#stranger things


So I randomly had an idea for a live-action TV series for Scooby Doo when I saw a picture of Scooby Doo at my girlfriend’s house. 
It would be a nitty-gritty realistic horror and supernatural drama. Basically Riverdale meets Stranger Things. 

The Setting

The setting would be in upstate New York (because I’m personally somewhat familiar with a few upstate towns) in the 70′s. The town would still be named Coolsville, which was reportedly named after Calvin Coolidge by it’s Republican founder. The town became mired in political corruption following the Great Depression and lot of business owners went into debt trying to keep their struggling industries afloat. In order to keep business rivals out of the town while they were trying to rebuild, business owners would concoct ghost stories and make people believe that a lot of their older abandoned properties were haunted. It seemed to become exacerbated by the influx of liberals and young beatniks moving into the town after attending Woodstock. The political atmosphere of the town changed and the ghost stories only became more wild and realistic.  

The Characters

Fred Jones:


Fred is a handsome and popular football quarterback who has all the girls at school swooning after him except for, for a while, the girl he’s truly interested in. His friends and family see him going on to play football in college, but ever since he witnessed a new player to the team going through intense hazing by the other players, his life changed. He told the coach what happened but the coach did nothing about it. After not being able to stand it anymore, Fred got into a physical altercation with the boys who were hazing their new player and was kicked off the team. Fred befriended the player, a scrawny guy with shaggy brown hair named Norville Rogers. His parents, his father particularly, was very angry and disappointed about this. Fred decided that when graduated from school, he wanted to become a police officer while all of his friends were talking about being drafted into the military to go fight in Vietnam War. However, while attending a Vietnam War protest, he saw police brutality against the protestors and decided that the police could be just as thuggish as the football players he knew and decided not to become a cop. He knew he wasn’t going to apply to college the following year seeing as though his grades were mediocre and he lost his chances with football. Not having any other options, his father reluctantly hired him to work at his record store until he graduates and figures out what he wants to do with his life. When his record store became successful enough to open a second store, his father decided to buy a new property. He was told by the owner that the store went out of business because it was haunted. Fred’s father didn’t believe it until he decided to check out the property and was scared off by a glowing white entity moaning and yelling for him to get out. Fred decided that this was suspicious and decided to investigate with the help of Norville and his dog…

Norville “Shaggy” Rogers


Norville, nicknamed “Shaggy” by his stoner friends is the son of a Tuskegee Airman and his mother who is a nutritionist. They recently moved to Coolsville where he found a difficult time fitting in. He’s one of the only bi-racial students in his entire school. He doesn’t have many friends but often spends time with the beatniks getting high in the back of his van that a relative gifted to him after he got his license. His voracious appetite while high leads him to eat obscene amounts of food in one sitting, though because of his sky-high metabolism, he never gains weight. When his father noticed his lack of real friends, he pushed him into getting into sports and he joined the football team. However, he was attacked as part of a “hazing ritual” for the new players. When Fred watched him getting hazed, he protected him, becoming his first friend. They got high together when Fred was kicked off the team and needed to relieve stress. Shaggy often invited his Great Dane Scooby into the van with them and often, they would get so high that they swore that they heard him speaking to them. Shaggy left the football team to join track and gymnastics which suited his athleticism better and the his teammates treated him better as well. Ever since Shaggy was in middle school, he swore off of eating meat and became a vegetarian. Since he grew up with Scooby being his best friend, he could never see himself eating an animal, though while stoned, he often eats meat (“nah, man, I’m like, a vegetarian…never touch meat” he says while scarfing down a giant turkey leg and a cheese-burger at the same time). Shaggy almost never goes anywhere in town without Scooby because of the rumors that many parts of the town are haunted but when Fred told him about his suspicions about just how haunted the town really is could be false, he agreed to help him solve the case of the so-called haunted store.

