#akaashi keiji x reader


got a thing about you… (and it won’t go away)

akaashi keiji x reader, 17.3k

SUMMARY: At the beginning of each summer, when school finally let up, they would all meet up in a beach house at Hamamatsu for a week. It didn’t matter if you had a bad year. It didn’t matter what side of the country you were on. All that mattered was that the five of them promised to find their way back to each other, even if it was only for a while.

Akaashi looked forward to it every year.

Except this year, he dreaded it. And it was all because of you.

WARNINGS: suggestive themes (fwb to lovers) but nothing explicit.

“Keiji,” you murmured sleepily against his bare shoulder, the place where you’d been pressing kisses all morning.

“Y/N,” Akaashi tried to say in warning, but all that came out was a sigh, feeling the growth of your smile on his skin.

Akaashi tried to arch away, but he couldn’t move when he felt you pressing more kisses. “Y/N,” he breathed out, trying again, “we have to get ready soon or we’re going to be caught up in traffic.”

And there were other things he needed to do. Like discuss what they’re doing right now and what they will notbe doing once they get to the beach house. He closed his eyes to gather all his strength, before cupping your cheek and gently pushing away. “Okay, come on,” he stressed, “we have to be responsible now.”

You only kissed his thumb in response, but allowed him to push you away slightly. “You always want to be responsible.”

Akaashi finally rose from the bed, ignoring you to put on a shirt. He felt like that was the proper thing to do before having the conversation he wants to have. He shouldn’t be naked, you know? When he turned around, he saw you cuddling his pillow.

“I have to be.” is how he started it. “And speaking of responsible, we should talk about this.

You bit your lip, holding back a smile, “What about us?”

You bit your lip, holding back a smile, “What about us?”

You bit your lip, holding back a smile, “What about us?”

He pursed his mouth, and annoyingly enough, you copied him too, puckering your mouth like you were asking for a kiss. He glared at you, “Be serious.”

“I am serious,” you rolled your eyes, “you’re the one who can’t even say it.”

Akaashi’s known you far too long to miss the challenge in your tone. “I’m trying to be delicate. But I should have known that it’s better to be direct when it comes to you—”

“It’s only been eight years, Keiji,” you added with a smirk.

“What I’m trying to say is,” Akaashi cleared his throat, “is that considering how annoying our friends are, I think we should stop doing this. They’re going to catch on and then god knows what I’ll have to do when they start teasing us.”

You laughed, “We can be subtle.” your laugh settled into a smile. “We can keep a secret.”

“You are the opposite of subtle.” Akaashi replied, thinking about all the times they sneaked out to go for midnight walks back in high school and how terrible of a liar you were whenever your parents would catch you sneaking back in. He tried to be stern, “We need to stop.”

You groaned, turning your face to bury it into a pillow.

Akaashi focused on being understanding, instead of the other things his brain was filing for further investigation.

(Like the way his bed smelled completely of you. How right that felt. How good you looked in his bed. How much you both avoided this conversation of stopping. Why he didn’t really want to stop—)

His brain settled on what was safe, simple and true: hooking up with each other felt too good. Who would want to stop?

If not for the impending beach house trip, Akaashi wouldn’t think to put a stop to it either; so he let you have your moment, before going to you and sitting beside you on the bed.

“You’re silly,” he said, letting himself give in to impulse and pull you closer. “You like my body that much? I’m thisgood in bed?”

From this close, he can see you roll your eyes. “You wish. As if you could keep your hands to yourself. Why stop when we both know we can’t? Why set ourselves up?”

“It shouldn’t be that hard.” he retorted in response.

And it shouldn’t be. You’ve known each other for eight years, and have gone for almost the same amount without all of… this. Besides, you’re not even dating.




It just happened. At least, when Akaashi tried to think about how he ended up here, that was all he could find. It just happened. There was alcohol involved. Maybe mercury was in retrograde. Post-midterms stress was probably a factor. All in all, the circumstances were vague.

But a couple things were clear:

You, for one. He knew who he was falling into bed with. He wouldn’t be able to miss the familiar colour of your eyes. The feel of your hand, even in the dark.

The lack of regret was another. There was panic, of course, but no part of him had recoiled away in disgust or horror when he woke up wrapped around you tight. Instead, it felt right.

So much so that when you opened your eyes, all Akaashi did was fall back into you, against your mouth.

Both of you wanted it, that became clear when you kept falling into bed together with no discussion whatsoever of when to stop.

Until today— and Akaashi admits it was hardly a proper conversation at all. He meant to continue it in the car, he swears, but it was a long drive from Tokyo to Hamamatsu. And on the off chance that it went south, he didn’t want to be stuck in the car with you for that long. But then you fell asleep, and by the time you had woken up, they had already arrived.

Akaashi had missed his timing, and now, as they rolled in through the paved driveway of the beach house, he could only pray for mercy.

No, not from god. But from the bastards he calls his friends.

They spoke for themselves:

The windows of his car are rolled down, so he can hear them loud and clear.

“There he is!” came the teasing voice of Bokuto, “Akaaashiiiiiiii!”

Beside him, you stuck your head out of the window, “Hey, what about me? Are you guys not excited to see me?”

He saw Kuroo and Kenma immediately school their faces into something bored, “No, not at all.”

You didn’t even wait for Akaashi to put the brakes on. The car was still moving when you took off your seatbelt and stepped out of the car. You marched over with the most debilitating pout, and Kuroo and Kenma only managed to hold out for another second or two, before they both broke out into a grin.

You tackled them into a hug, “I missed you guys!”

You squeezed them hard before letting go and launching yourself at Bokuto. Akaashi didn’t know how it was possible, but Bokuto only seemed to have gotten broader over the past few months they didn’t see each other. He smiled when he saw how small you looked in his arms.

You were always going to be smaller. A constant that Akaashi loved.

He finally got out of the car too and called out, “Y/N, don’t forget to grab your bag!”

But all he got was a wave of your hand, “I’ll grab it later.”

Akaashi grabbed it now, because he already knew how the future was going to unfold. You were going to lie down on the couch, forget, and then somehow needle him into getting it for you. He shuts the trunk of his car and locks it.

As he pocketed his keys though, he immediately made eye contact with Kuroo’s shit-eating grin and already, already, he knew what was coming. “Shut up,” he said preemptively. Even swings his bag to hit Kuroo for good measure.

Kuroo just laughed, grabbing one bag from him, “You know, this is exactly why you get made fun of.”

“Shut up,” Akaashi said again and escaped him by entering the house. He took his shoes off, replacing it with one of the pairs of house slippers by the door.

A cool breeze greeted him at the door. He breathed in and some of the tension, left over from the school year, started leaking out of him.

This house and its familiar bones. Its walls and their constant shades of beige and blue. The summer house welcomed him, and something in him settled.

He was at the beach house with his old friends. All else aside, he felt at peace.




The peace obviously didn’t last long. It was expected, considering how well Akaashi knew his friends and their meddling ways (yes, like some Scooby doo villains).

The moment you stepped out of their sights to use the bathroom, Akaashi immediately got pulled into an impromptu meeting in the kitchen.

“Akaashi Keiji,” Kuroo began, voice low and eyes monitoring the bathroom door, “I see there has been no progress on the sad state of your love life. I knew this would happen. We can’t keep letting this go on. It’s pathetic.”

“Hey,” Akaashi said, insulted, “Who says my love life is sad?”

Bokuto carefully reached out to pat his hand, “Oh, Akaashi. If you were dating someone, we’d know. If you were dating our beloved friend, we would definitely know.”

“It’s getting sad, Akaashi,” Kuroo said, putting his hand on top of Bokuto’s that was still on top of Akaashi’s. Kenma, feeling a little left out, also joined in by setting his hand on top of Kuroo’s. “We’re staging an intervention. You need help.”

Akaashi took his hand out of this weird hand sandwich it ended up in, “I don’t need help.”

Kuroo sniffed, “We’re not doing this for you. We’re doing this for ourselves. I’m tired of having to see you guys act all gross and then say you’re just friends. Just kiss already. It’s sick.”

Kenma added on, “Don’t you get tired of being Y/N’s ‘yes’ man without getting benefits?”

He stopped himself from mindlessly blurting out that he was currently receiving some benefits, which wasn’t that difficult considering the annoyance that rose in him at Kenma’s statement. “Um?” he raised a brow, “What do you mean ‘yes’ man? I am not a yes man. What does that even mean? I say no to her all the time.”

His statement was met with blank stares and raised brows.

“Akaashi, please. We’re all yes men when it comes to her,” Kuroo eventually snorts, looking right through him, “Who do you think can say no to her here?”

Akaashi took a look at his friend’s faces, Kenma’s exasperation, Kuroo’s resignation, and Bokuto’s sheepishness standing out.

“I’m sure there are people in this world who can say no to her,” Kuroo continued, “but not us. And certainly, not you.”

Akaashi’s mouth moved through a handful of words. None of them ever got a voice.

Kuroo smugly leaned back as you came back, oblivious to the smackdown he just delivered.

You patted your drying hands on your shorts and looked straight at Akaashi first, “Keiji, why do you look so stressed?”

Kenma, the only one of them with a mouth that worked as fast his brain, immediately bounded to you with a smirk, “Don’t worry, we just told him he’s cooking dinner tonight.”

You gasped and then started lecturing with a frown, “Stop making him cook every time. We had a long drive from Tokyo. Let him rest.”

Akaashi bit his lip. That was cute. It was really cute of you to say that. But whatever smile that threatened to come up died when Bokuto put his arm around his shoulders. They watched you try to smack Kuroo, but was held back by Kenma’s arm on your waist.

“Aww,” Bokuto whispered to him, “Look at her defending you. That’s good girlfriend material right there. For you. Don’t worry, Akaashi. We are not letting you come out of this vacation single. We’ll be the best wingmen ever. You’ll see.”

Akaashi meant it wholeheartedly when he said, “Bokuto-san. That is the single most terrifying thing you’ve ever told me.”




Akaashi didn’t even have to spend that much time thinking about what exactly Bokuto meant about being wingmen. He doesn’t even make it to dinner before the wingman-ning began.

You had managed to save him from being in charge of dinner, but Akaashi didn’t completely escape it.

Kuroo made a ridiculous show of looking at the fridge and then proceeded to gasp so loud, you jumped in your seat beside Akaashi. “I cannot believe we forgot tomatoes. Somebody needs to go to the store and buy them,” and then pointedly looks at Akaashi.

Akaashi’s brow furrowed as he shrugged, “I mean, sure, I can go get them. There’s still that small shop down the street, right?” He made a move to stand up and grabbed a light jacket, but before he could even leave the vicinity of the living room, Bokuto stopped him, “Woah, woah, woah, you’re going alone?”

God, Akaashi already knew what was coming. At the risk of alerting you, Akaashi played along, “Yeah?”

“Dude, it’s late. It’s dangerous out there,” Bokuto said, putting on his big watery puppy dog eyes and directed it to the person weakest to it; you. “You should go with him.”

This is some weak wingman-ning, Akaashi decides. Hamamatsu is arguably one of the safest cities. Akaashi was more likely to suffer from gifted kid burn out syndrome than getting hurt, walking alone at night.

But you clearly didn’t care that Bokuto just gave the flimsiest rationale on why you should go get tomatoes together. You only threw your head back with a laugh, before standing up with a salute, “Yeah, I’ll make sure our old man gets to and from the grocery all safe.”

As you both walked out, he was absolutely certain he could hear those gremlins giggling, behind their hands. They think they’re so slick. They’re so lucky you were oblivious. Actually, Akaashi’s the one who’s lucky, because if you knew, he would never, ever, be able to live it down.

The moment you’re out on the main road, you casually slipped your arm around his and looked up with a cheeky smile. “This is okay, right?” you asked with an exaggerated shiver. The ocean breeze didn’t even reach here. “I’m just doing this because it’s a bit cold.”

“Yeah,” Akaashi said with a sigh, “It’s fine.”

“It’s not like they can see,” you reasoned, “It’s fine as long as they don’t, because we can just carry on, right?”

“Y/N.” He warned.

“It’s still a secret,” you said, pressing your cheek against his shoulder, “I don’t see why we should stop. It’s nobody’s business but ours. I don’t understand why we have to stop because of what other people might say.”

Akaashi couldn’t exactly say anything because, well… you’re not wrong. It’s just every part of him shudders at the thought of everybody knowing. Especially, their friends knowing. He hasn’t settled on the answer to why exactly that is. But he does mention what he knows you guys have been suffering through together over the years, “It’s just a hassle. You know the jokes our friends already make about us. Think of how much worse it will be when they find out what we’ve been doing.”

You don’t say anything, only making a soft vague noise. He couldn’t tell if it was made in agreement or in protest. With the weight of the day pressing down on him, he dropped the convo and opted to change the topic, “Is it just me or did Bokuto get really big?”

And that set you off, “Right! Not only that, but he’s sturdy. A little thick, you know what I’m saying?”

The phrasing made Akaashi laugh, “Never thought I’d hear that coming from your mouth. Remember back in high school?”

The conversation took them down memory lane and carried them all the way to the grocery store, where they didn’t even bother getting a shopping cart. Akaashi didn’t expect you guys to be there for that long.

They get to the fresh produce section where the refrigerator blasts cold air on the color vegetables. He scans among the greens to find where the tomatoes were, when he accidentally bumps you beside him. “Sorry,” he said, touching the small of your back absentmindedly.

“It’s fine,” you said, shivering. “Let’s hurry. I’m freezing here.”

“Want my jacket?” Akaashi offered, but he’s already taking it off before you could protest.

“It’ll be big on me,” you muttered, but already halfway through putting it on. “This is why I should start going to the gym. I need to get thicker too.”

It is big on you;. it looks like you’re swimming in it, hands hidden by the sleeves. “I thought you wanted to go to get prettier,” Akaash reached over and fixed the collar of his jacket, pinching your nose in the process before he wrapped an arm around your shoulder, “Come on. You can pick which tomato we get to eat tonight.”

“I hate tomatoes!”

“I know.”




When they got back and you settled back on the couch, he was immediately pulled towards the kitchen.

“You need to monitor,” Kenma said as he washed the tomatoes they bought. Bokuto joined in, and Akaashi half-expected Kuroo to join in. He didn’t. His job was clearly to keep you occupied by trashing you at Wii Sports.

“So,” Bokuto started, “Give us an update I see you made a move.”

“What move?” Akaashi sighed. These gremlins have watched too many romcoms, it’s starting to poison their minds.

Kenma looked at him like he was stupid, “The jacket. That’s a classic boyfriend move.”

“Yeah, weren’t you wearing that jacket when you left?” Bokuto added.

Akaashi frowned, fighting the urge to look at where you were still wrapped up in his jacket, “She was cold. Was I supposed to let her freeze?”

Kenma shook his head, “You’re so hopeless. What’s annoying is you’re doing everything right without even trying. Go sit on the couch. Perform some self-reflection.”

Akaashi pouted, even as Bokuto patted him like a stray dog in the park, and stalked all the way to the living room. He walked past the television, and he ended up getting yelled at by you and Kuroo too for blocking their view. It only worsened his mood.

“Akaashi!” Kuroo complained, falling to the floor in defeat, while you cheered, “Suck it, loser.”

Akaashi settled grumpily on the couch and wished dinner would come soon. You burrowed at his side, “Are you hangry?”

He shrugged.You reached over to fiddle with a piece of hair behind his ear and murmured, “You must be.”

You took on Kuroo’s challenge for a rematch and funnily enough, Akaashi missed your presence immediately.

His frown deepened. Maybe he should self-reflect.




He performed zero self-reflection, but he did eat dinner. As always, food solved everything. Well, not everything, but he figured sleep would take care of the rest.

It’s only when he began brushing his teeth that he felt the weight of the day fully hit him. There was the four hour drive. The excitement from reuniting with his friends. And then the stress of having to deal with his friends’ matchmaking schemes.

All he wants to do now is lie down, twist to the side to hear his back crack, and maybe scroll through his phone until he passes out. Just like any other self-respecting young adult under late stage capitalism. No thinking. Just vibes.

It’s his main thought as he brushed his teeth.

He heard a knock on the bathroom door and when he opened it, he saw you standing there in pyjamas, a toothbrush in hand.

“Wait your turn,” he said, the words coming out garbled because of the toothbrush in his mouth.

You only smiled sheepishly, coming into the bathroom and lightly kicking the door closed. Akaashi raises a brow when he hears you lock the door.

In response, you only shrugged, “Can I borrow some toothpaste?”

Akaashi spat in the sink and washed his mouth. He gestured at the sink, “Go ahead then. Did you intentionally forget?”

“I knew at least one of you guys wouldn’t forget. If not you, then Bo would for sure have it. You boy scouts,” you shrug, grabbing the toothpaste and squeezing it out.

Akaashi knew he should leave. That he should stop standing there stupidly, watching you wet your stupid toothbrush. What was he waiting for?

He moves, but all he does is lean against the door, his hands behind him—clutching at the door knob but not turning it. What was he waiting for?

He should say goodbye, but all he said was, “It’s because he had braces too. You would never understand.”

“It’s not my fault I was born with perfect teeth,” you smirked at him through the mirror. Thrill ran through him.

Akaashi ignored it, “Perfect, my ass. I remember when you got all your wisdom teeth taken out. You were crying so much.”

You raised a brow before turning on your electric toothbrush. It buzzes noisily, as if to say, what’s your point? Akaashi shook his head. Unlike Bokuto, he felt like you would never change. There’s a certain softness in your cheeks that’s still there. A certain spark that’s never dimmed despite what life’s thrown your way.

He knew you too well, has known you for so long. A part of him, one that’s fearful and anxious at the future he’s hurtling towards, hopes that whatever happens, this never changes.

He’s too caught up in his thoughts that he didn’t even notice you’ve caught him staring. He’s startled when your mouth curls into something bright. It has him looking away, his hand coming up to rub his neck.

Akaashi heard you hum. It sounded annoyingly pleased.

A hand comes up to cup his cheek, forcing his gaze back.

“Now,” you said, suddenly a breath away, dragging his attention down to your mouth. Voice coming down to a low whisper, you ask, “It’s time to see how serious you really are. You really don’t want to sleep with me tonight?”

Akaashi bit his lip. “We shouldn’t,” he said, in a voice he hoped was firm.

You pouted. A debilitating thing that has his hand curling at your hip to push you away. But he’s not quick enough, because you go to hold his wrist. He tries again, “Y/N, we shouldn’t do—“

His voice cracked when you brushed your nose against his. Embarrassment floods him. He’s seen you through your puberty phase. You shouldn’t have this much of an effect on him.

“Baby, come on,” you whispered, guiding his hand under your shirt. Desire burned through him, especially as he felt the heat of your skin. As warm as he remembered it. As smooth as he remembered it. He’s lost, and you know it.

