#stern caretaker


Caretakers on adrenaline:

Those sweet, calm people who turn into complete monsters when they feel whumpee’s threatened. They grab their arm and yank them back so hard whumpee slams against their chest and is held protectively, tightly.

A little too tight. 

Whumpee’s been rescued, but don’t realize they’ve been rescued. They believe they’ve been sold, or handed off as they argue, shout and struggle against their rescuer the whole long way back to the car. 

-Caretaker’s worried if they make too much of a scene, it’ll attract unwanted attention.

“Enough! I’m trying to save you; now stop trying to yank my arm off. Please, be still and walk with me…”

“W- wait, please don’t hurt m-”

“Quietly, whumpee…”
