#marvel fan fic


Membership Pass-Steven Grant x Reader

(GIF credit to@stevenrogered)


Requested by anonymous:‘Imagine Reader meeting Steve at the museum and both are super shy but since then they come across each other everyday and it’s really cute ’

Characters:Steven Grant x Reader

Meanings:(Y/N)=Your name

Warnings:Just fluff


(Y/N) beamed as she stepped into the museum. She hadn’t visited since she was little, it had changed so much, but that only meant she had more exhibits to see. She didn’t care that she was by herself, no one was there to distract her. She could really focus on the history on display.

Her whole day was spent there, and a day we’ll spent in (Y/N)’s opinion. She knew there were others around her that also appreciated the displays and information set out, though there were also a lot of children either fascinated or bored during their trip. Just like when she was a little girl, she ended the trip with a visit to the gift shop.

Steve was obviously bored, repricing items that were headed for clearance, the stupid and inaccurate toys mocked him almost. As he carelessly stuck new price stickers on the items, he noticed a woman waltz in, staring a little too long. He couldn’t help it, she was beautiful. Steven assumed she would walk through to the exit, it was always kids and their parents who stayed to buy something. He was surprised when she saw her jaw drop at the sight of something.

(Y/N) rushed over to the Egyptian section, spotting the newest book by her favourite author. It was another installment from the author who studied all aspects of Egyptian life, and it was exclusively released to the museum first. She picked up one from the pile, seeing that she had grabbed one of the signed copies. With a big grin on her face, she made her way to the till, already wanting to flick through the papers.

Steven clumsily fumbled with the sticker machine, almost dropping it on the floor as he scurried over. He tried to play it off by laughing when he got there, greeting the woman with blushing cheeks.


“Hi.” she smiled back.

“You seemed excited to pick this one up.”

“Yeah, well, I have all the other books in the collection so far. And I realised literally as I walked in here that the new one is being sold here so of course I have to get it.”

Steven was in awe. There were hardly any customers that would know of this author, let alone want to buy a book from the museum in the first place.

“I have all the books too!” Steven exclaimed.“Volume one is always my favourite though.”

“Egyptian gods? Yeah, that’s a good one. You’re so lucky to work in a place like this.”

“The gift shop? Nah, it’s not as good as being on the floor, you know, like a tour guide.”

“That does sound fun.”

“The shop or the tours?”

She laughed.“Sorry, I have to go with the tours.”

He let out a short chuckle as he scanned the book, grabbing a gift bag as she got out her card.

“Oh, I have one of those member cards to scan!” she quickly whipped it out.

“Oh cool, so you’ve got yearly access to the museum.” he took it from her to scan.

“Yep, it was a present from my parents. I’ve just moved to London because of my new job, but they knew I would want to come here all the time. I was so excited when they gave it to me, it was even better than the new TV they helped me buy.” (Y/N) froze before she could talk any further.“Sorry, I talk a lot when I get excited.”

This shop assistant was so cute, and here she was embarrassing herself. She saw his name was Steven from the name tag, noting that it was with a 'V’ and not a 'ph’. As he returned her card, he dropped it on the counter, both of them fumbling to pick it up, cringing as their hands brushed multiple times.

“So, that’s thirteen pounds and fifty pence please.” Steven said when they recovered.

She tapped her phone on the card machine, thanking him as he put the receipt in the bag and slid it over.

“Will you be visiting again soon?” Steven dared to ask.

“Yeah, I think I most definitely will be.”

They shared a smile before she walked away, shoulders tensing up from how giddy she was.

“My name is Steven by the way!” he called after her.

(Y/N) turned around.“I know. Because of the name tag! I’m not a stalker!”

He nodded as they laughed again, (Y/N) about to walk away when she remembered she hadn’t told him her name.

“Oh, I’m (Y/N) by the way. It was really nice to meet you.”

They were both bashful as their conversation ended. Steven had a bit more spring in his step for the rest of the day, hoping (Y/N) would become a regular visitor who he would be seeing more often. (Y/N) now had another reason to come to the museum, maybe she would grow the confidence to speak to him for more than five minutes.