“Don’t baby me,” he said, cursing up a useless storm. In the end, it didn’t matter. He’s already leaning down to capture your lips with his.

You whimpered against his mouth, which only set him off further. He wrapped an arm around your waist, pressing you close as he kissed you hard. All thought left his brain. It was just you, you, you,consuming him.

You ended up pressed against the bathroom counter, hands tangled in his hair. When Akaashi nipped at your bottom lip, you tugged at it. He groaned, pulling away.

“Okay,” You panted, leaning back against the counter, “Baby me instead.”

“I baby you enough,” Akaashi rolled his eyes. “Some might say too much.”

You laughed, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, “Forget them. I like it when you take care of me. It’s not overbearing. You don’t do it, because I’m helpless. I don’t see the problem.”

But the more Akaashi thought about it, the more it felt like there was a problem.

“Come here,” You said, dragging him between your legs. Akaashi’s hands came to rest on the bare skin of your thighs, where your sleep shorts have ridden up.

“Y/N,” Akaashi whispered, his hand inching further up. “Are you trying to prove a point?”

You giggled, “Is it working?”

It’s working too well. Akaashi couldn’t find it in himself to mind. Here it was again. The lack of regret. Just desire hitting him over and over again.

Everything about this reminded Akaashi of the first time they ever did this. At this random party, in some stranger’s bathroom. Judgement clouded by alcohol. Lack of judgement intensifying want.

Now, under the soft yellow light of this bathroom, they are in the same position. But this time, he doesn’t have the excuse of alcohol.

He hasn’t had that excuse every time in between since then.

And he hasn’t had the time to think about that. Too distracted by your perfect mouth, perfect hands, perfect body to think about when he started thinking of his best friend like this. It should be wrong. This was you.

You with your moon face and round eyes, wide with innocence.

Something between you has changed, and it’s quite possibly irreversible.

He blinked when he felt a kiss pressed against his forehead. “You look worried. Wanna talk about it—“

A knock interrupted them. You’re already rolling your eyes, “What!”

“What do you mean what?” came an annoyed voice. It was Kuroo. “You’ve been there for ages. Some people want to get ready for bed too.”

“I’m taking a shit!” You yelled back, and Akaashi had to cover his mouth to keep himself from laughing out loud.

He heard a thump against the door. “Fine! You better fucking spray after. I don’t want to brush my teeth in that stench.”

“Yeah, yeah,” You said dismissively.

Akaashi waited until he heard footsteps recede before detangling himself from you. Reality literally knocked on the door and said, is this reason enough?

He wanted to hit his head. He was such a hypocrite. He really should’ve left the moment you stepped into the bathroom.

You pouted hard and tried to reach for him again, “We should go to bed.”

Akaashi was better at avoiding this time. “I agree,” He said, before specifying, “Separately.”

“You’re so lame.”




He woke up the next day, feeling like he didn’t sleep at all. It’s because he didn’t. He slept piss poor the whole night, a punishment he thought he didn’t deserve. Not that he thought refusing to sleep with his best friend should be rewarded, but—you know what he means.

He was so goddamn tired, he couldn’t even speak a single word during breakfast until he finished his first cup of coffee.

And to make matters worse, you looked completely okay. Refreshed even. You came trampling through the backdoor; the sand, the sun, Bokuto and Kenma following behind. The sound of your bright laughter irritated his sleep deprived brain.

“Akaashi, you’re awake!” Bokuto said, bounding up to him.

If it were anyone else, he would have grumpily responded. But it was Bokuto, who even at his most annoying was hard to be mad at. He gave him a small smile, “You guys had fun all by yourselves?”

Kenma, on his way to the bathroom, chimed in, “We tried waking you up, but you were dead to the world.”

Bokuto laughed, “You were lying face up, but your pillow wasn’t under your head. It was over. Y/N thought somebody murdered you in your sleep.”

“I was the only one concerned,” You shook your head, grabbing a pitcher of water from the fridge, “Remember that when you’re choosing which one of us is your favourite.”

Bokuto wasn’t concerned, “Do you remember when we used to pass out at his house after a party and he would somehow wake up out of his blankets, legs in the weirdest positions? I still think we should record him sleeping, just to see something.”

You visibly gulped down water and wiped your mouth, “He just needs to be held down. He sleeps very peacefully when he’s being held.”

Akaashi wished you were joking, but he literally stopped breathing. There’s this brief moment of silence where he’s pretty sure Bokuto was wondering if he heard that right. He’s never been so grateful that two of his friends weren’t in the room. They would never let him live it down.

“Hey,” Bokuto coughed, but his smile was so cheeky Akaashi knew whatever was coming next could not be good, “How do you know this? Have you tried it? Is this first hand experience?”

Akaashi does him better and pretends he has phlegm stuck in his throat. Anything to avoid being part of this conversation. He hacked it up so good, it didn’t feel like pretend anymore. You worriedly came up to him and smacked his back, “Keiji! Drink some water.”

It’s enough to distract everyone.

And then, Kuroo unintentionally did him a solid by walking out wearing the ugliest outfit known to man. (Okay, it’s not that ugly. He just looked like he’s dressed like a middle schooler. Like, come on. A sweater vest and yellow shorts?) By then, everyone’s too concerned about missing out on delivering sick burns.

Akaashi internally cheered. Sometimes, bad bitches (masculine) won.

For now, at least.

Hours later, life tried him again.

Peace never truly lasted. Ws always eventually turned to Ls. He’s been truly put on this earth to suffer.

And of course, the loss was personally hand-delivered by those most beloved to him.

After a huge lunch, they all had food-induced comas and decided that the best way to recover from this was to spend the rest of their day watching movies. (Actually, Bokuto suggested taking a walk by the beach, but he was immediately vetoed by Kuroo, Kenma, and you—who all claimed they needed to be rolled out of the restaurant and back to the beach house.)

Here was the kicker though: after diagnosing himself with onset food coma, all his defenses were low. He went to the restroom to relieve himself a little, change into sweatpants so he didn’t feel like he couldn’t breathe, and when he came back, he found that all the seats in the living room were taken. Even the floor, where Kuroo was sprawled out like an overheated dog, had no space.

There was really only one spot open, and that was the one right next to you.

With a sinking feeling, Akaashi thought, he’s been bamboozled.

None of the rats he called friends would meet his eyes, but they all looked a shade of smug as he walked on over to his seat of honor for the day. Of course, Akaashi thought. You’d both wound up sitting together on a loveseat.

He willed himself to act natural. He can sit next to his friend, all casual. No big deal. He would not give his friends the reaction they wanted. He cleared his throat, “So what are we watching?”

“I think,” Kenma suggested, “we should watch that new show on Netflix? Alice in Borderland or something.”

Kuroo grunted from the floor, “I don’t want to watch that. Let’s watch Midsommar instead.”

At that, Akaashi protested, “I’ve already seen Midsommar. You’ve seen Midsommar.” Akaashi knew that for a fact, because he was the one who bullied Kuroo into watching it.

“Don’t be selfish,” Kuroo retorted, “Bokuto, Y/N, and Kenma haven’t seen it yet.”

“Ugh,” Kenma groaned, “I’m going to have trouble sleeping tonight if we do. And if that happens, I’ll make it your problem.”

Kuroo rolled to his side, his head propped up by his hand, a stupid grin on his face, “Don’t worry, you can come sleep with me if you get scared tonight, Kenma.”

“You—“ Kenma bit out, and then Akaashi got the glorious privilege of watching him turn red. He felt like he should shake Kuroo’s hand or something. Rarely does anyone get to do that to Kenma, and for Kuroo of all people—well. Akaashi was simply impressed. Just for that, Akaashi was willing to rewatch Midsommar.

Bokuto, as always, came between the two as peacemaker, “Why don’t we just vote?”

“Okay,” Kuroo raised his other hand, “Who wants to watch Midsommar?”

Akaashi raised his hand, and you casually did too, “I don’t care either way.”

Kenma snarled, “Then fucking put your hand down.” Bokuto held his hand, laughing, “It’s okay, Kenma, I’ll cover your eyes for you during the scary scenes.”

Kenma softened, “Fine.”

Kuroo cheered, pulling himself up to fit himself onto the couch beside Kenma who looked at him with wariness. “Don’t look at me like that. It’s a good movie.”

“You just like it when I’m scared,” Kenma grumbled, and then Bokuto cut in again, “Do I have to sit in between you guys?”

You snorted, “Just get it set up, guys,” and even though Kuroo started navigating to the movie on screen, the three of them continued arguing.

Akaashi heard you sigh and lean your head against the couch cushions. If they were back in his dorm, you would have leaned against Akaashi’s shoulder instead. Akaashi was glad that you finally stopped making this hard for him. He glanced towards the tangled mess that was Kenma, Bokuto, and Kuroo and frowned. How come they got to cuddle in peace? Meanwhile, if Akaashi put an arm around you, he would never hear the end of it. What kind of double standard is this? This is so…sexist? Akaashi-phobic? Whatever it is, it sucked. Cuddling can be platonic.

Some sick voice in Akaashi’s head snidely added: kissing and sleeping with someone can be platonic too. But is platonic what you feel when you do all that with your best friend?

Akaashi shook his head and got comfortable instead. He put his head on your shoulder and thought nothing of it. It’s summer; there was no room for complicated things.

“Don’t fall asleep on me,” You said, resting his head gently on Akaashi’s head.

“I won’t,” Akaashi said, though the mention of sleep made him yawn.

You hummed, “You looked pretty tired though, this morning.”

“I was,” Akaashi said and left it at that.

You didn’t say anything for a while, and Akaashi thought that was the end of it too, right as the movie opening sequence launched, You said, “I couldn’t sleep either.”

“Is that why you were so loud this morning?” Akaashi chuckled lowly.

“That was the coffee I drank this morning. I couldn’t even sleep in,” He couldn’t see it, but he could definitely hear the pout in your voice. A tiny part of him rejoiced at hearing it, the one who never got tired of teasing you. And another part of him relaxed at the thought that it wasn’t only him that couldn’t sleep well.

Good thing the movie finally started. “Be quiet,” He finally said, “You have to pay attention, so you don’t end up confused later on.”

“Mean,” You muttered, but did as he said.

There’s something fun about rewatching movies, especially with people who have never seen it before. You catch a lot of things you didn’t notice before, foreshadowing, easter eggs, plot twists. You understand things a lot better the second go around, especially for these psychological horror type movies. Even better, the scares aren’t as scary as they were the first watch.

Of course, for the first time watchers…

It’s quite fun watching their reactions. He could tell Kuroo felt the exact same way by the way he kept glancing over at Kenma’s and Bokuto’s reactions (more Kenma’s really, he’d been watching some scenes with his hands covering his eyes). Meanwhile, you just looked intrigued. Grossed out at worst.

Akaashi rubbed his face against your shoulder. “Hey,” he whispered, “What are you thinking?”

“They’re so nice to her, comforting her, telling her things she wants to hear,” You said, “Everything her boyfriend is not. She’s going to end up killing him at the end, doesn’t he?”

“Hmm,” Akaashi teased, “I don’t know, you’ll just have to wait and see.”

You huffed, “That means I’m right.”

“You’re so impatient,” Akaashi laughed softly.

You sighed, like you were putting down a heavy weight. After a moment, he felt your hand on top of his. Fingers absently playing with his. “I’m more patient than you’ll ever know,” You said quietly, the words almost drowned by the movie.

He didn’t know what to say. Maybe he shouldn’t say anything. Maybe he wasn’t even meant to hear.

The movie neared its end.

On screen, there’s a pire burning. There’s a girl dressed up in flowers, a breathless content smile on her face. “Good for her,” you said, happy to get it right. “What a happy ending,” Akaashi laughed.

Akaashi has seen this all before. Had the same conclusion you uttered. And yet, this time around…he’s filled with this weird sense of dread. Something’s not right.

Everything is cathartic-induced bright. The credits played.

Everybody stretched their arms up to the sky, legs outward. Akaashi stretched too, neck to the right, to the left. Eyes out to the beautiful summer sky. It’s bright. It’s so bright.

He glanced back at you and swallowed the awful feeling.

Just a remnant of the movie.




He’s cornered again. This time, by Kuroo as the two of them washed dishes together.

“So,” Kuroo started, and Akaashi didn’t even hesitate to flick soap suds at him. Kuroo swipes his wet hand against Akaashi’s hair and he shivered in disgust. He immediately covered his head and glared, “How could you—“

“You literally started it!” Kuroo retorted. “Anyway, I saw you and a little someone cuddling on the couch earlier.”

“Oh, shut up,” Akaashi said, rolling his eyes. Bold of Kuroo to say, considering how handsy he was with both Kenma and Bokuto. Akaashi didn’t even bother calling him out. Kuroo was a different breed of shameless. “Don’t make it weird.”

Kuroo raised a brow, “I don’t need to make it weird. You guys make it weird. Like the vibes… you guys are giving off.”

Akaashi frowned, “You’re not making any sense.”

“I’m not explaining it right,” Kuroo said, drying a plate, “I mean, the vibes, right? You guys have always been closer than any of us—no, don’t give me that look. You guys have. I always chalked it up to the repressed feelings you guys have for each other. But this time, it’s different. I just can’t tell if it’s good or bad.”

Akaashi froze. It’s that noticeable? What did weirder than usual mean? Fuck, could he tell they were hooking up?

He forced himself to act cool, shrugging his shoulders, “I literally do not know what you’re talking about, dude.”

“Don’t worry,” Kuroo smirked, “I’ll point it out the next time I see it. I promise I’ll be subtle.”

Spoiler alert: he was not fucking subtle.

Akaashi swore there was absolutely no weird vibes when the group of them were enjoying dessert in the middle of the night. Some ice cream cake they bought to celebrate their reunion. They were laughing about something stupid. Half of them were lounging on their side on the floor, the other half was leaning against the couch. You were the only one left with the fork, taking turns to feed Bokuto, Kuroo, and yourself.

The ice cream-cake enthusiast triangulation.

You usually ate in such small bites. Maybe it was because you were feeding two big-mouthed eaters, but you actually ended up eating such large bites of the cake. Cream on the edges of your mouth while you continued talking and laughing without wiping it away.

Listen, it didn’t mean anything. You looked messy. Akaashi hated messy. Friends helped out friends. Akaashi was also a friend.

He didn’t think much of it, when he reached over and swiped the cream with his thumb. Thought nothing of how it might look when his other hand steadied your chin. “You look like a fool,” He had even laughed as he leaned back, absentmindedly sucking the cream off his thumb.

You look wide-eyed and red-cheeked in his hands.

It wasn’t until Kuroo had taken Bokuto’s chin and loudly exclaimed, “Oh, Bokuto, let me gently wipe your mouth too,” that Akaashi felt extremely self-conscious of his actions. The situation only got worse when Bokuto puckered his lips, which had Kuroo literally laughing on the floor. Kenma, thankfully, only rolled his eyes.

Akaashi couldn’t even look at you after that. He didn’t think it was weird. But now, because of everyone’s eyes, it felt weird.

You ended up standing up and putting the cake away, sounding annoyed, “I think you’ve had enough cake. Go to bed.”

Kuroo made eye contact with him and smirked, as if to say, now, do you see what I mean?




Akaashi wanted to be alone after that. He felt somewhat transparent and unreadable at the exact time. Like everybody was seeing something that he himself couldn’t see inside of him.

Well. That wasn’t completely true. He knew there was something different…he just didn’t want any of their friends to know. He wanted to figure it out himself, before they started doing what they did earlier. It made him feel weird and ashamed. Like what was going on between you two had morphed into something wrong.

Which didn’t even make sense, considering all the stupid pushing his friends were doing to ‘set them up.’

The best thing to clearly do next is to sleep it off. But as he laid in bed, he found that he couldn’t sleep again. He was uncomfortable in this bed, and it didn’t matter how much he twisted and turned, he couldn’t make himself feel right. But he couldn’t stay awake either, not with his head all jumbled up.

He was tempted to suffocate himself when his phone buzzed beside him. He frowned, he was so messed up over this that he didn’t even put his phone on silent.

He sighed and reached over. A text message from you.

Sleep with me tonight, the text said.

Akaashi places his phone face down on his own bed and holds back a scream. This was the last thing he needed tonight. Sense told him that he should stick to his rule. Sneaking into your bed wasn’t a good idea. Maybe if you were sharing a room, he could manage it, but they all got their own rooms. It would be hard to sneak back to his own bed without getting caught. It would be tougher to have to explain if he got caught.

His phone buzzed again and when he looked at the notification, he immediately groaned, rolling in bed so that he could bury his face in his pillow. After taking a moment to compose himself, he opened his phone to the message.

It’s a dark picture of you, blanket pulled up to your chin, pouting at the camera. It came with a simple message— I’m cold.

And then another message, I sleep better with you.

His chest ached. He bit his lip, running a hand through his hair. He shouldn’t do this. But Akaashi was struggling too. Sleep-deprived and confused, all he wanted was to rest. And the last time he slept well was when he was with you.

Akaashi sighed, slowly getting up. He never did figure out how to properly say no to you.

He carefully opened his door and crept out quietly when he saw the hallways were clear. Your room was thankfully close; he reached it with only a couple steps.

He turned the knob and saw you mid-rise. He expected some teasing and a smug smile, but there was only relief on your face.

As he climbed onto your bed, you welcomed him with open arms.

“Thank you,” you whispered against him, pulling him down. Akaashi’s face almost crashed against the headboard. “Easy, easy—”

You both adjusted to each—smooth and natural to them now—until you were comfortable. “Thought you weren’t going to come,” you said, tightening your hold around his waist. “I was going to come to you instead.”

“How are you cold?” Akaashi asked instead. His hand ran through the strands of your hair, “It’s the height of summer.”

“Always am,” You said. “Too used to sleeping with you. You’re always warm and I’m always cold…” you trailed off and into a mumble, “Even back when I slept over at your dorm.”

Akaashi hummed, “Didn’t matter if we had a pillow between us. You’d always find your way over.”

You huffed a little laugh, “You just gotta get used to it at this point. It’s the way we work.”

Akaashi snorted, “The way we work…”

You hummed sleepily, “So perfect…”

His hand paused mid-stroke in your hair. Perfect. It’s not the first time that word’s been said between you, but never like this. Usually it’s panted, thrown heatedly against skin, mid-fuck. Never quite as innocent as this. Resonating bone deep.

He didn’t know what to do with this. This feeling that sits in him, beautiful and aching, until seen by somebody else. He could hold onto this as long as nobody else knows. It’s theirs. Inexplicable, uncomplicated; it’s his.

With that he forced himself to relax. He closed his eyes.

He heard the sound of the waves, crashing against the shore. He could smell the salt in the air. Your breaths evening out, the scent of your shampoo against his nose.

