#stiles fic


Info about TW updates

Hey there people, I know, I know. I didn’t update last week and neither did I this week. I PROMISE I will try to do my best and write a little but every day so I can update next week (I will try).

However, because of the covid situation in my country, my university decided to delay the final exams on January. And even though the normal thing would be to delay them from the start of June to the end, they decided that we would start exams in May.

Therefore, I’m already preparing from them (as they will be at the end of may + first weeks of June). I get really really really anxious around these times and situations so I have not been able to write.

Hope you guys understand. Good luck if you all have finals too! Once again, I will try my best to update next week or some time soon!


  • Stiles Stilinski x Reader! Half-sibling!Mccall
  • Word count: 3327
  • Warnings: Mentions of  injuries, blood, swearing (always), etc.



“So, the Walcott’s were the first. At least the first that we know about. Four murders. Sean, his brother, and their parents. They were killed by a professional assassin called The Mute. Weapon of choice, a military tomahawk.” I wandered closer to Noah Stilinski as he listened to what Stiles was telling him. I offered him one of the coffees that I have gotten from the machine at the station. “But then The Mute was killed by Peter Hale after he tried to blow up Derek with a Claymore mine.” Noah offered me a smile as I walked to my brother, kissing his cheek and placing his beverage on the table in front of him. “Next was Demarco. He delivered a keg to the party at Lydia’s lake house. And got decapitated outside his car.” Stiles paused for a second to kiss my forehead as he grabbed the coffee that I was offering. “And then last night, 23-year-old Carrie Hudson.” His arm rested around my waist as he pulled me closer.


“It’s a dead pool. A hit list of supernatural creatures.” Scott glanced at the older man. “This is only part of it. The rest still has to be decoded.”

Noah’s eyebrows were furrowed as he siped some of his coffee, resting it on top of the table cautiously as he didn’t want the papers to get stained. “Who found this list?”



“She wrote it.” I intervened as I had been a witness. “Actually, she transcribed it. Without realizing it.”


“Banshee.” Stiles nodded his head.

“Beautiful.” He glanced at the paper he was gripping once again. “All right, what are these numbers next to the names?”

“We’re getting to that.” The youngest Stilinski boy stared at the eldest. “First, you need to know that the code was broken with a cipher key.”

“Wait. You mean, like a…like a keyword?”

“It’s actually a name.”

I sighed as my brother glimpsed at Noah. “Allison.” My hand instantly found his back, rubbing circles on it to comfort him. However, the death of your first love didn’t seem like something that comfort would fix. I couldn’t help but peek at Stiles, not wanting anything to happen to him.

Stiles glanced between the three of us, noticing how Mr. Stilinski looked at Scott, apologizing for his loss. “Her name broke a third of the list.”

“And now we think there’s two other cipher keys.”

“Which will give us the rest of the names.” Noah nodded his head. “Okay. So how do we get the cipher keys?”

“Same way we got the code.”

“Lydia. She’s been out at the lake house all weekend trying to find the other two keywords.”

The tension invaded the room. We were on that list, and if we weren’t ready, we would end up dead. “You didn’t know about Demarco or Carrie. Hmm? And what about these other two names on the list? Uh, Kayleen Bettcher and Elias Town. They’re werewolves too?”

“I don’t know.” My brother shook his head. “But Deaton said that the Nemeton would draw supernatural creatures here.”

Noah furrowed his eyebrows. “Here being Beacon Hills? Or Beacon County? The population of Beacon Hills is just under 30,000.”

“And dropping…”

“But if we’re talking Beacon County, then you’re looking at close to 500,000.” He groaned, sitting down on a chair. “Look, how many werewolves, banshees, kitsunes and whatever the hell else is out there are we talking about?” We shrugged, feeling as frustrated as him. “And what if the next cipher key uncovers not 12 names but 100?”

I shook my head, speaking up. “We don’t think there would be that many. There’s a limit.”

My brother pointed at the sheet. “Because of the numbers. We think that once we decode the names, the numbers will add up to 117.”

“117 what?”


“117 million dollars, Dad.” Stiles started writing ’M’ and ‘K’ next to the names on the list. “Stolen from the Hale vault and is being used by someone to finance all these murders.”

“Someone who wants every supernatural in Beacon Hills dead.” My brother sighed, peeping at me. “Maybe not everyone.” Noah glanced at us, confused, while Stiles bit his lower lip as his grip on me tightened. “Y/N is on the list, but there isn’t a number next to her name.”

“What does that mean?” We shook our heads, not knowing what they had prepared for me. “So the coded list goes out. And somehow, these professional assassins get that list.”

“And a cipher key.”

“And then they go after the names on the list. They being killers with no mouths, tomahawks, thermo-cut wires that can take your head off.”

