



Signal boost is appreciated ♥



Censored version under the cut. Uncensored on my 18+ Twitter account: StarsSpicyHours.

Vivi’s tattoo is based on BatarianButt’s Tattoo Parlor mod. (link in comments.)

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Six Sentence Sunday

Tagged by @charlatron ♥ Thank you, baby!

Rarely. Perhaps that was the key, the exception that proved the rule.

“Considering the circumstances… yeah, I think I should,” Viktor replied, pushing all those intrusive thoughts aside. The last thing he wanted was to ruin the mood since, despite the unusualness of the situation, he liked—maybe too much—having her around. He mimicked her posture and added, “I’ve got a question, though.”


Tagging:@alyssalenko,@hollyand-writes,@pikapeppa,@perhapsrampancy,@dalish-rogue,@fiannans,@noire-pandora,@fereldanwench,@wanderingaldecaldo,@alyssalenko,@in-arlathan,@commander-krios,@chyrstis,@cameronburke,@shallow-gravy,@amistrio,@teamhawkeye,@cobb-vanthss,@weekend-writer,@pathfinderlittleduck,@illusivesoul,@bnbc and anyone who wants to do this! ♥ No pressure.


Fic Author Self-Recommendations

Tagged by @noire-pandora,@a-shakespearean-in-paris,and@illusivesoul ♥ Thank you!

When you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love.

This is gonna be hard because I don’t especially love my fics, and my favs are not even posted anywhere but I’ll try.

No particular order.

Can You Feel This?(Dragon Age Inquisition)

Garrett Hawke/Hazel Trevelyan

“Ah, you don’t want to hear it, right? You don’t want to hear how you left him behind for saving a useless Warden. Where is he now? Where is Alistair, Hazel?”

I’m kind of rewriting this one because it’s super old and I cringe a little bit every time I reread it so… well, don’t mind me: I’ll repost it when it’s done.

The Goddamn Sweetest Thing(Mass Effect)

Zaaed Massani/Joanna Shepard

Zaeed Massani, Joanna Shepard, and a jar of honey.

Little Black Dress(Mass Effect Andromeda)

Harry Carlyle/Sara Ryder

It’s been weeks since the last time Harry and Sara had some free time to enjoy each other’s company. Harry is desperate and horny, and it shows.

“Arthritis, my ass,” she snapped, holding onto his neck as she locked her legs around his waist. “I knew it was just a poor excuse!”

Late Night Call(Far Cry 5)

Jacob Seed/Deputy Dawn Wilson

“So, Addie—don’t know if you’ve had the pleasure, but I’ll tell you she’s a wise woman—keeps trying to convince me that John would give the best spankings. I know—crazy, isn’t it?”

Deputy Dawn Wilson has got into the habit of annoying her enemies late in the morning, and luckily for her, Jacob Seed is more than willing to listen.

I’d Kill For A Coffee… Literally (Mass Effect Andromeda)

Reyes Vidal/Dee Ryder

Dee Ryder wakes up in Reyes’ apartment in Kadara Port after their first night together.

Tagging:@wanderingaldecaldo,@alyssalenko,@fereldanwench,@shallow-gravy,@cameronburke,@chyrstis,@amistrio,@commander-krios,@hollyand-writes,@perhapsrampancy,@fiannans,@dalish-rogue and anyone who wants to do this (yeah, I know I was supposed to tag only 5 people… but since when do I follow the rules? Haha.)


Ko-fi Headshots - January 2022

Starting from the top and left to right:

Morrigan Shepard (@caboosewaffles)
Esther Ryder (@commander-krios)
Theia Shepard (@dalish-rogue)
Diana Shepard (NewtiaOfTarth on Twitter)
Jane Shepard (@fiannans)
Aurora Shepard (@charlatron)
Lillie of Temeria (@briarfox13)
Tankred Thyssen (@andordean)

Thank you again ♥

starsandskies:· · A little late, but… Happy 2nd anniversary, Far Cry 5! ♥ They still want you.


· ·

A little late, but… Happy 2nd anniversary, Far Cry 5! ♥ They still want you.

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starsandskies:Reyes & Dee I commissioned the fantastic and talented @geeky-sova to paint Rey


Reyes & Dee

I commissioned the fantastic and talented @geeky-sova to paint Reyes and Dee having a relaxed time hidden somewhere in Kadara, and I couldn’t be happier with the final result.

Thank you again for your work and for all the love you’ve put into this painting. It’s a pleasure to work with people like you!

AAAHH!!! ♥ Thank you so much! It’s was and absolute pleasure for me too! You know I loved your concept from the start and Dee is beautiful, they both are, so how could I not love drawing THIS? Thank you for being so kind and sweet! 

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