#still figuring it out


Today, my boyfriend called me out on the fact that I say I look dumb or ugly “like 15 times a day.” It made me feel bad because I know how annoying and frustrating it is to hear someone you think is amazing constantly put themselves down. It’s not that I’m fishing for compliments or really think I’m disgusting. I honestly don’t realize I’m doing it most of time. I know I’m prone to self deprecation, but I’m starting to understand how much my words and actions affect others. I’m going to try harder to be a more confident person and express that (without being arrogant, of course) instead of telling everyone around me how much I suck because maybe they will start thinking I suck and won’t want to be around me anymore. Typing this, it all makes a lot of sense.

In an attempt to recognize my worth, practice self love, etc. I REALLY LIKE MY OUTFIT TODAY. 


Does anyone know what to do
