#standard poodle


My best girl, Roxanne, died on the 12/17 at the age of 14 ½. I couldn’t bring myself to say anything then, but I’m feeling better about her passing. She was a great dog. My little sister. Brat extraordinaire. She loved everyone and got to travel and experience so much. I’ll miss her terribly, but I know she had a great life with me and my parents and her doggy siblings.

I’d like my burger now, please.

I sniffed outdide, got kisses, had my burger, took a walk and put the “poo” in poodle, got my feet wiped, had a cookie, snoozed by the bear door and now here is my paw. How about another burger?

Tauren’s half sister had babies! There is still one boy and one girl left…

Smiling guy.

Friday feeling.

This is where Tauren is from. The mama of these puppies is Tauren’s half sister.


Tauren got up on the sofa to comfort Dog Dad. (We’re making a rare visit to the NYC apartment.)

We saw Tauren’s BFF at the art opening and when I got home he “caught me cheating” with his best friend.

When your Dog Parents are eating Greek Yogurt

How cute do I need to be in order to get a burger around here?

Get comfy Poodle.


Behold my Muppet behold my Muppet behold my Muppet
