

[ID: a photo of a digitally painted tarot card depicting Beren standing in a forest while holding a tall staff. The card border is made of vines, rings, and elvish writing, and is labeled: “King of Staves” /ID]

Lord of the Rings Tarot: King of Staves: Beren

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[ID: a photo of a digitally painted tarot card depicting Lúthien in a blue forest dancing with a tall staff. The card border is made of vines, rings, and elvish writing, and is labeled: “Queen of Staves” /ID]

Lord of the Rings Tarot: Queen of Staves: Lúthien

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meadow-queen:Tarot/Flower Pairings Three of Wands/Crocus   ↳foresight and expansionThis really r


Tarot/Flower Pairings

Three of Wands/Crocus
   ↳foresight and expansion

This really resounds with me for done reason. I think the crocus imagery took me by surprise with how strong my personal nostalgia of crocuses is. They grew around my lamp post when spring came, and my mother always pointed them out with such joy.

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Today was a hard, hard day. I had to go to the hospital for a pain that no one can diagnose or fix,

Today was a hard, hard day. I had to go to the hospital for a pain that no one can diagnose or fix, and it dredged up a lot of negative emotions about my day and my life in general. I want this energy out out out, so I decided to draw a card to purge myself. To sum up and toss away my day as I prepare for bedtime. This is what I got. The 8 of Wands: compromise, finding the spaces where we can fit in with others, rather than disrupting the flow. I kind of want to laugh and cry at the same time. That’s a perfect description of my day, and what’s been so awful about it. I sort of didn’t want to see my deck actually mentioning the problem that is making me want to scream and tear my hair out today. I was kind of hoping for some nice peaceful resolution instead.

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