The week passed, Steven being nagged by Donna and (Y/N) was settling into her new workplace. But it was now Saturday, the weekend, it was time for (Y/N) to head to the museum again. She got up extra early this time, hoping to catch Steven before the rush. Although she had been in high spirits the whole way there, she halted outside the doors, wondering if Steven was even working. Of course (Y/N) would still enjoy her time there, though she had wanted to talk to Steven again.

(Y/N) felt silly as she walked in, scanning her membership card. She had dressed up more, made an effort. It was still a casual look, she just wanted to give off a good impression to Steven. Who was she kidding? She had never even been asked on a date, how was she going to speak with this guy?

Although she tried to walk around the exhibits, take down her own notes of anything interesting, she couldn’t keep her mind off of Steven. He was just so handsome, and cute, and so adorable when he spoke. It was clear he was shy too, though that made him more attractive. They also shared a big interest, something they were both passionate about. (Y/N) really hoped he was working today.

Steven had dashed through the museum, running late for work again. He prayed Donna wouldn’t catch him, hopefully she hadn’t noticed his absence yet. Luckily there weren’t many visitors yet, so he got away with running through the halls. But he spotted someone familiar, only for a second, but it still made him stop, almost skidding across the room on the polished floors. It was her, and she looked beautiful.

“(Y/N)?” he cautiously said as he approached her.


The way she said his name gave him butterflies.

“Long time no see.” he joked.

“I did say I would be a regular.”

“That’s great, not many people devote their time to the museum.”

“I love it, I always have.”

There was a short silence before an idea popped into his head.“Um …I was actually wondering…My lunch break is at one, did you, like, want to have lunch together or something?”

(Y/N) felt herself blushing, heart racing. Would this be a date?

“Yeah, I’d love that!”

Too enthusiastic (Y/N).

“Great! I’ll meet you by the Egyptian section?” Steven hoped it wasn’t too on the nose.

“Perfect. I’ll see you then.”

Steven nodded, mumbling out 'bye’ before he really had to make sure he got to the shop before Donna. (Y/N) was relieved that she had made an effort into her outfit, though she knew Steven ultimately wouldn’t have minded what she wore.

One o'clock took it’s time to get to. Both Steven and (Y/N) had glanced at the clock or phone too many times. Steven had to deal with customers bribing their bratty children with toys, whilst (Y/N) couldn’t concentrate on any of the information she read. Her eyes would skim over the words but nothing would register. When it was five to one, (Y/N) made her way to the meeting point, trying to look around for Steven ut not making it too obvious.

Steven had his lunchbox and flask in his hands, quickly making his way to the Egyptian area. He was excited, could this be a date? Oh, what if it was? He kicked himself for not asking her out properly, they could have at least gone to a nice cafe nearby. It was too late now anyway, as he had spotted her.

“Hi.” Steven grinned.

She turned around at the sound of his voice.“Hi. Oh you were smart bringing a packed lunch. I had to go buy mine.”

“Oh, I would have bought it for you! I was the one who suggested lunch in the first place.”

“It’s OK, I really don’t mind.”

“As long as you’re sure.”

She nodded.“So, where shall we sit?”

“I’ve got just the place.”

He guided her through the halls of artifacts, finding a bench pressed against a wall. Opposite was a huge tapestry, it was faded but you could still clearly make out what was weaved on it; there were pictures of God’s and humans, (Y/N) knew what it was instantly.

“Journey to the afterlife.” she muttered.

“Yeah, I just thought, lunch with a view.” Steven nervously said.

“A very good view indeed.”

They tucked into their lunches, speaking when they weren’t chewing about the piece in front of them. Steve knew he didn’t have a lot of time for his break, but there was so much he wanted to know about her.

“Can I ask, what got you so interested in all this?”


He nodded.

“I dunno, I think… Well for starters, I love all history, I could talk about anything in the past, you know, Tudors, Romans, Aztecs, Victorians. But, something just drew me to this, I found it all so beautiful and fascinating. I wish I had persued it in uni or something, and not just as a hobby.”

