#stay home if you can

The Invisible Girl and That which follows-twitter

The Invisible Girl and That which follows



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Only spoiled,lazy children think this way. Your parents are there to raise you and get you ready for the World. Not to be your permanent maid/butler

You’re a fucking idiot, bro.

I’m not moving out unless I’m buying a house and y’all can die mad about it. I

Girl, me and my sister paid off our parent’s house and if anybody thinks ima go out and rent a place for $1800 a month, they’re fucking wrong.

I enjoy just paying the utilities and home association.

not bashing dude (cause everyone grew up different in their house)… but leaving and disconnecting from your family, wasting corporate slave wages you earned from your job on rent (another corporate slave master) that could’ve been used on real estate, stocks, cryptocurrencies, or other investments to help build family wealth for generationsTHEN dealing with a society that already doesn’t accept you on your own at such a young age isn’t the best advice I’d give to the next young black kid.

Life update: moved out of my parents’ house last February to do travel nursing.

Had to pay between $1400-2000 in rent for housing, money I will never get back again.

I finished my last job assignment a few days ago after making over 6 figures these past 14 months and guess what? I moved right back into my parents’ house once again because I like saving money and I’m not moving out until I’m ready to move into my dream home.

I feel like it’s just something about having your own space that teaches you a lot about life.

I’ve been a nurse since I was 19, been paying bills the second I got a paycheck.

I literally made 6 figures just working 36 hours.

I financially support my disabled mom.

I travel the world and country when time allows me to.

I can do whatever I want, buy whatever I want within reason at any given time.

What you’re saying is bullshit and the fact a lot of black people think like this is a huge problem in our community because it’s only us that be throwing our young out into the wolves.

And I have a fucking business on top of that with a whole warehouse.

My parents taught me extremely well and just because they don’t give a shit that I’m slumming it up in their house so I don’t have to waste my money on renting a place, that doesn’t mean I didn’t learn anything.

What I did learn living on my own is that these folks who own these apartment complex are not seeing heaven for scamming their tenants with the quality of housing they’re providing.

That’s fucking it.

Bruh….when I went looking for an apartment and I saw a 1BR for $1500, no utilities included, and the only amenities listed was the view??? I envy people who can move back in with their parents/never left home. My mom a better roommate than the one I had and anyone I’ve dated.

I had a sick view at my last place cuz I lived out in the woods and lived on top of a hill.

But I barely went out of my balcony unless it was to check how hard it’s currently snowing.

Moving out and having your own space is a lie

Stay I moved out early and Im like I could’ve traveled, gotten a new car so much quicker. That wasn’t the move. Don’t be in such a rush to be independent that you find yourself in debt. It’s bullshit. Especially if you live & get a long with your parents. Wasn’t an option for me; take the option if you have it.

I moved out when I was 18…loved every minute of it too. Me and my mom got along great but I wanted to do my own thing. Make my own rules. Staying home a gift n curse!! My son 16…we just had this talk few weeks ago. Not gonna put him out but he better have a plan. Living with me most of his adult life ain’t gonna be it…

Then set your son up in a way that he doesn’t have to live with you if you don’t want that.

That’s literally your job as a parent. He didn’t ask to be alive.

Set him up?? He has to live his own life not the one I want for him. After a certain age you just have to hope and pray for the best for children. They gonna do wat they want dnt matter wat I set up or do. My job is to get u prepared for the world. Learn right from wrong try to give u morals n values. Some common sense. Teach how to be responsible with ur money and choices. Value of hard work etc…he gotta set himself up for his future. I’ll continue to point him and guide him as much as I can but ultimately the life he lives is up to him. Where he lives if he think its gonna be with me is totally my decision and a grown man walking around my house at some point ain’t gonna fly. Door always gonna open if he needs me but he gotta go!! Lol

Your son deserves better than you.

Conversation over. Block me back.

My parents did not and still don’t want me to live on my own, and in all honesty after living by myself when I first moved out at 18 I’m glad that I moved back home.

These apartment complexes are overcharging for amenities that you shouldn’t be having to pay three and four hundred extra dollars for. Most landlords (that aren’t apartment complexes) go out of their way to fuck over their tenants. Every day, for some bullshit reason, these apartment complexes make up reasons as to why they’re raising people‘s rents by 40 and 50% like we’re not in the middle of a pandemic, a war, and a fucking job shortage.

It is not worth the headache of moving out, and Imma keep it real honest, a good majority of the reason as to why some of these people are advocating so hard for them to have their own apartment is just simply because they don’t like being around their parents, they wanna be able to fuck around freely, or don’t know how to establish boundaries so communication in their parents household would be minimal.

If you can, I seriously suggest staying with your parents. This will give you the opportunity to save up, live your life, and even invest in business ventures that can help you further your income.

Staying on your own is cool; but if you can, take advantage of the opportunity you have at your fingertips.