He exhaled, finally letting himself relax against the soft comfort of the pillow under him. It’s the kind of sigh that felt less like giving up but giving in.

To this. To them. To whatever you can both call this.




Akaashi woke up late.

Dangerously late.

The sun woke him up, filtering through the thin curtains of the window. It was the kind of sleep most people yearn for. The type where you feel absolutely well-rested, where you wake up naturally. No alarms. No nothing. It’s beautiful, Disney princess-like.

It’s sleep he wanted to stay cocooned in forever.

And that’s when he remembered where he was. Whose body he was wrapped around. Whose scent, whose warmth had lulled him to sleep.

He pulled away—abruptly enough that it woke you up too.

“Keiji…” You mumbled, one foot still in a dream. You reached over, hand searching for the heat of his body. “What’s wrong—“

Akaashi shushed you softly. Better to let you sleep. He leaned down, brushing the hair from your forehead, “There’s nothing wrong. I’ll see you at breakfast.”

You made a noise of protest, hands tightening around Akaashi’s shirt, “Stay with me.”

Akaashi kissed your temple in apology, “I can’t. We’re going to get caught if I stay.”

He pulled your hand from his shirt and set it on the bed. This time, when he stood up, you let him go.

When he reaches the door, he’s as careful as he was the night before. Except this time, he looked back. And he lingered at the sight of you curling into the space he left.


He softly closed the door, unable to bear the sight.

He turned and nearly died from shock. “God,” He said, clutching his chest, “What are you doing here?”

“Uh,” Bokuto raised a brow, before glancing at the door Akaashi just exited. “What are you doing here?”

His eyes narrowed, and Akaashi immediately knew he was fucked. “It’s not what you think,” He said, putting a hand up.

“Oh my god,” Bokuto said, eyes widening, “Are you guys—“

“No, no,” Akaashi yell-whispered, going up to Bokuto and covering his mouth. “We can’t talk about it here.”

Akaashi looked around and was relieved to find nobody else. He dragged Bokuto towards his room, before anybody else could see.

Bokuto crossed his arms over his chest and pouted, “Okay, explain. Are you guys dating? Is this why Kuroo was saying you guys have been acting weird—“

“First of all, Kuroo does not know what he’s talking about. Let’s get one thing straight,” Akaashi clarified. His heart was pumping hard in his chest. Heat was creeping up his neck. “We’re not dating,” He said.

Bokuto’s brows furrowed, “So you guys are just…sleeping together?” Bokuto scratched his chin, shrugging, “I guess it could happen. I’ve slept in the same bed as Kenma several times, and it wasn’t weird.”

“Yeah, yeah!” Akaashi enthusiastically agreed, giving him a bright smile, “You got it—“

“It’s not like you guys are doing anything further than that,” Bokuto added, nodding. “It would only be weird if you guys were actually sleeping together,” Bokuto said, his hands gesturing quotation marks.

Akaashi’s smile froze, “Totally not.”

Bokuto paused, “Akaashi…you didn’t….”

See, Akaashi thought with pain, this was the worst part about hanging out with your old friends. They can read you, just with one look. There was never a possibility he was going to get through this vacation without getting caught. He was fucked from the moment he parked in the driveway.

“God,” Bokuto said with disgust, which has Akaashi steeling himself for the worst. He hated disappointing people in general, but disappointing someone as good as Bokuto? It made everything feel much worse. But then he said something unexpected, “I can’t believe you guys are having sex under our shared roof—“

And of all the things Akaashi could say, his stupid brain said this, “We’re all in different rooms.”

Bokuto looked at him with horror, “Dude. Not the point.”

Akaashi corrected himself, “I’m sorry, I mean, we weren’t doing that. At least…” Akaashi scratched his head, “Not here.”

“Akaashi,” Bokuto sighed, his hands going up to his temples. God, he was causing Bokuto stress. “Can we talk about this? This feels like something we should talk about. Unless you’re talking to somebody about this already? Your therapist?”

“Dude, I’m not sharing this with my therapist,” Akaashi said firmly.

“Why not?” Bokuto put his hands on his hips. It reminds Akaashi of Bokuto’s mother. “You already talk to them about the trauma of growing up with divorced parents.”

Akaashi raised his hand, “I don’t talk to them about that.”

“Then what do you talk to them about?” Bokuto said, confused. “I didn’t know you had other traumas.”

“I can’t talk to them about that,” Akaashi said, “She can only handle my perfectionism issues. Anyway, the point is I don’t want to talk about it.”

Bokuto frowned, “Listen, I know you still think I’m immature and maybe that’s why you don’t want to talk about your sex life—“ Akaashi opened his mouth to argue, but Bokuto raised his hand to stop him, “I’m not naive, okay? I know people do that kind of thing without strings attached all the time, but it’s you two.” Bokuto said it straight, “There’s too many years between the two of you. It’s too much just for casual sex.”

Akaashi sighed, his gaze falling to the ground. His hands clenched at his side, “I know exactly what’s at stake.”

“Then why this?” Bokuto asked.

“Because,” Akaashi said simply. There’s so many ways he could follow it up, all of it damning. Because I’m selfish. Because I like it. Because you want it too. “Listen, we’re handling it. It’s between us, and I’d really appreciate it, if you don’t tell the others.”

Bokuto looked like he had more things to say.

Akaashi shook his head, “Please. It’ll be okay.”

It has to be.




Bokuto thankfully kept quiet. Though their conversation that morning had him feeling on edge the whole day.

He’s been too relaxed this whole time, clearly. First, Kuroo had mentioned something. And now, Bokuto knew there was something going on between them. It was only a matter of time before Kenma descended on them, and he didn’t know if he had the strength for it.

The best thing to do, he was certain, was to lay low.

And that meant, staying away from you.

It would be easier if they stayed home that day, but it was too nice to stay holed up in their rooms, the group decided. They wanted to explore town today, despite the fact that they’ve been going here for years now.

There were only five of them. Akaashi knew it was going to be difficult to avoid you, but for the sake of your relationship, he had to try.

It wasn’t too bad in the beginning. Whenever they walked together, Kuroo, for all the length of his legs, walked the slowest, and you always ended up walking with him. So he doesn’t get lonely, Akaashi remembered you saying once. Though if you asked Akaashi, he thought it was because you couldn’t keep up with Kenma’s brisk pace. No matter what the real reason was, Akaashi was grateful.

But then, they’d stop by at places to shop around, and that proved to be a problem. You would quietly follow him around the store, saying things like, that looks good on you, when Akaashi was inspecting a shirt. Things like, do you want me to buy it for you, when Akaashi said it was too expensive. No, no, it’s okay, Akaashi said to no avail, watching as you swiped it off his hands to pay for it at the register.

He knew how it looked. Only couples did that. He avoided Bokuto’s gaze, though he couldn’t avoid Kenma and Kuroo’s whispering from pricking his ears.

He felt monitored, and he hated it. It made him absolutely irritable, sensitive to touch. The glare of the sun on his back made him worse. And unfortunately, you got the brunt of it.

It wasn’t your fault, Akaashi knew. Kuroo was right, you guys were always touchy. You had this habit of clinging onto his arm, an old habit you never outgrew. Akaashi didn’t mind it; in fact, most of the time, he liked it. Liked feeling needed. But today, all it did was make him more paranoid—that his friends would see it and come tease him about it. Every time you touched him, spoke to him, looked at him, his entire body tensed, preparing himself to be called out for it.

The first time he stiffened you gave him a confused glance. The next couple times raised concern. It got to the point where you pulled him aside, a pocket of a moment while their friends were in the restroom, and asked, Keiji, what is up with you?

But Akaashi couldn’t give you a straight answer. You pushed, Akaashi pulled. He insisted it was nothing. And eventually, you left him alone.

You didn’t try to touch him at all after that.




His mood only worsened after dinner. The day’s events had built up on him, and the only thing that he wanted to do was sleep.

His friends had other plans though, and his stomach churned when he saw Kuroo walk out of the kitchen with several bottles of sake, coke, and iced tea. Dear god, alcohol was the last thing he needed tonight.

“Kuroo,” He said, flatly.

“What,” Kuroo said, putting the drinks on the floor where everyone had begun to gather around. “You don’t have to drink if you don’t want to. But I think it would relax you.”

Kenma grabbed a bottle and started shaking it, “Somebody grab some ice too. The coke isn’t even cold.”

“I got it!” Bokuto said, standing up. He patted Kenma’s head as he went. Meanwhile, Kenma pulled Akaashi down by the hand, “Sit down. Even if you don’t want to drink, you can still help make it.”

“Fine,” Akaashi said with a sigh, “Who’s drinking?”

“Me!” Came Bokuto’s answer from the kitchen. Akaashi didn’t really have to ask Kuroo and Kenma, which really only left…you, who had quietly sat in front of him.

Akaashi busied himself with opening the bottle of iced tea, “You drinking, Y/N?”

“Yeah,” You said, a heaviness in your voice. When Akaashi glanced at you, he saw you fiddling with a fraying thread on your shorts, “It’s been a long day.”

The response sent waves of guilt through him.

“Don’t worry, Y/N,” Kuroo said, wrapping a comforting arm around your shoulders, “Nothing a little drink won’t solve.”

You laughed, “It worries me. You’re saying that when you’re planning to be someone’s boss someday.”

“Oh,” Kenma teased, “He has more pressing things to worry about. Like passing calculus.”

Akaashi tuned them out, focusing on making the drinks. Bokuto came back with the ice, and Akaashi took the ice trays, cracked the ice out of the moulds, and placed them in all the drinks.

Against his judgement, he ended up making himself a drink too. Something he was immediately grateful for whenever he felt your eyes on him. It was good to have something to do, even if it was to sip his drink to avoid your gaze.

The alcohol did its job too. He felt tension leak out of him with each sip. His thoughts became muddled too, which was the blessing he needed. All day, he prayed his brain would shut up. To stop giving a fuck for just a moment, so he could catch his breath.

On his way to tipsy, he finished his drink and decided—another one. He got teased for it too. “Look at him,” Kuroo said, highly amused, “The only person who said they weren’t drinking is the first person to get another drink.”

Akaashi snorted, but said nothing. See, he told himself. If this was an hour ago, you would have been absolutely irritated at that. Aren’t you glad you started drinking?

“Me too,” You said, cutting through his internal monologue. Akaashi turned to you and saw a glass pushed towards him, “Make me another one too.”

“Sure,” Akaashi said, taking the glass. Your fingers briefly touched, and he hurried to pull away. He swallowed, determined not to think anything of it, even though his fingers felt the heat of contact as he mixed drinks.

When he handed you the finished drink, he was careful to avoid your touch. He wasn’t as careful avoiding your gaze though, which was a mistake. Your eyes were narrowed, and Akaashi felt arrested by your gaze.

“Thanks,” You said as he finally looked away. He cleared his throat, “Should we play a drinking game? You guys are taking so long to drink.”

“Don’t worry,” Kenma said, “We’re all lightweights here. Except Bokuto. We just need to force Kuroo to take a shot or two and he’ll be there.”

Bokuto shrugged, “A game could be fun. We could watch a movie and take a shot every time somebody did or said something.”

Kenma shook his head, “I don’t want to get alcohol poisoning. And at least one of us will fall asleep halfway.”

“Hmm,” Bokuto thought out loud, “I mean, the only other games I know are Never Have I Ever, Spin the Bottle, and Truth or Dare—“

Akaashi laughed, “What kind of parties have you been going to?”

Bokuto laughed too, but Kenma defended his friend’s choices, “To be fair, those are the easiest ones to play. I’m too lazy to set up beer pong or even King’s Cup.”

“Never Have I Ever…is going to be boring,” Kuroo piped up, “We all know each other. If we did anything, we’d know it by now.”

“That’s not true,” You said, amused, “I could say, never have I ever puked in a public pool, and only you would have to drink.”

Kuroo gave you a sharp look, “That’s a traumatic memory, Y/N. I would appreciate it if you didn’t bring that up.”

You mocked him by copying his words. Kenma cut in before the conversation could devolve into outright smacking each other, “So I guess Truth or Dare, it is—“

“Wow, you’re not even going to entertain Spin the Bottle,” Kuroo said. He puckered up, “You don’t want to kiss me, Kenma?”

Akaashi watched as Kenma didn’t even act like he heard Kuroo, and immediately wished he could be as cool. Kenma smiled, turning to Bokuto who sat between him and Akaashi, “I’ll start. Bokuto, truth or dare.”

Bokuto shrugged, “Dare.”

“Excellent,” Kenma grinned, “Knew you would say that. Go out into the water and stand there for thirty seconds before going out.”

Bokuto gaped at him, “Why, you—“

Meanwhile, everybody laughed. Kenma added, “If it helps, you could go in naked—“

“Thanks for the great idea, Kenma,” Bokuto said, standing up. “I’ll remember it when it’s your turn.” To his credit, Bokuto didn’t even try to get out of it. He just put his hand on his hips and asked, “Is anyone going to time me?”

You raised his hand, “I can do it.”

The two of them went outside, while the rest watched from the back porch.

“You’re so evil,” Kuroo said, but he was chuckling as Bokuto bravely walked into the water. They could hear you loudly counting down from thirty. It was a bit evil, but all of them laughed when Bokuto shivered, and even more, when Bokuto immediately raced out of the water when the count ended and hugged you.

Your shriek was loud and you looked disgruntled walking back, meanwhile, Bokuto was laughing so brightly.

They let Bokuto get changed into something warm before restarting the game. “I feel so alive,” Bokuto said, good-natured. He gave Kenma a playful glare, before turning to Akaashi. “Your turn, Akaashi. Truth or dare.”

“Uh,” Akaashi scratched his head, unsure, “I’ll choose dare too.”

Bokuto smiled, “Great, go outside and stand in the water for a minute.”

“Jesus,” Akaashi said, grabbing his drink and chugging it down. When he finished, he shook his head, “I’m good.”

Kuroo coughed, saying something that suspiciously sounded like, coward. Akaashi gave him the sweetest smile, “Well, Kuroo. It’s your turn. Truth or dare.”

“Dare,” Kuroo said, taking up the challenge.

Kenma laughed, “Get into the water—“

“Unoriginal,” Kuroo said, but Akaashi didn’t care. He just wanted to see Kuroo suffer, “No, he’s right. Get into the water and stand in there for a minute and a half.”

Kuroo briefly looked at his drink, before standing up. “No big deal. Kenma, can you time me?”

Akaashi had a feeling all of them were going to end up in the cold water by the end of the night. Kuroo’s turn in the water was even funnier though. For a bastard so afraid of the water, he didn’t even complain that much going in. Though, Akaashi guessed, it wasn’t so much about fear. It was more about pride, which is something he could understand.

Kuroo stubbornly shivered in the water as Kenma counted down and just like Bokuto, he got out fast as soon as the timer was done. However, unlike Bokuto, instead of simply hugging Kenma, he grabbed the phone in Kenma’s hand and tossed it in

akaashi keiji x reader, 4.9k

akaashi refers to his best friends, tetsurou and koutarou as his boys. you think that akaashi’s boys are his sons.

“How do you feel about DILFs?”

The moment the question leaves your lips, you feel the extreme heat of a judgmental gaze. The quiet atmosphere at The Coffee Club cafe was shattered. You slowly turned around and met the sharpest glare from your best friend and favourite (but feared) co-worker, Emiko. You can hear her mutter something about minimum wage not being enough compensation to deal with your questions — and every single thing she muttered was emphasised as she stacked the coffee mugs aggressively.

“Emiko,” you call out again, “I’m being serious.” If there had been customers present, this would have been a censored conversation about some safe-for-work topic like the weather or why iced coffee is better than hot coffee… but there were no customers. So you leaned against the countertop and asked Emiko again, “How do you feel about DILFs?”

“Why are you so obsessed with DILFs, Y/N?”

“That doesn’t answer my question.” you blink at her. You gasped dramatically, covering your mouth in pseudo-shock as you pointed at her. “YOU! Youlike DI—”

“Don’t talk to me for the rest of this shift.”

That was nota sufficient answer.

“Look, I’m asking you a serious question, Emiko.” You continued as you stared at the back of her head. You should have been helping her tidy up after the sudden rush of customers, but this discussion was more important. “Like what is your opinion on DILFs? It’s for science, Emiko.”

“No, this is not for science. Don’t stain the name of science for your stupidity.” there was a heavy growl of annoyance in the back of Emiko’s voice. She points a teapot at you, “Why are you even asking? It’s not like you’ve ever hit it off with a DILF.”

“First of all, foul,” you pouted, “I haven’t hit it off with a DILF yetbecause I never tried but that’s besides the point Emiko. I was asking for your opinion on it.”

“Do whatever you want with them. Just call me the night before if you’re coming to work or not. I need to know if I have to find someone to cover your shift.” Emiko turned back to wiping the countertop beside you. “Seriously though, as your friend, be safe.”

You turned bright red as you sputtered out syllables in a failed attempt to respond. You fold your arms over your chest as you pout, “I’m not doing anything. I was honestly just curious about how you felt. You’re my best friend. Youropinion matters to me.”

“Look, as long as you’re being responsib—” Emiko was cut off as you moved right past her. Her expression fell into an annoyed one as she watched you turn on the charm to full; it visibly irked her to see you wear a smile so seemingly sweet and so charmingly kind when they were justtalking about your possible attraction to DILFs.

You knew it wouldn’t take long for Emiko to put two and two together.

Emiko was smart like that.

Andthiswas the DILF that you were talking about.




“Right on time,” your voice picked up a playful tone as you looked over at the customer who entered. It didn’t take a genius to figure out whyyour smile had become so wide or why your eyes twinkled with playfulness. The dark haired customer with glasses came in. Though he had an intimidating aura, the tension broke as his kind eyes wandered over to you. You swore you saw the flash of relief that washed over his face but maybe that was just well-wishing on your part… but you couldn’t help it. His smile was just toocute.

“I’m never late for a date.” the man smiled at you, “Do I need to order, or have I bothered you enough for you to remember my order?”

“Don’t worry Akaashi-san, I remember what drinks you and your boys always order.”

Akaashi was a frequent visitor — he came every Wednesday and Friday night at half past six. From their initial conversations, Akaashi always ordered a vanilla latte with an extra shot of espresso and two iced non-caffeinated drinks of whatever flavour you wanted to surprise him with. At first, you thought the amount of drinks he ordered didn’t match the man himself, but eventually, through the art of flirtation, you found out that he bought the extra drinks for his two sons. Apparently, one of his sons, Tetsurou loved anything with vanilla, and his other son, Koutarou, just loved all iced drinks. You had never met his sons before, but you assumed it was because Akaashi was always on his way home to pick them up from the babysitter.

“You know me too well, Y/N.” Akaashi swmiled as he hovered over the counter. His eyes remained on you as he continued the conversation, “Has it been busy today?”

