#pavel chekov


Mr. Spock’s Mood


Kirk: hello Mr. Spock<3!

Spock: captain

*Kirk experiences anguish*

Kirk: are you in a bad mood Mr. Spock<3?

Spock: I am not in a bad mood captain

Kirk what happened?

Spock: what? I’m not in a bad mood

Kirk: Bones! Watch out Spock<3 is in a bad mood! 

Bones: oh

Spock: I assure you I am not

Bunze: Spock that green blood sugar of yours is probably low. A snack will probably improve your mood

Kirk: yeah! How about a snack!

Spock: my mood is fine

Sulu: when I am in a bad mood a short nap usually does the trick

Chekov: or a litol valk around the ship!

Uhura: what’s going on is somebody upset? Is it Spock?

Bones: let me check your vitals

Kirk: Mr. Spock</3

*spock sighs*

Kirk: it’s okay Mr. Spock<3 everybody has bad mood sometimes


Shout out to Rachy (ckc), anonymous, and Bloopotronic for putting some more sand in my collectible ko-fi hourglass! I’m going to use the funds to steal birds from trees!

If anybody else likes my work, and wants to help me do more crimes, my ko-fi link is in my bio!

Introducing the Mind Meld


Spock: Captain,

Kirk: yes Mr. Spock<3

Spock:  as your first officer, I would like to inform you…

Spock: my species is capable of a telepathic technique known as the ≈VULCAN MIND MELD≈

Spock: It is a very intimateandpersonal connection between individuals

Spock: The mental experiences of each person are bonded

Spock: Their emotionsandthoughts become entwined in a fervent state of oneness

Spock: However, despite the emotionality involved, there are many situations in which the meld proves to be very practical

Spock: Captain, if the need arises between us, may I have permission to initia-


Kirk: Absolutely. Anytime. whenever, wherever it’s needed.

Spock: thank you Captain.

Kirk: Think nothing of it Mr. Spock <3

Spock + Kirk: …

Kirk: so I don’t know, maybe we should meld right now maybe???


[ID: A Star Trek comic with the dialogue above. When Spock describes the mind meld, Kirk’s face goes progressively redder, with wider and wider eyes and sweat dropping off his face. He clutches at his chest, where his heart is audibly thumping, and too-loudly responds an affirmative while still blushing and sweating furiously. He pokes Spock when he does, then looks like he is boiling over with tension as they fall silent. He finally shouts at the end, sweating hard. End ID] ID thanks to @princess-of-purple-prose<3

I got inspired after I decided Bones was part dragon in the tags of the last thing I posted.  Now evI got inspired after I decided Bones was part dragon in the tags of the last thing I posted.  Now evI got inspired after I decided Bones was part dragon in the tags of the last thing I posted.  Now ev

I got inspired after I decided Bones was part dragon in the tags of the last thing I posted.  Now everyone’s part dragon.

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Eugene with her dads 

Sometimes your fathers can be overprotective…


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Let me introduce you… Combines southern charm and Russian beauty — Eugene (Евгения Павловна/ELet me introduce you… Combines southern charm and Russian beauty — Eugene (Евгения Павловна/ELet me introduce you… Combines southern charm and Russian beauty — Eugene (Евгения Павловна/ELet me introduce you… Combines southern charm and Russian beauty — Eugene (Евгения Павловна/E

Let me introduce you… 

Combines southern charm and Russian beauty — Eugene(Евгения Павловна/Evgenia Pavlovna)Chekov-McCoy, Pavel and Len’s daughter 


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Sometimes it’s hard to kiss your tall boyfriendtwitter | ko-fiSometimes it’s hard to kiss your tall boyfriendtwitter | ko-fi

Sometimes it’s hard to kiss your tall boyfriend


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My favorite things about TOS

I drew this to celebrate finishing Star Trek TOS (although I haven’t seen the animated series or the movies so no spoilers). Things I enjoyed:

1) Kirk’s chaotic fighting style,

2) The cut of these Starfleet uniforms,

3) The creative costume designs,

4) Seeing young Lwaxana and Pulaski (I realize it should be the other way around).

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤпод необъятным небом
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤсидишь ты и что-то шепчешь
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤглядя в лицо вселенной

@iinwented-in-russia// Pavel Chekov ;; 

Chekov reported on time. There was no reason to suggest he wouldn’t, but it still took Leonard by surprise. Maybe because he was so damn used to the senior officers blowing him off for every routine physical or check-up. “Ensign, yes. Come in. Siddown.” He motioned to a small bench built into the wall perpendicular to his desk.

The kid was obviously not thrilled about being there. Leonard couldn’t blame him. Not after all the times he’d been patched up already. He was probably going to have a lifelong fear of doctors after this mission was over. 

Now was the time to come up with something to say. “How’re you doing, Chekov?” he asked in a gruff tone. Not very comforting. He’d damn near lost his bedside manner. “Feeling better after all that business with the Tholians?” 

@iinwented-in-russia// Pavel Chekov ;; 

It always seemed like they stopped the chaos from happening right in the knick of time. With Jim gone for so long, and everyone on the ship slipping into madness, it was a wonder they even got out of that situation. It hadn’t been the first time Leonard thought they weren’t going to make it.

Not to say he didn’t have confidence in Spock as an acting captain. Not as long as they followed everything to the letter. Like Jim had said in his recording to them - they balanced each other out. Spock had to play the logic card, it’s just who he was. The doctor was more than happy to be his moral compass, even if he didn’t seem it most of the time. Leonard had to hand it to the captain - he sure as hell knew them well enough. 

Chekov had been the first to go. As soon as they’d gotten back from the Defiant, the kid through a fit, screaming and swinging at Spock for all he was worth. Well, even though they’d found a cure, Leonard wasn’t about to send him on his way. Seemed since Pavel had come aboard, all sorts of wild things had happened to him. It was enough to put even the most seasoned officer on edge. He couldn’t imagine what it was doing to the kid. 

He had called him in for a routine physical. Nothing to make him nervous before he came in. He’d do some readings, but he wanted to question him about his mental well-being. After all, in the last year the kid had been mind-controlled, left to freeze to death, thrown in a gladiator ring, made to watch all of his friends age dramatically, died - he’d been through the ringer. 

Leonard sat in his officer, fingers absently drumming on the desktop. It was easy to demand the ensign come in for a check-up. A little more difficult to figure out just what to say to the kid. 
