#steven grant fan fiction


Misunderstanding - Marc Spector x Reader x Steven Grant


(GIF credit to@laters-gators)

Requested by anonymous: ‘I saw that you were looking for moon knight requests. So I had this idea for established relationships between Marc x reader and Steven x reader. Where marc/Steven are out doing recon for a potential big bad at this club. Where the reader also happens to be. They see her dancing with another guy, who is just a friend, and both of their reactions to jealousy/how they deal with the situation’

Characters:Marc Spector x Reader, Steven Grant x Reader

Meanings:(Y/N)=Your name

Warnings:Jealousy, possessiveness, swearing, some fluff


“I feel so old right now.” Steven whined as they entered the club, the unrecognisable, blaring music made him wince, and the sight of huge crowds of people made him feel anxious.

“Well, we’re not here for a good time. Keep an eye out for this guy, Konshu really isn’t happy with him.” Marc replied, already looking around the place.

Konshu had them on another mission, they were after someone who cheated people out of their money through a made up religion, one loosely based on the Egyptian gods. This man told people that if they wanted to be safe from all the new demons and aliens entering our world, they could trust him to ease their sorrows. He might as well have flipped Konshu off right in his face.

Marc leaned againd the bar as he ordered a drink, facing the people whilst he still looked for their guy. However, someone else caught his attention. He sighed, causing Steven to panic.

“What? What’s wrong?”

“Our girlfriend is here.”


“Yeah, shit. I know she said she was going out tonight, but it just had to be this club, didn’t it?”

There you were, in all your glory having a great time with your friends. You hadn’t been out for so long, having to miss nights out because of work being so hectic recently. Now you really had a chance to let done your hair and party with a good drink in your hand.

Marc and Steven were in awe of you, they always were but you looked so gorgeous in your new dress. It was fitting to your body that they loved so much, a beautiful colour on you, and it was quite short. Though Marc had gently voiced his concerns about the length of the dress before you left, he couldn’t help but think of ravishing you in it.

“Should we go over?”

“No, not until this is dealt with.”

Marc and Steven couldn’t help but be distracted by you as they tried to track down this bad guy. Although they were being thorough with their search, their gaze would always flick back to you. They loved watching you dance, they loved seeing you happy. They just wished they could be down there with you.

“I don’t think our sources were being entirely truthful, Marc.” Steven sighed. They had gone around this club dozens of times.

“No, I think you’re right buddy. But, I don’t think we should leave just yet.”


“Yep, might as well enjoy the rest of the night.”

Marc had a small smile on his face as he made his way towards you, luckily having spotted you within a few minutes. He was making his way through the crowd, avoiding flying limbs and hair being whipped around, when he saw you dancing with someone else, another man.

“Who’s this guy?”

Marc’s smile had now vanished, a deep frown on his face as he stormed towards you. You were so in your element that you never noticed him until he bumped into you.

“Hey!” you complained before seeing Marc.“Babe, you’re here!”

He let you throw your arms around him in glee, glaring at the man you had been dancing with.

“What are you doing here? This is a nice surprise.”

“Work.” he bluntly replied.

“Oh, well, are you finished with that?”

“Yeah. Hey, who’s your friend?”

“This is Max. We work together.”

“Do you now?”

Marc had been staring at Max the whole time. Max was uncomfortable, trying to carry on dancing with their other friends.

“What’s wrong?” you asked.


“There is. Babe, are you hurt?”


“Not physically.”

“Why don’t you join us? It will be nice to let loose for a bit.”

“No, I think I’d rather go home.”

“Right, well, I’m not going to enjoy myself anymore. I can’t stay here with a guilty conscious knowing something is wrong. Just wait a minute.”

You started saying goodbye to your friends, briefly explaining why you were leaving. You ignored their pleas for you to stay, knowing that they thought your boyfriend was being controlling (they hadn’t been formally introduced, it was something you and the boys were trying to figure out. Who would you introduce in the first place?). But Marc or Steven could be seriously hurt, or Konshu could have said something to rile them up. It wasn’t worth staying out for a few more hours when you would just be worrying about them.

Though mad, Marc still took your hand, easily getting you two out of the crowds and the club.

“Steve buddy, you’re going to have to take over for a while.” Marc suddenly said.

Steven had no time to protest as they switched. Once in control of the body, he looked down at you, how confused you looked.

“What’s going on Steven?” 

“We’ll talk back at the flat, yeah?”

You wanted to talk about it now, you were impatient. The mix of booze and euphoria from the good amount of hours dancing had given you a slight confidence boost, and you were going to speak up until you noticed Steven’s expression; he looked hurt, like someone had said something horrible to him. It clicked that back in the club Marc had asked who you were dancing with, but his name didn’t matter, it was another man at the end of the day. You decided to wait until you were home to talk, the guilt already eating away at you.

Steven hadn’t held your hand like he usually did, didn’t let you walk into the flat first either. He wasn’t intentionally being rude (you hoped), his mind was elswhere. It was easy to see that Steven didn’t know what to do or where to stand, so you started the ocnversation.

“I think I know why you’re both upset.”

No reply.

“You saw me dancing with Max and thought it was a random guy. I’m sorry that you thought we were…flirting, I guess, but I would never do that to either of you!”

“We know but…it still hurt (Y/N). And you were so nonchalant about it too. As if it didn’t matter that you, our girlfriend, was dancing with another man.”

“But we’re friends!”

“He might like you!”

“He doesn’t! He has a girlfriend too.”

“Some people aren’t faithful.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“No, not you, I meant Max.”