“It’s been okay,” you nodded as you got started on his latte. You could have asked Emiko for help making them, but you never shied away from making the extra effort for Akaashi. “I think it goes quiet during this time since everyone’s usually having dinner.” Maybe you should go to dinner with me, you thought to yourself as you punctuated your sentence with a smile. “What are you and your boys having for dinner?”

“Honestly, we’re probably having onigiri.” Akaashi laughed as he shrugged. “There’s a new onigiri restaurant that just opened up nearby owned by someone we know. Tetsu’s been asking for natto all week, but me and Kou just aren’t in the mood for it.” he shook his head. “That boy has the funniest taste in things but I can’t blame him. He’s at that age, you know?”

You didn’t know but you nodded in agreement. “At least he’s exploring his tastes.” you smiled. Akaashi seemed like such a good dad — he was so attentive to what his sons’ enjoyed and their particular tastes. These were good signs. “Better to have him try things out while he can before he gets picky.”

Akaashi laughed. “Are you the picky type?”

“Not picky, I just have strong preferences,” you say seriously, finishing the first drink. You began the next drink as he nodded, “But I promise I won’t ever be an awful dinner date.” Please get the hint, you quietly thought as you scooped ice into a cup. You clear your throat as you ask, “You must go on dates a lot, huh?”

Akaashi shook his head, “Surprisingly, no. The boys say I need to start going out on dates again, but it’s hard, you know?” he shrugged as he started to flush from embarrassment, “I haven’t been in the dating scene in so long. It’s like I don’t even know how to get back into it, you know?”

So not only is he a DILF… he’s a singleDILF.You looked up at Akaashi. You blinked a few times and shook your head, “You shouldn’t even worry. Youof all people wouldn’t have any issues with it. Trust me.”

“You’re very kind,” Akaashi laughed, “I don’t know if I even have the time for it.”

A single, attentive father. You smiled as you finished the second drink. “I know there’s a lot of people that would love to go out with you.” Me, myself and I. You walked over to the shelf containing different syrups. “Koutarou doesn’t have a nut allergy, right? I don’t want to give him something he’s allergic to.”

“Y/N, you really spoil us.” Akaashi replies with a grin. He shook his head, “Kou’s not allergic to anything. That kid drinks anything, he wouldn’t even notice if mixed things up.”

The rest of the conversation remains light-hearted, plenty of corny dad jokes (on Akaashi’s part, but you happily forgave him for it). At the end of it, the three drinks were packed into a bag and Akaashi handed you his card. Before you could finish the check-out process, Akaashi looked over at the display behind you.

‘Are those plushies for sale?”

You turned around to look at the shelf then to him, “Yeah, we’re doing a partnership with an endangered owl sanctuary. Did you want one?”

“Not for me. Kou loves plushies and he’s been working hard recently.” Akaashi smiles and points to one, “I’ll take one for him if you don’t mind.”

“For you? I’d never mind.”




When the door shut as Akaashi left, you could feel it. It slowly crawled up your back and began to glare daggers into the back of your head. You felt the cold thoughts of murder being thrown at you. If you turned around too quickly, you were sure you’d become a victim.

Emiko’s glare was unmatched.

“If you’re going to do that, the least you could do is actually ask him out.” Emiko’s glare softened as she sighed, “It’s painful watching your attempts flop like that.”

“It wasn’t a flop,” you say defensively. (it was). You sigh as you look at her, “I learned that he’s single.”

“Youknewthat last week. You wouldn’t shut up about how he didn’t have a ring on his finger,” she stares at you. Emiko shakes her head as she teases, “How could you of all people forget? Especially when he’s your,” Emiko makes air quotation marks as she says, “soulmate.”

“But now,” you emphasised as you pointed at her, “we have confirmation he’s singlesingle.”

“Okay so now what are you going to do?” she looks at you. “Do you even have a game plan for this attempt to capture a DILF?” A few seconds pass as you pout. You jut your lip out and flash Emiko the saddest eyes you can muster. “You’re not going to catch a DILF if you don’t do something.” you stare at her with a quivering bottom lip until Emiko sighs.

Fine.I will help you catch a dilf.”




It may be the start of a new shift, but you eye Emiko with suspicion. You guys may be best friends, but there was something about this that didn’t sit right with you. You leaned against the counter as you squinted at her. You fold your arms before you ask, “Why does this seem like something you know from experience?”

Emiko looked over to you, then shoved a box of napkins at you. “Put these in the napkin dispensers.” she instructs. “Work until what’s his face comes in and then, I’ll convenientlytake my fifteen-minute break.” Emiko shrugged as she stifled a yawn. “At least it’s slow today.”

“You never answered me, Emiko.” You haphazardly shove napkins into the dispensers, “is this something that you’ve done before?”

“You’ve never asked someone out before?”

“Not at work.”

“That sounds like a youproblem.” Emiko busied herself with stacking the shelves with fresh buns.

Despite your desire to find out what secret your best friend was hiding, you knew better than to bother her while she was in the zone. One, fresh buns were the biggest upsell to the customers, but also, Emiko’s buttons being constantly pushed was more terrifying than most people could fathom.

You could never understand how there was so much anger and power inside this five foot one woman.




Just like clockwork, Akaashi walked in at his usual time. You smiled, you could always count on him.

“We’ve got to stop meeting like this.” Akaashi teased as he walked up to the counter. He looked as though he had just clocked off some office job, clad in a smart turtleneck and black slacks. “Right on time for our weekly date, huh?”

Date.Your eyes widened for a second before you looked over to Emiko. There wasn’t any need to signal anything to her — she rolled her eyes and shrugged as she walked to the back. Emiko said something about taking her fifteen minute break and that she’d be back later.

Your usual banter with Akaashi continued as you started on his drinks. As you packed them into a bag, you decided to pry a little more into the life of your favourite customer.

“So you came here straight from work? Did you miss seeing me that much?” you teased.

“Don’t laugh, but my week doesn’t feel right if I don’t see you at least once.” Akaashi’s response was so casual that you dropped a spoon onto the floor with a clang. Akaashi let out a small chuckle as he watches you fumble around to pick it up. “Honestly, I look forward to coming here for my favourite coffee. It’s like a little reward after a hard day at work.

“Mhmm,” you nodded as you tried to focus on making his drinks. “Yeah, I look forward to your visits, no other regular lets me make them a random drink every time they come in.”

“I’m guessing I’m your favourite customer then.”

You don’t answer but the way you blushed immediately and giggle softly gives you away. And that was fine, until you hear Akaashi say cuteunder his breath. That was notfine.

You drop a coffee lid onto the floor. Again.

“Sorry, I’m butter hands today.” you apologise sheepishly, before you finish his third drink. “I don’t mind making normal drinks, but it adds a little something to my day when I get to be creative I guess.”

The rest of the conversation trickles down into the light flirtation you usually fell into. Akaashi would tease suggestions lightly, and you would get flustered over it. However, this time — under the threatening guidance of a particular co-worker named Emiko — you would be the one to take the lead. According to her, most single fathers liked the boldness (she refused to answer where she got her research from and that you should simply trust her).

Three drinks were packed with your gentle care and Akaashi was ready to check out. Before you rang him up again, you pointed to the plushies behind you and asked, “Do you want to take another one for Koutarou again? Since he loves plushies and all.”

“I appreciate you remembering that,” Akaashi smiles and nods as he takes out his wallet. “I’ll let you pick one and I’ll tell him that my favourite Coffee Club employee picked it out so he needs to take extra good care of it.”

“This one. It reminds me of you.” you pick out a small brown owl, with round, charming eyes. You hold it up to his face teasingly before handing it over.

“I like that.”

“Me too.” you nod as you ring him up. As a crushcourtesy discount, you applied your employee discount to his purchase. When the receipt prints out, you take a deep breath as you hear Emiko’s voice at the back of your mind… that voice in your head that pushed you forward. “Before you go…” you cleared your throat as you nervously picked up a pen. You quickly scribble your phone number at the back of the receipt and hand it over to Akaashi.

Then you smile. “Have a good night.”




When Akaashi finally left, you felt your soul leave your body,

“Congratulations,” Emiko said as she returned from the breakroom, “you finally gained the courage to do something you should have done earlier.”

You looked over at her and sighed. You put your hand over your chest and let out a dramatic sigh. “That was the most terrifying thing I’ve ever done.”

“Youflirtwith him every time he’s here.”

“That’s different. It never crosses to actuallygoing on a date outside of the safe bubble of the Coffee Club,” you pointed out as you frown at her, “and now there is a very real possibility that he will never call me or ever return. I could have easily ruined getting my weekly eye candy, Emiko.”

“Or, you could have secured your DILF candy outside of work.”

You blinked a few times as you stared at Emiko, opening your mouth to say something before you close it. “You’re rig—”

The bell rang and the door opened. You catch sight of Akaashi walking into the cafe with a receipt in hand… and that was enough to have to drop to the ground. Emiko’s eyes widened as she stared at you — you waved her away and whispered, “Handle him; tell him I’m on break and not here.”

“You’re being stupid.” Emiko hisses at you. She tried to kick you as she said, “It’s your man, you deal w—”

“Hi.” Akaashi said as he looked around. Luckily for you, he didn’t look down, or otherwise you’d be seen. “Um,” Akaashi held the receipt as he looked at Emiko.

“I’m sorry, sir,” Emiko shook her head. “As you’ve already walked out with your coffee, we can no longer take any returns or exchanges. It’s store policy.”

“Oh, I wasn’t asking for th—”

“If there’s any issues with the drinks, I’ll take it up with Y/N when she gets back from her break.”

Akaashi laughed. “There’s no issues with the drinks,” he smiled as he held the back of the receipt, “Y/N gave me her number but she forgot the last digit.”

Emiko kicked you under the counter before she nodded and said, “It’s ok, I know her phone number. Best friend duties and all. The last digit is an eight.”

“Ah perfect,” Akaashi smiled. “Thank you!”




“How the hell do you forget the last digit of your phone number?” Emiko asked as she smacked your arm lightly, “It was so easy and you could have messed it up just like that.”

“Listen, Emiko,” you said as you stood up from your hiding place. You put your hands on her shoulders and said, “That’s why I deemed you as a best friend who can handle everything that I cann—”


You froze.

The two of you stared at each other. You blinked a few times as you stared at Emiko. It couldn’t be, right? You blinked a few more times.

There was no way that text was from…

“Check your phone.” Emiko demanded as she nodded at you. “Check your phone now.

You slowly moved your hands off her shoulders as you tried to remember which pocket your phone was in. Your mind was racing as you searched for it until you felt it in your back pocket. You grabbed your phone and click the button; there was one unread text message: “Hi, this is Akaashi Keiji…”

If Emiko wasn’t in front of you, your phone would have hit the ground.




“So,” Emiko started as she broke the silence, “Have you secured your fi—”

“Do you think I’m ready for motherhood?”

Emiko closed her eyes and shook her head. She turned around and began to walk away, muttering something about being unfortunate enough to be friends with you and cursing you quietly — you put a hand on her shoulder.

“This is a serious question,” you pleaded, “Do you think I’m ready to be a mother to two children?”

Emiko sighed as she frowned. She softly rubbed her temples and asked, “Why do you always jump straight to conclusions? You need to go on a first date and probably a few more after that before you can even start thinking about motherhood.”

“I want to prepare for it.”

“You can’t prepare for something like that.” Emiko said. “Sometimes, you just learn when it happens.”

You stared at Emiko, blinking as your eyes squinted. “Are you speaking from experience again? Because I swearyou—”


There were so many answers you expected to hear, but ‘yes’ was not one of them. You opened your mouth to say something but closed it as you tried to process all the possibilities. You shook your head, “How many kids?”

“Why is that your first question?”

“I just…” you shrugged, “I want to know how you’re dealing with being a new mother.”

“I’m not a mother,” Emiko replied before she waved you off. “Enough. We’re talking about you; why haven’t you secured a first date yet? You already have his number and I’m assuming you’ve been texting, right?”




There was a challenge in asking out a single father. Every time you wanted to, your brain kept scolding you for taking Akaashi away from his kids. At one point, you wanted to ask when the boys were going to spend time with their mother but it was never brought up in the texts — a majority of your texts were just overly flirty conversations with a much higher rating than your usual banter at the cafe.

However,  you weren’t sure when you could finally ask Akaashi out. You felt guilty for taking away a single father from his boys.

“So, when are you going to ask him out?” she raised an eyebrow. “I’m asking as your best friend this time.”

You shrugged, “I don’t know if I can… unless,” you looked over at her and raised your eyebrows, “Unless, as my best friend, you want to help me out and do me a hugefavour.”

“I am notbabysitting.”

You let out a dramatic gasp as you shook your head. “You’re my best friend and you can’t even do that for me? I cannot beli—”

“I doubt a single father would allow a stranger to babysit his kids.” Emiko pointed out. “Why don’t you just offer to buy dinner and bring it to him? That way you won’t need a babysitter and you can meet his kids.”

“You really are speaking from experience.”

“No, I just have a brain.”




Securing the first date with Akaashi had actually been much easier than you anticipated. In fact, all you had to do was text, ‘do you want to go on a date with me?’ and his response was an immediate ‘absolutely :)’.

Most of your first dates had always set your nerves on fire. However, your first date with Akaashi was void of any of that nervousness and you were thankful for all the previous flirting you had done at the cafe which swept away all of the first date nervousness.  You guys were able to really get to know each at Akaashi’s favourite onigiri restaurant (he swore by it, saying it was the spot he and his boys always went to).

By the time you finished your food, you were a few drinks in and the liquid courage was flowing through your veins.

“So,” Akaashi said as he took a forkful of the cake you ordered for dessert, “your best friend Emiko always looks angry. Did I do something wrong?”

You laughed as you also took a forkful of the cake, “No, that’s just her face. I promise, she always looks like that.” you paused. “She’s actually the one who pushed me to give you my number.”

“What a good best friend.” Akaashi smiled, taking another bite.

You had tried to be a good date. You tried your best to pay attention to everything that he did, and even more attention to everything he said. Despite being distracted by his lips all night, (they just looked oh so kissable), you had been an attentive date.

But your focus cracked when he cupped your cheeks, running his thumb over the corner of your mouth. “You have a bit of whipped cream there.”

In normal circumstances, you would have been embarrassed— but you had a few drinks already and the alcohol gave you enough courage to lean forward, as Akaashi gently guided you closer.

Your eyes met before you finally leaned in to taste your biggest distraction of the night.




“Do I even wanna know why you’re reading a parenting book?”

You closed the ‘Dummy’s Guide to Raising Children’ slowly. You set the book down and smiled at Emiko. “I’ve decided that I’m ready to embrace motherhood. I want to be prepared, I’m literally going from a single woman to a possible mother of two.”

“You went on one date.”


“One date and you’re already thinking of marriage and children.” Emiko shook her head before muttering, “I didn’t even consider that until the fifth date.”

“You…” you began until Emiko glared at you. Why she was so secretive about her relationship, you couldn’t figure it out. But right now, you were too preoccupied  on trying to figure out how to be a good stepmother. “Do you think my future sons, Tetsurou and Koutarou, will like me? Should I buy them ice cream? Chocolate? Oh my god, what do children even like?”

“You haven’t even met them.” Emiko said, exasperated.

“Me and Keiji,yeah that’s right we’re on a first name basis now, had a really good first date.” You emphasised. “It was weird though, he never really talked about them. He talked about himself, which I’m happy about but… I wanted to know more about his kids. If I’m going to be their new mother, I want to really get to know them.”

Emiko rubbed at her forehead. “You should really stop jumping to that conclusion before you meet them.”

“I’m going to meet them eventually!” you argued, raising the book to her face, “That’s why I’m trying to be prepared.”

“Do you even know how old they are?”

“Well, he’s only two years older than me, and judging from what he’s mentioned about them, I’m guessing they’re pretty young.” you shrugged. “Probably under ten? They like iced, non-caffeinated drinks, what kind of adult even functions without caffeine, and Koutarou lovesplushies. Keiji buys him so many.”

“That’s what I figured from what you’ve said about them so far.” Emiko nodded. “You should bring plushies when you meet them, you know, make a good impression. It’s their opinion that will matter most to him.”

“Yeah, I know.” you sighed. “That’s what stresses me out about it but… you know, I can’t wait to see Keiji with them. I bet he’ll look even sexier.”

“Well, you might get the chance.” Emiko nods towards the window. The man of the hour was walking through the door. “Wipe that stupid expression off of your face.”

“Shut up!”




“Just the usual?” you asked as he approached the counter,

“Actually, no.” Akaashi gestured to the two strangers behind him who were looking at you excitedly. “We’re here to get some of your buns and sit in, if you don’t mind.”

“Of course not!” you said, excited at the possibility of seeing him for more than a fleeting moment today. “Three, right? Just the vanilla latte with an extra espresso shot for you, I’m guessing.” Akaashi nodded, giddy that you always remembered his order. You then turned to look at the two people behind him, “What about your friends?”

“Tetsu! Kou!” Akaashi called out. “Let Y/N know what you want.” He then turned to you and said, “Tetsurou’s probably gonna take his usual, but Koutarou’s a wild card so I have no idea. You’ve probably given him every iced drink on the menu by now.”



You took a sharp breath as you tilted your head to the side in confusion. What a coincidence it was to have two friends that shared the sa— Did he say his usual order? Did he say you’ve probably given him every iced drink on the menu by now?

“Keiji.” you called out. Akaashi stopped talking to the other two men and leaned on the counter towards you. His smile was still charming as ever, but that’s not what you were focused on right now. “Whenever you talked about your boys…”

“Yeah,” Akaashi smiled as he pointed to the two men behind him, “Those two are my boys. You know, my best friends Tetsu and Kou. And I’m their glorified babysitter.”

Boys did not mean sons.

Boys meant his best friends.

As the realisation struck you like a punch to the gut, Emiko’s laughter broke out through the half empty cafe. She let out a cackle, seemingly trying to hold it in, before she completely lost herself to an unending fit of giggles. She laughed so hard that if she didn’t have the counter to lean on, she would have fallen to the ground. Emiko fell into a hysteric fit of laughter that she started to cry. Every time she looked at you, she laughed again.

Emiko stumbled from where she stood and attempted to walk to the breakroom in the back. Before she left the scene, she looked at you one more time and then let out another laugh.

“Is your friend okay?” Akaashi asked as he looked at you, confusion swirling in his eyes.

You let out a defeated sigh. “Keiji… you don’t have kids do you?”

Akaashi laughed and shook his head. “Definitely not. I can barely take care of myself at the moment.” he gave you a sheepish look. “Maybe in the future I will, but not now. I don’t think I’ll be ready for kids for a while.”

“So, you’re really not a father?”