Daphne Blake 


Daphne Blake is also another pretty and popular student at Coolsville High. Her father, a judge and lawyer mother rake in a combined 6 figure salary and are the wealthiest family in town, making even more money than the mayor. Unlike the Daphne from the earlier cartoon, Daphne realizes that she doesn’t want to wind up like some of the girls in her town who are abducted on their way to school after her own abduction scare and decides to take up martial arts lessons with a private instructor. She often spends a lot of time alone when she’s at home because of her parents’ busy careers dealing with their town’s still, corrupt politicians and business owners. Daphne is very observant of her surroundings and pays a lot of attention to detail, which contributes to her love of fashion and her looks. She became a writer for the school’s newspaper, the Coolsville Grapevine. However, this doesn’t help her in school since she mostly stares at Fred while they’re in class together, having fell in love with him after hearing about him standing up for Shaggy. When she began failing science because of this, her parents demanded that she get a tutor. Daphne also noticed that her classmate Velma Dinkley seemed to get the best grades in science and decided to ask her to tutor her. Velma agrees on the condition that she ask her friends to stop talking about her behind her back which Daphne wasn’t aware of. When Daphne confronted her friends about it, an altercation ensues, prompting Daphne to leave them behind and befriend Velma. One night while Velma was staying over for dinner, Daphne’s father told them that he was residing over a case of a real-estate owner being involved in a scandal where he was telling ghost stories about an abandoned store-front he recently purchased that happened to have a fortune of money and other valuables in a vault in the basement and that he was keeping it off the market until he could hire someone to break into the vault. Two teenagers who attend their school named Fred and Shaggy helped break the case and they were considered town heroes. Daphne and Velma took an immediate interest in the boys after this and decided that they wanted to join them. Daphne wants to become a journalist someday.

Velma Dinkley


Velma is an honor student at Coolsville. She’s considered to have a genius level IQ. In my version, Velma is of Vietnamese descent and was adopted by the Dinkley family who adopted her from Vietnam amidst the Red Scare. Her parents are McCarthyists. Despite this, they have always pushed Velma at succeeding at everything she does to become successful in the future and achieve the American dream. They placed her in Karate and the Girl Scouts as a child to teach her survival skills and how to take care of herself. Velma became a black-belt at a very young age and despite her short stature is a very strong fighter. Her strength is also mental as she is also a chess master and a straight-A student. While attending Coolsville high, Velma was both admired and envied by other over-achievers at her school. She developed a jaded nature about her after her only real friend at the school was abducted by what the authorities claim was a monster from the nearby swamp. Ever since, she’s been obsessed with trying to figure out who’s really behind all the abductions in town and has spent all her free time reading mystery novels, law books and books about supernatural beings. Her obsession became so serious that she started asking classmates to help her form a search team to go find her friend, helping the town post fliers for the missing girls but they all refused. One day, she suffered from an emotional breakdown during class when the police reported to the school that some of the kidnapped girls were turning up dead. She overheard Daphne’s friends talking about her behind her back one day in the library, claiming that they hope that Velma gets abducted next. Velma noticed that Daphne often hangs out with these girls so when Daphne asked Velma to tutor her she tells her that she has to tell her friends to stop talking about her, which Daphne agrees is the right thing to do. When Velma agrees to tutor her, they spend a lot of time together and start to form a bond. They soon become close friends. Like most teens in their town, Velma takes a job in town to save up to move elsewhere and attend college and gets a job at a library. When Daphne invites her over for dinner, Daphne’s father talks to them about a scandal going on in the real-estate industry in their town. When he tells her that their schoolmates helped solve the mystery, Velma begins thinking about enlisting Fred and Shaggy’s help with finding her friend. 



Scooby is going to be played by a real Great Dane with occasional CG animated other features to perform what the actual dog cannot. As a puppy, he was abandoned by his owners at a dog boarding house in Coolsville when his owners were scared off by another ghost/monster haunting. Shaggy’s family adopted him when he was taken to a shelter and was given to him as a Christmas gift as a child. Him and Shaggy grew up together and have been inseparable since. Shaggy often sneaks Scooby with him to school and keeps him in his van which he parks on campus while he’s in class. Shaggy will sneak out to the van to feed him cafeteria food during lunch and sometimes sit and eat with him. When Shaggy and Fred get high together, they claim that they can hear Scooby speaking to them in deep voice with a speech impediment. And as expressive as Scooby is, when he eventually meets Daphne and Velma, they are often able to understand what Scooby is trying to tell them when he barks and makes gestures. Sometimes Shaggy has to translate to them what he is saying. Even though Scooby is such a large and intimidating dog, he is often afraid of even the smallest things, including mice. However, whenever Shaggy feeds him his favorite brand of dog treats which Shaggy calls “Scooby Snacks,” he becomes fearless and more confident. Whenever Scooby barks, there will be a voice-over of him communicating with the teens that often, Fred, Daphne and Velma are unable to understand but after a while, they are able to understand him. 