“He’s a good friend of mine. And even if he did make advances towards me I would immediately push him away! I love you two, I could never love anyone else.”

Steven was startignt to believe you. You were sincere, you weren’t causing a screaming match. Yes, your tone was stern but because you were trying to make your point.

“It’s just…well, I’m not exactly the manliest man, Marc’s better at that than me. So sometimes when other men look at you, I feel like you would want someone who can hold their own a bit better than me. Someone more confident. And sometimes I wonder if you’re better off with just Marc.”

Even Marc felt a pang in his chest. You stood up, walking over to your boyfriend.

You spoke softly.“Do you hear yourself right now? Steven, how much have you gone through and overcome? You discovered someone else living in your own body, you became a superhero! You’re so smart, and you constantly make me laugh with your cheesy jokes. Not to mention the sweetest man I have ever met, who I know I can go to for anything, whether it be a problem or just someone to talk to about a new TV show. I’m so in love with you, and I’m in love with you because of those things. You’re you Steven, and you’re amazing. I’m sorry that I’ve made you feel any other way sometimes, I won’t do it again.”

Steven glanced towards the mirror.

“I accept her apology.”

Marc groaned.“Don’t give in so easily! This isn’t fair on us.”

“(Y/N) has apologised and explained herself. Perhaps if you have a problem, you should speak to her.”

Marc was stubborn, but he also wanted to prove a point to Steven. She shouldn’t have been dancing with Max in the first place. They switched again, Steven sitting back and watching the car crash that was about to take place.

“Marc, I really don’t want a screaming match.”

“You can’t expect me to be OK with all of this.”

“Were you not listening to what I said to Steven? You two, my boyfriends who I love and adore equally, have nothing to worry about. How many times have I laid awake with you when you can’t sleep? How many-”

“Don’t try to guilt trip me. It might work on Steven, but not on me.”


“What?! I’m not! I’m trying to explain to you that Max is nothing but a friend and co-worker who I happened to be dancing with the moment you spotted me. I have danced with everyone else tonight. Neither of us are disloyal to our partners, and it actually offends me that you think I would even cheat on you in the first place.”

“I worry for your safety. So many men look at you-”

“And so many women look at you! It doesn’t matter whether it’s Marc or Steven. You’re incredibly handsome. Do you know how many times I’ve caught women and men staring at you? I’m not trying to turn this on you Marc. I’m sorry to you too, I know what your first thought must have been. But you have to trust me, I would never betray you like that. I love you with all my being.”

Marc knew that he was just riled up and pissed off. He needed to let off some steam (especially since he had wasted a night on a mission that got no where), and unfortunately you were in the firing line. He let out a big sigh.

“Yeah, I’m sorry too. I just love you too much to lose you.”

“I know it’s out of love and not spite babe. Are we friends again?”

He smiled, pulling you into himself.“Best friends.”

“You can be so cute sometimes. I think you’re turning into Steven a little bit.”

He quickly kissed you.“Don’t push it.”

Membership Pass-Steven Grant x Reader

(GIF credit to@stevenrogered)


Requested by anonymous:‘Imagine Reader meeting Steve at the museum and both are super shy but since then they come across each other everyday and it’s really cute ’

Characters:Steven Grant x Reader

Meanings:(Y/N)=Your name

Warnings:Just fluff


(Y/N) beamed as she stepped into the museum. She hadn’t visited since she was little, it had changed so much, but that only meant she had more exhibits to see. She didn’t care that she was by herself, no one was there to distract her. She could really focus on the history on display.

Her whole day was spent there, and a day we’ll spent in (Y/N)’s opinion. She knew there were others around her that also appreciated the displays and information set out, though there were also a lot of children either fascinated or bored during their trip. Just like when she was a little girl, she ended the trip with a visit to the gift shop.

Steve was obviously bored, repricing items that were headed for clearance, the stupid and inaccurate toys mocked him almost. As he carelessly stuck new price stickers on the items, he noticed a woman waltz in, staring a little too long. He couldn’t help it, she was beautiful. Steven assumed she would walk through to the exit, it was always kids and their parents who stayed to buy something. He was surprised when she saw her jaw drop at the sight of something.

(Y/N) rushed over to the Egyptian section, spotting the newest book by her favourite author. It was another installment from the author who studied all aspects of Egyptian life, and it was exclusively released to the museum first. She picked up one from the pile, seeing that she had grabbed one of the signed copies. With a big grin on her face, she made her way to the till, already wanting to flick through the papers.

Steven clumsily fumbled with the sticker machine, almost dropping it on the floor as he scurried over. He tried to play it off by laughing when he got there, greeting the woman with blushing cheeks.


“Hi.” she smiled back.

“You seemed excited to pick this one up.”

“Yeah, well, I have all the other books in the collection so far. And I realised literally as I walked in here that the new one is being sold here so of course I have to get it.”

Steven was in awe. There were hardly any customers that would know of this author, let alone want to buy a book from the museum in the first place.

“I have all the books too!” Steven exclaimed.“Volume one is always my favourite though.”

“Egyptian gods? Yeah, that’s a good one. You’re so lucky to work in a place like this.”

“The gift shop? Nah, it’s not as good as being on the floor, you know, like a tour guide.”

“That does sound fun.”

“The shop or the tours?”

She laughed.“Sorry, I have to go with the tours.”

He let out a short chuckle as he scanned the book, grabbing a gift bag as she got out her card.

“Oh, I have one of those member cards to scan!” she quickly whipped it out.