“Why didnt you?”

“My parents have always been supportive, but we weren’t very well off. I think they were worried that I would end up with little money if I went down that route, they encouraged me to do something other than history. And I do like my job, I’ve got good colleagues and I’m able to afford rent in the capital! It’s not the greatest flat in the world I’ll admit but it’s still a place I’m paying for.”

“Good for you. That’s really admirable.”

“Thanks Steven, that’s a very sweet thing to say.”

He mentally high fived himself, he was doing a good job here.

“What about you? Why aren’t you a tour guide?”

“Same sort of story really. I would love to be one. It just feels good telling people all this information you know, and then seeing their eyes light up at things they never knew about. The kids faces are funny when they hear about how mummies were actually made.”

“I can imagine. At least we can still enjoy the exhibits I suppose.”

“Yeah.” Steven glanced at his watch, he only had ten minutes left, and he had to be back at the shop sharp.“Hey, um, I was thinking…Maybe we make this a regular thing? And perhaps we could also go out for dinner sometime?”

(Y/N) tried not to giggle in glee, feeling herself turn red.“Like, a date?”

“Yeah, only if you want it to be. I would like that.”

“Yes. I would gladly go out with you. On a date.”


They were smiling widely at one another, not sure of the next move to make.

“I have to get back to work, but will I see you on your way out?”

“Of course. I really liked having lunch together.”

“Me too. Discuss details of our 'date’ later?”

“Yeah. I’ll see you later.”

“Laters gators.”

Steven turned quickly before he could regret what he said. Why? Why did he have to end it like that? At least he could be happy knowing he had a date with a girl he really fancied. And he was also looking forward to her finishing her visit, he had to think of somewhere to go now.

(Y/N)’s cheeks were aching from how much she was smiling. She had a date! It was her first date! What was she going to wear? Should she bring a bottle of wine? But they were surely going out so why would she do that? (Y/N) had to remind herself that they hadn’t even said what they were doing, that would be discussed later. Just like before, (Y/N) couldn’t concentrate on anything in front of her, daydreaming about her date with Steven. She was going to have a shorter trip today, just so she could see Steven sooner, she thought. What a great reason to visit the museum every week.

Too Trusting-Thor Odinson x Reader

(GIF credit to@slice-of-thunder)


Summary: (Y/N) starts to sense a pattern whenever Thor tells stories of his brother, and she can’t help but point it out to him.

Characters:Thor Odinson x Reader

Meanings:(Y/N)=Your name

Warnings:Arguing, fluff


As Thor told me yet another tale about Loki, I had to stop myself making faces or rolling my eyes, because I knew what was coming next as he spoke. Although he was telling the story in a joyful way, I knew that he had gone through a lot of hurt due to his brother. This was how the anecdote would go: Thor was the hero, he needed help, bargains with Loki, everything goes smoothly until Loki betrays him and/or fakes his death. The day would still be saved but Thor was still upset over his brother.

“My love, did you hear what I said?” Thor asked.

“Yes, I did.” I didn’t mean to snap.

“What is wrong? Did something happened today? I’m sorry, I never asked, I just started rambling.”

“No, nothing happened today. It’s just…” I didn’t know how to go about this without hurting his feelings.


“Thor, these stories are all the same.”

“Oh, I do not believe they are, I’ve been on many adventures and quests, none are the same as the other.”

“Not the stories per say. It seems that every time Loki is involved he…he uses you.”

He scoffed with a smile.“What?”

“He always either betrays you or lies to you about dying. I just thought after all these times, maybe you would clock onto it.”

“Are you saying I’m stupid?” he stood from the bed where we had been lying opposite each other.

I sat up.“No, of course not! It’s more like, you’re too trusting.”

“And that’s a bad thing?”

“Sometimes it is.”

“You don’t know Loki, you’ve never met him.”

“I know, but what else am I supposed to think when all the stories you tell me portray him as the cunning one?”

“That’s what he is though, the God of Mischief, it’s in his nature.”

