
My local gas station is a huge fan. #snl #picquik #quickiemart #parkinglot #dickinabox #stefon #debb

My local gas station is a huge fan. #snl #picquik #quickiemart #parkinglot #dickinabox #stefon #debbiedowner (at Las Cruces, New Mexico)

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Lucy writing to Mina like

 Nate as Stefon from Saturday Night Live “A long time ago in the year 2011, Heather scoured eBay for Nate as Stefon from Saturday Night Live “A long time ago in the year 2011, Heather scoured eBay for Nate as Stefon from Saturday Night Live “A long time ago in the year 2011, Heather scoured eBay for Nate as Stefon from Saturday Night Live “A long time ago in the year 2011, Heather scoured eBay for Nate as Stefon from Saturday Night Live “A long time ago in the year 2011, Heather scoured eBay for Nate as Stefon from Saturday Night Live “A long time ago in the year 2011, Heather scoured eBay for

Nate as StefonfromSaturday Night Live 

“A long time ago in the year 2011, Heather scoured eBay for two shirts like the ones Bill Hader wore as Stefon on SNL. She found them. And Nate got them for Christmas that year and wore this to Dragon*Con in 2012.”

Dramatic storytelling about this costume because that’s what this club has. As simple as it is, it was always one of our favorite costumes. We quoted Stefon a lot around the house and we love Bill Hader so this had to happen – plus, I wore a ton of rings in high school so we already had that part of the costume all finished. ;)

We always appreciated that he never got to really read a lot of the things he was going to say before the show so he always had to try not to laugh as he read them for what was occasionally the very first time.


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ah yes, the first fan art of the year for uh….uh…..saturday ni- is that right? that’s

ah yes, the first fan art of the year for uh….uh…..saturday ni- is that right? that’s righ…-ok? saturday night live folks 

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jeanmarcvallee:words, sentences, borscht, the cyrillic alphabetjeanmarcvallee:words, sentences, borscht, the cyrillic alphabet


words, sentences, borscht, the cyrillic alphabet

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Welcome back, Stefon!


I know, I know, June’s not even over yet. Whatever. I’ve only read only one book so far in June and I’m going on vacation today and don’t want to worry about telling you what I read. Not that I really would anyway, but I do really really really want to tell you how much I LOVED#25:The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas.

I purposefully took time with this one so I want to explain it to you in a way that has probably never described such a classic novel - Stefon gifs.

When I started it for book club, I didn’t know why it was chosen or what I was supposed to get out of it so I sat and agreed like:

Then I started it at the diner with some pancakes. It was strange at first then all of a sudden: 

After that I read after work, and things got a little weird with the book.

Of course by the third quarter of it, this was pretty much the face I made to fellow subway riders. They had NO IDEA the kind of drama I was dealing with.

After all was said and done, things ended on a happy note. Let’s all give a YAY for the Count of Monte Cristo.

I’m not going to go into all the plot lines of the book because you should have learned about it in high school or on an episode of Wishbone. Seriously though, it’s so good.

So @theforceisstronginthegirl is reading Iron Widow by @xiranjayzhao & the more she describes itSo @theforceisstronginthegirl is reading Iron Widow by @xiranjayzhao & the more she describes itSo @theforceisstronginthegirl is reading Iron Widow by @xiranjayzhao & the more she describes itSo @theforceisstronginthegirl is reading Iron Widow by @xiranjayzhao & the more she describes itSo @theforceisstronginthegirl is reading Iron Widow by @xiranjayzhao & the more she describes itSo @theforceisstronginthegirl is reading Iron Widow by @xiranjayzhao & the more she describes itSo @theforceisstronginthegirl is reading Iron Widow by @xiranjayzhao & the more she describes it

So@theforceisstronginthegirl is reading Iron Widow by@xiranjayzhao & the more she describes it to me the more I felt like I had to make this meme. Full disclosure, I have not started the book yet myself this is based solely on what has been described to me.

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bill dancing to sweater weather by the neighbourhood

stfu the curious george song is playing pt 2
