#stories reunion



     part of her had expected the onslaught of absolute affection and excitement the moment a contract for trc had been presented to her, the events of the mgas shoved down the throats of everyone and anyone who bothered to watch. it had been an honest surprise to her ( something that’d easily tilted towards the edge of being unpleasantif heejin was being honest ), but she was no fool regardless of her own resentment, a sense of childish pettiness she’d had yet to fully rid herself of still taking hold of her mind, understandably so seeing as she was only eighteen, she was well aware of the opportunity being offered.

     she’d earned that contract, earned the recognition of a powerful figure in the very market she yearned to thrive in, changing the initial opinions he’d formed of her only a few months prior. she’d shown she was a force to behold, and despite the fleeting reservations she’d begrudgingly had, she bit the bullet and decided to dive headfirst into this new chapter in her life.

     still, all the preparation and buzzing text messages in the world couldn’t have prepared her for the first real interaction she’d have within trc’s wallsyujins powerhouse of a hug, one that’d left heejin with barely any air left in her lungs, one that she was sure to return in full with a light heart and an immediately growing smile.

     it’s easy to fall into conversation once they’re alone, the air warm with familiarity, as if the last time they’d seen each other hadn’tbeen months ago. “honestly, i never thought i’d be stepping foot in this building again either,” she agrees with slightly creased brows. i thought i would be making my stay at royal a permanent one. her features soften visibly, however, at the youngers words. “i missed you too it’s always more fun when you’re around, yuj.” tilting her head slightly, she thinks for a moment. “i heard a little bit about evals from jinsoul but not everything, and i know a few people already, you included!

“it’s a bit weird isn’t it?” yujin grins sheepishly, looking around the building to emphasize her point. “all things considered, it must be fate or something!” perhaps she’s trying a little too hard to ease the tension in her mind after bringing up the triple threat challenge. she only hopes heejin doesn’t feel the same way. 

“i’m still amazed at how well you did during the mgas. you showed off so much—i’m jealous,” she teases gently. “and proud of course, but i sorta wish i got to participate too. it looked so fun!” there’s a lot more going on behind the scenes, she understands that much, but just from an outsider’s perspective it looked riveting to be apart of. of course, she knows well enough that if she had failed the triple threat challenge, going into something as competitive as the mgas and failing then might’ve completely killed her psyche. it’s not a pretty situation to think about, which is why she doesn’t.

“cool! i’m still deciding on what i want to do this month, to be honest…i’m not good with any other languages other than english, and even then,” she shrugs casually. “i can only speak a little,” she jokes in accented english. “what about you? we should totally do something together!”


saying yujin’s missed heejin would’ve been a vast understatement. what with she herself becoming a trainee, and then heejin’s participation on the mgas, it’s safe to say they haven’t met in months. sure, the occasional text conversation happened, but it’s as good as not talking compared to the daily meetings at school they used to have. 

man, it’s lonely now.

but even with the little time yujin’s had, she’s seen the results of the mga finale. heejin had been offered a contract to trc, the exact goddamn company yujin’s in, and the younger couldn’t have been more excited. the tidal wave of texts she had sent heejin had been nothing compared to the absolute tackle of a hug shared between them upon their first meeting in the company building. sorry not sorry for the scream of excitement, yujin would say.

and that brings us to now, after she’s dragged heejin off into a room to catch up (away from prying eyes). her hands are linked with the older girl’s, swinging their arms gleefully. 

“this is so weird, being here with you,” she grins widely, eyes forming crescents. “i didn’t think we’d end up in the same company after…” a moment of hesitation crosses her upon remembering the results of the triple threat challenge. “well, everything that’s happened. i missed you so much,” it’s not the first time she’s said that today, and she’s sure it’s not about to be the last. “what are your first plans? have you met everyone? oh! have you heard about evals and stuff yet?”