The Plot/Pilot

The pilot opens up with with Fred’s father having a conversation with his business partner in their record shop about how the influx of hippies and yuppie liberals to Coolsville has been making his business take off like a rocket. Fred’s business partner makes a small complaint about how a lot of their teenage customers often come in high to which Fred’s father replies “high enough to pay retail prices.” Fred comes walking into the shop and tells his dad that he’s going to school and that he needs to borrow the car. Fred’s father tells him that he’s planning on buying a second car that day and that when he does, their old Camero is his. Fred thanks his father before he tells him “good luck at football today, son! Bet you can’t wait until your driving yourself to college on your football scholarship.” Fred agrees and leaves. Throughout the show, you’ll see posters of missing girls on lamp-posts and at the school and on a news stand outside of the store, there’s a paper with a headline reading “Swamp Monster Abducting Young Girls.”

When Fred arrives at school, he sees a new kid (Shaggy) getting out of a truck. His parents, a black man in a military uniform and white woman embrace him. He complains to them “man, did you guys like, haveto drop me off? I’m 16 now. Granddad didn’t gimme the van for nothing. I can like, drive myself to school?” To which his mother replies “We know, honey, we just wanted to drop you off for your first day. We’re in a new town and we just wanted to make sure that you got to school in one piece.” His father says “this town isn’t exactly the safest either. I don’t know how long I’m going to be stationed here but I just want to make sure you’re safe son. I’ll pick you up later and you can drive to school tomorrow. Clear?” Shaggy replied “crystal.” His parents get back in the car. “Good luck at football tryouts today! I hope you’re able to make some real friends at this school and not those hippies you’ve been hanging out with all summer.” As they pull away from the curb, he catches a glimpse of Fred staring at him before he enters the building. 

While Fred is at his locker, he looks across from the lockers and sees Daphne getting books from her locker surrounded by all her friends feeding her the latest gossip. Daphne looks back at him, to Fred’s surprise but she doesn’t return any discernible expressions. 

Fred goes to first period (the school year is already underway) and when everyone is seated, he asks the class if they’d like to volunteer to present their projects. The class is silent. Velma is the first person to volunteer. She presents her project, which is about the history of the town’s corruption and about how all the ghost and monster stories made up by politicians and businessmen are part of a conspiracy to keep foreigners out. Her teacher tells her that she’s biased and lying to which she states statistics that show how the racial and political demographics of the town remained the same until the economy experienced a boom and showed him newspaper articles about how a lot of factory owners in their towns concocted stories about their town being haunted and how it deterred new people from settling in the town. When he looks at her assignment, he realizes that she’s right but doesn’t apologize. Embarrassed, he merely thanks her and she takes her seat. The class begins murmuring about her being a bitch and a know-it-all. Some of them whisper about her being crazy for not believing in ghosts and monsters in the midsts of the swamp monster abducting girls.  Fred overhears people denigrating her and decides to present next. He gives a presentation about how Japanese internment camps were wrong and his conservative teacher and classmates scoff at him. When class was over, Velma tells him that she enjoyed his presentation and Fred returns to sentiment. 

At football practice, Fred is in the locker-room suiting up when Shaggy walks in. The coach approaches Shaggy and tells him that he was impressed with the video footage of his game at his other school and says that after try-outs, if he’s able to work well with the team, he has a spot open on the team for him. Shaggy nods and thanks him. The try-outs begin once the team is suited and the coach has given them the run-down for the day. Out of all the boys trying out for the team, Shaggy is by far the fastest and most agile out of everyone. A lot of the boys are really impressed. Some of them, however, are jealous and worried that he’ll outshine them. When the try-outs were over, the boys on the team congratulated him on his performance, telling him that the coach was going to choose him for sure. Shaggy thanked him and as he was about to leave the locker room, one of the boys stopped him. “Y’know, we have this thing that we do with all the new players on the team. It’s like, an initiation. Now we know that you haven’t officially made the cut yet but we wanted to give you a pre-celebration party.” Shaggy is confused by this. The boy socks him hard in the stomach and he bowls over in pain. “Every bruise you get, is a point of respect for you, bro. And a free can of beer at my place this weekend.” As he leaves, the other boys on the team hit him and push him against the lockers. Fred watches this and stared worriedly at Shaggy. Shaggy looked back at him and glowers. “Why don’t you like, take a photo, man. It’ll last longer.” He asks before leaving. 