“I understand that Thor, but I thought mischief might mean playing tricks on people. Not invading Earth.”

“I told you about that time he turned into snake and bit me, right?”

I sighed, it either wasn’t getting through to him or he was too stubborn to admit I was right.

“You don’t know my brother. He’s…misunderstood. He did not receive the love father gave me as we grew up.”

“Well, that’s very unfortunate but what did you ever do to him?”

I could see he was getting angry now. I really didn’t want this to turn into an argument, maybe I shouldn’t have said anything. But if I couldn’t tell him, who could?

“Thor, please can you just sit down? I really didn’t mean to upset you.”

“Well I can’t stop thinking about it now. Who else sees me as an idiot? Was I a fool in front of all of my family and friends, my friends from work?”

He was pacing now, slowly, but it was clear to see he was trying to keep calm. When he was angry it wasn’t pretty. He had never directed it at me, and I know he wouldn’t now, however this had hit a nerve.

“No one sees you that way.” I crawled to the egde of the bed, now sat on top of my knees.“I only brought it up because I don’t like thinking of you in those situations. I just…it sounded like you didn’t realise what was happening in those moments.”

“I would like to see you battling monsters and evil men, I don’t think you would come out of it lightly.” he spat.

My mouth dropped open. Now I was angry too. I stood on the bed, only just coming to eye level with him.

“This isn’t about me winning any battles! I know I wouldn’t last a second out there. Why aren’t you acknowledging this?”

“Because no matter how many times I gave him a chance he let me down!”

A sudden crack of thunder made me jump, I faltered on the bed, almost falling. Thor moved to steady me until he saw that I quickly regained myself. But it was weet to see him still caring even though we were bickering.

I let a few seconds pass by, a small trickle of rain gently hit against the windows. OK, it wasn’t a huge storm, that was a good thing.

“Thor,” I gently said, stepping down to the floor,“I’m sorry for confronting you about this. I thought maybe you were in denial. And I understand why you would be. You love Loki, you want to give him second chances because you’re a good person, you see the good in everyone. But you can’t let yourself be in harms way when things like that happen. What if the next time he betrayed you-”

“There may not be a next time!” he then looked like he was thinking.“Oh, I’m beginning to see what you mean.”

I calmly continued.“What if next time he betrays you, you get seriously hurt, or killed even! And even if Loki quickly regretted his decision, it could be too late to save you.”

Thor lowered his head. He hated being wrong, just like I did. I watched as he turned his back to me, sitting on the end of the bed. I had learned that although Thor liked to be alone with his thoughts, he did need a calmer person to talk things through, make him see this all from a different perspective.

“I didn’t meant to make you sad.” I mumbled, looking out at the rain.“I hope you know I said all this because I love you. It would crush me to see Loki go behind your back again.”

He didn’t say anything, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. Slowly I approached him, kneeling on the bed again but behind him. I rested my whole body on his back, wrapping my arms around his torso as much as I could.

“Please talk to me.”

“I know you are right. But I don’t want you to be.”

Oh, he sounded so sad.

“Neither do I. You now I didn’t say it out of spite against you or Loki. It’s just hard to paint a pretty picture of him.”

“I know.”

I kissed the back of his shoulder.“Do you want to be alone?”

“No.” he placed a hand over mine.“But, please can we not talk about this anymore?”

“Of course.”

“I wish you could meet him. Or have met him before he turned into what he is now.”

“Me too.”

“I hate disloyalty and dishonesty. I am sorry I got angry but it is a difficult subject for me to talk about.”

“I know. Shall we just go back to lying down together?”


Wildest Dreams

Summary: Moving from friends to more than friends is a sometimes risky choice; will it work out with Steven Rogers or is the idea of romance with him best left in your “Wildest Dreams”. 

Pairing: Steve Rogers x Female!Reader

Words: 2378

Warnings: Smut

A/N: Have had a long ~dry spell~ due to writer’s block. Spent an hour reading this silly Taylor Swift: Girl Detective story that I got at a local store and then got all up in my feels listening to 1989. Lyrics are italicized, but ignore them if that makes things weird. 

