly ruined her life with drugs. “I’m in.”

“Me too.” Mike nodded, exchanging glances with the other two.

“Then its settled. To Lover’s Lake.”

Y/n chuckled softly, looking at her lap before flicking her eyes up to Eddie’s when he grabbed her chin. “You’re beautiful, Y/n.” He admired her once more before leaning in for the kiss-


The two separated quickly, startled out of their minds. Y/n’s hand had come up to her chest, accentuating the panic that ran through her veins. “Henderson?” Eddie narrowed his eyes and tilted his head.


“Dustin, what the hell are you doing here?” She had regained her composure after realizing it was only her brother and his friends, but still had visible uncertainty lingering on her face.

“I could ask you the same. Buying weed?!”

“Dustin…” Lucas and Mike had already realized the truth of the event, giving Dustin an empathetic glance and waiting for it to click. And then it did.

The candles set up around the blanket, a small picnic basket as opposed to Eddie’s lunchbox, Eddie’s guitar, his jacket around Y/n’s shoulders, a stunning view of the lake just before them. This was no drug deal. If it were, it’d have to be one of the romantic variety.

Dustin’s eyes were wide, his mouth agape. “Ohhhh…” he drawled.

“Like I told you, Henderson, I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m not selling your sister anything.”

“Then- Wha- How-” He cleared his throat, “How long has this been going on?”

“For a while, D.” Y/n perked up. “We just didn’t want to tell you quite yet. Frankly, the only reason you know now is because Eddie is shit at being subtle.”

“Yeah.” Eddie smirked at hearing his name, but the look quickly fell as he turned to face Y/n, “Wait what-”

“I hope you’re not mad, D.”

The boy thought to himself for a second, then looked to his friends by his side, then back to his sister and club leader. “A moment, please?” The trio turned and huddled, much to the duo’s surprise. A couple times throughout the little chat, they collectively looked back with intense squinty glares before they finally reached a verdict.

“We are not mad.” Dustin spoke, “But you must promise, Eddie, not to involve my sister in any drug related things, nor be…gross…within proximity of us.” The three exchanged a glance yet again, “And our final condition is that you know, despite being our friend, if you hurt my sister, there will be hell to pay.”

Lucas and Mike nodded, agreeing with the last statement. A threat, honestly. Eddie only chuckled though, not the least intimidated, but not worried about doing so either. “Sure there will be, Henderson.”