“Let me see.” Stiles glanced at the pictures of the dead supernaturals. “Carrie was also stabbed. What’s this mark?”

“We’re not sure yet. We’re still waiting on the ME’s report.” He shook his head. “There’s one other thing I don’t get. How did this new assassin know that Demarco was going to be at the lake house?”

“Everyone knows he delivers kegs to teenagers for a little extra cash.”

“Ah. So whoever ordered that keg killed Demarco.”

“Yeah, it was someone at the party.”

“A student.” My brother and I said at the same time.


I quickly entered my next classroom, not wanting to be late as I knew Coach would be raging. I saw Stiles already sitting on his desk, glancing down. When I wandered closer, I discerned the pictures of the dead bodies. “Stiles,” I softly called out. However, he got startled as soon as he noticed that now, I was sitting on the desk next to him. “Why did you bring the pictures here?”

He pouted, waiting for a peck. I smiled as I went closer to him, swiftly pressing my lips against his. He tried to grab my neck to keep kissing me for longer, but I pushed him back, scared that Coach would appear. I asked, once again, why had he brought the pictures. “I was hoping I would be able to discover something.”

“Did you?” I swallowed, trying not to look at all the blood and marks chasing those dead bodies.

He shook his head, sighing. “I don’t like this.”

“I don’t think anyone does.”

He glanced at me, biting his lip while he seemed to be lost in his thoughts. “I don’t like that my friends’ names are on this list, which means they will be killed if we don’t find the culprit.” His face got closer to mine. “I don’t like that your name is there. There’s no price, just a tiny star next to your name, and I know you must be terrified.” He paused to take a breath as he felt my hand squeezing his thigh. “But I am too. And not even knowing what to expect, frightens me.”

I offered him a tiny smile, even though I was terrified too. “We will figure something out, okay?” Hopefully. “We always do.” There could be a time where we don’t.

I sighed once again when Coach entered the classroom, not wasting any second as he began his lesson. “Economic disparity exists in all forms. Well, take sports, for example. Some teams have better training facilities. Some have better equipment. Unlike Beacon Hills that can barely afford the duct tape to keep our equipment together.” He started walked between everyone’s seats. I immediately noticed that Stiles was still examining the pictures. I whispered his name a couple of times, but it was too late. He used a lacrosse stick to hit the Hazel-eyed boy’s desk. “You know, Stilinski.” He noticed the pictures. “If I could grade you on how profoundly you disturb me, you’d be an A-plus student.”

Stiles grinned at him. “Thanks, Coach.”

“Put those pictures away.” He hit his desk once again, turning around to continue with his class. However, my boyfriend grabbed the stick, making us look at him confused. “Stilinski!” The boy took the protective rubber that was on one of the extremes of the stick. “The hell is wrong with you? Don’t answer that.”

Stiles gasped. My brother and I were looking at him, waiting for him to say something. “It’s a lacrosse player.” I gulped, shaking my head and blinking fastly.

“The killer’s on the team.”


“This…this is pointless. Most of the team plays with their own gear.” My brother groaned as the boys, Kira and I were inspecting the lacrosse equipment.

“Maybe instead of trying to find a lacrosse stick with a hidden dagger in it, we should be trying to get the game cancelled?” Kira asked as she glanced at both boys.

Scott shook his head. “The game’s the best way to catch him red-handed.”

“But what if he’s red-handed 'cause his hands are covered, in the blood of the person that he just stabbed to death?” Stiles spoke up. “Which, by the way, could be either of you guys. Oh, and her.” He pointed at me. “WHo has no price and a tiny star next to her name.”

“Or Liam. Well, we don’t have the whole list, and he could be on it.”

“We don’t know anything about that list.” He groaned. “How it’s made, how it’s updated. I mean, who’s been out taking a supernatural census anyway?”

“How do they even know about me?” Kira asked as he glanced at my brother, ignoring the stressed Stilinski.

“They know about everyone.”

Stiles sighed. “I think Kira’s right. I think we should stop the game.”

“I’m not afraid.” My brother stared at his friend, shrugging.

“Neither am I.” The kitsune glanced at my brother as both of them smiled at each other.

“Well,” I spoke. “It’s amazing that you guys are brave. Maybe it will help you out not to be scared about imaginary monsters under the bed and all that.” I could feel Stiles nodding his head as sarcasm dripped from my mouth. “But I don’t think that will help much with this situation. These people were strong, and they got killed.” I continued talking before my brother could interrupt me. “You guys know about your abilities,” I reminded them softly. “I don’t know what I can do. I can’t protect myself as you guys can. There will be a time where…where you guys won’t be there to save everyone.” I shook my head as I got reminded of Allison by my own intrusive thoughts.