He said, ‘Let’s get out of this town, drive out of the city, away from the crowds.’” 

“And how do you feel about that?” Nat asked, blowing and subsequently popping a large bubble gum bubble as you packed. 

“I said yes, but I’m anxious about it. I thought we were casual, but this feels like he’s trying to elevate this…whatever it is…to the next level. Heaven can’t help me now, I’m either in or I’m not.” 

“I mean, nothing lasts forever, might as well live while one of you is young,” Natasha winked at you. 

But this is gonna take me down a road that I don’t know that we’re ready for….” 

Nat cleared her throat, “He’s so tall and handsome as hell,” she mocked your voice, “It’s not like he’s this oh so bad boy or something to be worried about.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah…but everything he does he does it so well. I’m worried I can see the end as it begins….”

“Ready to go?” Steve Rogers asked, lightly knocking on the door as he peered in at you.

You felt the burn of embarrassment heating your cheeks and quickly zipped up your suitcase.

“Yep!” you called, gauging his face to see if he’d overheard.

“Have fun you two,” Nat blew and popped another bubble as she skipped out of your room with a wink back at you. 

You anxiously readjusted your dress as you stood up from your suitcase, “I think I’m ready.” 

He held the door open for you and took your suitcase as you walked through. He took you by the hand and you felt a shiver run through your spine. Looking up at him you saw the goofiest grin; you’d never seen him look so happy. Your stomach twinged into a knot and you weren’t sure if it was the stress of hoping to never ruin his happiness or the excitement that you were and could maybe always be that happiness.

He loaded your bag into the car and opened your door for you. 

“Always the gentleman,” you slightly curtseyed to him. 

“Of course, mademoiselle,” he bowed back before going to the driver’s side and getting in the car. 

“I didn’t know you spoke French.”

“Of course, live long enough and you learn a little bit of everything.”

“So what else have you learned? How to pickle veggies and herd sheep?”

“Pickling no, but I learned a bit about herding from a friend who spent some time in Wakanda,” he winked at you.

The drive continued on this way, with you each poking fun at and learning little quirky things about each other. The car began to slow and you looked out the window to see you were arriving at your destination.

“A vineyard?” you watched as rows of vines moved past you, “It’s really beautiful, Steve.” 

“I thought it’d be nice,” you could hear a slight sheepishness in his voice now.

“It is!” you reached out and patted his hand to reassure him, but found that your heart began racing at the contact. 

Steve parked the car and you followed him inside. He checked you both in and the attendant presented you with wine glasses, a map, and a room key. 

“You can fill your glasses here,” the attendant circled an area on the map, “and then feel free to tour the vineyard as you like. It closes at dark, so please make sure not to be out past then.” 

You both nodded and took your glasses. Steve took the map and slid the key into his pocket. You nervously got your glasses filled where the map had directed and went out into the vineyards to wander. The casual conversation began to flow more easily between you as you felt the wine loosening you up. You wandered between the vines and found yourselves at an area with a little metal bench perched on a hill, overlooking the vineyard. Steve gestured for you to sit, and you obliged. The sun was beginning to set and the sky had a beautiful glow. 

You took a deep breath, “Steve, I’m worried that this,” you gestured broadly, “is going to change this,” you pointed back and forth between the two of you.

“And is that a bad thing?” he asked, taking your hand in his and giving it a gentle squeeze. 

You gazed up into his piercing blue eyes, “I…I just…look…my one condition to this issay you’ll remember me, standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset.”

Babe, that’ll be pretty easy to do after this,” he raised his glass to yours.

You rolled your eyes at him as you clinked your glass against his. You took a long gulp as he took a light sip. 

“You’re beautiful,” he looked you up and down, “With your red lips and rosy cheeks,” he gently traced your lips with his thumb.  

You sighed deeply, “Steve, I’m serious. I’m worried that…if this doesn’t work out…for whatever reason, just say you’ll see me again…even if it’s just in yourwildest dreams?”

