#star trek rp


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Next Generation & Picard:

Deep Space Nine:


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Next Generation & Deep Space Nine:


  • lostmojaveis now @starslcst


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^ denotes a canon divergent muse
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Original Series & Alternate Original Series:

Original Series:

Alternate Original Series:

Alternate Original Series & Discovery:

Next Generation:



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^ denotes a canon divergent muse
~ denotes a genderbent muse


The Next Generation & Picard:


  • measurcd andmusikcr have moved to @illigo*


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^ denotes a canon divergent muse
~ denotes a genderbent muse




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^ denotes a canon divergent muse
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^ denotes a canon divergent muse
~ denotes a genderbent muse




  • @brashir - 3+ months of inactivity
  • @staffengineer - 3+ months of inactivity

@iinwented-in-russia// Pavel Chekov ;; 

Chekov reported on time. There was no reason to suggest he wouldn’t, but it still took Leonard by surprise. Maybe because he was so damn used to the senior officers blowing him off for every routine physical or check-up. “Ensign, yes. Come in. Siddown.” He motioned to a small bench built into the wall perpendicular to his desk.

The kid was obviously not thrilled about being there. Leonard couldn’t blame him. Not after all the times he’d been patched up already. He was probably going to have a lifelong fear of doctors after this mission was over. 

Now was the time to come up with something to say. “How’re you doing, Chekov?” he asked in a gruff tone. Not very comforting. He’d damn near lost his bedside manner. “Feeling better after all that business with the Tholians?” 

@iinwented-in-russia// Pavel Chekov ;; 

It always seemed like they stopped the chaos from happening right in the knick of time. With Jim gone for so long, and everyone on the ship slipping into madness, it was a wonder they even got out of that situation. It hadn’t been the first time Leonard thought they weren’t going to make it.

Not to say he didn’t have confidence in Spock as an acting captain. Not as long as they followed everything to the letter. Like Jim had said in his recording to them - they balanced each other out. Spock had to play the logic card, it’s just who he was. The doctor was more than happy to be his moral compass, even if he didn’t seem it most of the time. Leonard had to hand it to the captain - he sure as hell knew them well enough. 

Chekov had been the first to go. As soon as they’d gotten back from the Defiant, the kid through a fit, screaming and swinging at Spock for all he was worth. Well, even though they’d found a cure, Leonard wasn’t about to send him on his way. Seemed since Pavel had come aboard, all sorts of wild things had happened to him. It was enough to put even the most seasoned officer on edge. He couldn’t imagine what it was doing to the kid. 

He had called him in for a routine physical. Nothing to make him nervous before he came in. He’d do some readings, but he wanted to question him about his mental well-being. After all, in the last year the kid had been mind-controlled, left to freeze to death, thrown in a gladiator ring, made to watch all of his friends age dramatically, died - he’d been through the ringer. 

Leonard sat in his officer, fingers absently drumming on the desktop. It was easy to demand the ensign come in for a check-up. A little more difficult to figure out just what to say to the kid. 


Kirk and Spock and Uhura… It was like waking up in one of her Academy dreams, only this time she wasn’t going to wake up with her PADD stuck to her cheek!  It was a little different with Leonard; she’d known him, sort of, so he didn’t have the same larger than life feel to him.

Which was probably for the best, if they were going to spent time together and she was actually expected to speak in whole, unbabbling sentences!

“I guess it’s not all that realistic to keep it from everyone… Do you think it’s a little strange that I ended up here?  I mean, I could have shown up any time, anywhere. Right in the middle of empty space, even!  But somehow I fell back a few hundred years, and ended up crashing into someone I knew!”

Which, as soon as the words left her mouth, Ezri realized it sounded even more unlikely than it had in her head. “I kind of hope it’s just a coincidence.”

Ezri leaned back on her elbows so she could watch Leonard work, the regenerator looking just like she remembered (Emony had spent and awful lot of time in infirmaries just like this one!)  Her ankle still throbbed, but even as she watched, she could see the swelling start to fade.

“I’m pretty sure that’s the sort of question that’s going to get us both into trouble with the Temporal authorities!  But really?”  She blinked up at him with a half smile, “It’s no that interesting– my life, anyway! I went to the Academy, got stuck with the Dax symbiont, and ended up on the front lines of a war that I’m reallynot supposed to talk about.’

“See, each host has the memories of all the hosts before. So Emony? She had all of Lela’s, and Tobin’s.  And I’ve got all of those, plus Audrid.. Torias… Joran, and Curzon, and Jadzia!”  Ezri ticked the points off on her fingers, as she usually did when he was trying to remember all her post hosts.