Akaashi shook his head. “No. I’m not a father unfortunately.”

You could admit that you felt a little disappointed that Akaashi was nota dad (did you even keep the receipt for the bookstore you bought the parenting book from?) but… this wasn’t the worst thing that could have happened.

You were stilldating Akaashi and maybe, in the future, if everything went well… Akaashi could become the DILF you thought he was.

And hopefully, you would be his partner for that.

a repost of a silly lil fic i wrote for akaashi’s bday before… i hope you liked it ! :’)


pairing: akaashi keiji x female reader

genre: fluff, TLFY!au

warnings: none

word count: 523

synopsis: you come home to akaashi’s final letter to you, ending your 5 year relationship with the beautiful novelist.

author’s note: chapter sixteen of ellie and i’s “the last five years” au collab. AH last chapter from me (official last chapter of this series is the next from ellie^^),,,,i had such an fun time working with ellie on this, it was honor to collaborate with her. i hope you all have enjoyed this series so far and this (short) chapter too, thank you <3


don’t kiss me goodbye again

leave this night clean and quiet

you were outside your apartment, hands pulling at akaashi’s hair, tugging him down to roughly kiss him with passion. his dainty and nimble hands roamed your body, one hand gripping your waist and pulling you close, the other placed on the back of your neck to further deepen said kiss. after what seemed like hours just making out (when in reality it was more like 20 seconds) you pulled away, a string of saliva connecting the two of you, your forehead leaning against his as you panted for air, looking deep into his addictive pretty blue eyes. 

you want the last word, you want me to laugh but leave it for now

both of you began walking down the stairs, him walking one step ahead of you but still facing your way, a smirk on his face when he licked his bottom lip, making you roll your eyes and smack his shoulder lightly. “all you can say, all you can feel, was wrapped up inside that one perfect kiss, leave it at that. i’ll watch you turn the corner and go…” you told him, reaching the bottom of the stairs and seeing him turn away slightly to start leaving. before he could, you grabbed his wrist, pulling him in to hold him; his arms immediately wrapping around your frame and breathing in the familiar scent of you hair. 

“goodbye until tomorrow, akaashi. goodbye until the next time you call and i will be waiting, you hear?”

he chuckled, pushing your hair out of your face. “i hear you, alright. trust me, you don’t need to wait though, i can barely get enough of you, beautiful.” you let him go reluctantly, shyly waving bye to him.

goodbye until tomorrow, goodbye ‘til i recall how to breathe

and i have been waiting, i have been waiting for you!

you always felt like you stood on a precipice, struggling to keep your balance. it was hard for you to enter a relationship and give your trust, to become vulnerable with someone truly. it was a difficult task for you to do, and whenever you finally gave yourself to a person, they left you, so you were scared to do that with anyone nowadays. but, with akaashi, you felt yourself opening yourself up one stitch at a time, showing him more of yourself than anyone else has seen. 

finally yes! finally now! finally something takes me away. finally free!

and he accepted you, he cut through your strings and opened your wings. it was a wild concept, because with him you felt like you were flying despite falling deeper and deeper in love with him. it was like you waited your whole life to meet this perfect person, just waiting for him to show up. and he was yours, the man of your dreams was your boyfriend and you wouldn’t wish for anything different, because you would go through all the pain from your previous relationships if it meant he would still be yours in the end.

because honestly, it felt like akaashi keiji rescued you.


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pairing: akaashi keiji x female reader

genre: fluff, TLFY!au

warnings: a little nsfw

word count: 1280

synopsis: on a trip to your parents’ house for akaashi to meet them, you also take a trip down memory lane as well

author’s note: chapter fourteen of ellie and i’s “the last five years” au collab. HHHHH i love this chapter, hope you enjoy it too <3


my best friend had a little situation at the end of our senior year

and like a shot, she and mitchell got married that summer

you sat in the passenger seat of akaashi’s black convertible, the wind ruining your perfectly done hair; even though your parents would probably scold you on looking so improper you couldn’t seem to care about that at all in the moment. you had your senior yearbook out, telling your boyfriend about your old friend who got knocked up in high school. 

“carolann was getting bigger literally every minute, you wouldn’t believe how huge she got, ‘kaashi! and mitchell was going out ev’ry night being a heavy-metal drummer…i mean i guess it worked out for them though, they got a little cute house on a little cute street with a crucifix on the door. oh! but mitchell got a job at a record store in the mall, so maybe not so much?” you giggled, closing the book.

just the typical facts of a typical life in a town on the eastern shore

“oh really? did you want something like that, hmm?” he asked teasingly, coming to a stop at a red light, looking at you with an eyebrow raised. 

you thought about his question, thought about what you wanted…and it wasn’t like that at all. you looked towards akaashi, shaking your head quickly, “i made carolann a cute baby sweater, thinking ‘i can do better than that!’” leaning over the center console, you grabbed your boyfriend’s pretty face in your hands and pressed a quick kiss to his soft lips. the traffic lights turned to green but he didn’t start driving again; instead, he went to go in for another kiss–well tried to before you ended up smacking him away with a laugh, telling him to start driving again.

in a year or so, i moved to the city, thinking “what have i got to lose?” 

got a room, got a cat, and got twenty pounds thinner

you sighed, looking up to the blue sky in wonder and disbelief, a wild memory of your past relationship coming to your head. “i remember, i met a guy in a class i was taking with some very well placed tattoos,” you started, rolling your eyes at the thought of him, “he wouldn’t leave me alone ‘less i went with him to dinner.”

“tell me about him, love.” the nickname akaashi had grown to give you made your stomach twist and explode with butterflies, embarrassing warmth flooding your cheeks.

“well, i guess he was cute, and i guess he was sweet, and i guess he was good in bed. i gave up my life for the better part of a year. so i’m starting to think that this maybe might work and the second it entered my head…” your head rolled to look at your lover, deadpanning, “he needed to take some time off, focus on his ‘career.’ he blew me off with a heartfeltletter! the audacity, really…but i couldn’t help but think ‘i can do better than that!’”

you don’t have to get a haircut, you dont’t have to change your shoes, you don’t have to like duran duran…just love me…

you reached your hand over to him, running your fingers through his black locks, tugging it ever so slightly. he eyed you from the corner of his eyes, looking at you curiously with a pleasured groan, “what?”

“just thinking. listen, you don’t have to put the seat down–” he snorted at your words, interrupting your intimate speech that you just came up with two seconds ago, “listen! you don’t have to watch the news, you don’t have to learn to tango. you don’t have to eat prosciutto, you don’t have to change a thing for me ‘kaashi.”

just stay with me

he drove to a private corner that wasn’t on your way to your parent’s house, pulling over and parking the car. he took off his seatbelt, looking at you with need, “get in the back, love.” a shiver ran down your spine and straight to your core at his dominant tone, immediately climbing over the chair and taking off your cardigan, watching as he got out of the car and took off his own dress shirt, jumping over the door to get to you quicker (the way his toned muscles in his arm tensed as he did so was so very intoxicating.)

his hands slid under back, fitting himself between your legs like a puzzle, leaning down to place kisses all over your jaw and neck, nipping at your skin here and there. you arched into him, a small moan escaping your lips, your nails dragging down his back. “i want you and you and nothing but you,” you breathed out, grabbing his face to look at you, “miles and piles of you. finally, i’ll have something worthwhile to think of each morning…”

you kissed him deeply, your mouth automatically opening for his access. your hands reached down to unbuckle his pants, making quick work with unbuttoning them next. he got up off of you, kicking his pants off quickly. “what else do you want, darling? i’ll give it to you, anything.” 

“you, ‘kaashi, and nothing but you.” you sat up, pushing him back down and straddling his hips as best as you could in the small car. you tugged your shirt off–luckily you did wear a skirt today so…that was easy to work with. he dove into your chest, your hands flying back up to his hair and pulling at it. you dragged your teeth along his earlobe, panting into his ear, “you’re mine. totally mine.”

i don’t need any lifetime commitments

i don’t need to get hitched tonight

you were back on the road, fixing your smudged lipstick with a smile. you stole a look at akaashi, admiring his disheveled hair and marks that you left on his neck. “like what you see?” he teased, his electrifying blue eyes narrowed at you.

“hell yeah i do.” you pinched his cheek playfully, sticking your tongue out before becoming somewhat serious again, “i don’t mean to put on any pressure, ‘kaashi, but i know when a thing is right, and i spend everyday re-configuring my senses! so when when we get to my house, take a look at that town, at how far i’ve gone. i will never go back, never look back anymore because it feels like my life led right to your side and will keep me there from now on!” 

he softly smiled at you, caressing your cheek, “i love you, y/n.”

think about what you wanted

think about what could be

think about how i love you

he pulled into your childhood neighborhood, parking his car at the curb in front of your parents’ house. before he could open his door, you grabbed onto his wrist, “say you’ll move in with me. think about it, at least. think of what’s great about me and you. think of the bullshit we’ve both been through. think of what’s past. because…we can do better than that, keiji.”

you saw him gulp when you said his actual name for the first time before breaking out into a wide grin, “love…i don’t have to think about it. let’s do it, okay? anywhere you want, as long as we are together.” 

you smiled brightly, tears springing to your eyes at his sudden acceptance, “i love you, so much. oh! there’s my parents, ah–wait you have a little bit of my lipstick on your lip, lemme help you so my mom doesn’t think bad of you…”

we can do better than that!


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pairing: akaashi keiji x female reader
genre: uhh normal (not really fluff), angst, TLFY!au
warnings: overthinker reader, arguing, cursing
word count: 1283
synopsis: your auditions seem to be getting worse and worse, you can’t help but start doubting every little thing
author’s note: chapter twelve to ellie and i’s “the last five years” au collab. this chapter is one of my favorites, i had fun writing it, enjoy <3

“when you come home to me…? i-i’ll wear a sweeter smile and hope that, for a while, you’ll–” you stopped singing when one of the casting directors put a hand up to signal for you to stop. you awkwardly smiled, “o-oh…okay, thank you…” speed walking off stage in embarrassment, you left the building quickly, pulling out your phone to call akaashi.

i’m climbing uphill, jamie

climbing uphill

you stood in a line of two hundred girls that you got up at six in the morning for. you noticed how they all seemed to be prettier than you, younger and thinner than you. hell! there was even a woman behind you who just got back from the gym…

i’m waiting five hours in line and watching the girls just coming and going

a girl walks out of the doors to the stage and you can’t help but whine internally when you see that she was wearing the exact same dress as you. so much for originality to impress the directors, huh? you look away from said girl when your number is called, a woman leading you to the stage where there’s a piano and a table full of men in front of you. 

always men–usually gay

who’ve been sitting like i have and listening all day to two hundred girls belting as high as they can

placing your bag on the floor, you grab your hand mirror out and try to hype yourself up. ‘i am a good person. i’m an attractive person. i am a talented person. grant me grace.’ you shakily exhale, snapping your mirror shut and turning to look at the middle-aged men staring at you expectantly. 

when you come home…

the pianist starts playing so you start singing, immediately second-guessing each one of your actions. should you have told them you were sick last week? oh god what if they think that’s the way you sing! why is this pianist playing so loud?? should you sing louder?? yeah, you’ll sing louder, that’s a good idea, right?

maybe i should stop and start over, i’m gonna stop and start over

your e/c eyes widen when you see one of the directors staring at his crotch, were you not more interesting than whatever he had down there?? your eyes snap over to the man next to him and shit, he’s reading your resume. don’t stare at my resume, i made up half of my resume, look at me! you beg in your mind, continuing to sing your audition song.

no! not at my shoes, don’t look at my shoes

you glance down at your feet, mentally cursing yourself for choosing these shoes. you hate these stupid shoes. why did i pick these shoes?? why did i pick this song? why did i pick this career? why does this pianist hate me? you’re freaking out about everything at this point, your hands at your side literally vibrating at this point.

if i dont get a callback i can go to crate & barrel with mom and buy a couch, not that i want to spend a day with mom

your mind travels to akaashi and while thinking of him usually calms you, you can’t help but freak out more over him. keiji needs space to write and since you’re obviously such a horrible annoying distraction to him, what’s he gonna be like when you have kids?? akaashi can’t even handle you around the house at this point so how is he going to deal with having mini-hims running around everywhere when he is trying to focus??? why are you even thinking about kids in the first place??

and once again…why am i working so hard? these are the people who cast russell crowe in a musical!

jesus christ! you shut your eyes closed, wanting to disappear from existence. this audition was going horrible and although your mouth kept going with lyrics, your thoughts only consisted of i suck i suck i suck i suck.

“when finally you come home to–”

“thanks that’s great.” one of men interrupted with a sarcastic comment, already wishing for you to get off stage. 

sighing, you bit your lip and answered, “okay, thank you…”

thank you very much

you found yourself at a library, an event being held here for akaashi to do a live reading of his book. you stood among the crowd, giving him a grin and applause whenever it was due. he stood in front of a podium, his tall form towering over it as he continued to read. he was an amazing writer, but he was an even better storyteller. the raw emotion he put behind each word sent goosebumps down your arms, his silky smooth voice pulling you in and trapping you. 

i will not be the girl stuck at home in the ‘burbs

yet despite akaashi always having a way with words that made you have your full attention on him, your mind still wandered to a different place. you know you were supposed to be here for him, proud of him but you felt frustrated somehow. you did not want to be the girl who sat still and looked pretty, with the baby, the dog, and the garden of herbs. 

i will not be the girl in the sensible shoes

pushing burgers and beer nuts and missing the clues

you hated whenever one of his fans came up to you, asking “how does it feel to be the girl trotting along at the genius’ heels?” yeah, you loved akaashi. truly, you loved him with all your heart but you were notthe girl who requires a man to get by! and you definitely were not–

applause suddenly filled your ears, making you–as if you were programmed–smile and clap for him as well. you watch as people of both genders come up to him and congratulate him on his book, introducing themselves to him. you knew they were important by the way keiji’s eyes widened and a formal smile made its way onto his face.  

akaashi and you then make eye contact from across the room, he lifts his long pointer finger up to get you to come to him, but you just grin at him and give him a thumbs up, trying to be as supportive as possible. 

next thing you know, you’re at home and you’re arguing with him, his loud angry voice filling the room as he tries to talk over you, “no! i’ve been to every one of your parties and events and the same thing happens over and over again! i’m basically your waitress for the evening–listen to me! i’m constantly being asked if i’m your publicist because everybody asks me to take photos of you with them. and these people are always asking me the same thing every single goddamn time, ‘how did you and keiji meet? what’s keiji like? where are you from? what’s your name?’ they dont remember because i’m not important, am i? nope! nobody would notice if i left, not even you akaashi! you’re always begging me to go but then you abandon and so i stand by the bar all night and i’m drinking! drink after drink after drink as i hold my purse just waiting for someone to talk to me! for you to talk to me but of course you dont even–”

“stop–stop it, stop it, y/n!” he booms, his thundering enraged voice making you flinch and back away, “just stop and listen to me! can we just, for two minutes, have a conversation where you’re not arguing with everything i say! two fucking minutes! then you can say whatever the hell you want, y/n.”


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akaashi keiji tutor au

masterlist | sorry this is too long.

  • you think you’ve never been this embarrassed. how were you ever going to focus when the akaashi keiji, was in front of you?
  • let’s recap
  • you had been struggling with math ever since BIRTH and it was the only thing standing between you and a scholarship.
  • your teacher simply told you that he had assigned one of his other students to teach you
  • and now here you are, sitting across the pretty volleyball setter, in the library.
  • ur brain is literally FRIED at this point
  • you had liked akaashi ever since middle school when he was in your literature class,, the way he was so passionate about it made you really adore him.
  • but when middle school ended, you didn’t really expect to see him anywhere.
  • until you saw him in the volleyball practice and you were like ?????!!! HES HERE?? hES IN THE SAME SCHOOL AS ME??? AND HES IN THE TEAM??? wHAT IS HAPPENING
  • you even went to cheer on the team in one of their matches and you vividly remember cheering a bit too loudly for your liking.
  • however, you were sure you had no chance. the setter had more than enough popularity. why would he even notice you? you’re sure that he doesn’t even remember that you went to the same middle school.
  • “what are you having difficulty in?” akaashi breaks the silence.
  • “e-everything,” you reply.
  • “alright, let’s start with the basics,” he flips open his notebook.
  • and you can’t help but swoon over him
  • his sessions became a regular part of your life with his best friend bokuto coming in sometimes just to “spice up the mood”
  • but akaashi always kicked him out because with bokuto around there was no way both of you could study
  • and omg!! he’s such a good teacher?? he’s patient whenever you make mistakes,, he tells you to relax when he feels like you’re getting too stressed,,
  • plus the ONE time he bought you boba tea and you were like ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ iloveusmplsmarryme
  • in school, however, akaashi was dismissive of your presence. while bokuto loudly yelled “HELLO” and waved at you like a mad-man, akaashi would turn the other way and walk off
  • you were so confused as to why he acted this way,, like does he not want to be seen with you or what? you even wanted to ask him why but you couldn’t find the courage to do it.
  • besidesthis should be the last of your worries right now
  • “are you listening?” akaashi snaps you out of your thoughts.
  • “s-sorry–what?”
  • “this the question I want you to do before you go into the exam tomorrow,” he explains.
  • ah yes, the exam. the final math exam that would decide the fate of your scholarship. you think that’s what you should be worried for, but why were you more worried about this being your last session with akaashi?? and that you wouldn’t see him outside school again??
  • you sigh’ it’s useless. it’s an endless cycle and it’s just better to fall in love with a fictional character rather than a real person
  • the next morning, you head out to your class and you’re surprised to see a cute strawberry milk box on your desk. a small note is attached to it saying “you’ll do great. I have faith in you. breathe.” signed by akaashi.
  • these words repeat in your head like a mantra as you solve the paper which seemed a bit tooeasy
  • and when the results came back in
  • the first thing you had to do was tell him
  • “AKAASHI I GOT A FULL SCORE!” you run to him after class, as he greets you with one of his raresmiles.
  • “i knew you could do it,” he admits.
  • you blush. “well i–i couldn’t have done it without your help.”
  • “you should give yourself credit, alright?” he says and u can literally feel your heart going BADUMP
  • “for getting such a good score, i’ll treat you to some onigiri,” he tells you out of the blue, running his hand through black hair. “is that okay?”
  • “it’s more than okay!” you say with way too much enthusiasm
  • bokuto randomly appears, as he swings his arm around akaashi, “can I come too?”
  • “this is for people who didn’t fail their math test, bokuto,” akaashi retorts.
  • you laugh at both of them
  • and MAYBE this could be your chance to actually befriending him!!
  • but when the two of you were walking towards the onigiri stall, it was DEAD SILENT.
  • until you finally mustered up the courage to talk to him. “do you still like literature?” you ask him, to break the silence.
  • “i’m surprised you still remember,” he remarks. “but yeah, I do. but with volleyball, there is seldom time left for reading.”
  • “oh,” you fall silent again.
  • WHY IS IT SO AWKWARD HERE?? at this point you just want to bury yourself beneath the ground
  • “can I ask you something?” akaashi says. and you nod.
  • “why are you so easily distracted?” akaashi asks.
  • you feel yourself turning scarlet for the fiftieth time in his presence. “it’s nothing, really.”
  • “is it maybe because i’m boring?” akaashi asks, a hint of playfulness in his voice.
  • “NOOOO,, I just am like this,, I tend to think about like fifty things at one time” you tell him,
  • “well–don’t do that when i’m around,” akaashi orders. “i like having your full attention,” he grins.
  • ur literally like 0.0?????? WTH ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT
  • “wh–what do you mean?” you ask him
  • “i never thought i’d finally say it but I like you,” he admits. “in fact, I have for a long time–ever since middle school, actually.”
  • WHAT
  • “b-but you avoid me in school all the time!” you blurted out,,
  • akaashi sighs. “i really hoped you hadn’t noticed,” he remarked. “i was avoiding you because I was afraid bokuto would put me in a position where i would have to confess and I just didn’t want to do it in that stressful environment.”
  • “o–oh,” you stutter.
  • “it’s okay if you don’t like me,” akaashi consoles. “in fact i’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable–”
  • “woah slow down,” akaashi chuckles, and you feel yourself turning into a puddle
  • “it’s a relief to hear that you like me,” akaashi says. “and also the fact that you think i’m amazing and cool,” he grins.
  • and ur like ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
  • “if it’s any consolation, I think you’re pretty cool too,” he ruffles your hair. “besides, you look acute from every angle.”

late night giggles, ft akaashi keiji [requested by anon]

were you not in a state of near delirium from lack of sleep, the act of akaashi walking - more akin to hobbling - to the toilet would not have sent you doubling over in laughter. nor would akaashi have looked over at your hunched figure on the sofa and released a snort of his own.

on a normal day, neither of you would have been up this late. on a normal day, you would have been curled up in bed asleep, his arm slung over your waist, a heavy yet comforting weight. on a normal day, akaashi would not have insisted on breaking the routine. he thrived best in an environment where he could control what happened, usually sticking to a strict schedule within his daily life. it was the main reason he had been drawn to the role of setter in volleyball. but you had encouraged him to break the schedule just once.

that’s how he found himself sat on the sofa with you, eyes wet from how much he had laughed. he leant forward, head resting on your shoulder as his body shook with laughter.

