#stephen holder


Saw somebody do something similar to this on tiktok (if you find their @ lemme know so I can tag them), anyways, little entrepreneur me wants to make actual eyeshadow palettes based on characters.

So far I’ve done:

Rick Flag

Takeshi Kovacs

Stephen Holder

Erik Heller

Adrian Chase (Vigilante)

Spider-Man (Garfield)

So if there’s any characters you’d like to see please let me know (I’m *dying* of Covid so I have all the time in the world).

Also please let me know if anyone would be interested in purchasing a palette if I were to make them!!!

Thanks for the continuous support, love you all!



Between the Lines | Stephen Holder x F!Reader | Chapter Three


Summary: A Stephen Holder AU. We’ve all seen those true crime shows, where infamous cases are re-enacted for the entertainment of audiences at home. What if The Killing really was just a television show, but the detectives and cases were real?

Warnings: The Killing spoilers, language, smoking, mention of addiction, reader has a nickname

Word Count: 2,944 words

A/N:This fic has truly been a collaborative process with the massively talented Vee @a-reader-and-a-writer! Thank you so much for sharing this journey with me and helping out with so much of the plot and dialogue. This is just as much your story as it is mine.

Thank you to the wonderful @sociiallydiisoriiented for beta-reading! Your advice has been invaluable <3

The next eight weeks of filming seem to fly by, and before Stephen knows it, they’re midway into season two. He still feels like a fish out of water when it comes to being on set, but he has to admit that his outlook has brightened.

“Yo, you seen Hendrix yet?” he asks Linden as they make their way through the woods and into the clearing where they will be shooting today’s scene. He spent longer than usual in make-up this morning, having fake blood and bruises applied to his skin, and he’s worried that he’s somehow missed her.

Keep reading

I’m catching up now, and still loving this so much!!! It’s just.. so Stephen. Plus I died a little at uncle Steve And I love that Linden still has his back every time.

“Know that ain’t gonna fly with me, mama. Detective, remember?” Stephen raises an eyebrow, attempting to make light of the situation despite his concern - something that has long been one of his specialities.

So Stephen❤️ (also a mood lol)

Thank you so much Sam! I adore Stephen and Linden’s friendship ❤️