“Oh cool, so you’ve got yearly access to the museum.” he took it from her to scan.

“Yep, it was a present from my parents. I’ve just moved to London because of my new job, but they knew I would want to come here all the time. I was so excited when they gave it to me, it was even better than the new TV they helped me buy.” (Y/N) froze before she could talk any further.“Sorry, I talk a lot when I get excited.”

This shop assistant was so cute, and here she was embarrassing herself. She saw his name was Steven from the name tag, noting that it was with a 'V’ and not a 'ph’. As he returned her card, he dropped it on the counter, both of them fumbling to pick it up, cringing as their hands brushed multiple times.

“So, that’s thirteen pounds and fifty pence please.” Steven said when they recovered.

She tapped her phone on the card machine, thanking him as he put the receipt in the bag and slid it over.

“Will you be visiting again soon?” Steven dared to ask.

“Yeah, I think I most definitely will be.”

They shared a smile before she walked away, shoulders tensing up from how giddy she was.

“My name is Steven by the way!” he called after her.

(Y/N) turned around.“I know. Because of the name tag! I’m not a stalker!”

He nodded as they laughed again, (Y/N) about to walk away when she remembered she hadn’t told him her name.

“Oh, I’m (Y/N) by the way. It was really nice to meet you.”

They were both bashful as their conversation ended. Steven had a bit more spring in his step for the rest of the day, hoping (Y/N) would become a regular visitor who he would be seeing more often. (Y/N) now had another reason to come to the museum, maybe she would grow the confidence to speak to him for more than five minutes.

The week passed, Steven being nagged by Donna and (Y/N) was settling into her new workplace. But it was now Saturday, the weekend, it was time for (Y/N) to head to the museum again. She got up extra early this time, hoping to catch Steven before the rush. Although she had been in high spirits the whole way there, she halted outside the doors, wondering if Steven was even working. Of course (Y/N) would still enjoy her time there, though she had wanted to talk to Steven again.

(Y/N) felt silly as she walked in, scanning her membership card. She had dressed up more, made an effort. It was still a casual look, she just wanted to give off a good impression to Steven. Who was she kidding? She had never even been asked on a date, how was she going to speak with this guy?

Although she tried to walk around the exhibits, take down her own notes of anything interesting, she couldn’t keep her mind off of Steven. He was just so handsome, and cute, and so adorable when he spoke. It was clear he was shy too, though that made him more attractive. They also shared a big interest, something they were both passionate about. (Y/N) really hoped he was working today.

Steven had dashed through the museum, running late for work again. He prayed Donna wouldn’t catch him, hopefully she hadn’t noticed his absence yet. Luckily there weren’t many visitors yet, so he got away with running through the halls. But he spotted someone familiar, only for a second, but it still made him stop, almost skidding across the room on the polished floors. It was her, and she looked beautiful.

“(Y/N)?” he cautiously said as he approached her.


The way she said his name gave him butterflies.

“Long time no see.” he joked.

“I did say I would be a regular.”

“That’s great, not many people devote their time to the museum.”

“I love it, I always have.”

There was a short silence before an idea popped into his head.“Um …I was actually wondering…My lunch break is at one, did you, like, want to have lunch together or something?”

(Y/N) felt herself blushing, heart racing. Would this be a date?

“Yeah, I’d love that!”

Too enthusiastic (Y/N).

“Great! I’ll meet you by the Egyptian section?” Steven hoped it wasn’t too on the nose.

“Perfect. I’ll see you then.”

Steven nodded, mumbling out 'bye’ before he really had to make sure he got to the shop before Donna. (Y/N) was relieved that she had made an effort into her outfit, though she knew Steven ultimately wouldn’t have minded what she wore.

One o'clock took it’s time to get to. Both Steven and (Y/N) had glanced at the clock or phone too many times. Steven had to deal with customers bribing their bratty children with toys, whilst (Y/N) couldn’t concentrate on any of the information she read. Her eyes would skim over the words but nothing would register. When it was five to one, (Y/N) made her way to the meeting point, trying to look around for Steven ut not making it too obvious.

Steven had his lunchbox and flask in his hands, quickly making his way to the Egyptian area. He was excited, could this be a date? Oh, what if it was? He kicked himself for not asking her out properly, they could have at least gone to a nice cafe nearby. It was too late now anyway, as he had spotted her.

“Hi.” Steven grinned.

She turned around at the sound of his voice.“Hi. Oh you were smart bringing a packed lunch. I had to go buy mine.”

“Oh, I would have bought it for you! I was the one who suggested lunch in the first place.”

“It’s OK, I really don’t mind.”

“As long as you’re sure.”

She nodded.“So, where shall we sit?”

“I’ve got just the place.”

He guided her through the halls of artifacts, finding a bench pressed against a wall. Opposite was a huge tapestry, it was faded but you could still clearly make out what was weaved on it; there were pictures of God’s and humans, (Y/N) knew what it was instantly.

“Journey to the afterlife.” she muttered.

“Yeah, I just thought, lunch with a view.” Steven nervously said.

“A very good view indeed.”

They tucked into their lunches, speaking when they weren’t chewing about the piece in front of them. Steve knew he didn’t have a lot of time for his break, but there was so much he wanted to know about her.

“Can I ask, what got you so interested in all this?”


He nodded.

“I dunno, I think… Well for starters, I love all history, I could talk about anything in the past, you know, Tudors, Romans, Aztecs, Victorians. But, something just drew me to this, I found it all so beautiful and fascinating. I wish I had persued it in uni or something, and not just as a hobby.”

