#star trek first contact



Vulcan: Why…are you…shaking hands…with that being?

Solkar, about to invent “First Contact Day”:

(Happy First Contact Day!)

Sé que llego tarde, pero aquí tengo un dibujo para el día del primer contacto

I know I’m late, but here’s a drawing for the day of First Contact

Los vulcanos no estaban interesados en los humanos, nos consideraban primitivos. No contactarían con nosotros hasta que los humanos desarrollaran por nosotros mismos un motor capaz de superar la velocidad de la luz. Zefram Cochrane fue el que lo desarrolló en el siglo XXI, después de la tercera guerra mundial.

Lo que me da gracia es que en la película hayan puesto esas ropas tan raras a los humanos, como si nosotros lleváramos eso ahora

Vulcans weren’t interested in humans, they considered us primitive. They wouldn’t contact us until humans developed, on our own, an engine capable of exceeding the speed of light . Zefram Cochrane was the one who developed it in the 21st century, after the third world war.

What I find really funny is that in the film they put these weird clothes on humans, as if we were wearing them now

El hecho de que Solkar no rechazara el apretón de manos de Cochrane implica que se besaron de forma vulcana?

Además, para aquellos que no lo sabían, Solkar es el bisabuelo de Spock

The fact that Solkar didn’t refuse Cochrane’s handshake implies that they Vulcan-kissed?

Also, for those who didn’t know, Solkar is Spock’s great-grandfather

Rittenhouse Complete Star Trek Movies trading card number 72, “Star Trek: First Contact,” 2007.

Rittenhouse Complete Star Trek Movies trading card number 71, “Star Trek: First Contact,” 2007.

Rittenhouse Complete Star Trek Movies trading card number 70, “Star Trek: First Contact,” 2007.

Rittenhouse Complete Star Trek Movies trading card number 69, “Star Trek: First Contact,” 1997.

Rittenhouse Complete Star Trek Movies trading card number 68, “Star Trek: First Contact,” 2007.

Rittenhouse Complete Star Trek Movies trading card number 67, “First Contact,” 2007.

When you invite the right ratio of tops and bottoms to your orgy

[Image description Zephram Cochrane from Star Trek saying “You all look at me as if I’m a saint or a visionary.”]
