#heather dale





My Good Thing of the week: songs telling tales of magical romance

Sadly my collection is rather small still:

  • Heather Dale’s The Maiden and the Selkie, in which a woman and a selkie lord find a way to marry and live together
  • Lisa Theriot’s Hallow’s Eve, in which a healer takes a wandering ghost doomed to roam on All Hallow’s eve for a lover
  • Lisa Theriot’s The Earl of Mar’s Daughter, in which a maiden is courted by a young man who is a dove by day and a human by night (a shortened version of Child Ballad 270)

If any of you have recommendations, please send them my way!

@imperiuswrecked said: The dukes eldest daughter? It’s a song about the daughter who was bullied by her sisters and she flees into the forest and elf lord saves her from a storm/falls in love with her.

Oh thank you! I found two versions of this, both written by Mercedes Lackey:

I have now added:

  • Stan Roger’s The Witch of the Westmoreland, in which a mortally wounded knight finds a powerful (kelpie-like?) witch who heals him with magic and kisses

And I’m going to give honorary inclusion to these enchanted humans:

  • Anaïs Mitchell’s Tam Linn (Child 39), where brave Janet wins her wood-dwelling, rose-guarding changeling groom from the fairy queen
  • Lisa Theriot’s The Marriage of Sir Gawain (Child 31), in which Gawain frees Dame Ragnell from her beastly transformations

When you found a post about songs that you know

Painting of ‘The Little Black Fox’ based on the song of the same name by Heather Dale. Painting of ‘The Little Black Fox’ based on the song of the same name by Heather Dale. Painting of ‘The Little Black Fox’ based on the song of the same name by Heather Dale. 

Painting of ‘The Little Black Fox’ based on the song of the same name by Heather Dale. 

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they should let u have ur top 4 albums on ur spotify profile

mutualinas what wld ur top 4 be I think mine wld be puberty 2 songs of leonard cohen twin fantasy & the submarine soundtrack <3

And up he sprung like lightning//A fox from out of his hole//His fur was the color of a starless nig

And up he sprung like lightning//

A fox from out of his hole//

His fur was the color of a starless night//

And his eyes like burning coals//

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