“you’re telling me that you just walked backwards?” he spluttered. “keeping eye contact the whole time? and this happened today?”

“you’re engaged to a walking, talking mess,” you grinned, running a hand through his hair affectionately. his palm was warm where it rested against your exposed thigh, a comforting touch.

“a mess that i’m in love with,” he grinned, head lifting from your shoulder, hand squeezing your thigh gently as he pressed a soft kiss to your lips.

“this mess is in love with you too, pretty boy,” you beamed, watching the flush that spread across his cheeks at your words. he kissed you again, longer this time, his lips impossibly soft as they teased yours open.

you dug your fingers into his waist, tickling furiously. he flinched away, letting out a gasping laugh as your fingers kept moving against his skin. akaashi considered using his strength to flip you over and return the favour, but the way your eyes lit up, the gleam in them, made him pause. he chuckled, “i was trying to be romantic.”

“not tonight, keiji,” you said. “tonight i want you to be as stupid as you can be.”

just thinking about volleyball boys…. i really gotta catch up with haikyuu so i can write about the other twinks i keep seeing

how the boys ride the strap — haikyuu edition (18+ NSFW);


Keiji Akaashi;

  • elegantly, like he’s done it a thousand times before when — really — you’re the only one he’s done this with.
  • he likes to do it reverse cowgirl because he knows how much you love watching the curve of his back and the sight of his ass bouncing on your cock.
  • his moans are divine, especially when you run your nails down his back or slap at his cheeks
  • “Look at you, riding my dick like a champ. You love it, huh? You love taking this cock, don’t you?”
  • he looks back at you, his face flush and slick with sweat and nods. “Y-yeah, I love it… feels so good Mistress. You’re going to make me cum…”
  • your eyes widen. the way he seems to so fucking effortlessly turn you on drives you wild. you grip his hips and fuck deep up into him and his body shivers as he lets out a cry.
  • he loses his composure as you (very rudely) abuse his prostate and digs his nails into your thighs in a feeble attempt to steady himself. his moaning only gets more lecherous as you fuck him into his orgasm.
  • as much as he likes to put on a show for you, he equally loves how hard you make him cum when you fuck him like a whore.

Tobio Kageyama;

  • hesitantly. his face is bright red and his eyes are squeezed shut as he nervously rides you. he’s so embarrassed, his mind is racing a million miles a minute, why are you making him do this? you’re always so mean to him!
  • you sigh and roll your eyes. “How boring. You’re not even moving, Tobio.”
  • “S-shut up! You’re the one who–aah– who wanted me to do this!” he glares at you with teary eyes. he just wants you to fuck him dumb like you normally do (not that he’d ever say that), having to do it himself is just… humiliating!
  • you shuffle underneath him and he sees that you’re grabbing your phone. at first he thinks you’re going to record him — you’ve done it before, after all. he braces himself for further humiliation but is taken aback when he hears you playing a game.
  • “Are you seriously playing Candy Crush while we’re having sex?!” he snaps. he can’t believe he’s jealous of fucking candy crush.
  • “Well you’re not moving so I thought we weren’t fuckin’ anymore.” you shrug.
  • “I-I’ll move…” his voice quiets to where it’s barely audible.
  • the way his face is scrunched up makes you think he’s about to cry, and you almost feel a little bad for him. almost.
  • he ends up being horrible at riding, and he never gets over his shyness— which of course means you make him do it all the time.

Tetsuro Kuroo;

  • with gusto! he’s an eager beaver as much as he tries to deny it. sometimes you feel like he’s trying to break your pelvis, but you realise the blame lies solely on your shoulders for turning him into this
  • he always starts slow, like he’s unsure of himself, but once he gets into it he morphs into an animal in heat
  • he rides you until he drools and his eyes roll back, overcome with his desire to cum only from your cock.
  • he is, in fact, the first partner you’ve ever had that has managed to cum purely from anal stimulation. it’s incredibly arousing, but it also makes sense given how harshly he brutalises that poor little prostate of his
  • the bigger the toy, the better. he especially enjoys the oddly-shaped ones you’d find in fetish adult stores like bad dragon
  • “Aah~ it’s so deep inside me, Mistress!” he cries. your hands are groping the shapely flesh of his ass, something you’d do even if you didn’t know it drives him wild.
  • “I can see that, it’s bulging right there.” you remove a hand from his ass to poke at the appearing and receding bulge at the bottom of his stomach, earning a whine from him
  • he’s rarely ever satisfied with just one prostate orgasm either. needless to say, you’ve never gotten along with your neighbours.

Tooru Oikawa;

  • boldly. not as animalistic as Kuroo, but he’s a master of showing off and riding your dick is no exception— if anything he shows off even more.
  • he likes to face you almost as much as he likes to face away, he wants you to get a good look at all of him. he fucks himself on you in the best way that pleases him and gives you a good view of all the action
  • he gyrates his hips on you, and you’re mesmerised by the way his curved, lube-slicked ass swirls on your cock
  • “Am I a good boy for you, Mistress?” he asks, gazing back at you with half-lidded eyes. the muscles on his back flex and relax with each motion
  • you run a hand down his back and he sighs happily. “You’re always a good boy for me, baby. Sometimes it makes me want to mess you up.”
  • he bites his lip as he rises almost completely off your cock, moaning as he does so. “Then why don’t you?”
  • you snap. the same way he always makes you snap, and you spend the rest of the night fucking him until you leave him satisfied and limping the next day.

Koushi Sugawara;

  • slowly, but surely. he likes it when you take things slow, so that’s how he likes to ride it.
  • he makes sure your cock hits every one of his sweet spots as it enters him, and he throws his head back as he shudders with pleasure.
  • he uses his hands to toy with his nipples, and though it never feels as good as when you do it, he’s learned to mimic your technique almost exactly.
  • “Mistress… your cock feels so good inside me… I feel so hot…” he whimpers, nervously locking eyes with you and you watch him hungrily.
  • “Careful,” you say, almost growling. “If you turn me on any more then I’ll have to fuck that cute little hole until you break.”
  • he moans at your words and reaches a hand down to stroke his swollen cock. your own wetness pools in your panties as you dig your nails into his soft thighs. your sweet little cock slut always drives you wild with his restraint
  • you love to watch him pleasure himself with your strap, even though it almost always ends with you losing your patience. he never seems to mind it though, and he especially enjoys it when you fuck his face with your pussy while teasing him about how slutty he is.

post script

༶•┈┈ akaashi keiji x f!reader | drabble

༶•┈┈general m.list

tags / warnings: vague historical au, and i mean very very vague there was zero research involved only me looping riu domura on spotify, the classic star-crossed peasant and daughter of a lord story, just a drabble i couldn’t get out of my head while studying the great gatsby

word count: 0.7k

summary: you write letters to keiji, the beautiful son of a gardener on your estate, the peasant boy with a mind as sharp as a double-edged sword. you write letters to keiji, the man who is not your fiance, the man whose hand would be severed for daring to brush yours — and they are lovely, empty words.

»»————- ————- ————- ¤ ————- ————- ————-««

(meaning is found only in the post script.)

dear one, the sakura blooms are beautiful, you write, have you had the pleasure of seeing them fall and flutter in the gentle breeze? your penmanship is excellent, elegant curves so unlike the script of men. there is no hesitation to be had, not when all you are writing is an impersonal draft to a man who might have well been your fiance — if not for the post script.

in the post script, your writing falters, the ink blots like the most delicate of tears. the gardens are expansive, you will ache, the walks are beautiful but lonely. you dare to etch the words, company would have breathed timelessness into the blossoms onto the page (onto your heart).

(there is meaning where there is hesitation; when the addressee is so precious that every word must be mulled over and handpicked, like the strawberries the — nameless, he must be nameless — son of a gardener leaves on your windowsill even before they have hit the markets.)

»»————- ————- ————- ¤ ————- ————- ————-««

when news that you are to be wed in spring to a faceless man with a name that far outweighs yours reaches your ears, your next letter bears, spring comes regardless of desire, but love is what makes the season bloom in the post script.

that day, you take a walk in the gardens, you wander behind the weeping tree in the corner of the garden that your father cannot see from the window of his study.

(keiji cups his palms around your cheeks like fresh water, like a seed to be planted. i would be a breeze, he says, i would steal you away if you asked me to.

and isn’t it terrible? that it is your love that holds you back from the realisation of what it means to bloom.

you may live your life out in your family home, amidst painstakingly cultivated gardens, but even you know what they do to servants who run away.

you know what they will do with the servant who runs away with the daughter of a lord.)

»»————- ————- ————- ¤ ————- ————- ————-««

the first winds of winter have arrived, you write one evening, watching the silhouette of the man who holds spring in his heart toil beneath the flickering oil lamp, i have been warned that the winds will only get chillier. 

p.s i hope this letter, these words, give you even a measure of comfort.

then, remembering that your wedding is now a mere season away, i would but be your hearth; my heart burns for you. 

»»————- ————- ————- ¤ ————- ————- ————-««

keiji rarely writes back. he says, i love you, in every basket of strawberries, freshly washed, on your windowsill. i would take you away if only you would ask me to is in the way the flowerbeds beneath your window bloom more beautifully than any other corner of the gardens. i wish you could choose your life, he laments beneath the weeping tree in the only corner of the garden that the sunlight touches without burning, i wish you could choose me, i wish i could take your hand, i wish, i wish, i wish

»»————- ————- ————- ¤ ————- ————- ————-««

your fiance dies. 

a terrible illness, your maids say, a plague befell the region. 

a waste, your father says, how dishonourable it is for you to now seek marriage with the men you turned away. 

spring has come, you write, and the wind that flits through the open window stirs your soul, as you feel the beginnings of hope, this breeze is welcome after a long winter, is it not? 

my love, your final letter says, the cherry blossoms dance. 

»»————- ————- ————- ¤ ————- ————- ————-««

you know what they do to the servants who steal the prized daughter away. 

(you know what happens to the daughter, wed to a man for his name.) 

it’s spring when you take keiji’s hand and your father’s finest horses. the breeze is nothing short of timeless; it etches the imprint of your laughter into the open window of your bedroom, it breathes eternity into the sway of the weeping tree, it immortalises the story of the daughter who stole away with a peasant boy in the middle of a spring night. 

»»————- ————- ————- ¤ ————- ————- ————-««

a/n: as always, likes and reblogs are appreciated!

a/n:not proof-read either but here’s another drabble for you lovelies <3 this time…

pairing:akaashi keiji x reader

“Just can’t shake that cough, can you?” Akaashi mumbled as he entered the room, fingers looped through the handles of two patterned mugs. A pair of reading glasses—now smudged as they nestled into his hair—sat atop his head, no longer over his tired eyes. You lifted your head from the heavy blanket that cradled your warm body, half-lidded gaze catching sight of the steam that curled up from the mugs’ contents.

“I’m sorry, love…” He sat down on the couch, allowing your blanketed figure to curl around his back, an arm shifting out to wrap around his midsection happily. “I wish I could be more helpful to you, right now…”

“Mm… you’re fine…” you croaked, cringing at the itching pain in the back of your throat. “There’s not much anyone can do anyway.” His frown twitched until the curve of his lips became upturned, soft and full of adoration. Briefly averting his attention, Akaashi leaned forward and sat his mug on the small table, using both hands to cradle the seemingly small cup. As soon as you sat up and took the heated porcelain into your own hands, you noted the size difference between the two of you.

Seriously, he had made that mug look much smaller than what it was.

“It’s hot chocolate,” he explained with a quirked brow as you sniffed the steaming beverage, “blow on it a little before you drink it, okay?” A heavenly smile graced his gorgeous features as your nose scrunched, clearly in cahoots with the tiny grin adorning your lips.

“Thanks, Keiji.” You rasped, dropping your attention to the hot chocolate as you took a careful sip. He said nothing, instead producing a quiet noise meant to shush you. His hand slowly crept up to move stray strands of hair from your face, the tip of his thumb gently poking at your nose.

“You’re too warm,” he muttered, continuing to caress your heated skin as you enjoyed your beverage. “How about I put on a movie and we both get some rest? Does that sound good?” You hummed and shuffled up into a more comfortable position, allowing Akaashi to slip in beside you, an arm up on the rest of the couch.

The blanket remained draped around your body, parting at the front as you continually lifted your hands to your face to sip from the mug. Akaashi cautiously sat his own mug in his lap as he settled in, his spare arm curling snugly around your shoulders. He picked up his mug once the screen darkened, the bold, white logo reflecting within his deep, sapphire hues.

“Can we watch–“

“We binge watched all those Pixar movies last week.” He cut you off, giving your shoulders a gentle squeeze. “Let’s start this week with that new Disney movie Bokuto wouldn’t shut up about. Does that sound alright?”

“Of course,” you smiled and nestled into his side, desperately fighting off the exhaustion tugging at your body as the movie began. It didn’t help that your husband had started massaging abstract shapes into your arm with his thumb, clearly inviting you to succumb to sleep.

And as a soft melody began to play out into the darkened room, you decided you could simply drag Akaashi to bed a different night and rewatch the movie.


baby blues 


pairing: akaashi keiji x f! reader 
genre: parenthood fluff 
warnings:nah, none. or well, bokuto is his own warning HA. 
author’s note: for @tyga-lily. makes references to the storm chaser universe, but can be read as a standalone. 


Akaashi’s calm demeanour cannot hide the fact that he is at heart, an anxiety ridden bean. It’s something he’s always struggled with since his boyhood days, worrying about Bokuto’s antics and the ace’s general well being, spiralling with stress when it comes to exams and job interviews, and even though he masks it well with doses of coffee, it’s starting to flare up in full force now that you’re growing his child in your belly. 

Having a baby was planned, as most things in his life are. You and he have been married for two years now, your careers are settled into a comfortable groove, so having a child just seemed like the logical next step. But it’s different planning on paper to actually seeing your plans blossom into fruition, especially when presented in the form of an ultrasound, the black and white squiggles indicating the new life he’ll hold in his hands in less than six months’ time. 

“Is that - ?” he’s barely able to form a coherent sentence. 

The ultrasound tech and you share a smile. “That’s our baby, Keiji”, you say, taking his trembling hand in yours. 

Even though your belly is barely a bump and the baby is but a tiny bean sprout in monochrome, there are so many things to prepare in advance. 

Like cradles and prams - he spends his free time perusing parenting magazines about the best, safest models. Like the difference between diapers - until you step in and gently insist that you very much doubt either of you will have the time to maintain the use of cloth diapers. Like the type of laundry detergent is best for babies’ clothing - or - or - or the type of food that he should slowly be introducing the baby to as the months progress while being careful not to accidentally trigger any allergies- 

“Keiji”, you say, catching his face in the warm cradle of your hands. “You’re overthinking again.” 

“I am, aren’t I”, he laughs wryly, arms circling around your waist, ever so careful not to crush you. “I just want to make sure everything’s perfect and we have it all figured out before the baby arrives.” 

“Everything’s already going to be perfect”, you reply, nuzzling up to him. “We’re going to be parents, Keiji. Imagine that!” 

He knows. Oh gods, he knows and he’s terrified. 

What if he screws up? What if he gets something wrong? What if he accidentally suffocates his precious baby, or messes up by overlooking something small and banal? He’ll never forgive himself, and worse he’ll disappoint you - 

“How do you keep your kids alive?” He blurts his fear out to Bokuto when the older man visits with his trio of sons in tow. 

Bokuto isn’t even fazed by the question, despite it coming out of left field. He lifts the teething Kousuke into his lap so he doesn’t chew up the furniture before turning to gaze at Akaashi. “There are three cardinal rules to fatherhood, Akaaashi”, Bokuto says solemnly. 

Akaashi leans forward, eager to listen to whatever pearls of wisdom his former senpai might have for him. He must have some good advice - he’s raising three boys and they’re all alive and healthy, if a little feral. 

“First”, Bokuto raises a finger, though the effect is rather lost from Kousuke promptly chomping on it. “Feed your kids. If they’re full, it’s all good. And keep sugar to a minimum, unless you want them to bounce off the walls.”

“Fair enough”, Akaashi nods, mentally filing the first rule away in his head. “What’s next?”  

“Second, you gotta check that they don’t pee or poop on themselves. If they have, just clean it up. When kiddos are dry, then it’s all good!”

