#eridan ampora



I’ll never not have a spot reserved in my heart for them.

3vad127 asked: You know what would be fabulous is some hemoflipped!Amporas and Vantases (specifi
You know what would be fabulous is some hemoflipped!Amporas and Vantases (specifically Eridan and Karkat) yes just a thought OwO


Bloodswap AU where Karkat is the descendant of the Signless, a violetblood born without symbol who became a legendary warlord and earned his sign working for the empire. Meanwhile Dualscar didn’t take to mutanthood especially well, leaving Eridan with a pretty humiliating, widespread legacy. While his mutation isn’t a cullworthy offense here, he does try his very best to appear less, well, mutated.

I’m pretty sure this here is either pretty solid blackrom, or seriously embarrassing quadrantflipping all over the place.

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one of the billion things Hollywood / television needs to fucking stop doing that’s become a specific obsession at this point:

making loudly racist white male characters just to guilt trip the audience with “bbu..utt  ;;thheeyy  aae ggooo;;d  peeoopple you,, juusT ddon'tt nueddrrsstand” and making the biggest idiots in viewing history go “oh my gosh I guess racists have feelingzuh we are wrong to hate themm do we not all bleed the same”

we literally don’t need anymore of this shit, especially considering the fact that VIOLENT WHITE RACISTS are treated more humanely by fandoms than actual minority characters (including mistreatment from their own writers)

- mod s

To all who enjoyed my Eridan Sprites, the game I made them for has a beta download available! Check it out here! 

Also, the guy in lead of this project, make sure to check out his tumblr

Also, I’d like to thank you all for the huge amount of attention my sprites have gotten, I’m really glad you’ve enjoyed them!

inkskratches:stupid boy your story doesn’t have a happy ending


stupid boy

your story doesn’t have a happy ending

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redoodle of a homestuck ship i liked that no one else did just because theyre a comfort to me. dk ifredoodle of a homestuck ship i liked that no one else did just because theyre a comfort to me. dk if

redoodle of a homestuck ship i liked that no one else did just because theyre a comfort to me. dk if im gonna finish it i just needed to draw them

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finally finished it lol (2021 - 2017?)

(Yellow) Fanart of my fave pesterquest routes!(Yellow) Fanart of my fave pesterquest routes!

(Yellow) Fanart of my fave pesterquest routes!

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[ Ask Erisol! ] Beach where you are standing.sollux : Let me get one hiit you. ED.eridan : No, y[ Ask Erisol! ] Beach where you are standing.sollux : Let me get one hiit you. ED.eridan : No, y[ Ask Erisol! ] Beach where you are standing.sollux : Let me get one hiit you. ED.eridan : No, y[ Ask Erisol! ] Beach where you are standing.sollux : Let me get one hiit you. ED.eridan : No, y[ Ask Erisol! ] Beach where you are standing.sollux : Let me get one hiit you. ED.eridan : No, y[ Ask Erisol! ] Beach where you are standing.sollux : Let me get one hiit you. ED.eridan : No, y[ Ask Erisol! ] Beach where you are standing.sollux : Let me get one hiit you. ED.eridan : No, y[ Ask Erisol! ] Beach where you are standing.sollux : Let me get one hiit you. ED.eridan : No, y[ Ask Erisol! ] Beach where you are standing.sollux : Let me get one hiit you. ED.eridan : No, y

[ Ask Erisol! ] Beach where you are standing.

sollux : Let me get one hiit you. ED.

eridan : No, you can’t~

Thank you for ask!

*If you all want to sending me a Erisol Ask…..Write an erisol in front of the question to make it easier for me to distinguish.

like this..( Erisol Ask : ~ blah blah ~ )

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anonymous asked: Since I see a theme of drinks, can I request some Monster Energy Eridan icons?? Thanks!!

of course!!! here you go :3 love eridans PQ design so of COURSE i had to use it

:33< mod nep

Whoa, I actually finished something for the first time since summer classes started. *confetti* I&rs

Whoa, I actually finished something for the first time since summer classes started. *confetti* I’m trying to remember what I was thinking when I started this picture, but I was going on 32 hours with no sleep so I’m afraid the answer is lost to the ages.

But man, it’s kind of sad to think that there was probably a time when Feferi was genuinely pale for Eridan. That must have been one hell of a realization.

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angry prince

me: look at this hopeless fish twink haha what a fucking loser

also me: eridan is such a sad character because he never even knew what his title as a prince if hope truly meant and his entire aspect is a cruel joke from a a cruel god i this essay i w-

Kalinka? Malinka?i saw the designs and i HAD to draw them,,, beight neon colours and hoodies are my

Kalinka? Malinka?
i saw the designs and i HAD to draw them,,, beight neon colours and hoodies are my weakspots i love them alot,,, man

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so im like 4513 pages into homestuckand i havent posted any art of itsohere are the troll boys!!!!!

so im like 4513 pages into homestuck
and i havent posted any art of it
here are the troll boys!!!!! + john because i have no idea how his hair works

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Since the humans have at last made their appearance in C&V, I’m going to go ahead and post certain background information here. I’m not sure whether or not I’ll be able to drop this info into the content of the fic itself, so supplemental material it is.

Side note: The races I chose for this story don’t always match my default humanstuck headcanons… and no one is mixed race because I got lazy; I’m sorry. OTL

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[[CroonerAmpora and a friend tackle Expert Harmonies mode in Rock Band 3 for your pleasure.

Show starts at 3PM PST SUNDAY JUNE 1. Viewable at http://www.livestream.com/orange_harrison]]

be shore to followw for future livvestream notifications and subscribe to the youtube channel for old vvideos

ill see yall there <3

for just about all a eccc i invvited followwers back to my place a couple blocks awway to play games together

they dont stop fuckin gigglin

i wwonder if i should tmi tuesday again