“Why didnt you?”

“My parents have always been supportive, but we weren’t very well off. I think they were worried that I would end up with little money if I went down that route, they encouraged me to do something other than history. And I do like my job, I’ve got good colleagues and I’m able to afford rent in the capital! It’s not the greatest flat in the world I’ll admit but it’s still a place I’m paying for.”

“Good for you. That’s really admirable.”

“Thanks Steven, that’s a very sweet thing to say.”

He mentally high fived himself, he was doing a good job here.

“What about you? Why aren’t you a tour guide?”

“Same sort of story really. I would love to be one. It just feels good telling people all this information you know, and then seeing their eyes light up at things they never knew about. The kids faces are funny when they hear about how mummies were actually made.”

“I can imagine. At least we can still enjoy the exhibits I suppose.”

“Yeah.” Steven glanced at his watch, he only had ten minutes left, and he had to be back at the shop sharp.“Hey, um, I was thinking…Maybe we make this a regular thing? And perhaps we could also go out for dinner sometime?”

(Y/N) tried not to giggle in glee, feeling herself turn red.“Like, a date?”

“Yeah, only if you want it to be. I would like that.”

“Yes. I would gladly go out with you. On a date.”


They were smiling widely at one another, not sure of the next move to make.

“I have to get back to work, but will I see you on your way out?”

“Of course. I really liked having lunch together.”

“Me too. Discuss details of our 'date’ later?”

“Yeah. I’ll see you later.”

“Laters gators.”

Steven turned quickly before he could regret what he said. Why? Why did he have to end it like that? At least he could be happy knowing he had a date with a girl he really fancied. And he was also looking forward to her finishing her visit, he had to think of somewhere to go now.

(Y/N)’s cheeks were aching from how much she was smiling. She had a date! It was her first date! What was she going to wear? Should she bring a bottle of wine? But they were surely going out so why would she do that? (Y/N) had to remind herself that they hadn’t even said what they were doing, that would be discussed later. Just like before, (Y/N) couldn’t concentrate on anything in front of her, daydreaming about her date with Steven. She was going to have a shorter trip today, just so she could see Steven sooner, she thought. What a great reason to visit the museum every week.

Communicating-Marc Spector x Reader x Steven Grant

(GIF credit to @luke-skywalker)


Summary: After a hard day, all (Y/N) wants to do us rant to her boyfriends. But Marc ends up making things worse, and becomes jealous of Steven who seems to solve everything.

Characters: Marc Spector x Reader, Steven Grant x Reader

Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name

Warnings: Swearing, arguing, fluff


(Y/N) was frustrated, and that was putting it lightly. She had the worst morning at work, despite only being in for half a day, then when she went to her friend’s birthday lunch, all two of the girls could do was argue with each other; turns out, one of them had been sleeping with the other girl’s boyfriend, so the argument was justified, except for when they began to get physical with one another. In fact, the whole week had been going downhill for her.

She could crashed on the sofa as soon as she got in the flat. Dragging her feet along the floor, she mumbled a hello to the two fish, before throwing herself back onto the sofa. As she kicked off her shoes, she heard the bathroom door open, Marc walking out. She knew who was present now, but it was incredibly confusing a few months ago.

“Woah, what happened to you?” Marc asked as he approached her.

She didn’t like how he worded that.“You could just say hello and ask how I am.”

“I just did.”

“No, Marc, no.” Steven could already see this going bad.

(Y/N) huffed, rubbing her eyes.“I’ve had the shittiest day. So my manager had a go at me because I was working a half day, she called me selfish and not a team player, even though she was happy to book it off for me all those weeks ago. Then I was relieved to go meet up with the girls, thinking we would have a lovely meal together. But nope. Turns out Lisa has been sleeping with Erika’s boyfriend, and it may as well have been WWE in that restaurant. And just this whole week really. Everyone has been negative, nothing is getting done. Urgh, it’s just been a lot.”

“Well, it’s done now.”

Marc didn’t mean to sound blunt, he was genuinely having a normal conversation. However, (Y/N) took it the wrong way.

“What’s wrong? Has something happened whilst I was out?”

“What? No? Why would you ask?”

“Your tone, it’s just very sharp right now.”

“It isn’t.”

“It is.”

“Babe, you didn’t even say hello when I came in.”

“Neither did you.”

She huffed.“Whatever.”

“What have I done wrong?”

“Are you listening to yourself Marc?”

“Nothing. Look, I’m just upset about the day I’ve had.”

“Then leave it at the door, it’s done now.”

“Maybe I should take over-”

“Marc! What the hell is wrong with you?”

Marc was genuinely confused, growing angry over something so little.“What I meant was just forget about it! It’s happened, you’re home, there’s nothing else you can do.”

“You don’t have to sound so cruel about it! I just wanted to rant to you, get all my feelings out. Instead you’ve just pissed me off even more.”

She stood from the sofa, throwing her handbag to the floor as she made her way over to the bed. Stripping herself of her coat, (Y/N) said nothing as she laid down, curling up into a ball facing away from Marc.

“Look what you’ve done.”

“Me?!” Marc harshly whispered, whipping around to face a mirror where Steven was glaring back.“What the hell just happened? I don’t know what I’ve done!”

“Let me take over, it will be better if I handle it.”

“No, I’m going to deal with this, I don’t need your help.”

Before Steven could argue back, Marc approached (Y/N), sitting on the edge of the bed. Although he was determined to sort this, he didn’t know where to start.