That’s also fairly obvious.

“Third”, Bokuto nods as if in approval of his wisdom. “Don’t let your kid bite anyone, or your other kids -”

Akaashi blinks. And then he blinks again. 


“It’s true! Kousuke has a nasty habit cos the little kiddo can’t talk yet, so he chomps down when he’s pleased or isn’t pleased, like when he has to defend his toys from being taken by his older brothers - ”

“Bokuto–san”, Akaashi massages the space between his brows. “These can’t be the only rules to fatherhood? I mean - what about - what about figuring out what’s the best pram to use? Whether to use the Montessori method in teaching your kid - or, I don’t know - shouldn’t I be referring to some parenting bible or something?”

A heavy hand lands on his shoulder, instantly grounding him. 

“Kids are pretty resilient, Akaashi!” Bokuto booms. “You could drop them - okay, maybe don’t try that, and don’t ever tell my wife I said that - but they’re hardy little things, as long as they’re fed and kept clean and aren’t attacking each other, it’s all good.” 

“It can’t be that easy”, he says, head in hands. Because it feels life changing, bringing a new life into the world, and he has to get it right, he has to make sure everything’s perfect, right? 

“I mean, I’m not saying it’s easy”, Bokuto replies, frowning. “You won’t be getting much sleep ‘specially when your kid’s just born cos babies don’t seem to know how to sleep through the night, so you gotta get up and cuddle them and soothe them so they’re happy enough to go back to sleep. But then when they grow up, the challenge is really teaching them to be good kiddos, y’know?” 

“You mean teaching them to be kind?” 

Bokuto grins, bouncing Kousuke on his lap. “Got that in one! That’s more important than worrying about what pram you’re gonna get - just strap them to your chest, it’s easy enough and it’s a good workout too!”

His former teammate’s enthusiasm is infectious, but Akaashi no longer has the stamina from his high school days, so he thinks a pram might still be very necessary. Still, he sees the wisdom in Bokuto’s words. 

So he surprises you when he drops his obsession with parenting magazines and books and lectures and podcasts, pulling your feet into his lap instead to give you a gentle massage and whispering seriously to your bump. 

“You don’t have to worry cos I’ll make sure you’re fed and I’ll change your diapers, and I promise I’ll never drop you on your head, and we’ll get you a pram cos I don’t think I can carry you around all day, especially when you get older - ”

“Keiji, you’re worrying too much again” you interrupt him, smiling indulgently down at your husband. 

He presses a kiss to your bump before meeting your smile. “I was talking to Bokuto-san this afternoon.”

“Ah”, you reply. “And what advice did he give to you?” 

“This and that”, your husband says. “But he reminded me not to worry overmuch.” 

“His advice doesn’t seem to have worked too well then”, you answer archly. 

Akaashi sighs through his nose. “I just want to be a good dad.” 

“Oh Keiji”, you card through his hair, let him slump into your side. “You will be a fantastic dad, I know it. The fact that you’re worrying so much shows that you care for our little bean sprout.”

“Of course I care”, he murmurs. “I want our kid to grow up safe and healthy and happy and kind - ”

“And after listening to yourself say that, don’t you think you’ll be a good dad?” 

He scrunches up his nose, a tell-tale sign to you that while he sees the logic in your words, he can’t bring himself to believe in them just yet. 

“This is going to be cliched and something right out of your shounen mangas that you edit - ”

He closes his eyes as if he’s in pain. “Believe in me, who believes in you?” 

You tug at his ear gently. “That’s pretty apt in our case, is it not?” 

“Fine”, he mumbles, defeated. “You have a point.” 

“Stop worrying, Keiji. You’re going to be a good dad.” 

“Okay”, he breathes. “I - I hope so.” 

The smile you bestow upon him, full of trust and love goes much, much further in soothing his fears, in taming his unbridled worries. “You don’t have to hope - I know it. Now c’mon! Let’s discuss baby names, and before you even think of mentioning it - no we are not naming our kid after Bokuto - ”

“I mean, he already has three kids practically named after himself -” 

“Nor are we allowing Kuroo any suggestions - ”

“Agreed. His daughters only have normal names because his wife put her foot down - ”

Somewhere in greater Tokyo, both Kuroo and Bokuto sneeze in perfect harmony. 


a/n: heh. yes! i am alive and still writing ><

(Supernatural/Soulmate AU)

*GIF not mine*

Summary: How do normal people react when they get kidnapped by a vampire and a wizard claiming to be their soulmates? Because you try to choke them out with their own breakfasts. But maybe that’s just you. 

A/N: Sup y’all, ik ik it’s been a long time and whatnot, but let’s be honest, my a/n ain’t what ur here for. Hope you like it, and sorry for the wait!

Taglist:@burntcilantro @alloverbutterflies @neonghxst @zaejia  @momothepeachgirl  @black-veil-chemicalz @bumblebeel @blxkstar  @keigosbitch  @planetmae​  @rikorene @idiot-juice-enthusiast @cherriomilkmangos  @floriane4536  @shimy-deko @lanceyfancypants @asteroikawa  @bokutowo @ichiraku-verse @samie-babie @astro-anomaly  @hq149  @pagan-and-gay​  @erinoikawa  @missbuwan  @drunken-dreams @prettyinblack231 @franko-pop @artisticamore  @bokkubeam  @bokutosfeather @autumnandhotchocolate @tendo-sxtori​ (probably forgot some, it’s been a while :/)

Word count: 4620

        “Do you think she’s okay?”

        “For the fifth time, Bokuto, she’s fine. I told you I’ve already checked and made sure.”

        “Yeah, I know it’s just are you reallysure?”

        “You’re pushing it, Bokuto.”

        “All right, all right.” 

        Silence fell as your eyes fluttered open. 

        “But are you certain?”


        Akaashi’s voice was cut off by a cry, and before you knew it the sun flooding your eyes had been replaced by Bokuto’s face. 

        “YN, YOU’RE ALIVE!”

        “Bo,” you croaked, leaning up onto your elbows before pressing a hand to your temple, “it’s too early for that volume.”

        “Afraid not, my love,” Akaashi rose from his seat on a stump a few feet away and moved to kneel by your side. “According to the sun, it seems you’ve slept more than half the day away.”

        “Oh,” you glanced around, observing the spanse of dirt and trees before you. The sun sat directly above your head, unencumbered by clouds and backdropped by shades of blue. Birds chirped high and far in the trees, and a gentle wind cooled the sweat that had been beading at your forehead. “Looks like my kind of morning, if I’m honest.”

        Akaashi scoffed with a smile, rising to his feet before offering you a hand as Bokuto clambered away in search of something. “Trust me, I know.”

        You sputtered at the jab before taking his hand, almost losing your playful air at the contact. His hands were soft to the touch, gentle and warm. So warm. 

        It finally occurred to you that this was the first time in weeks you’d been relaxed enough to truly revel in the comforting touches Akaashi always provided. The heat flowing from his form thawed the frozen limbs you’d generated from sleeping on the forest floor for hours. When it reached your chest, a feeling akin to finding something long lost embraced you. 

        “A little lie here and there never hurt anyone, you know.”

        “Sometimes it does,” Akaashi’s face fell into seriousness, a fitting but usually undesirable look for him. 

        Wanting to return the atmosphere to buoyancy, you opened your mouth to take back what you said, but not before clamorous footsteps behind you drew both of your attention. 

        “Darling, I caught and roasted a squirrel for you to eat!” Bokuto finally returned to the clearing where you had all settled for the night, holding what appeared to be a stick with a disturbingly charred creature on the end. 

        Your stomach growled.

        Akaashi glanced down at you, half-shocked, half-concerned. Your gaze was still locked on the burnt animal, however. 

        Maybe it was the fact that you had only been eating berries and suspicious leaves for the past few days, or maybe you were truly losing your mind. 

        But damn were you hungry. 

        For modesty’s sake, you accepted the skewered squirrel with pursed lips and blank eyes, but deep down you were all but ready to swallow it whole. 

        “Thank you, Bo,” you trailed off, trying to keep a straight face as your mouth watered. 

        Akaashi’s hand settled on your shoulder. “My love, you don’t have to-”

        “No, no, it’s fine.” Shrugging his hand off, you moved to claim the stump he had sat on earlier. “Can’t wait.”

        Both boys watched you with conflicting gazes, one distressed and anxious in a way you’ve never seen before on him, and the other overjoyed. 

        Judging by the way the thin tail had flaked off at your touch, it was well-done.

        This is supposed to be disgusting. This is supposed to be gross. You don’t want to eat this, YN.

        You gulped, still observing the squirrel from every which way to see where to start. 

        But I’m so hungry.

         By the time you were finished with your breakfast, Akaashi’s face had turned pale and Bokuto’s had broken out into a smile. 

        “Did you like it?”

        “Loved it.”

        With a deep dismay at yourself, you knew you spoke the truth. 


        “I say we go west.”

        “That’s the way we came, YN.”


        You’d been in the woods for what must’ve been three days, maybe more during your long rest after escaping Kuroo. Bokuto said you were out for forever, and you weren’t exactly sure how to convert that into a measurement of time. 

        Said vampire stood next to you, holding and swinging your hand with his while waiting for Akaashi to determine the correct way to get home. 

        Earlier, Bokuto had plucked a dandelion and placed it behind your ear, adding more to the collection whenever he got the chance. 

        Right now, he’d had plenty of time, collecting so many that he’d given up on your ears and placed them atop your head. “I don’t know how to make one of those crowns,” he’d said sheepishly. 

        “Akaashi, can’t you just whip up a spell and find out where we are?” you groaned, taking a flower off your head and setting it behind Bokuto’s ear. His face flushed from the force of his smile. 

        “I don’t have any ingredients at hand, my love,” Akaashi spoke, gaining your attention once more. 

        “What happened to you being able to just, like, poof it out at any time?”

        “Using magic to attack an enemy is different from using it to escape a miles-long forest. And I suppose we should continue heading east.” 

        Akaashi set onto his chosen path, dodging moss-covered rocks and dangling twigs with you and Bokuto at his heels. Every few minutes he would glance back at the two of you, dandelions behind your ears and hands held before he trekked on ahead, back straight and stiff.

        Guilt and shame filled your chest at his obvious discontentedness, and when you murmured his name, he didn’t turn around. “Akaashi,” you repeated, much louder than before. 

        He halted in his tracks and turned, face a perfect mask of placidness as he responded. “Yes?”

        You dragged Bokuto up to him before grasping the wizard’s hand, interlocking your fingers tightly. “Much better,” you grinned, a weight dropping off your shoulders the second his eyes lost their dejection. 

        “If you think so, my love,” Akaashi whispered, raising your hand to press a kiss to your knuckles. 


        He froze, brows furrowing. 

        Uncurling your hand from his, you ignored his heartbroken look and tugged a yellow flower from behind your ear, placing it behind his own and ruffling his hair along the way. A chuckle worked its way from his lips, affecting you much more than was appropriate as you grasped his hand again. 

        “Okay, now we can go.”


        Three months? A year?

        As you lay on the ground, only the moon to keep you company, you ponder how you’ve come to be where you are. Among the arms of two supernatural creatures, ones anyone else your age would have laughed at the idea of even existing. 

        You had a whole life behind you, one that would never be the same if you dared to return. If you were allowed to return.

        The men that lay at your sides, one completely wrapped around you while the other only grasps your hand, don’t make a sound that doesn’t convey absolute slumber. 

        Only days–weeks?–ago had you told them that you loved them. In the heat of the moment, the word had just slipped out, out to the men who catered to your every whim, every want and need. I love them. I love them.

        I love them…


        You loved animals. You loved rainy days. You loved the scent of your favorite fruit and the feeling of stretching first thing in the morning. 

        All these things felt so easy to define aloud, to say affirmingly “Yes, I do love these things. I love them with all of my heart.”

        But loving or simply saying you loved Akaashi and Bokuto had a different effect on you altogether. It felt… revealing. It had the same emotional impact as those dreams of going to school naked. You were bare, leaving yourself wide open to enemy attack.

        But these two men weren’t your enemies. They wouldn’t dare to hurt you in such a way. Countless times have they revealed your feelings to you, told you about how you made them feel deep down inside their hearts. You were the love of their lives, and they’ve told you so, verbatim. 

        Is that what you were feeling then? Love

        When Bokuto nuzzled against your neck in that moment, forcing your chest to thump, was that love? Was it the feeling of calm that settled over you when Akaashi ran his thumb over your knuckles? Was thatlove?

        “Keiji?” you whispered, glancing to your right to see if he had stirred. His hand tightened around yours, leaving your heart stuttering. Though his eyes were shut, lashes gently brushing the tips of his cheeks, his lips tilted into a soft smile. 

        “Yes, my love?” A single eye fluttered open, carefully revealing a deep blue iris that scanned over your face. You were hesitant to ask, afraid to sound like a child asking a juvenile question. But you so dearly wanted to know. 

        “What does love feel like?”

        The question hung in the air as you felt Akaashi stiffen beside you, his hand pausing in its caresses along yours. You lay beside him a bundle of nerves, wondering if somehow you managed to press the wrong button in so few words. 

        “W-what I meant to say was-was that, umm, you know, is there like a criteria, or… or, like a checklist-”

        Akaashi chuckled, effectively cutting you off and forcing a blush onto your face. Shame filled your chest and you lightly pulled your hand from his grip, returning your gaze to the moon. As his laughs faded away into the night, you watched in your peripheral vision as he sat up, leaning back on his elbows as he crossed one leg over the other. Of course, your actions escaped none of his attention. 

        “My love, I’m sorry. I did not mean to laugh.” He ignored your scoff and continued. “It is just… all of these times I have met you, fallen for you over and over and not once have you ever asked for my criteria of love.”

        “Good to know I’m especially stupid this round.”

        “No, that is not what I meant,” he shook his head, shifting into a cross-legged position before nudging you to face him with a finger on your chin. “What I mean is… you are so different this time. In a good way. For the first time in so many reincarnations, I feel as though I am learning a side of you, a side of YN I have never known before. It’s endearing.”

        “That,” you swallowed, glancing away as a sudden feeling of breathlessness washed over you. In the pit of your stomach sat a comforting warmth, threatening to overtake you and make you shiver. “That doesn’t really answer my question.”

        “I know, love, so here is my answer: I do not know.”

        Your jaw dropped. “Seriously? You’re kidding me, right?”

        But a sincere smile, carefree and so, so unexpected out of Akaashi made you wait to hear an explanation. Boohockey.

        “It’s true. Each time I fell in love, every single time was different. I just knew.”

        “Surely you’ve gotta know how that doesn’t help me at all.”

        He laughed again. “Yes, I know. But, if it helps at all, I didn’t know it in here,” he trails his index finger gently along your temple, “I knew it in here.” When his hand drops to the middle of your chest, your heart jumps.

        “That,” you gulp, “must have been quite the surprise for a wise old wizard like you.”

        “It was,” he amusedly hums, looking away from you only so he can resituate himself on the ground. He returns to holding your hand as he settles back onto his side, facing you. “A pleasant surprise.”

        The night falls into silence once more, only occasionally broken by Bokuto’s natural mumbles. 

        Did you feel it in your chest? Not just the heart racing, but actual love that came from them, for them? 

        When Akaashi’s thumb ran over your knuckles once more, uncertainty was washed away and replaced by contentment. You were calm, at peace, and possibly…

        “Oh, and, my love?”


        “Please, do start calling us by our personal names like that more often,” Akaashi murmured, lips pressing against your hair. “We would so adore it.”

        Definitely in love.


        The next time you wake, it’s not to the pleasant sound of one of the boys stirring you or whispering your name. 

        Instead, it’s to the sound of a cracking twig. Leaves rustle in the trees far too insistently to be only the wind. And when you hear distant, unintelligible mumbles, all of your worries are confirmed. 

        Somebody’s out there.

        It’s barely morning, the sun just beginning to paint the sky a gentle blue as the stars finally disappear from sight. Your face feels frozen and stiff, it having been the only thing Bokuto and Akaashi hadn’t covered with their forms throughout the night. Your body is stuck within a tangle of limbs and you can’t quite tell which ones are yours and which aren’t. 

        Again a branch crackles and your eyes narrow, surveying the towering treetops above you for the source of movement. You suck your bottom lip in between your teeth and gnaw.

        Neither of the men beside you have even twitched, both completely unaware of your fraying nerves. 

        How can they not hear that?

        You move to escape the jungle gym that is Bokuto and Akaashi around you, unhooking the leg curled around your hip and carefully unclasping the hands wrapped around your waist. Brushing off the dirt and rocks that had stuck to your skin during your sleep, you take a peek down at them. 

        You’re only half surprised they’re still asleep when you catch a glimpse of their faces. Bokuto’s face looks relaxed for the first time in weeks, brow completely unfurrowed and nose twitching as he mumbles in his sleep. Akaashi, on the other hand, has dark circles you’ve only now noticed, creating sagging skin underneath his eyes that made him seem like a different person entirely. 

        It’s been months and yet just here and now are you realizing how the events that have transpired may have affected other people aside from you. As much as you cared and worried for them, locked up and left to die in cages, they cared and worried for you. 

        You, the one who’s been kidnapped by their worst enemy.

        You, the one they’ve dedicated their lives to protecting. 

        You, their soulmate. 

        Suddenly, your shoulders sagged. Here you were, thinking they were still coasting on the high of finding their reincarnated love, thinking that all of this adventure, all of these miserable events were just a regular Tuesday for them. 

        He finally found you, they’d said, back when they’d taken you away from your college and back to their home.

        In all of the centuries they’ve been tracking reincarnates like you down, only this time did Kuroo find you too. 

        The thought of the werecat leaves a twinge in your side, but you’re dragged out of these thoughts by the sound of yet another rustling branch. With one last glance down at the men, you purse your lips and sneak away to investigate. 

        Due to the sun only just now appearing, the dirt under your shoes is hard and unforgiving. Morning dew on the occasional blade of grass and fallen leaf beads and trails down the plant life, soaking into the forest floor like a daily tradition. Some drops patter down onto your head after dripping off the tree limbs soaring above you. 

        It’s quiet, peaceful, and for a moment you completely forget why you’re even out there. 

        And then you spot them. 

        Two creatures, hundreds of feet above you. Somehow they’ve found a sturdy branch to rest on at such a height. You can only see their outlines, black and human-shaped. 

        And yet not human at all. 

        Breath speeding up, you try to back away slowly, as quietly as it seemed you’d come. Your hands wave around at your sides in effort to make sure you won’t back up into anything-



        Their whispering stops, and the creatures’ outlines move in such a way that you’re sure they’ve just turned and spotted you. 


        Your head pounds, shouting at you to run or yell or something, but your feet feel frozen to the floor. Cold panic strikes your heart. 

        The only thing that finally urges you to move is the sight of wings sprouting from the creatures’ backs. 

