#storm chaser universe


baby blues 


pairing: akaashi keiji x f! reader 
genre: parenthood fluff 
warnings:nah, none. or well, bokuto is his own warning HA. 
author’s note: for @tyga-lily. makes references to the storm chaser universe, but can be read as a standalone. 


Akaashi’s calm demeanour cannot hide the fact that he is at heart, an anxiety ridden bean. It’s something he’s always struggled with since his boyhood days, worrying about Bokuto’s antics and the ace’s general well being, spiralling with stress when it comes to exams and job interviews, and even though he masks it well with doses of coffee, it’s starting to flare up in full force now that you’re growing his child in your belly. 

Having a baby was planned, as most things in his life are. You and he have been married for two years now, your careers are settled into a comfortable groove, so having a child just seemed like the logical next step. But it’s different planning on paper to actually seeing your plans blossom into fruition, especially when presented in the form of an ultrasound, the black and white squiggles indicating the new life he’ll hold in his hands in less than six months’ time. 

“Is that - ?” he’s barely able to form a coherent sentence. 

The ultrasound tech and you share a smile. “That’s our baby, Keiji”, you say, taking his trembling hand in yours. 

Even though your belly is barely a bump and the baby is but a tiny bean sprout in monochrome, there are so many things to prepare in advance. 

Like cradles and prams - he spends his free time perusing parenting magazines about the best, safest models. Like the difference between diapers - until you step in and gently insist that you very much doubt either of you will have the time to maintain the use of cloth diapers. Like the type of laundry detergent is best for babies’ clothing - or - or - or the type of food that he should slowly be introducing the baby to as the months progress while being careful not to accidentally trigger any allergies- 

“Keiji”, you say, catching his face in the warm cradle of your hands. “You’re overthinking again.” 

“I am, aren’t I”, he laughs wryly, arms circling around your waist, ever so careful not to crush you. “I just want to make sure everything’s perfect and we have it all figured out before the baby arrives.” 

“Everything’s already going to be perfect”, you reply, nuzzling up to him. “We’re going to be parents, Keiji. Imagine that!” 

He knows. Oh gods, he knows and he’s terrified. 

What if he screws up? What if he gets something wrong? What if he accidentally suffocates his precious baby, or messes up by overlooking something small and banal? He’ll never forgive himself, and worse he’ll disappoint you - 

“How do you keep your kids alive?” He blurts his fear out to Bokuto when the older man visits with his trio of sons in tow. 

Bokuto isn’t even fazed by the question, despite it coming out of left field. He lifts the teething Kousuke into his lap so he doesn’t chew up the furniture before turning to gaze at Akaashi. “There are three cardinal rules to fatherhood, Akaaashi”, Bokuto says solemnly. 

Akaashi leans forward, eager to listen to whatever pearls of wisdom his former senpai might have for him. He must have some good advice - he’s raising three boys and they’re all alive and healthy, if a little feral. 

“First”, Bokuto raises a finger, though the effect is rather lost from Kousuke promptly chomping on it. “Feed your kids. If they’re full, it’s all good. And keep sugar to a minimum, unless you want them to bounce off the walls.”

“Fair enough”, Akaashi nods, mentally filing the first rule away in his head. “What’s next?”  

“Second, you gotta check that they don’t pee or poop on themselves. If they have, just clean it up. When kiddos are dry, then it’s all good!”

That’s also fairly obvious.

“Third”, Bokuto nods as if in approval of his wisdom. “Don’t let your kid bite anyone, or your other kids -”

Akaashi blinks. And then he blinks again. 


“It’s true! Kousuke has a nasty habit cos the little kiddo can’t talk yet, so he chomps down when he’s pleased or isn’t pleased, like when he has to defend his toys from being taken by his older brothers - ”

“Bokuto–san”, Akaashi massages the space between his brows. “These can’t be the only rules to fatherhood? I mean - what about - what about figuring out what’s the best pram to use? Whether to use the Montessori method in teaching your kid - or, I don’t know - shouldn’t I be referring to some parenting bible or something?”

A heavy hand lands on his shoulder, instantly grounding him. 

“Kids are pretty resilient, Akaashi!” Bokuto booms. “You could drop them - okay, maybe don’t try that, and don’t ever tell my wife I said that - but they’re hardy little things, as long as they’re fed and kept clean and aren’t attacking each other, it’s all good.” 

“It can’t be that easy”, he says, head in hands. Because it feels life changing, bringing a new life into the world, and he has to get it right, he has to make sure everything’s perfect, right? 

“I mean, I’m not saying it’s easy”, Bokuto replies, frowning. “You won’t be getting much sleep ‘specially when your kid’s just born cos babies don’t seem to know how to sleep through the night, so you gotta get up and cuddle them and soothe them so they’re happy enough to go back to sleep. But then when they grow up, the challenge is really teaching them to be good kiddos, y’know?” 

“You mean teaching them to be kind?” 

Bokuto grins, bouncing Kousuke on his lap. “Got that in one! That’s more important than worrying about what pram you’re gonna get - just strap them to your chest, it’s easy enough and it’s a good workout too!”

His former teammate’s enthusiasm is infectious, but Akaashi no longer has the stamina from his high school days, so he thinks a pram might still be very necessary. Still, he sees the wisdom in Bokuto’s words. 

So he surprises you when he drops his obsession with parenting magazines and books and lectures and podcasts, pulling your feet into his lap instead to give you a gentle massage and whispering seriously to your bump. 

“You don’t have to worry cos I’ll make sure you’re fed and I’ll change your diapers, and I promise I’ll never drop you on your head, and we’ll get you a pram cos I don’t think I can carry you around all day, especially when you get older - ”

“Keiji, you’re worrying too much again” you interrupt him, smiling indulgently down at your husband. 

He presses a kiss to your bump before meeting your smile. “I was talking to Bokuto-san this afternoon.”

“Ah”, you reply. “And what advice did he give to you?” 

“This and that”, your husband says. “But he reminded me not to worry overmuch.” 

“His advice doesn’t seem to have worked too well then”, you answer archly. 

Akaashi sighs through his nose. “I just want to be a good dad.” 

“Oh Keiji”, you card through his hair, let him slump into your side. “You will be a fantastic dad, I know it. The fact that you’re worrying so much shows that you care for our little bean sprout.”

“Of course I care”, he murmurs. “I want our kid to grow up safe and healthy and happy and kind - ”

“And after listening to yourself say that, don’t you think you’ll be a good dad?” 

He scrunches up his nose, a tell-tale sign to you that while he sees the logic in your words, he can’t bring himself to believe in them just yet. 

“This is going to be cliched and something right out of your shounen mangas that you edit - ”

He closes his eyes as if he’s in pain. “Believe in me, who believes in you?” 

You tug at his ear gently. “That’s pretty apt in our case, is it not?” 

“Fine”, he mumbles, defeated. “You have a point.” 

“Stop worrying, Keiji. You’re going to be a good dad.” 

“Okay”, he breathes. “I - I hope so.” 

The smile you bestow upon him, full of trust and love goes much, much further in soothing his fears, in taming his unbridled worries. “You don’t have to hope - I know it. Now c’mon! Let’s discuss baby names, and before you even think of mentioning it - no we are not naming our kid after Bokuto - ”

“I mean, he already has three kids practically named after himself -” 

“Nor are we allowing Kuroo any suggestions - ”

“Agreed. His daughters only have normal names because his wife put her foot down - ”

Somewhere in greater Tokyo, both Kuroo and Bokuto sneeze in perfect harmony. 


a/n: heh. yes! i am alive and still writing ><