“Well, I’m terrified. And I’m not even on the list.” Stiles backed me up. “Guys, these are professional killers. It’s their profession. One of them’s got a thermo-cut wire that cuts heads off. Who knows what else they have?”

“Well,” He jokingly mocked how my boyfriend and I had started our dialogues. “We are always ready, and we will be this time too. We can do this.” I wanted to believe him. I truly did. “Y/N,” I sighed as I glanced at him. “There will always be someone protecting you, okay? I swear on my life. We can try and discover what you can do.”

Kira intervened. “You alert us. You scream when someone you care for is in danger and warn us. That’s fantastic.”

Scott nodded. “You brought us to Lydia when you both were being tortured by our teacher.” He offered me a comforting smile. “And only the supernatural can hear you, which is also an advantage.”

“And me.” Stiles nodded his head. True. Allison didn’t hear me screaming that night, but Stiles did. He was the only non-supernatural who was able to listen to me. “Strength.” He added. “We need to discover many of your powers, but one of them is clearly your strength. Do you remember that time at the hospital when Peter was going to attack me? He is bigger than you and seemingly stronger, but as soon as you saw that I was in danger, you were choking him against a wall.”

“But I don’t know how to take that strength out.”

“You will.” My brother comforted me once again.

I sighed, grabbing my bag as both boys left the room before Kira and me. Before I could open the door to catch up with them, I felt a hand around my wrist. “It’s him.” I furrowed my eyebrows while she smiled like a fool. “Stiles is your strength. I’m surprised you hadn’t noticed yet.”


She was right. All of those times, Stiles Stilinski was my anchor. My strength.


I grabbed Stiles’s hand as we all glanced at Liam getting closer to a bus. “What is going on?” I asked while seeing him confidently marching towards the people that were getting off it. “Are those lacrosse students from his last school?” I noticed my brother nodding as he continued examining Liam.

“Brett!” As he got closer to the boy, I got more nervous, clenching Stiles’s hand. “I just wanted to say…have a good game.” I sighed, calming myself when Liam’s intentions were good.

However, the other boy laughed. “That’s cute, Liam. Is that what they told you to say in Anger Management?” I clenched my jaw, not liking Brett’s attitude. “Apologize, and everything’s fine? You demolished Coach’s car.”

“I paid for it.” He was trying to keep calm.

“Yeah, you’re going to pay for it.” He smirked. “We’re gonna break you in half out there. And it’s gonna be all your fault.”

“Oh, sh1t.” My brother gasped as he glanced at Liam’s hand. Blood was dripping from it, indicating that his nails were out and scratching his palm from clenching his hand. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, let’s go.” Scott’s hands fell on top of Liam’s shoulders as Stiles and I decided to step in front.

“Hey, what’s going on prep students? Welcome to our little public high school. How you doing?” He offered his hand for Brett to shake. But the boy ignored him. “That’s a firm handshake you got there. Uh, we’re very excited for scrimmage tonight. Uh, but Let’s keep it clean, all right? No rough stuff out there. All right, see you on the field.” He made a gesture with his hand. “Go.” We all looked down as we took far from there.

Seconds later, Liam was being pushed against the wall of one of the showers of the boys’ locker room by both boys. Water was falling on top of him, wetting his entire body. “Okay, you calm yet?” The Stilinski boy asked as they continued to push him under the water and against the wall. He growled once again before letting them know that he was feeling calmer now. His fangs disappeared as he sat down on the floor, back against the wall. 

“That car you smashed.” My brother spoke up. “I thought you said that was your teacher’s.”

“He was also my Coach. He benched me for the entire season.”

Stiles’s eyebrows were furrowed as I walked closer to him. His arm encircling my waist to keep me close to his body. Scott glanced at Liam, also confused. “What did you do?”

The boy shook his head, trying to dismiss the subject. “I got a couple of red cards.”

“Just a couple?” Stiles asked as the boy played with his fingers. He was lying.

My brother sighed, kneeling in front of him. “You gotta be honest with us. What else happened?”

“Nothing!” He noticed how we looked at each other to later glance at him. “I got kicked out of school. They sent me to a psychologist for evaluation.” We all waited for him to continue. “I.E.D.”

Before they could ask what the meaning was, and before Stiles would go crazy, I spoke up. “Intermittent Explosive Disorder.” The three boys looked at me, surprised. I glanced at my brother. “My mother had that.”

“Melissa doesn’t have th-.” He interrupted himself. “Oh, your other mother.” I couldn’t help but smile a little. Yeah, the other.

“I.E.D? You’re literally an I.E.D? That’s great. That’s great.” Stiles winked and offered a thumbs up to Scott. “You gave powers to a walking time bomb.”

“Did they give you anything for it?”

“Risperdal. It’s an antipsychotic.”