That night when Fred went home and sat down to eat dinner with his father, his father asked him how practice went and he told him about the try-outs and that they had a new kid try out for the team. He spoke about how fast he was. His father said he hoped that he wouldn’t replace Fred as quarterback but Fred assured him that they wouldn’t do that. His father told him that he was curious about watching this new kid play at their next game and asked for a description of him. Fred told him that he was part black and white and that he had dark hair and eyes. Fred’s father replied “oh yeah, they can run pretty fast. Like that Jesse Owens fella.” Fred asked him what he meant by that and his father said “negroes. They run pretty damn fast. I mean it must run in their blood.” Fred told his father “y’know dad, you really shouldn’t refer to him and all other blacks as ‘them.’ He’s his own person.” His father replies “I know. I’m not trying to be prejudiced, I’m just saying, a lot of them–I mean, he and other people like him can just run really fast, that’s all I’m saying.” Fred responds “And I’m just saying it’s the 70′s not the 50′s, dad. People have their own identities. You can’t just go around grouping everyone together like that. Isn’t that why you started your own business? So you wouldn’t have to go work in some factory like grandpa and all your friends did? So you could be your own man?” His father nodded. “Yes, but we also don’t have the same financial security as we did when I was your age so I had to make changes.” “Exactly,” Fred said “and we have to make changes to benefit other people around us and it starts with how we think.” His father laughed at him. “You been hanging out with those hippies and liberals, haven’t you?”

The next couple of days later, the list for who made the team was posted. Fred checked it out and saw Shaggy’s name on it. (He had heard him being referred to his real name by the coach.) He was glad that he made the team but he was worried about what the other boys would do to him. When he went to practice that day, he noticed that the other players on the team wouldn’t defend him against the opposing side and the coach blamed it on him, telling him that he needed to show the speed that he showed before. When practice was over, the same boys in the locker-room who hit him the other day officially invited him to their party, handing him directions to the location. After they gave him the note, their ring leader said “more respect to you, bro” and they all took turns punching him. As they were leaving, the ringleader remarked that he would probably be getting an entire keg of beer to himself at that rate. Fred asked him if he was ok and told him that he needed to tell the coach what they were doing. Shaggy brushed it off and said that his father wants him to make friends with these assholes and that he’s never fit in anywhere he’s gone. He told him that it’ll probably end after the party. 

That weekend, Shaggy took his van to the location. His parents were excited that he was already being invited to a party and that he was already fitting in. However, when he pulled up to the address, he thought it was a mistake because it was an old creepy abandoned house in the middle of nowhere. He got out in walked in, only to be approached by a group of people in white sheets. “Zoinks! What the hell is goin’ on, man??” He yelled before he was about to bolt out of the door. But the figures grabbed him and started beating him up. 

That following Monday, he showed up to school bruised and in bandages. He wasn’t able to participate during practice but the coach wanted him to sit on the bench. He confronted the boys in the locker room after one of them remarked “fun party, right?” He threatened to tell the coach but they told him he didn’t have proof and that he wasn’t going to believe a half-breed negro over them. Shaggy cursed at them and they started beating him up. Fred ran in and began fighting the boys off, punching one in the eye, shoving another into the locker and low-blowing another. When the coach came in and saw what he had done, he kicked him off the team and he was suspended from school for a few days. When he returned, it seemed as though word got around of what he did. He went to his locker as usual and saw Daphne across from him again. Her friends, again were surrounding her but this time, they said something to her and pointed at Fred. Daphne smiled back at him this time and Fred returned the smile. As they walked away, her friends commented that they wish they had a boy like him to protect them since some girls have gone missing in their town.