“But… yeah.  I can remember everything that happened with Emony after she was Joined.  So…”  Ezri ducked her head, half hiding a laugh and a flush of embarrassment, “I definitely remember you.”

It was a bit too much of a coincidence to ignore. He didn’t want to think about it though. If the circumstances of her popping out of thin air meant something sinister was going on…that wasn’t something he needed on his mind right then. “Life’s just funny that way, I guess,” he said quietly as he flipped off the regenerator. “This should sit for a little bit more, then we can go at it again and then get you up and moving a little bit.” 

“A war?!” Leonard nearly jumped back. “What sort of war are we talking about?” His eyes grew wide and one eyebrow shot up. “Tell me we aren’t about to spend the next hundred years at war with the Klingons!” He had been fortunate. In his lifetime ‘war’ wasn’t a static concept. It was something heard about from ancestors and read about in history books. Even though their relationships weren’t the best with Klingons and Romulans, there wasn’t a real war. They respected each other’s space…for the most part.

There was a scientific curiosity about Dax. He sure hadn’t met anyone else like her before. “So you simply…transfer your memories? Consciousness? Something else? That seems like a surprisingly logical way to survive.” He admired the spots running down her leg again, head spinning with a million medical questions about her species. He didn’t want to pry. He knew well enough she was humanoid, at the very least.

He couldn’t keep a grin off of his face. “Well, let me assure you,” he said as he looked at her. “I haven’t forgotten a bit of you.” Was it his imagination that she was a little flustered? “You seem a little bothered…tell me the memories are flattering.”



“Um, guess not then?  Maybe just forget I said that.  I don’t really want to go changing the future, but history was never my best class!  Anyway, my space station is outside of Federation space.  Which is a whole big story that I can’t actuallytell you.”  

This was going to be such a challenge!

With a little more shuffling and twisting, her ankle protesting everything that involved moving– weight related or otherwise!– Ezri arched her back and tugged the zipper on her new uniform into place, smoothing her hands over the strangely cool material.

It wasn’t unpleasant, just… different. And there was an awful lot less of it!

“I was thinking the same thing.”  She said distractedly, looking down at herself, and tugging the hem of the uniform a bit lower.  How had woman gotten around in these things?!  She remembered doing it, sure, but that was Emony!  And Emony wasn’t exactly self conscious!

Well, there was no point putting it off.

Pushing back the curtain, Ezri resisted the urge to tap her fingers. The short skirt showed off a long stretch of pale skin, and there was something almost risque about the trail of intricate spots that curved over her collar bone, and vanished beneath the slanted uniform collar, only to appear again on her thigh where the hem didn’t cover.

“Have you been on a station recently, maybe? Or a planet where you could have picked me up?  I’m not… Not really sure what you could tell your captain, Leonard.  I mean, sir- doctor- bother! Names are almost as much trouble as pronouns! But I do need some kind of alias.  We can’t go around telling people I just popped in from the future!

He laughed when she corrected herself again. “You can call me Leonard, that’s alright,” he said with a gentle smile. “It’s not very formal around here. Jim runs a pretty relaxed ship. Uh…Captain Kirk, that is.” It wasn’t to say they were too casual, but there was an understanding and comradery on their ship that others lacked. It was comfortable. 

“We just came from Starbase 12 a couple of days ago. I could get it past most everyone on this ship, except for our Captain and First officer. They would believe you if you told them where you came from, but maybe we should hold off for now and see if we can’t getcha home first…” He didn’t want to be around for a conversation between this bubbly time traveler and Mr. Spock. 

He gently pulled back the curtain and ran the dermal regenerator over her ankle once more. He had forgotten that the spots run all the way down to her feet. Looking at them was starting to bring back some memories that were best left for off-duty. “If I can get ahold of Uhura, I’ll see if she can lend you some tights,” he muttered as he forced himself to concentrate on the regenerator. 

“So…you remember everything Emony did?” he couldn’t help but be curious. “That was a mighty long time ago…even longer for you. What have you been doing since then?”


If Sarek were not a Vulcan, he might laugh. He had a thousand memories of Spock, defiantly silent even in his youth when he still sought his father’s approval, and now? He was unknowable to Sarek in many ways. 

“It is not merely a Human perception to note the obvious; my son is secretive. It goes beyond a desire for privacy, which is common among Vulcans in comparison with many–although not all–Human cultural norms. I believe he takes some form of satisfaction in being an enigma.”


