#story songs for swooning to





My Good Thing of the week: songs telling tales of magical romance

Sadly my collection is rather small still:

  • Heather Dale’s The Maiden and the Selkie, in which a woman and a selkie lord find a way to marry and live together
  • Lisa Theriot’s Hallow’s Eve, in which a healer takes a wandering ghost doomed to roam on All Hallow’s eve for a lover
  • Lisa Theriot’s The Earl of Mar’s Daughter, in which a maiden is courted by a young man who is a dove by day and a human by night (a shortened version of Child Ballad 270)

If any of you have recommendations, please send them my way!

@imperiuswrecked said: The dukes eldest daughter? It’s a song about the daughter who was bullied by her sisters and she flees into the forest and elf lord saves her from a storm/falls in love with her.

Oh thank you! I found two versions of this, both written by Mercedes Lackey:

I have now added:

  • Stan Roger’s The Witch of the Westmoreland, in which a mortally wounded knight finds a powerful (kelpie-like?) witch who heals him with magic and kisses

And I’m going to give honorary inclusion to these enchanted humans:

  • Anaïs Mitchell’s Tam Linn (Child 39), where brave Janet wins her wood-dwelling, rose-guarding changeling groom from the fairy queen
  • Lisa Theriot’s The Marriage of Sir Gawain (Child 31), in which Gawain frees Dame Ragnell from her beastly transformations

When you found a post about songs that you know
