#thats me



Straight people are funny sometimes. I do soil analysis for a living and one time one of my co-workers called me “the dirt fairy” (I work overnights and they often come in to find all the projects done before they get here) and I just deadpanned “Yeah, I’ll take that. I’ve been called worse things.” and I got to watch this look of dawning horror slowly spread across this man’s face as he realized what he’d just said

thats me


I’m mad enough about seeing that “ew men I hate being bisexual” post on my dash, that you know what? If you can, please reblog this with at least one thing you love about men. It can be anything! Physical, an emotional trait - anything.

I’ll go first: I love men’s smiles. They’re so warm, and pure, and bright. Seeing men smile genuinely makes my day better.

Found this yesterday on the boyfran’s comp. Made last year.

Found this yesterday on the boyfran’s comp. Made last year.

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Our Beloved Summer intro but make it IDOL: The Coup| kim jenna x cha jae hyuk

nebulabun:come here, i can make you so so so much worse.Keep reading


come here, i can make you so so somuch worse.

Keep reading

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Hello!!I’m back (from the dead) again!! My shoulder is better now, not at all but my need to draw is


I’m back (from the dead) again!! My shoulder is better now, not at all but my need to draw is stronger! 

I’ll start posting drawings next week (◠‿◠)

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If any of you remember that story I wrote a while back about my irl love live, there have been some Serious Developments to the saga and I want to write about them, but between NaNoWriMo kicking my ass and the absolute emotional rollercoaster and constant anxiety that has been the last couple days, I don’t know how much energy I can put into recounting the whole story. So if anyone is actually interested in a continuation, please let me know and I will write it. (It’s a damn good story, too, I promise.) So like/reblog if you’d be interested!

tl;dr: if this gets 30 notes I’ll write some 100% true fluffy love story stuff, with mild angst but mostly only on my part

I’m alone all weekend, do you guys think I should post a video of me jerking off?




overstimulated in the club tonight

understimulated in the home tonight

at peace in the abandoned grain silo

Finally finish with the week comic. I won’t upload it for about half a month and will focus on commissions. Sorry for the late update!!!! m(_ _)m

tinycartridge:Chainmail Bikini preview: Boy or Girl? ⊟All week, we’ve been featuring samples from Ch


Chainmail Bikini preview: Boy or Girl? ⊟

All week, we’ve been featuring samples from Chainmail Bikini, the ”comics anthology celebrating female gamers”. The Kickstarter-ed book features a number of portable gaming-themed stories, like this page from artist Kori Michele Handwerker(Tumblr / Bio: “Kori Michele is a watercolorist & the author of the Prince of Cats webcomic. Their current work, which includes various anthology comics & zines, focuses on transgender & nonbinary identities.”).

Chainmail Bikini will offer 200+ pages of comics about video games, tabletop RPGs, collectible card games, and more from 40 cartoonists. It sounds like a really awesome project, and we’d be happy if you pledged some cash to get a copy of the book and to help the participating artists get paid even more!

More preview pages from Chainmail Bikini:Life +1Connections,Pocket WorldsAchievement Unlocked, and Hermia.


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Me writing in my head: *everything is perfectly poetic and on point*

Trying to bring these words on paper: *sounds like a three-year-old found a pencil*

wallpapers for my team in genshin impact!! (sucrose is kinda in my team, i swap her in and out oftenwallpapers for my team in genshin impact!! (sucrose is kinda in my team, i swap her in and out oftenwallpapers for my team in genshin impact!! (sucrose is kinda in my team, i swap her in and out oftenwallpapers for my team in genshin impact!! (sucrose is kinda in my team, i swap her in and out oftenwallpapers for my team in genshin impact!! (sucrose is kinda in my team, i swap her in and out oftenwallpapers for my team in genshin impact!! (sucrose is kinda in my team, i swap her in and out often

wallpapers for my team in genshin impact!! (sucrose is kinda in my team, i swap her in and out often) + master diluc because the gacha gods have not blessed me with him yet 

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mojitober day 4: angels! this one i took some creative liberties on lol. versions with and without a “mouth” because i’m indecisive

please read my carrd before using! (link in pinned)


Noi persone siamo fatte di tante cose. Principi, valori, personalità, carattere..

A volte la vita ci sconvolge, le persone ci sconvolgono e questo può portarci a perderci.

Quando sappiamo chi siamo ma conosciamo qualcuno che ci mette in dubbio, qualcuno che ci fa sentire sbagliati e mai all'altezza delle sue aspettative..lì iniziano a cadere i pezzi, cadono uno ad uno e nemmeno ce né accorgiamo. Cadono e inizi a cambiare, chi ti vuole bene se ne accorge ma tu non lo ammetti nemmeno a te stessa. Decidi di affidarti a queste persone che vogliono che tu cambi e ti convincono a tal punto che inizi a non amarti più.

Cambi completamente, arrivi a non sapere più chi sei e cosa vuoi. Metti in dubbio la tua vita, vuoi andar via.. Scappare lontano perché tutto ti sta stretto.. la tua famiglia, gli amici e persino te stessa. Entri in un vortice. I tuoi difetti sono sempre più evidenti, quello fisici e caratteriali.. Inizi a dimagrire, a soffrire di attacchi di panico e dentro di te sai chi ti ha ridotta così ma ancora una volta ti lasci aiutare proprio da chi non vuole il meglio per te. Quando poi da un momento all'altro chi credevi ti volesse bene ti delude e ti manda via dalla propria vita tutto crolla..Il buio più totale. Davanti ai tuoi occhi vedi tutto quello che è stato, tutto in maniera chiara, senza ombre. Inizi a capire che hai mandato via chi ci teneva a te, che ti sei stravolta per qualcuno che non ti ha mai amata. Tutto ciò che sembrava vero in realtà era falso.

Piangi ma prometti a te stessa di non stare male, prometti a te stessa di non farti toccare da queste persone. Dici a te stessa di non essere stupida, che non è successo nulla e che ci hai messo una vita intera a costruirti questa armatura, che hai pianto già abbastanza e che non ne vale la pena.

Poi arriva la notte.. Quella ci frega tutti. Occhi aperti e bagnati, la mente va e ripercorre tutto… Tutto quello che hai fatto e a quello che hai perso. Non solo le persone che ami ma te stessa.. Ti senti sconfitta, ti senti a pezzi perché hai permesso a qualcuno di toccarti, di dubitare su chi sei e cosa vuoi. Ti senti distrutta e iniziano a cadere tutti quei pezzi che tanto avevi faticato a costruirti. Cade l'autostima, la fiducia, l'amore e tutto ciò che mi apparteneva.

Poi ti rialzi ancora.. E guardi quei pezzi che non sono rotti, ma sono solo caduti.

leavethemessagesart:A little goat is doing his best to deliver a package for a friend!


A little goat is doing his best to deliver a package for a friend!

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KAW 2021 ~Day 4 Prompt: Modern Day AU~

Me and Mudkipwriteswere discussing a fun Kalluzeb modern AU -a fun mix between flowershop AU and tattoo parlor AU. So I decided to do them for the prompt.


this is the funniest thing I’ve seen in weeks

#thats me    



i think ctubbo has a lot of sideblogs and he accidentally posts the wrong thing on each of them.

(via @tmmyhug​)