“Do…do you want a hug?”

(Y/N) rolled over to look at him in disbelief. He had no clue what he had done or how to comfort someone.

“Marc, you’re going to make this worse if you keep talking.”

“What’s with the attitude?”

“I’m not your teenage daughter Marc, speak to me like an adult, like your girlfriend.”

“I’ll speak to you like an adult when you act like one.”


Now Marc knew he had fucked up. (Y/N) shook her head, he saw the tears begin to fall. She rolled back over, her voice snappy as she spoke.

“Go away Marc.”

That didn’t mean for Marc to physically leave the flat. That meant she wanted him gone and Steven to be with her instead. He hated when she did this. It made him feel invalid. She never told Steven to go away. But he was angry, and he wanted nothing more than to leave the situation.

Steven quickly took over, quicker than expecting, gasping a little when he had the control. He had to pick up the pieces, something that annoyed him. Marc had to learn.

“(Y/N)?” he softly said, he was so different to Marc.“Love, do you want to talk?”

When she didn’t move, Steven cautiously moved closer, slowly lying down behind her, spooning her as he wrapped one arm around her. He kissed her bare shoulder, feeling her body shake as she started crying.

“(Y/N), what’s wrong?, has something besides today happened?”

“No, it’s a mix of things.” (Y/N) cried, gripping onto the arm wrapped around her.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“He’ll be listening.”

“Who? Marc?”

“It’s just…it’s not just him, for starters. Yes, this week has been hell. Honestly, coming home to you two is always great, it’s been such a relief. But Marc just has to ruin it. I can’t say anything without a remark, or if something annoys me he has to quip back. I get you’re two different people, but after days like these I just want to get my feelings out of my system and cuddle. Marc doesn’t get that.”

Marc was listening to everything she said. He felt like a dick. He understood why (Y/N) always wanted Steven when she was upset. It was true that he was better at handling it. It hurt that he was the reason she was crying though.

“You know he cares about you right? He might not be as soft as I am, but he does.”

“I know, and I feel bad for saying stuff like this. It’s how I feel though.”

“Dont feel bad, you’re expressing your feelings.”

“I can’t help it. Especially after all you guys do, you don’t exactly want to come back from a fight to listen to your girlfriend complain about her normal life.”

“Yeah, sometimes the bad guys are easier.”

She let out a little giggle. Steven smiled at the sound.

“He’s so mad at me, I can feel it.” (Y/N) sniffled.

“No, he’s never mad at you.”

“Yes he is, Steven.”

“I would use the word annoyed.”

“I guess that’s a little better. Do you see him when he gets angry? He looks like he wants to shout and scream at me.”

“I do?”

“I’m not scared of him, I know he’s not going to hurt me.”

“I would never.”

“I hate arguing with either of you. You’re just easier to resolve with.”

“I think you two should talk.”

“Not yet, please. I need a moment.”

Steven agreed, letting them lie in silence together. He always wanted (Y/N) to be happy, it hurt him so much to see her cry. However, Marc had to step up and take responsibility for these arguments; Steven feared that Marc would push (Y/N) away if he didn’t change.

“I need to speak to her.”

“Not yet.” Steven mumbled back.

“Hm?” (Y/N) perked up.“Is that Marc?”

“Yeah. He wants to talk.”

“That makes a change.” she winced at her tone.“Sorry, I didn’t mean to be harsh.”

“Maybe you should talk now. He’s really regretting what he said.”

(Y/N) thought for a moment. She was nervous to speak to him. Although she knew they would make up and put it behind them, she wasn’t in the mood to start crying again. Slipping out of Steven’s hold, she sat up, bringing her knees up to her chest. Wiping at her wet cheeks, (Y/N) sighed.

“OK, let me speak to him.”

Her gaze was elsewhere as they switched. The bed shifted beside her, Marc now present and looking unsure.

“I’m sorry for my tone earlier. I don’t realise how much I sound like a douchebag at times. And you know Steven is the total opposite of me, you two have never argued.”

“I understand that’s how you speak sometimes. But I had a hard day and it really wasn’t what I wanted to hear.”

Marc cautiously inched closer.“I know. I’ll work on that, I promise. Steven is just so much better at being sympathetic. I never want to see you in a state like this, it pains me. I’m…I’m just crap at consoling people. Which I then get annoyed about because I can’t do anything to help.”

“I appreciate you trying though Marc.”

“You know I love you, more than anything else in this world.”

“I know. And I love you just as much. I’m also sorry.”

“For what?”

“For always dumping my negativity on you. I could come back a bit happier and also make sure you’ve had a good day before letting it all out of my system.”

“That’s what we’re here for though. Each of us support each other. And how many times have I come back to you bloodied and bruised up?”

“More times than I would like.”

He placed a gentle kiss to her cheek.“Are we friends again?”

She looked at him with a smile.“Friends.”

They kissed, and it was so sweet. (Y/N) got up onto her knees, hugging him close. They needed to speak about this.

“Can we lie down together now?” Marc mumbled into her shoulder.

Without saying anything, (Y/N) fell onto her back, pulling Marc down with her. They laughed as they adjusted into a more comfortable position, both content. Steven was smiling to himself, Marc could be a softie sometimes.


(GIF credit to@marveldaily)

Summary:Unbeknownst to Marc, Steven has a girlfriend. This girlfriend also doesn’t know that Marc exists, as well as Steven’s odd sleeping rituals.

Characters:Steven Grant x Reader, Marc Spector x Reader

Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name

Warnings: Just fluff and it’s long


“Did you really have to be that harsh on those guys?” Steven moaned as he sat up in bed, his body aching.