He narrowed his eyes slightly. “I am no expert when it comes to Spock. However… It is gratifying to know that he is appreciated. I believe that is something he values, and has not always experienced.”

Sarek would not speak at length about his son’s childhood; that was up to Spock to choose to tell or not to tell. But perhaps the implication was enough for the doctor to understand, at least to some extent. 

Spock had been so very alone for much of his childhood, sometimes because he was rejected and sometimes because he was protecting himself. To call it gratifying that he’d found someone he wished to spend his life with was quite an understatement, yet Sarek didn’t have another word for it that he could use with a near stranger.

Leonard did love hearing Sarek’s observations of Spock. He was absolutely right - Spock loved to pretend he knew something everyone else didn’t. It went deeper than that though. Spock made a lot of comments about how different he was and how he was delighted in that. Leonard had long suspected this was his way of trying to embrace the fact that he was so different - accept it and flaunt it. 

“Of course he’s appreciated,” Leonard mumbled with a puzzled look on his face. He had an entire crew that loved him like a family. Starfleet was tripping over itself to get their hands on him. There was an entire galaxy out there that knew his name. Leave it to Spock to still think people didn’t appreciate him. 

Being in his parents’ house and speaking about his childhood reminded Leonard how much of a marvel Spock must have been when he was growing up. The only Vulcan-Human child to ever survive…that must have put some pressure on the kid. You couldn’t go through life without that carrying over into adulthood. 

“Well, I hope he knows that’s what I’m here for,” Leonard said. He looked up and let his eyes meet with Sarek’s. “To appreciate him, I mean. You know I have a suspicion that it’s difficult for Vulcans to keep all of their emotions bottled up all the time…especially Spock.” Was this an insulting thing to say? Probably. But they were having an honest conversation, and damn if it didn’t need to be said. “But that’s what relationships are for, aren’t they? We all hide things. We all act one way in public and another behind the scenes. I just hope Spock realizes I’m not gonna judge him if he can’t keep this whole-” He waved his hand idly. “-Vulcan thing up forever. It just seems so exhausting.”

He smirked at Sarek. “I gotta say, the teachings of Surak do have their good points, though. Damn near saved my life a few times. It’s just that constant monitoring really beats down on you after years and years.” 

Leonard thought he was doing a fine job giving advice whether he knew it or not. He knew he had a lot of ‘moods’, and he knew Spock was still in the process of categorizing the proper reaction to various ones. It made Leonard feel awful sometimes, but he couldn’t help it - that’s just how he was.

“I can assure you it is not one of those times,” he said. “Spock and I have a pretty good understanding of one another. Sometimes he just seems…secretive to me. That’s probably a human’s perception though, isn’t it? I figure you have the best know-how out of everyone.” He offered a smile. There was certainly something about a child’s relationship to their mother. In Leonard’s experience, however, mothers tended to rose-tint their understanding. It seemed a father like Sarek - logical, realistic, Vulcan - might see Spock from a unique, personal perspective. 

He could have been reading the situation all wrong though. For being so straightforward, Vulcans were so damn secretive.

Leonard could have been making Spock’s life a living hell. He could have been adding chaos to the already too-chaotic part of him. “The way I feel,” he said, noting how ridiculous it was to start a sentence that way when speaking to Sarek. “Is that Spock and I both have a little bit of chaos. I like to think we help temper that in each other.” 

Leonard shrugged a little. “Well, regardless, I’m very happy at how it all turned out. I feel very lucky to be with him.”


Her positive outlook was refreshing. Not that it would last long if she was going to spend any time on the Enterprise. “Bajoran?” Of course the Federation was going to continue to expand over the next several hundred years. Hopefully she didn’t let slip anything that was going to change the course of history.

The fact that a rip in time could just pop up and swallow you whole was way more nerve-wracking than Leonard had ever thought. There was enough stuff in space to make a man jump outta his skin. How he had to worry about being randomly send a few centuries into the past. Not that he hadn’t done that already, but at least they were down on a planet and not in, say, his shower.

“Well hopefully your friends know more about time travel,” he muttered as he stared at the curtain. She didn’t sound a bit like Emony, but he couldn’t get that girl out of his head now she mentioned her. “There’s good people on this ship that’ll try and get you home,” he said. “I’m a little cautious to parade you around though. Maybe you should come up with an alias or something.”


strings-have-been-cut: b—-4: @b—-4 - independent, canon-divergent B-4 blog || star trek universe ||



@b—-4 - independent, canon-divergent B-4 blog || star trek universe || played by Fool || OC friendly || private/selective

check out my new muse!