“You’re dramatic, you know that?” 

“I am not! I just wanted to make sure that all of this was saidfirst.” 

“Look, if it makes you feel better, no one has to know what we do. We can just keep this between us for now?”

“Easier said than done,” you murmured, thinking about how you’d already told Nat which meant she had told Clint and Wanda and probably Banner…which meant that at least 30 other people knew and the odds of at least one of them being someone random like the barista at the coffee shop around the corner were pretty high knowing how big of gossips they all were.

“Hmm?” he hummed in your ear.

“Nothing, just kiss me?” you pleaded to him.

He growled in agreement and moved his hand around the back of your neck, leading your lips to his. 

“What was that key for?” you asked in a way that you thought was sultry. 

“Oh, I figured we could do the tastings tomorrow and so I got us a room. It has two beds in case….”
“Take me to the room?” It came out a question, but by the darkening of his eyes you knew he had gathered that it was more of a command. 

He took your hand and helped you up. Interlocking his fingers between yours, he led you back to where you had gotten the key. He squeezed your hand as you wandered the halls and found your room. He opened the door and held it for you to duck under his arm and turn on the lights. 

“Cute,” you remarked at the room with its two beds and a small bucket with a chilled bottle of wine on the table between them. 

“Nah, you’re the cute one,” he replied, pulling you tightly against him. 

You giggled and pushed away, grabbing him by the shirt and walking backwards until you were by a bed. You then gently pushed him down onto it. You grabbed the condoms you’d packed in your bag and threw them on the bed next to him. 

“Presumptuous of you,” he said, picking them up. 

“Was it?” 

He motioned for you to come back to him with just one finger. It sent a shiver of anticipation down your spine. 

You walked back to him and slowly undressed him, removing every single piece of clothing from his body before climbing onto his thighs. He tenderly pulled your dress over your head, and you could see the hunger growing in his eyes, darkening them. That look fueled you and you smashed your lips into his. His hands started on your cheeks, then tangled in your hair as they moved their way down your shoulders, stopping briefly to backtrack and stroke your chin before he let them explore down your back. 

“You were just wearing a dress?” he pulled back to eye you up, licking his lips in anticipation. 

Your face began to fill with that familiar tinge of embarrassed heat as you looked down at your naked form straddling his. You smiled innocently, despite knowing exactly what you had been doing when you had made the choice to go without any undergarments while getting dressed that morning. 

“God, you’re so sexy,” his hands traced their way along your spine and back up to your neck. 

He let out a deep growl as he guided your head down to his and kissed you. He took his time at first, each kiss like its own moment that would be forever frozen in time. You started moving your hips slightly on him, riling him up. He let out that low growl again and began kissing you harder, more passionately, as though every fraction of a second that your lips were parted brought a pain that could only be healed by bringing them back together.  

He broke away from you to rip open the condom and slip it on. His hands moved to your hips and he lifted you slightly, sliding his dick into you. You both let out a moan; you stopped grinding on him for a moment, allowing yourself to just feel him filling you completely. You put your hands on his pecs, then slowly started bucking your hips against him. His hands gravitated to your ass and squeezed it in unison with your grinding. 

“My turn,” he whispered into your ear, lifting you up off of him. 

You breathlessly nodded as he propped himself up on his knees, giving you space to lay down. He ran his hands up your legs, spreading your thighs slowly and kissing his way up them. He alternated legs and you felt a quiver run through you as he got closer and closer to your core. You felt the warmth of his breath on you as he paused and looked you in the eyes with a smirk before diving into your heat. He teased your bud with his tongue and you let out a moan as he slipped a finger inside of you. You heard him quietly moan as both his tongue and his finger moved more vigorously, but in a rhythm that had you bucking your hips into him. You began to feel the tingle of an orgasm building in your toes, then moving through your legs, until it finally overwhelmed you to your core, sending you along a crashing wave of pleasure. 