“Oh, I’m sorry, would you have preferred to be beaten to a pulp back there?” Marc snapped back.

“Alright, alright, I get it. I thought the suit was supposed to be all healing, why am I aching?”

“You slept in a weird position last night.”

Steven just shook his head, slowly walking towards the cupboard with cereal in it. As he poured himself a bowl, he heard his phone ding, smiling when he saw who’s name popped up.

“(Y/N)? Who’s that? And why are you smiling so much?”

Steven ignored him, unlocking the phone and instantly tapping on the notification. He had two messages from her, both sweet, just like her.

‘Good morning hope you’re OK after what Donna said to you. That sounds terrible! Sometimes I wish I worked at that museum with you just so I could give her a piece of my mind! I can’t wait to see you this weekend, I’ve really missed you xx’

Marc was really confused as he read the text. How did he not know about this woman? And how did Steven manage to even talk to a girl?

'Hi, are you OK? I tried to face time earlier but you didn’t answer. Obviously it’s fine if you’re busy, but I’m guessing your sleep is messed up again. Maybe we can go to a doctor together about it? If you want that is, no pressure my love. Anyway, I hope you’re sleeping well, I’ll message you in the morning as usual. Sweet dreams xx’

“Steven, do you have a girlfriend?”

“Yeah, I do, actually. Why do you sound surprised?”

“What does she look like?”

“None of your business! Besides, it’s all messed up now, innit? Now you’re in the picture, and how would she react to that? This relationship is still new, I don’t want to ruin it.”

“You’ve got to tell her at some point.”

“I know but-”

Steven was interrupted when someone knocked on the door. He wasn’t expecting anyone or anything to be delivered today. Maybe it was the postman that had a parcel for his neighbours who weren’t in. Steven took the blue strip off the door, hiding his body behind the door, he was still in his pyjamas after all. However, his mouth dropped open when his girlfriend stood there.

“Holy shit, Steven.”

“(Y/N), h-hi, what are you doing here?” he fully opened the door, forgetting how he looked.

“Sorry, I know I should have called or text before coming over. I just…I was starting to worry about you.”

“You have to tell me how you picked up this girl.”

“Worry? Why would you worry?”

“It’s four in the afternoon. I was supposed to text you this morning and during work like I usually do but I was late today, and then I had to basically cover everyone else so I didn’t have time. I’ve felt so bad.”

“No, no sweetheart, why would you feel bad? I’m the one who’s been sleeping all day.”

“It’s a good thing you’re not at work today.”

“You remembered my schedule?”

“You sent me a copy of your rota, just in case sleep gets the better of you.”

“Steven, she’s way out of your league.”

Steven was slightly offended by Marc’s words, but he knew it was true. He too had been shocked when (Y/N) started a conversation with him. She was gorgeous, and one of the best things about her was how caring she was. (Y/N) never asked too many questions about his sleep trouble, she just made sure she was able to help in some way. Even if that meant giving Steven his space and not staying over at each others places.

(Y/N) admitted (just to herself) it hurt that she couldn’t lay in bed with Steven. They couldn’t watch a film snuggled up on the sofa for fear Steven may fall asleep. Although it wasn’t the most important thing, (Y/N) did want to sleep with Steven, as in, make love with one another. Not because she was horny, but because she loved him and she felt that sex was another layer of connection between a couple. However, (Y/N) wasn’t going to risk pushing Steven away over sex, he meant so much to her.

“Can I come in?”

She had been at his before for dinner, multiple times, but that’s when Steven cleared away the sand and hid his leg shackle under the bed. He totally forgot about that as he invited her in, eyes popping out of his head when he turned around after closing the door. It was too late, she had already seen it.

“Steven, what’s this?” she asked, not sure how to take it.

“It’s…it’s for the sleep, I swear! I used to get up in the middle of the night, end up hurting myself. And, and the sand is to see if I have stepped out of bed. Oh, and this,” he held up the crumpled blue tape in his hand,“I put this on the door so I can figure out if I’ve left the flat.”

“You do all this because of your sleep habits?”

Shit, shit, shit, this was it. (Y/N) was going to think he was a freak, she didn’t see how crazy he was. He could envision it now. She was going to rapidly pick up her things and scurry out of there, deleting his number and him out of her life forever. He couldn’t lose her, she was the best thing in his life right now.

Steven was wary as she slowly approached him, he had no idea what she was going to do or what her reaction would be. (Y/N) looked upset, and he didn’t know what that meant. She snaked her arms around his waist, cuddling him close as she rested her head on his chest.

“I’m so sorry Steven. You should have told me about this, I could have helped…somehow.”

Steven was so relieved, instantly hugging her back. He didn’t realise how much he needed a hug right now. (Y/N) rubbed circles on his back, soothing the tension away. How had he found someone so perfect?

“What? She’s not running away? Steven, you’ve literally found the ideal woman. Either that or she’s as crazy as you and me.”

“So, you’re not running away?” Steven squeaked out.

She squeezed him.“No you donut. I’m staying, and I’m going to help. In future, just let me know when you need help, OK?”

“I will.”

“So, I was thinking, since I’m here, maybe I could stay over?”

(Y/N) had just come out with it, she had been so nervous about asking. It was a sensitive subject, but she knew she had to just ask, otherwise it would never happen. The wait felt far too long as she saw Steven thinking about it. No, don’t banc down now, see what he says!

“You’re taking too long to answer buddy.”

