#stormlight archive



wit >:)

reread the way of kings recently and it aligned with my experimentation in digital painting :) could be better but I’m pretty proud of it

Possible Cover Art for Dalinar’s Book


and My Shame

(Making the O.J. Simpson one made me wonder about something. Simpson was prevented from receiving the profits from his book because of a lawsuit. That’s not the case for Dalinar. Is he going to make money off of his murder confession?)


a moash and khen reunion where she’s humming one of the rhythms and he doesn’t recognize it and he goes “which one is that again?” and she goes “it means i missed you, idiot”

rspixart:A quick Rlain because I’ve been dying to do some stormlight art again


A quick Rlain because I’ve been dying to do some stormlight art again

Post link


The combination of

1) 13-year-old Renarin telling Dalinar how Evi always spoke highly of him,

2) Jasnah remembering Renarin “weeping for a father who didn’t seem to be able to feel love” as a child, and

3) Renarin thinking in RoW that “it was a shame his mother had never seen [Dalinar] grow to be the man she said he was”

causes me physical pain.



Dalinar at the beginning of Words of Radiance: I intend to rebuild the Knights Radiant!

Adolin: But they all had special powers!

Kaladin, standing in the corner:

Op’s tags


10+ soul consuming fixations of various mediums later, I am casually reminded of the Stormlight Archive’s existance and go through book withdrawls all over again.

I become more well read. I continue through the endless cycle of media fixation that defines my life. Yet my love for this series still remains… maybe will always remain. It is just that good. It really does mean that much to me. Historically when I move onto the next fixation it eclipses all traces of the previous, but there are certain things that transcend that, and the Stormlight Archive is king amongst them.

I know it’s the mainstream choice for people who read modern adult fantasy. I know Brando Sando is reaching the level of popularity where people in those circles roll their eyes and think he’s overrated. I don’t care. All it takes is flipping through a few of the books casually and I am consumed by the intensity of the love I have for them.

Yes I am no stranger to such feelings. Yes I am an obsessive person. But the fact that this one escapes its time box means something. Usually for me obsessions are either happening or they’re over. That I can be reminded of it and still feel this way is special. The Stormlight Archives is my favourite series and I am having trouble envisioning it ever being surpassed. Yes there are some books that come close like Kingkiller, Green Bone Saga, Piranesi, Song of Achilles (my S tier is a short list and I read a lot.) But the intensity of the love I feel for Stormlight doesn’t fade. Even as I broaden my horizons. Even as I pull back from books and need other media like anime, manga, tv, twitch, actual play ttrpg, video games… Even with the memory-dulling properties of time… It will ALWAYS mean this much to me. None of the other Cosmere books were even able to come close.

Am I crazy? Yes definitely. But there must be other people out there who feel this way. The Stormlight Archive truly is an exceptional piece of media.

I should really re-read it again.


Kholins ranked by their willingness and ability to carry my groceries on the long walk from the bus stop to my apartment

Gavilar: would carry my groceries but only because he views me as weak and beneath him. He is doing this to exert power and to flex. 6/10

Navani: would take half of my groceries because “it’s fair that way” but my half would be the half with a gallon of milk in it. Fuck off. 4/10.

Dalinar: depends on the era. Blackthorn era Dalinar would carry my groceries to show off his sick muscles. Bondsmith era Dalinar would carry my groceries because the way of kings probably has a parable about Nohadon carrying groceries to Urithiru or some shit. At any rate, he’s carrying my groceries. 10/10

Evi: would carry my groceries in a heartbeat. Would also fall over from the weight in a heartbeat. She’s trying her best though. Love you Evi. 10/10

Adolin: Adolin has the kind helpful attitude of his mother and the giant strong muscles of his father. He is perfectly engineered to carry groceries and I’ll even let him try a banana afterwards. 12/10

Renarin: Renarin would not actively carry my groceries let’s be real but he would take the bags from me for a handful of seconds while I stop to catch my breath. 5/10

Jasnah: Jasnah would give me a lecture on self reliance and not help and I would be like yes ma’am right away ma’am. 1/10

Elhokar: Elhokar would not be any help at all I would be like hey can you carry my milk and he would be like I Must Become A Better King…,, For My People…… For The Windrunner…… and I’d be like ok! It would be very funny though. 2/10

Aesudan: Aesudan would steal my groceries. 0/10

Gavinor is 5. 0/10

Respectfully disagree on 2 points:

Blackthorn!Dalinar would carry your groceries AND you at the same time.

Renarin is shy but he also likes to be helpful just like his mother and brother. He wouldn’t fall over like Evi or flirt like Adolin in the process, he’d just carry the bags where you need them and make himself scarce afterwards not even waiting for a “thank you”.


Questioner: My friends and I have been endlessly debating whether Wit knew what happened to him at the end of Rhythm, when he said “that went exactly as I planned,” if he knew he was gonna get duped? Or if he got hornswoggled?

Brandon Sanderson: He legitimately got hornswoggled. One of the opening chapters of the next book is going to be him realizing that. There’s a little teaser for you.

Odium (Taravangian’s Version)



radiant spren… oh you mean your blorbo from shadesmar?

I would argue that radiants are actually their spren’s blorbos from Roshar

radiant spren… oh you mean your blorbo from shadesmar?


“Some might find that dark hair sprinkled with foreigner blond to be unappealing for its indication of mixed blood, but to Kaladin it was alluring.”

The Way of Kings chapter 44.


I’m bridge 4 coded (absolutely certain that kaladin wont die)

Kaladin: You ever get so tired you start seeing cremlings?

Adolin: Me, after 17 bottles of NyQuil I start seeing the Hat Man.

Kaladin: THE WHO

Adolin: Oh so suddenly this isn’t a safe space anymore.

Adolin: Who the fuck-


Adolin: WHOM the fuck-

Navani: No!