        “Cr-rap,” you whimper, just before turning around and bolting. 

        You hurdle over fallen branches, kicking rocks up behind you as you avoid bumping into trees and tripping over uneven ground. Blood roars in your ears now as you sprint, muscles still sore and whining from the last race you’d run just days ago. But you don’t dare look behind you. 

        This cannot be happening!

        “BOKUTO!” you cry out. “AKAA- AHHH!” At the feeling of two limbs wedging themselves under your arms, you scream, pure, unadulterated terror seizing your chest as your feet unwillingly leave the ground. You kick your legs, trying to hit something, anything, that you might catch on to get out of the grip of the creature behind you. Instantly, you debunk this plan the second its grip loosens on you and you slip just an inch closer to the ground. 

        The ground that is now a few feet too many below you to land safely. 

        “I have a fear of heights, I have a fear of heights, I have a fear of heights,” you babble, hands waving around wildly and finding purchase in the upper arms that currently hold you. “I don’t wanna die, I don’t wanna die, I don’t wanna die.”

        Eyes practically bulging out of your skull, you try not to black out when the creature continues flying you higher, wings flapping forcefully behind you as its hot breath brushes your neck. The greens and browns of the forest blow past you in a blur, so fast that the second you surface above the trees, the blue sky blinds you and leaves your head foggy. 

        The creature finally stops, flapping its wings slower only to maintain its spot inches from the tops of the trees. You whimper when you feel your feet brush the pointed tip of a pine tree. 

        “Hinata!” it–he?–calls, tightening his grip under your arms as he struggles to hold your scrambling body still. “Hinata, call the others!”

        The trees below you crackle closer and closer until the second creature surfaces, looking not much like a creature at all. 

        In fact, he looks like a young boy, no older than sixteen with scruffy red hair and nervous brown eyes. He wore black shorts and a white shirt, one which you assumed was backless considering what was sprouting out from behind him.

        Wings. A human with wings.


        They were covered in black feathers and spread out as far as he was tall, each one the length of his entire body. 


        “Kageyama,” “Hinata” scratched the back of his neck nervously, wings still powerfully flapping behind him as he hovered across from you. Occasionally, his gaze would dance down to you before flitting back up at your… kidnapper- Shit, why does this keep happening? “Are you sure we should be doing this?”

        “What do you mean, dumbass?” the voice behind you snapped, deeper and angrier than his friend’s. “She’s an intruder on our territory, and this is our duty. Now call the others.”

        “But what if she-”

        “If it makes you feel any better,” you choked out, voice quivering as you tried to adjust your grip harder on the boy behind you, “I’m not intruding willingly. In fact, if you just return me to the ground–slowly–we’ll just leave you alone and be on our way.”

        The boy behind you tensed while his friend’s eyes widened.


        A roar from deep below you sounded, angry and out for blood. “YN!”

        Even you shook in fear at the sound, nails digging into the boy’s arms harder. 

        “Who is that?” Kageyama barked out from behind you, but even his voice trembled slightly. 

        “Kageyama, I told you this was a bad idea!” the ginger pleaded, eyes flitting back and forth between his friend and the trees below. 

        You opened and closed your mouth, searching for words that wouldn’t get you dropped to your death when you heard a distant rumbling. 

        In a matter of seconds, the wind slowly began to pick up, blowing your hair into disarray as both of the flying men flapped their wings harder, struggling to steady themselves like surfboards in heavy tides. The sunny, clear day that was evidently forecasted disappeared in the blink of an eye.

        Grey clouds formed from nothing and grew darker and darker, growling with thunder as rain started to pour down on you. 

        Kageyama started lowering himself toward the trees with a cuss before barking at an open-mouthed Hinata. “Get lower, dumbass! You don’t wanna get struck!”

        The ginger quickly shut his mouth and nodded, following his friend’s lead and taking cover from the droplets amongst the trees. The second you all found home on a sturdy branch, however, lightning clapped and hit your very tree, electricity sparking it aflame in seconds. 

        Both of them yelped in shock while you screamed, the strike splintering the tree. 

        “YN!” Akaashi’s voice rang out and you dared to glance down at the forest floor, the sheer distance making you nauseous. He held out his hands towards you, his fingertips bathing in a dark red glow. You knew he couldn’t safely catch you from this distance, even with the pacing Bokuto by his side’s help. So what was he…?

        A particularly harsh gust of wind hit your split tree, forcing your branch and everyone on it to lean closer toward the floor. Akaashi’s eyes widened when you didn’t immediately smile in relief at the sight of them–in fact, you did quite the opposite and screeched in fear, scrambling backwards on the branch so you didn’t slip off. 

        When your back met the chest of Kageyama, he grabbed your shoulder and turned you to face him, blue eyes blaring. His black hair grew tousled in the wind while he sneered at you. “Who the hell are you here with?”

        Wind started blowing harder and rain drops hit you like bullets, pounding down on you as the sky rumbled angrily once more. The forest grew uproariously loud as tree limbs crashed against one another, snapping off and soaring through the wind only to collide with more trunks. 

        And with all this noise and distraction, none of you noticed the vampire crawling his way up the trees until he tackled you by the waist. One arm wrapped around you like a vice, crushing you against him while you shrieked. The momentum of his jump carried you both off the branch and into wide open air, which did nothing for your racing heart as you wrapped all your limbs around him and held on for dear life. You buried your face into his shoulder, almost breaking your nose against his collarbone when he, you assumed, crashed into a second tree and used his three free limbs to hang on. 

        “YN!” Bokuto called out, wind still whipping past both your ears. “Are you okay?”

        “Y-yeah,” you nodded, not even daring to lift your head. 

        “Good.” The hand wrapped around your waist moved to rub your back gently as he spoke. “I need you to hang on tight, okay?”


        You tightened your grip around his form, humming nervously when he let go of your waist to utilize his second hand. “It’s okay,” he reassured you, and you began to realize the wind and rain had slowed. “Just hang on.”

        Bokuto climbed down the tree, you wrapped around the front of his chest like a koala as he mumbled calming words to you. 

        When you felt him stop climbing and heard rushed footfalls, you carefully raised your head and peered out around you, almost crying in relief at the sight of being on solid ground. The second you made a move to unwrap yourself from Bokuto’s body, however, his arms wound themselves around you and effectively halted any form of escape. Another solid form pressed into your back and you knew Akaashi had joined the party too.

        “My love,” kisses were peppered along the back of your neck and shoulders, “are you okay?” 

        You didn’t bother responding fully, instead just humming and nodding your head. You stayed locked in their embrace until your body and your mind cleared. The second a wave of warm tingles crawled up and down your spine, you let them know you were ready to be released by gently pushing away their forms. 

        A pouty whine escaped Bokuto’s lips as you pulled away and you breathed out a laugh. “I’m okay, I promise.”

        “But you’re still on our territory,” an entirely new voice spoke, strong and commanding. The responses in Bokuto and Akaashi were instant as they both whipped toward the new man, tense and ready for a fight. Akaashi’s hands were washed in a red mist and Bokuto released a growl, pushing you behind him as his eyes flashed red. 

        You were severely outnumbered, you soon realized, as Hinata and Kageyama had seemed to finally call for the others like they’d planned. 12 or so men, all winged and ready for a fight, stood surrounding the three of you. The leader you’d heard talk earlier stepped forward, brown hair and browner eyes looking more intimidating than they should as he looked over you all. 

        At each of his sides stood men, one with light, fair hair observing you all with furrowed brows while the other’s head was shaved completely, a sharp-toothed sneer focused on all of you. Behind the latter, you noticed, stood a cowering Hinata while the former helped a fallen Kageyama rise to his feet, obviously favoring one leg over the other. 

        “Who are you?” Bokuto stepped forward, shoulders curled forward as he eyed all of them down. He was obviously gauging his chances, and all but he seemed to know they were slim. 

        “Shouldn’t we be asking that question?” the bald one snarled, causing the vampire to take a step forward. When the winged man returned the favor, Akaashi placed a single hand on his shoulder before glancing back at you. Swallowing lightly, you slipped a hand forward, sliding it into Bokuto’s palm and softening your gaze when he squeezed it for a second. 

        Kageyama’s gaze dropped to the action for a second before raising back to Bokuto’s face. 

       “Calm down, Tanaka,” the leader turned his head, throwing the overexcited man a warning glare. When he turns back to the three of you, his back straightens. “My name is Daichi, and you’re in the Karasuno Crows’ territory. Now, who are you?”

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“ hands ”

akaashi x reader

genre: fluff.

it didn’t matter that you were at the mall, crowds of people rushing back and forth to get their holiday shopping done, all that mattered was the boy in front of you. the two of you tucked away in the booth at the far end of the food court, warm drinks in front of you.

this was only your fourth date, but you already knew you loved him. his black hair with curly tips and bangs that almost draped over his eyebrows. his blue eyes looked like the water in a hidden magic garden. his beautiful brain, that always found such unique ways to compliment you.

“keiji?” you got his attention, his head peering up from what he was reading; the back cover of a book he’d just bought on your mall date. his hands began fidgeting under the table, reminding you of why you bothered to break the silence. he hummed, waiting for you to continue.

“why do you play with your hands?” you asked like a young child, curious on why the sky was blue. akaashi paused for a second, bringing his hands onto the cool surface of the table and laying them out, palms facing the ceiling.

his eyebrows frowned, lines creasing into his forehead. not even he knew how to answer. he looked back up to you, your eyes wide with curiosity.

“well,” he sighed, tilting his gaze back down so he could watch his fingers curl in and out. “i think it’s just because i get anxious about…things.” you watched him press his lips together, deep in thought.

“just things?” your tone became softer, slightly biting your lip and analyzing his response, “but it’s okay if you don’t want to tell me.” although he shook his head, meeting your eyes once more. seeing you gave him confidence.

“no it’s okay. it is a bit weird but i guess i just get insecure about them.” your lips pressed together, a small pout forming on your face while akaashi waited for you to reply.

leaning forward, you placed his hands into yours, cupping them despite his being bigger and you gently jolted him forward in order to bring his hands close to you.

“i don’t think it’s weird.” his mouth was open just the slightest bit, taken a back from your sudden movement, his eyebrows raised with surprise as he anticipated what you were trying to do.

you kept eye contact until the moment your soft lips touched the back of his hand. your eyelids fluttered shut, resting lightly. his hands heated up, it was cute you could feel his fluster all the way to his finger tips.

sitting back up, your beaming expression was contagious as a smile rested naturally on his face. “you’re amazing, you know that?” you reminded him, trying to keep any self deprecating thoughts from his mind.

“i always feel amazing when we’re together.” he managed to connect your hands, giving them a loving squeeze. you could feel the tips of your nose heating up at his remark, nodding in agreement.

you were quick to break out into a giggle, feeling the happiest you had in awhile. love had a tricky way of slipping into every situation with him.


Tsukishima x Fem!Reader

Warnings: cheating, angst (but with happy ending for Y/N)

Synopsis: In which Tsukishima made a mistake he will regret for the rest of his life.

It had been so long when that fateful night happened. The night when you caught Tsukishima, your fiancé of three years, sleeping on your shared bed with another woman. Tsukishima can never forget the morbid look etched onto your face, the way your tears fell from those beautiful eyes he so loved or even the way you slipped your engagement ring and threw it on his face. He would never forget as long as he lives. He wondered, back then, if he didn’t took you for granted, if he didn’t spend his time that night drinking with another woman, while you, his fiancée was working your ass out on your internship, would it be you who’s with him as of present? Would it be you embracing him? A lot of questions, regrets flooded his mind, because after all those years, he still believes you’re his “the one”, but he fucked up big time.

The night it happened was when you were out late due to your internship, it was raining hard the moment you went out of the building. You were so worried why Tsukishima never replied to your texts nor chats saying that you will be going home late instead of going home the next day. You hurriedly went home, but the moment you opened the front door, a pair of heels that definitely did not belong to you greeted you. Trembling, you slowly walked towards the bedroom, the sight that unfolded in front of your eyes made you gasp which startled the two naked person sleeping on the bed. Tsukishima’s eyes went wide the moment it landed on your shocked state. A shiver ran down his spine as he hurriedly stood up and plucked his clothes from the floor and started to run after you. “Y/N wait! I-I can explain!” yet a loud slap was your only response and you harshly pulled the ring from your finger and threw it on his face. Tears won’t stop falling from your eyes as you ran back outside to the cold rain. Your hands were still shaking when you pulled out your phone and called someone. “H-Hello? C-Can you please pick me up?”

It had been a week after you left, your cousin, Bokuto came to pack your things. Despite Bokuto being a big ball of sunshine, he tried his hardest not to punch Tsukishima the moment he opened the door and let him in. When Tsukki asked him where you were, all he got was a death glare as Bokuto said, “Why the hell would you care?”. After packing your things, Bokuto left and Tsukishima stood by the door clenching his fist over the engagement ring you once wore in his jacket pocket. Tsukishima wondered where you were or how were you but you blocked him in all your social media accounts, even told all your friends not to tell him where you were or who you are with. You just want to cut all ties with him.

What happened that night was a one time thing yet Taukki exchanged it for something he could have for the rest of his life. He truly loved you, but he missed your warmth, your embrace, your touch, you. What he could have was a forever with you but he lost it in a blink of an eye just because he can’t keep it in his pants. He could’ve fought for you, beg you to comeback and forgive him, yet four months later after the dreadful incident, his mistress showed up telling him she was pregnant with his child. He felt his world suddenly stopped, it was over for him, it was over for the both of you. Although he dreamed of this to happen but not with this woman, he wanted you. He wanted you to bear his children, he wanted to build a family with you, not with someone whom he never truly loved.

And as Tsukishima’s world crumbled at his feet, yours on the other hand, starts anew. With the help of your dear cousin and his best friend, you were slowly picking up yourself and putting back your broken pieces altogether. Bokuto and Akaashi were there to be your emotional support. They were present at times when you were blaming yourself for what happened, telling you that you didn’t do anything wrong. Proving to you that you were more than enough and that Tsukishima was an asshole who took you for granted. He was blind to see that the most perfect person for him was already in front of his eyes yet he chose to cheat on you, to hurt you and to break you. But with Bokuto and Akaashi by your side, you slowly accepted the fact that whatever was in between you and Tsukishima was over. And it was time to forget and move forward. They never left you, in smiles or in tears they were there for you. They never let you feel alone or unloved. They were sure to put you back on your feet. “Kou, do you think I could… Y-you know…” you trailed off. “If you could love again?” Bokuto finishes what you were trying to say. “Y-yeah..” you shyly admitted. Bokuto beamed at you in response. “Of course!” He shook your shoulders enthusiastically, “Well, you know Y/N, I do believe that there is someone meant for each of us!” He states, discreetly eyeing his raven head friend from across the room. “You juat have to open your eyes and your heart. Maybe the one for your is just around the corner!” And you believe everything he said.

Five years later, Tsukishima’s life was a mess, living with a woman whom he only shares a child with was not what he dreamed of. He never truly loved the woman he ended up with. And despite his life being a mess, he cared so much about his lovely daughter, who became his light and the rock that grounded him. But even at that point he couldn’t stop thinking what would it feel if you were the mother of the child he loved so much. “Kei something came for you this morning.” His wife called as she handed him an elegant looking envelope. “I think its an invitation by the looks of it.” she added. Tsukishima put his sleeping daughter gently on the bed and took the envelope from his wife. Its an invitation, as a matter of fact, it was an invitation to Bokuto’s engagement party next week. A thought crossed his mind, would you be there too? It had been so long since he heard anything about you. There’s one way to find out.

The party was lavish. After all it was an engagement party of one of the famous pro-volleyball athletes . Everyone were on their best tuxedos and dresses. Tsukki spotted Bokuto on the other side of the hall, greeting some of the guests with his soon-to-be bride by his side. He scans the event hall, hoping to find you, and as he was about to turn, there you were standing, looking like a goddess of Olympus as you talked to Yamaguchi. His body moved before his mind could process everything and he started walking towards you, startling his wife who was clinging like a leech onto his arm. He greeted Yamaguchi first and then he faced you. “Hi Y/N.”. you smiled at him and greeted him back “Hello Tsukishima-san.” He felt a pang in his chest at how his last name rolled out of your tongue. He felt his wife tighten her grip onto his arm and that didn’t go unoticed to you and Yamaguchi. She extended her free hand to you as she introduced herself smugly, “Hello! I’m Aiko, Kei’s wife”. You only stared at her extended hand as Yamaguchi cleared his throat and turned to Aiko, half-heartedly laughing as he said “We know, Aiko-chan!”, she laughed nervously as she lowered her hand in defeat. Tsukishima was about to snap at his wife when someone approached your group and interwined their hand onto yours. Your face automatically lit up when you saw who it was.


The way how Akaashi held you close made Tsukishima’s stomach churn. It made his blood boil despite knowing he doesn’t have the right to. “Hey.” You had that look in your eyes in a same way how you looked at Tsukishima when you were together before, full of love and adoration. “Am I interrupting something?” Akaashi asked as he returned a loving gaze towards you. “No, Akaashi-san. Not at all.” Yamaguchi interjected. “Okay. Good. Y/N, Bokuto wants us on the stage.” You looked at him, confused. “What for?” Akaashi just shrugs and excuses the both of you as he gently pulled you towards the stage. Tsukishima can’t help but follow your retreating figures and feel an empty void growing within his heart.

As everyone was chatting around, Bokuto taps the mic in front of him gaining everyone’s attention. He was atanding in the middle with his fiancée beside him. “Ugh… Hello everyone! Thank you so much for being here! Kiho and I really appreciated everyone’s presence here tonight! Hahaha! But.. “ Bokuto pauses as he looked towards yours and Akaashi’s direction. “I also want to add one more thing…” He continues as he returned his attention to the crowd. “I would like to congratulate two of the most important people in my life, Akaashi and my dear cousin Y/N, on their wedding three days ago!” Everyone in the hall clapped and cheered as a spotlight was directed at you and your husband. Everyone was shouting and congratulating you and Akaashi, well, everyone except one. Tsukishima, who was standing at the farthest corner of the hall wished the ground would just swallow him whole, his eyes were fixated on you as you smile lovingly at Akaashi whose face is of a bright shade of pink. Tsukishima felt his world shattered for the second time in his life but this time its far more worst than the first. It should’ve been him lovingly gazing at you. Its should’ve been him hugging and kissing you. It should’ve been him wearing matching golden wedding bands with you. It should’ve been him calling you his wife. But he lost you long ago because of a one big mistake. And as he lowered his head, a lone tear fell from his eye, he will bear this regret until his last breath. The biggest regret of losing someone like you.

a/n:i dunno why i wanted to hurt Tsukki i’m really sorry tsukki

reblogs would be very much appreciated <3
