#rescue prompts


Whumpee’s held hostage for a trade; they’re picked up and propped on the hood of whumper’s car while they wait for caretaker to hand over their bargain. 

-After it’s complete, whumpee’s shoved towards caretaker with their arms bound behind their back. They can’t hold themselves up as they slam against caretaker’s chest, hooking their chin over their shoulder as caretaker slowly sinks to the ground trying to hold them.

When caretaker found them, they were as weak as a newborn fawn. They were shaking on the floor, hardly having the strength to hold their head up. They cringed so far away from them caretaker had to tilt their head up from the jawline. They studied the nasty bruise blooming on their cheekbone; they felt whumpees weight sink in their hand, their posture wobbled just trying to sit upright.

“You’re hurt…” Caretaker rasped, letting whumpee go when they let out a whimper. 

“Shh, sh sh…” Caretaker softly hushed, putting their finger to their lips. They nodded towards the door with a furrowed brow. 

“Whumper’s still here.”

Whumper’s planned a week-long trip as they hand their captive to a ‘caretaker,’ who’s to watch them while they’re gone. 

Whumper wants whumpee terrified, thinking the more frightened they are, the more likely they are to behave. Before they hand them off, they grab their arm, jerk them close and hiss “You better behave while I’m gone… Every peep out of my friend that you pulled anything funny, is a mark on your back when I return.”

Caretaker’s listening to all of this; thinking, knowing that when whumper comes back- 

They have no intentions of returning whumpee to them at all. 

Whumpee’s been rescued, but don’t realize they’ve been rescued. They believe they’ve been sold, or handed off as they argue, shout and struggle against their rescuer the whole long way back to the car. 

-Caretaker’s worried if they make too much of a scene, it’ll attract unwanted attention.

“Enough! I’m trying to save you; now stop trying to yank my arm off. Please, be still and walk with me…”

“W- wait, please don’t hurt m-”

“Quietly, whumpee…”