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@preconceptionschallenged// Trip ;; 

He smiled at her as she looked him over, more out of instinct than him thinking it would have any effect on a Vulcan. “Not exactly,” he said slowly. He stuck his tongue in his cheek as he looked around the room. Now it came to it, it was a little hard to explain.

“We’re going to have a group of aliens visit. Vinashti, they’re called. They’re going to put a parasite in the warp engine and we need to get it out without damaging anything and without anyone knowing.” He stopped to breathe and hoped T’Lar wouldn’t be completely skpetical.

T’lar wondered why a complete stranger would approach him in this manner if they were not in need of medical assistance. Curiosity got the better of her, however. She decided to hear him out. 

She continued working on the patient profiles as he spoke, but with every word her concentration continued to break until she had stopped working altogether and was frozen with a single finger pressing the PADD screen. She looked up with an eyebrow raised. “And how do you know this?” She scanned his uniform for a rank but found she couldn’t figure it out. “I assume you are Starfleet because you were currently standing on a Federation ship,” she said with some annoyance. She was a little warier now. Too many things about the situation were out of the ordinary. “Who are you?” 

@ncthingstars// Zach ;;

           zack just….. doesn’t see the point. it isn’t like they’re the only two people on the enterprise who aren’t meeting for the first time. but is there a real reason he hasn’t even acknowledgedtheir past? is it embarrassment? he had been a child. a disaster even, an outsider in his own home, in crisis, desperately looking for something to cling to. he had found that in the teachings of surak, embracing vulcan culture, and t’lar had been like…. a hero to him. someone whose life he so badly wanted to have.

then she’d graduated the academy, and he’d moved to vulcan, and they never saw or heard from each other again. and now —

“iknowthat,” he says, eyes locked on the bones in front of him. “i’m almost finished.” finally, he seems to pick up on the fact that her eyes are on him, that he’s being scrutinized. she says his name and he finally looks up, almost irritated but working hard to not allow it to show. “thank you,” he says, now sounding more puzzled than anything else. “i suppose the last time we saw each other, it was uncertain whether i would even be accepted into the vsa.” there. an off-handed acknowledgement. “so your reaction is understandable.”

Interesting. He felt the need to point out that he knew what she was telling him. As if she had been challenging or patronizing. T’lar observed him carefully. That sort of reaction was a product of emotional insecurity. Hmm.

So he did remember her. And it seemed he did not wish to speak of it further. T’lar thought the wise thing was not to push him about it, but now she thought his reaction was curious. There was a reason he did not wish to acknowledge it. There was logic in utilizing the situation in order to teach what her grandfather might have called a ‘life lesson’.

Zach had been a precocious child from what she remembered. Although there was doubt he would be accepted into the Vulcan Science Academy, T’lar had never had doubts that he would be successful. Academically, he had always been strides ahead of others his age. And now here he was - a doctor.

T’lar kept her hands folded behind her back. No need to encroach on his work. He seemed so serious about it after all. “How did you find your time at school?” she asked. It was not a question that required an emotional response, although she was curious now about whether or not he would give one.

@preconceptionschallenged// Trip ;; 


One of the problems with working with the Temporal Agency was learning who to trust. Fortunately, for this mission, he’d been given a name. Although nothing about why she was trustworthy. Or why they couldn’t have sent someone with the relevant qualifications to begin with.

He’d had a couple of days to settle in, meet the other engineers and do some research. Which was two days more than he had, really, but he’d been hoping to run into Dr. T'Lar in the meantime. Since he hadn’t, he’d gone to visit her in the lab during a time when he hoped she’d be alone.

“Hi,” he said as he entered and spotted her. She was Vulcan and he didn’t know her, so he skipped the small talk and preamble. “Are you busy? I’ve got myself in a mess and heard you were the best person to help me.”

T’lar had a reputation of being what was, in her opinion, Vulcan, but what was, in most other’s opinions, not very friendly. Because of that, many people left her alone while she worked. Small talk had quickly faded away to ‘I guess I should stop trying’, and most eye-contact was nonexistent. People generally avoided her unless they had to. 

Which made it much odder when a stranger walked right up to her and began speaking. 

T’lar took her time in finishing the task before her. Categorizing patient profiles was simple, mindless work that should have been done by a lower-ranking offer, but she found it somewhat relaxing. It kept her hands busy. It gave her an opportunity to think. 

She placed the PADD on the table in front of her and raised her eyes to see a man she had never seen before. She looked him up and down for a moment and made an assessment: he didn’t really look like he was in a mess. But he had come to the right person. If he was in trouble, T’lar would do anything she could to sort it. 

