
In the @biscuitfactoryed, we found the perfect space for our evening of Vintage with a Modern Twist

In the @biscuitfactoryed, we found the perfect space for our evening of Vintage with a Modern Twist with @blindpigcider. A blank canvas, rich in character and history, and a magnet for curious creatives. There was only one person who could fill and transform the industrial backdrop with that vintage vibe, elevating the event with her vision… her name is @vixypixyrae. The new Creative Director of @stewartchristie_co, the oldest bespoke tailors in Scotland, had three centuries of archives to dip in to, all enriched by her limitless imagination.
Ladies and gentlemen, the @stewartchristie_co portraiture lounge.

Photos by Kristie De Garis at The Wild Air Photo @kristiedegaris @TheWildAir

#stewartchristie_co #thewildairphotography #BlindPigCider #biscuitfactory #vintage #retro #pinup #speakeasy #classic #timeless #elegant #archives #Edinburgh #style #scottish #scotland #ScotStreetStyle
www.stewartchristie.com (at Biscuit Factory)

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