“Oh, this just gets better.” I rolled my eyes as the hazel-eyed boy was enjoying the matter more than he should.

“But I don’t take it.”

“Obviously.” I finally punched his side, making him groan.

“I can’t play lacrosse on it. It makes me too tired.”

“Okay. I think you should bail out of the game.” I intervened. Liam quickly stood up, shaking his head. “Liam, just tell Coach your leg is still hurting.”

“No, no! I can do this.” He glimpsed at Scott. “Especially if you’re there.”

“Liam, it’s not just about the game. We think whoever killed Demarco might be on our team.”

“Who’s Demarco?” His gaze settled on Stiles.

“The one who brought the beer to the party. The guy who was beheaded. Remember?”

I coughed. “We think the person who ordered the keg killed Demarco.” I noticed how the boy seemed to be thinking of something. “Liam? What, you know something?”

“I don’t know who ordered the keg. But I know who paid for it.” The three of us looked at each other with wide eyes.


Night had fallen, and the lacrosse game was going to take place in a couple of minutes. Scott tried to convince Coach that Liam should stay on the bench until he was fully recovered. However, after seeing Liam catch a ball at a rapid speed, he determined that the boy was going to play.

Once they were playing, Liam was pushed to the ground by Brett and some other guy. I was on the edge of my seat, biting my lower lip as I saw the boy taking his helmet off, ready to fight both boys even if he was a size smaller. Thankfully, Scott and Stiles were there to save the day.

However, things quickly took a turn. One of the players from the other team fell to the ground in pain while Liam had hurt his arm. The match was stopped for a couple of minutes until everything was fixed.

“Everything okay?” I softly asked as I walked closer to my favourite player, offering a smile to Kira, who was also playing.

“We think they want Liam. They are coming for Liam.” My brother informed as he crossed his arms, sighing.

“I talked to Coach.” Liam stumbled closer to us. “I’m out for the rest of the game.”

“What are you gonna do?” Kira sighed as she glanced at my brother.

“I don’t know. Something’s still not right. We’re missing something.”

“Guys!” Stiles was glancing at his phone. “Lydia just broke another third of the list.”

“Am I on it?” Liam glanced at the boy standing next to me. He was scared, but maybe not as much as we were.

“No.” My boyfriend glanced at me as he shook his head. “But someone else is.”

My brother ran ahead of me to the locker rooms as Brett was in danger. I tried to keep up with him, but it was almost impossible. However, when I arrived at the locker room, I found my brother being chocked from behind by a woman. “He said we shouldn’t try. But now I’ve got you. I got an Alpha.” I could hear the excitement in her voice.

“Or perhaps the Alpha got you.” My eyes flashed, and as soon as those words left my mouth, Scott turned around, eyes red. Before he could do anything to the woman, I grabbed her hair. “You don’t touch my people,” I grumbled while with all the strength I could, I pushed her against a wall. She knocked her head, falling unconscious to the ground. “You okay?” I turned around to look at my brother, stepping over those, who were lying on the floor to examine his face.

He nodded his head. “Thank you, baby sis.” I smiled at the nickname as I sighed in relief. When Stiles appeared, examining the situation, my brother asked him to call Noah.



TAGLIST:@og-baby-ob14-@savemypostcards-@cas-loves-pizza-@used-avocado-@mvrylee-@bilesxbilinskixlahey-@honeydoll-stark-@arieltheworldisamess-@softpeteparker-@kit-kat-katie99-@thatsuperherosidekick-@bexbetterxthanxwords-@big-galaxy-chaos-@littlemiss-forgotten-@enchantedcruelsummer-@coldfreakeggsexpert-@merla123-@sammypotato67-@weirdowithnobeardo-@maggiesblogsblog-@itskindyl-@bobo-bush-@moongoddesskiana-@multifandxm353-@irwxnhugsx-@xoprincessmel-@iclosetgeek-@andreagf956-@niawoods-@anerroroccurrrrred-@perrytheplatypus11-@trustfundparker-@nmriia-@steve-harringtonnn-@trustfundparker-@brithedemonspawn-@weirdowithnobeardo-@my-soul-is-the-moon-@azayamari-@poguestyle17-@bibliophilewednesday-@10minutesofscreentime-@momentitodebruh-@drikawinchester-@perrytheplatypus11-@my-soul-is-the-moon-@linkpk88-@royalreadery-@sweetest-serpent01-@teenwaywardasgardian-@sadcupofcoffee-@maliyamay-@seninjakitey-@tairisceana-@thegirlwhoimagined-@mackingjj -@daphnen21-@malfoystilinskii05-@caitsymichelle13-@awkwardnesshabitat-@d64d-n0t-sl66p1ng-@bshelley322-@teenwolfharrypotter - @daltonacademia - @mitchloveswriting-@loulouloueh​ -