The doctor crossed her arms over her chest. “I am available,” she said. “Do you require medical assistance?”


@svec-ferat-tlar/ plotted !!      (zack&t’lar)

       “i’m looking forward to working with you on this, doctor.” zack glances up briefly from the remains he’s currently hunched over — the ones in which they’re both supposed to be studying. “the vissians have three genders,” he says, running a gloved hand down the spine. “i’m currently unable to identify this person’s, however.” 

@ncthingstars// Zack ;;

It was not necessary to address it. 

T’lar kept her eyes trained to the tricorder as she scanned the remains for the third time. She had been introduced to Dr. Addy prior to their working together. She had recognized him immediately, of course, although he was much older. His name confirmed it for her, but she said nothing. There was no reason to bring it up. The officer that assigned the project did not care if they knew each other prior. It was of no consequence to anyone involved, including either of them.

But T’lar couldn’t figure out if he knew whoshe was. At first, she convinced herself it wasn’t important, but as the professional conversation carried on, T’lar began to wonder if he recognized her. “If we are able to reconstruct the pelvis and the sacrum,” she said almost lazily. “The curvature should be a decent indicator.” She glanced at him, but he seemed entirely occupied by his work. 

Now it was distracting. She considered him for longer. Perhaps he was ignoring the fact that she knew him. He had always been an awkward child. Maybe he just didn’t know how to broach the topic. “Dr. Addy,” she said as she snapped the tricorder shut. What was a good way to present this information without seeming too…passionate? “I am pleased to see you made it through the Academy.” Perfect.

@astraldestiny// Tara ;;

    She had hoped to find some peace here, that she might simply disappear in the crowds but it seemed like her presence alone was asking for trouble even when angering someone was the LASTthing she intended to do. It had gone well for a while, enough time had passed without an incident that she had nearly believed that today would be a quietday, that maybe the weekend would be an enjoyable one. It seemed that her one problem was that she couldn’t keep her mouth shut and her head low enough that she could PREVENT trouble however.

    When the fight started she tried to keep her actions limited, defend herself but tried to AVOIDactually hurting the other woman. There was already enough bad talk about ex Borg and she refused to add even more fuel to these rumours if she could avoid it in any way. So she accepted the risk of being hit, of leaving this fight in a far more miserable state than her opponent because she knew she barely had any other choice. She didn’t want to be seen as violent, she didn’t want people to FEARher even more than they likely already did. 

    While she had already been ready to accept that no one would come to her aid she was somewhat pleasantly surprised that at least no one decided this was the perfect moment to gang up on her and make sure she would never DAREreturn. The situation was still far from ideal but in her position she had to try her best to see things in a positive light. The true surprise however, came when another woman stepped between them and forcefully ENDEDtheir fight. Tara had raised her hands in a defensive gesture to show she meant no harm but eventually dropped them when she realised that the woman was only keen on stopping the fight altogether.  I — thank you.. She was a little bit out of breath and there was no hiding the sheer SURPRISEin her voice. 


     As thankful as she was however she HESITATEDat first before eventually deciding she might as well follow the woman to properly show her gratitude for being saved from likely getting her nose broken. .. again thank you for breaking up that fight. I really thought I’d end up being the new entertainment for these people and breaking a BONEor two before they’d grow tired of watching me fight.

After they had reached the safety of the hallway, T’lar turned to acknowledge her. She was an ex-borg, clearly. This probably played a part in why the confrontation began in the first place. The woman - in the four seconds T’lar had interacted with her - did not seem the type to go picking fights.

Or to take one lying down.

“You are welcome,” she said as she crossed her arms over her chest. “I have no doubt you would have been successful on your own, however, I find it much more appropriate for fighting to occur outside of the mess hall.” She cocked an eyebrow at the woman as she allowed her eyes to graze over the remnants of implants apparent on her face. 

“Lieutenant Commander T’lar,” she said without extending her hand. “There are individuals on this starbase that enjoy trouble for the sake of trouble. If you are planning on spending additional time here, I would watch out for Tellarites.” 


Several of these have been going around, but none of them seem to be updated regularly anymore, so here is a new one. It includes filters for sorting so it’s easier to find people. However, in order to make this directory work as intended, I’ll need your help in getting information.

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s'vec fer'at t'lar
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;;   I’ve got it all —— most                                                     

;;   I’ve got it all —— most

                                                       ;;    I’ve got it all almost all figured out


@svec-ferat-tlar - independent Star Trek OC blog || click for all-in-one || played by Fool || follows from @intellect-without-discipline || private/semi-selective

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