#storm of swords


Some more A Song of Ice and Fire Character Sketches. This time I did the Brotherhood Without Banners.

Day 4 - Birds Fly North | an Alayne Stone fanmix (by Tam) “They have offered a hundred stags f

Day 4 - Birds Fly North an Alayne Stone fanmix (by Tam)

They have offered a hundred stags for word of her whereabouts, and a hundred dragons for the girl herself. If the girl can be found, she will be found.

vernonia blues / horse feathers;

there’s a pain the west, a sinking feeling deep down in their chests. a little girl, a town with her name, her daddy died before she had came. to see the place and just how it laid to waste. the rain it came and did not stop

paradise / noah and the whale;

when she was just a girl she expected the world but it flew away from her reach and the bullets catch in her teeth. life goes on, it gets so heavy and the wheel breaks the butterfly. in the night, the stormy night, she closed her eyes… away she flies

heart of my own / basia bulat;

but i kept my eyes closed, i’ll never know where the shadows are these days. i stood in the room of a house divided, ah, and it washed away from me. - back home what do i hold? for the maid or the mother i’ll be, if only the loom and a thread will hold. it is work too but as that i hear it, tomorrow i’ll mend it: the empty bones

winter is coming / radical face;

i see the winter, she’s crawling up the lawn. i feel her breathing beneath my palms - but we’re all out of time, nothing left to decide. pack your things up quick, this one can’t be fixed. leave the rest of it behind

colleen / joanna newsom;

he said, “my lady looks perturbed - (the light is in your eyes, colleen.)“ i said, "whatever can you mean?” he leaned in and said, “you ain’t forgotten everything." 

you’ve gone away long enough / mirah;

if the light takes you in will you know where you’ve been all this time, at the edge of a cliff you could almost just slip down the side. when there’s so much to do don’t you wish you could make up your mind? but it know it’s elusive, it grows and it burns you inside

snowflake / kate bush;

my broken hearts, my fabulous dance, my fleeting song. my twist and shout. i am ice and dust and light. i am sky and here. i can hear people, i think you are near me now, and the world is so loud. keep falling. i’ll find you.

Full ZIP (60.2MB, MP4s)

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Well, I promised something bigger and better, and here it is! ‘When you play the game of thrones, yo

Well, I promised something bigger and better, and here it is!

‘When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.’ - Cersei Lannister

I just love this quotation so much, to me it completely sums up the whole series and the nature of medieval politics. Love it. This piece took an absolute age to do, but I think it was worth it. The sigils featured are houses Stark, Lannister, Baratheon, Arryn, Greyjoy, Martell, Tyrell, Targaryen and Frey. 

The original is available to purchase here, I will never make this one again! https://www.etsy.com/listing/117182870/you-win-or-you-die-paper-cut

I hope you like it, please let me know what you think and any suggestions you may have. :) 

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La danza continuó. La acorraló contra un roble, lanzó una maldición cuando se le escapó y la siguió

La danza continuó. La acorraló contra un roble, lanzó una maldición cuando se le escapó y la siguió al cruzar un arroyo medio seco lleno de hojas caídas. El acero brillaba, el acero cantaba, el acero gritaba y resonaba, y la mujer empezó a gruñir como una cerda con cada golpe, pero no conseguía alcanzarla. Era como si estuviera metida en una jaula de hierro que detenía todos los golpes.

—No está nada mal —dijo al hacer la segunda pausa para recuperar el aliento, al tiempo que se movía hacia la derecha de la mujer.

—¿Para ser una moza?

—Digamos que para ser un escudero. Novato. —Dejó escapar una carcajada ronca, jadeante—. Vamos, vamos, querida, la música sigue sonando. ¿Me concedéis este baile, mi señora?

Se abalanzó contra él con un gruñido blandiendo la espada, y de repente era Jaime el que tenía que impedir que el acero le besara la piel. Una de las estocadas le rozó la frente, y la sangre se le metió en el ojo derecho. «Los Otros se la lleven, y también a todo Aguasdulces.» Su habilidad se había oxidado en aquella mazmorra de mierda, y las cadenas tampoco le ponían las cosas fáciles. Tenía un ojo cerrado, los hombros se le empezaban a entumecer por el esfuerzo y las muñecas le dolían por el peso de las cadenas, los grilletes y el acero. La espada larga le pesaba más con cada golpe, y Jaime sabía que no lo blandía tan deprisa como al principio, que no lo levantaba tan alto.

«Es más fuerte que yo.»

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Happy Birthday! Book Photo Challenge: June 5

Weddings are a type of party :) Always lots of fun :) Sometimes red :)

So apparently it’s popular now to hate on song lyrics in books but as far as I’m concerned nothing tops how GRRM has “bear and the maiden fair” in the first sansa chapter of storm of swords
