#stand design


introducing– JoJostuck, except instead of JoJos playing SBURB I take the plot of Homestuck and turn it into Battle Tendency 2: Dollar Store Kars Gaslights Some Kidz™️

As a filthy kinnie ofc first one up is eridan. I still haven’t named his Stand, so if anyone has any ocean-y songs feel free to tell me qwq as for his outfit, I decided that well, itis march and JoJo does have a wild fashion sense, so you bitches have to deal with jojostuck!eridan wearing the march outfit 24/7

Stand!Dualscar has two forms, a dormant form [the more colourful one] and an attack form [the cooler one]. the former is casual, chill everyday form and is based off of leafy seadragons, while the latter is the form he takes when using his abilities and is based off of deep sea critters, namely the viperfish and the Pacific blackdragon.

The Stand’s ability is to manifest the target(s) deepest, darkest insecurities and fears as hallucinations that get more severe the longer one is exposed to it. Can only be stopped if the User wills it or the target(s) die.

remade my jojosona!her name is “far away shore” which is based on splitian band “daleka obala”. her

remade my jojosona!

her name is “far away shore” which is based on splitian band “daleka obala”. her power is making things far away - like fatamorgana in the desert. everything gets fuzzy and kinda melting and things keep getting further and further away - and no matter how fast you run you cant catch them.

but shes a very chill stand and theres no need to use the power ;P

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OC + stand design for a design challenge with my friends, based off the song Zeleni Jure by MagnificOC + stand design for a design challenge with my friends, based off the song Zeleni Jure by Magnific

OC + stand design for a design challenge with my friends, based off the song Zeleni Jure by Magnifico

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