#stiles stilinski series







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You stirred awake to the sound of your phone going off. You untucked your arm from the warmth of your comforter and reached over to grab your phone which was still going off. You squinted your eyes at the bright light and saw Stiles’ name. You tiredly answered the phone, “Y/N!” You groaned at the volume, “Stiles it is twelve in the morning what do you want?” You asked. “Y/N, we think Derek Hale is the alpha!” You rolled your eyes. “Okay. Can I go back to sleep now?” “Y/N, get your ass out of bed and let’s go, we’re waiting outside.” You shuffled out of your bed to peer out your window, and sure enough, Stiles blue jeep was parked out front. “I’m going to kill you.” You threatened, annoyed. “Hurry up!” Stiles yelled through the phone before hanging up.

You begrudgingly got ready, not changing out of your pj shorts and t-shirt, opting to just slip on a hoodie. You put on your shoes, grabbed your phone and wallet and you were out the door and with an angry frown on your face, meeting with Stiles’ and Scott’s grins as you hopped in the backseat of the jeep. “Hey babe.” Stiles smiled, turning around in the driver’s seat to look at you. You just rolled your eyes. “Where are we going?” You asked, settling in the back seat. Stiles started to pull out of your driveway and drive down the dimly lit street, only few street lamps on. “We’re going to the Hale house.” He said. “What?” Scott turned to look at you, “We’re just going to investigate a little bit.” You raised your eyebrows, “So what? We’re gonna snoop around in his house, because I’m pretty sure that’s breaking and entering. And wouldn’t he be home?” You replied. Scott turned back around. “We’re not going inside, we’re just going to investigate around the house.” “Snoop. Snoop around the house?” You shot back. He sighed, “Yes.”

“What’s wrong with snooping?” Stiles popped in. “It’s rude.” You said, crossing your arms. Just then you pulled up to the clearing of the woods, which revealed the Hale house, which was deteriorating by the minute. It was dark, gloomy, and quite frankly, scary. It looked like something straight out of a cliche horror film. You all hopped out of the jeep with caution, being sure to shut the doors as quietly as possible. You walked up to Stiles, linking an arm with his as you three cautiously stepped closer to the house. A house your parents would tell you to never go near as children. And the house you guys egged on halloween when your parents told you not to.

“So what are we looking for?” You asked as you and Stiles began to walk around. Scott splitting up slightly, but still within your hearing range. “I don’t know, anything out of the ordinary.” Scott replied. You were about to say something when Stiles stopped walking, causing you to so the same. “Like this?” He said, which made Scott come over to where we were standing. You three looked down to see dirt. But it seemed to be dug up and then placed right back, as if someone dug a hole and then filled it back up. Like they were burying something. “Yeah, yeah like this.” Scott said, kneeling down and beginning to dig. Stiles pulled away from you to help, but after a minute or two, gave up and made Scott do the rest on his own.

You and Stiles stood there watching as Scott dug, but then he found something. You and Stiles heard Scott dig upon what sounded like plastic or something. “What is that?” Stiles asked. “A tarp.” Scott replied lifting it up, revealing something that you guys weren’t prepared to see. You gasped, as you guys looks down to see a dead wolf, ripped in half. Stiles wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you close. “What the hell?” Scott said. “Oh my god that’s disgusting.” Stiles added. You looked back down at it, gasping yet again, seeing something even more gruesome than before. It had turned into the upper half of a girl. You quickly turned to Stiles, tucking your face into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you protectively. “That’s the other half of that body.” Stiles said. “Yeah, this is the half I saw the night I was bit.” Scott said, burying her back up, kicking the dirt back into the hole.

Scott frantically kicked the dirt back in the hole. “We need to go, like now.” Stiles said, pulling you along with him towards the jeep. Scott followed. You three quickly got into the jeep and got the hell out of there. “Why would Derek bury that girl?” Scott pondered. “Maybe she was a werewolf, ‘cause she like, transformed or whatever.” Stiles said. Scott nodded in agreement. “Okay but still, why did Derek feel the need to bury her by his house, where’s the connection?” You asked. “Hold on, if she’s a werewolf, and he’s a werewolf, what if they like…knew each other or something.” Stiles said. “Or they’re related.” Scott said, looking over at Stiles with wide eyes. You three knew right then that you had stumbled upon way more than you had previously intended. This was something you weren’t supposed to see, and something no one was supposed to know about. “What if he killed her?” Stiles asked, already thinking of every possible scenario in his head. “I think we should just drop it for tonight.” You replied, tired and not wanting Stiles to get riled up. The boys reluctantly agreed and you three sat in comfortable silence as Stiles drove Scott home.

Once at the McCall house, Stiles and Scott said their goodbyes and you got out of the jeep to take Scott’s previous place in the passenger seat. After Stiles pulled out of the driveway and began driving down the dark street, you reached over to grab his right hand and intertwine your nimble fingers with his. His hand was warm. He didn’t say anything, only glancing at you as you took his hand. You rested yours and his hand on the console that separated you two. You leaned your head on the window and closed your eyes, just barely falling asleep.

It wasn’t before long that Stiles pulled into your driveway and pulled his hand from yours, getting out of the jeep and over to the passenger side door, carefully opening it to wake you. “Hey, come on let’s get you to bed.” He said softly. He unbuckled you and you turned to look at him, bringing your arms around his shoulders, his arms wrapping around your torsos and lifting you out of the jeep. He walked you inside and into your room, keeping an arm around you as you leaned on him.

Stiles flicked on your lamp, slightly illuminating the room. You glanced at your alarm clock on your bedside table, reading 2:01. Stiles pulled back your comforter and you climbed into bed, Stiles tucking you in. Once were tucked in and comfortable he gave you a peck on the lips. “Okay, I’ll see you in the morning, alright?” He said. “Wait,” you interjected, “stay.” You finished. He smiled, kicking off shoes, then pulling off his jeans and shrugging off his jacket. He climbed into bed beside you and you turned onto your side and faced away from him. He comfortably wrapped his arm around you, nuzzling his nose in the dip between your neck and shoulder. He breathed out a sigh of contentment. “Goodnight, love you.” He whispered, kissing your neck. “Love you.” You replied, falling asleep in your lover’s arms.