“Yeah, yeah why not? As long as you’re OK with my…sleep habits.”

(Y/N) grinned as soon as he agreed, and Steven couldn’t ignore that. There was guilt creeping up. It was normal for couples to stay with one another, he kept avoiding that. He just hoped that Marc would take a break this evening and actually let him sleep. Now all he was worrying about was (Y/N) actually being here.

“Uh, I’m afraid the place is a bit messy, I haven’t had much time to clean up. And I don’t have any food for us.”

“Oh, I mean, I can stay another night-”

“No, I didn’t mean for you to go away! I, I was just, um, trying to cover myself, like, just explain why my life is such a mess.”

She giggled.“So dramatic. Why don’t we just order a takeaway, and if you want we can tidy up the place whilst we wait?”

He nodded, surprised when he quickly pecked him on the lips. (Y/N) went to grab her phone, looking up where was best to order from. Steven quietly excused himself to the bathroom, letting out a breath as he locked the door. He had to calm down, he was going to have a heart attack otherwise.


Marc startled him, making Steven whip around to look in the mirror. Marc didn’t look impressed.

“Would you stop stressing, you’re going to start sweating.”

“How can I not stress? You’re here with me, (Y/N) has shown up, and we’ve never spent the night together.”



“She seems sweet, she’s gorgeous too.”

“Oi, don’t look at her, alright? What if I do something wrong?”

“If she’s stuck around after seeing the leg shackle, I think you can’t do anymore wrong.”

“Babe, you want the usual?” (Y/N) called.

“Yeah love, yeah that would be great. Thank you.”

“Right, you’re going to go out there and have a nice evening, simple as. I don’t know why you’re acting like this.”

“Because I love her!”

Steven started to smirk.“You haven’t told each other yet, have you?”

“No, didn’t want to scare her away.”

“Again, I think she would have run after the restraints.”

“Yeah, you’re right. I’ve faced monsters and bad guys, this will be a piece of cake.”

Marc politely nodded, not wanting to crush Steven’s tiny bit of confidence. Steven was smiling to him, straightening out his top and tidying up his hair. He missed Marc shaking his head as Steven left the bathroom, seeing (Y/N) already starting the dishes he had left.

“You didn’t have to do those.” He said as he stood next to her.

“You look like you need some help babe. No offence.”

Steven was hesitant, but he wrapped one arm around her waist, hesitantly kissing the side of her head. She knew he was still new to PDA, so this was very sweet of him. Leaning into his embrace, she almost squealed when he rested his head on top of hers. When he suggested drying up, (Y/N) told him to leave it, drying her own hands before guiding him to the sofa.

“Can I ask about the shackle? Like, how did you decide to use one?”

“I don’t know really.” they sat opposite each other, but their legs were tangled up, holding hands still.“It just got really bad at one point, I was a danger to myself.”

“That’s terrible. So you’ve been going through this by yourself?”

He nodded.

“Well, I’m here now. I’m going to help you. Everyone deserves a good night sleep.”

“Oh, sweetheart you don’t have any of your things with you!”

(Y/N) glanced down at her clothes, almost smacking her hand over her face in stupidity.“Ah, yeah, well, I wasn’t really expecting to stay.”

“You can borrow my stuff if you like.”

“Is that OK?”

“Yeah. I’m sure I’ve got a spare toothbrush too, don’t really fancy using the same one do you?”

“No, not really. Thank you babe.” she leaned over to kiss him.“Do you mind if I get changed into something comfier now?”

“Yeah, yeah. Uh, let me, let me find something for you.”

Although he had offered his clothes, he had no idea what to give to her. A t-shirt was fine, maybe a jumper to throw over if she was cold, but what about the bottom half? He only had a spare pair of jogging bottoms, and though they would be huge in her, it was the best he could do. He couldn’t deny he was excited to see her in his things, she was going to look so cute.

And once she emerged from the bathroom, he couldn’t help but shyly smile at her.“You look adorable.”

(Y/N) flet herself blushing, he was too cute.“If you say so babe. I’m glad you think that anyway.”

Marc kept quiet as the couple spent time together, observing Steven’s behaviour. He was still dorky and shy, but it was as if they had been together for years. Steven sometimes made bold moves, kissing her randomly, pulling her back into hugs, playing with her hair, they even fed each other; he hadn’t seen him this confident before.

Steven did the washing up this time, glancing back at (Y/N) on the sofa, who had now picked up a book to flip through. He caught Marc staring at him in a nearby mirror.

“So, things are going well.”

Steven didn’t reply, not wanting to look crazy in front of his girlfriend.

“OK, I know you’re not going to speak to me but I can feel your heart beating and it doesn’t sound healthy. You’re just sleeping beside each other, it’s not like she’s expecting you to have sex.”

Steven fumbled with the plate he was holding, quickly recovering before throwing a smile at (Y/N).

“You’ve got a good one here, Steven. She’s in love with you.”

It felt weird to hear Marc being sentimental. Why was he being so supportive? Wouldn’t he want (Y/N) out of the picture to make it easier for him? But that word, love, Steven wasn’t sure if it was the right time. Especially after the things she had seen in his flat.

Steven heard her yawn, looking over his shoulder to see (Y/N) snuggling deeper into the oversized jumper. He remembered she had been at work all day, she hadn’t had a day off yet. He wasn’t tired, seeing as he slept all day, but he would pretend to be to let her sleep sooner.


She lazily nodded as she rubbed her eyes.“Sorry, long day.”

“Don’t apologise. We can get snuggled up if you want.”