You grabbed his hair and lightly jerked it. He lifted his face and looked at you with a grin. He slowly removed his finger from your soaking pussy and stuck it in his mouth, sucking your wetness off of himself. You inhaled and exhaled deeply, trying to reach the calm after the storm. 

He smirked as he spread your legs wider and then eased himself back into you. After giving you time to readjust around him he pushed himself completely inside of you, then with an almost painful slowness pulled himself back out. You bit your lip in anticipation and moaned as he filled you up again. He continued at this pace for a while, teasing you. When you almost couldn’t bear it any longer he pulled your legs around him and put one arm underneath of you and used the other to prop himself up. You reached up to his face and pulled his lips to yours. 

He kissed you deeply and thrust into you even deeper. The pace started slow, but he gradually sped up and began a rhythm that hit all of the right spots at all of the right moments. You felt every inch of his dick as it went in and out of you. 

He moved his arm from around you and leaned down for a kiss before he really began to thrust into you harder and faster. You felt his dick begin to throb. 

“Cum for me, Steve,” you pleaded

He growled as you locked eyes and he pushed his cock as deep into your pussy as he could over and over again until he let out a growling moan. From the intense throbbing you felt inside of you you knew he had just cum. You sighed as he pulled out of you and visibly shuddered from the pleasure. 

He smiled and bent down to kiss you gently on the forehead before getting up. You lay there, eyes closed, replaying what had just happened, not wanting to forget a moment. 

His hands are in my hair, his clothes are in my room. 

You tried to slow your breathing and calm down as you heard the sound of a cork popping.

“Here, love.”

Hearing those words in his deep voice sent another tingle through you. You opened your eyes to him offering you a glass of the chilled wine. 

“Cheers to a fantastic getaway,” he offered his glass up to yours. 

You sat up and arranged pillows for the two of you to lean back against. 

“Thisis a lovely trip,” you smiled as the romantically familiar sound of glasses clinking filled the room and then leaned in and kissed him. 

You sat together and talked and laughed and drank. He called room service for dinner, but you were so absorbed in each other that neither of you touched the food when it arrived. As the hours flew by, you couldn’t stifle the large yawn that escaped your lips. 

“Tired?” he asked. 

“No!” you replied too enthusiastically, “Do you want to watch something?” you knew you were exhausted, but also that you didn’t want to sleep just yet.

“Sure,” he smiled knowingly, “Hm, there’s a new Bond movie on: Nothing lasts forever.

You laid against him, your bodies entwined. You felt yourself nod off every once in awhile as the movie played, only to be awoken by Steve asking you a question to which you’d “mhm” a response.

“Alright, I’m turning the movie off,” he said after he himself had dozed for longer than he had expected.

But this is getting good now,” you gestured at the TV, which was showing a commercial for some product you’d never buy.

He laughed, “I’ll see you in my wildest dreams.”

He kissed you on the forehead and clicked off the lights. 


Dream a Little Dream of Me 11

Dreams are fickle little fragments of missed opportunities, shoulda woulda coulda-s, what if’s and forget me nots, and tonight’s was no different.

He dreams in black and white as if I’m viewing his memories from the stills of film wrapped and preserved in a wheel made of tin; ten cent picture show starring Captain America and his best pal, Bucky Barnes.

They chuckle at something someone out of my peripheral says and he chances a glimpse at his friend almost for reassurance, or maybe something else, I can’t put my finger on. Ironic as I twist his memories into tendrils twining them between my fingers, hoping to see more of his smile.

My fingers snag on a memory, their faces looping between shock and awe, his jaw clenching minutely, his eyes squinting in disbelief, again turning to his left, where Steve’s almost too perfect teeth grin wide and his eyes sparkle with mischief-

I finger the looped memory back and forth, pausing, rewinding, the reel stuttering momentarily and as I strain to find the person in my peripheral I hear their voice instead.

It’s one I would recognize anywhere, the cadence of her words echoing in my ears; I let the memory fall from my fingers and I wake from his dreams, suddenly sick to my stomach.

I slowly shake the memories from my clouded eyes and stare at the woman in his dreams; she is me and I am her and I for once have no idea what this means.