“Snuggled up? Really?”

“Aren’t you wide awake?”

“Nah, I can nap. Or I could read for a bit whilst you sleep. I’ve got a night light I can use.”

(Y/N) stood up, stretching as she spoke.“Steven Grant, you are the most adorable and sweetest thing I have ever seen.”

He blushed, fiddling with the ends of his sleeves. (Y/N) kissed him again before going to brush her teeth, the pair sharing a shy smile before closing the door. Steven rushed to the bed, wondering how on Earth he was going to get rid of all the sand in more or less two minutes. He tried to scoop some up into a cereal bowl but there was too much. He froze when he heard the door open.

“What are you doing?”

“Um, I’m trying to get rid of the sand. For you.”

Did this man have any faults? (Y/N) walked over, resting a hand on his back.“You don’t have to do that. If it helps you then we’ll leave it.”

“You sure? What if you forget and step in it?”

“It’s just sand babe, I can brush it off.”

“Thanks. That’s really nice of you.”

They settled into bed, both a bit sheepish about the ordeal. Why were they stressing? They were adults, two adults who were dating and simply sharing a bed. Nothing was going to happen. Well, Steven hoped nothing would happen, he didn’t want to freak (Y/N) out.

He couldn’t help but watch as she sat up in bed to take off the jumper, the t-shirt underneath riding up below her bra line. His head whipped away from her once she had taken it off, trying to think of something else. (Y/N) laid down, pulling the duvet up as she buried herself in it. Steven was also under the covers, but had picked up a book from the bedside table, as well as his glasses.

“I love your glasses. You should wear them more often.”

Steven chuckled softly.“I think I look a bit like a nerd.”

“And that’s a bad thing? It’s cute, yet sophisticated and handsome at the same time.”

“Thanks. Perhaps I will wear them more.”

“You sure about staying up? I can stay awake for a bit.”

“You’re shattered love. I don’t mind. This is how I spend my evenings anyway.”

(Y/N) hesitated before speaking, looking up at Steven with her big eyes.“Could we maybe cuddle up whilst you read? You can always push me off if you want.”

“And why would I do that?”

(Y/N) shimmied up to him as Steven lowered himself. She rested her head on his chest, one arm draped over his stomach. Steven had an arm around her back, the other holding his book.

“Comfy?” he asked.

“Yeah. I might have to request sleeping like this every night.”

“Would you want to stay over again?”

“Are you asking me to?”

“I think so.”

“Don’t feel forced Steven. I mean, I would love to spend more nights with you.”

“Then that’s settled then, innit?” he placed a kiss on her forehead, mbefore reaching down and kissing her lips.“Goodnight love.”

“Goodnight. Don’t stay up too late.”

Steven had been reading for a while, absentmindedly rubbing gentle circles on her back. She was asleep in minutes. He had to pause his reading a few times to check she was actually breathing she was so quiet. Like always, he didn’t feel tired at all, giving up on reading and instead stroking back (Y/N)’s hair.

He wanted to continue this relationship. He really did love her, he had to admit it. However, he didn’t want to say it out loud in case he jinxed it. This whole situation with Marc was so complicated and crazy, he didn’t know how to go about it.

“Relax, for one night.”

Marc was right. He had to at least enjoy this night with her. Leaning over to the lamp, he turned it off, cautiously lying down with (Y/N). She stirred but didn’t wake. She held him tighter, wrapping one leg over his. And he didn’t panic, Steven embraced it, holding her close.

Steven felt like he had blinked and woken up, though he was used to feeling tired all the time. A smile instantly appeared on his face as (Y/N) woke. Her hair was messy, eyes puffy, yet she was still the most beautiful thing Steven had ever seen.

“Good morning.” Steven whispered.

She propped herself up to properly see him.“Morning. How did you sleep?”

She had just woken up and her first thought was him.

“Better, still not great though.”

“That’s still good though babe, better than having a terrible night sleep. And you didn’t use the shackle.”

“Oh, I totally forgot about that.”

“See? There’s some progress already.”

She slid off him so they were laying side by side, facing each other.

“You’re amazing, do you know that?” Steven gushed.

“What? Why?”

“Because, you just are. Someone else might have ran away when they saw what state I was in. But you stayed.”

“Yeah, well that’s because I-” (Y/N) stopped herself, she was easily going to say it. Oh well, might as well come out with it.“Because I love you.”

Steven’s breath got caught in his throat. She said it. She just said it. She loved him. (Y/N) loved him. Marc could have laughed at Steven’s expression, almost wanting to nudge him to say something back before she thought he didn’t feel the same.

“I love you.” Steven replied, taken back when she dove forward to kiss him.

Their kiss was passionate and long, though Steven kept his hands in a respectable place, and (Y/N) decided against straddling him, no matter how tempting it was. They were breathing heavier when they finally parted, lips feeling puffy, bodies feeling hot.

“I love you.” Steven said again.

“I love you.”

“It feels good to say that.”

“Have you been wanting to say that for a while?”

“Uh, yeah.”

“Me too.”

They giggled together. They felt like teenagers.

(Y/N) gave him a peck on the lips before sitting up.“Mind if I go have a shower?”


As she stood, Steven’s eyes widened. In the night she had taken off the joggers, leaving her in just his t-shirt, which had also somehow ridden up over her bum, showcasing the thong she had on. (Y/N) knew it had happened, she just didn’t feel the need to fix it; and Steven didn’t care if it was on purpose or an accident.

“If you don’t join her in the shower, then I will.”