During lunch, Fred decided to eat outside in the parking lot, not being able to stand his newfound attention. While he was there, he saw Shaggy walking across the way with a big pile of food on his tray. When they saw each other, Shaggy walked over to him. “Hey, man. I just like, wanna say thank you for helping me out. I know I wasn’t the nicest to you but like, I’m new and I guess I didn’t know who to trust. But now I know, man; you’re a good dude.” Fred nodded. “No worries. That initiation shit is bull, dude. They just like picking on people who don’t share their fucked up mentalities or people who don’t look like them. But yeah, if you ever need anything, you can come to me.” Shaggy smiled at him. “Thanks, man. I left the team, by the way. Track and gymnastics are more my scene. And more importantly, the people on the team are like, far out. Hey, you wanna like, come in my van? I got a friend I want you to meet. Her name is…Mary Jane, if you like, catch my drift.” They walked over to his van and stepped inside. There was shag carpeting on the floor, Pink Floyd and Jimi Hendrix posters and a large great dane who sat up immediately when he saw the food. Fred, confused, asks “you named that dog Mary Jane? Isn’t that a boy dog?” Shaggy laughs. “Nah, man. That’s my dog. His name is Scooby Doo.” 

So that is all I have for now. Eventually, Fred’s father buys a new car and starts looking into buying that second store and is told by the real-estate owner that it’s haunted and Fred and Shaggy investigate. And when Velma and Daphne heard that they were able to solve the case, they asked to join them to solve the case of the Swamp Monster. They also eventually start their own investigation crew called Mystery Inc, give Shaggy’s van a new paint job and name Scooby their mascot. 

things i plan to rewrite - eventually.

thejust come on series. i have the basis in my head but i’m writing the plot soon. so far, so good.

thewelcome to the end series. ah yes, the masterpiece of my early life. like when i was thirteen. i have the basis down, not the full plot, but so far got character dynamics down. it’s going to be very family heavy and probably very bittersweet. and due to personal reasons, the reader is definitely going to be a goofy ass nerd because i say so.

as for other works, i plan on posting random blurbs from my own personal ocs from media i like. um. yeah, that’s about it. i have playlists for the works i’m redoing so let me know if anyone wants those ! the new titles are as follows;

just come on->they will see

welcome to the end->this is the end


Millie Bobby Brown as‘El’ HopperinStranger Things|First Appearances

Babysitter’s Club groupchat ➥ Steve’s phone

(Made an oopsie with the phone time aGAIN so ignore sksksk also I MEANT “SLEEPOVER TODAY” but I was rushing oops again )

i would just like to say that I am billy hargrove’s defense attorney, so if I see any billy hargrove slander on my dash best believe legal action will be taken

Setting: December of 1984

You struggle to not fall in love with the boy next door, but what you don’t know is that he already fell for you.

!! the first part did so well im actually surprised !! tysm i really appreciate the feedback <3 here’s part two and part three’s in the works :)) There might be some mistakes that I missed, I apologize in advance :o) Feedback is deeply appreciated tysm again!!

Word count: 2k words again yeehaw 

Warnings: cursing as usual


   It was the day before Christmas Eve, you asked Billy to drive you around Hawkins since your parents asked you to buy gifts for your relatives in New York. Your parents planned on visiting New York the next day, they, of course, invited you to join them but you instead volunteered to stay and watch the house while they were away visiting relatives. 

   Billy was happy to accompany you to stores, he would follow you wherever you go and gave his opinions on things when you asked for it. You thought he’d get bored watching you shop for almost the whole day, but he showed no signs of disinterest. He was fun to be around and you were glad he agreed to accompany you. His presence made a seemingly boring task fun. 

“Y/N take a look at this,” Billy called for you from another aisle of the store you two were currently in. You walked towards the sound of his voice and found him wearing a Christmas antler headband, “—Don’t I look cute?” He chuckled while bobbing his head to make the little bells on the antler ring. 

You giggled at the sight of him. “You know what? You actually do but,” you took the headband from him, earning a scowl from Billy. You placed the headband on your head and smiled at him smugly. “I think I look cuter.” 

“I won’t argue with that.” Billy replied smiling a smile that made your heart skip a beat. He always managed to make you feel this way and you didn’t like the feeling. It felt wrong and inappropriate since Billy was your best friend.

“Wait put this on again, let me take a picture.” You took the headband off your head and handed it back to him. You dug through your purse for your Polaroid camera and pulled it out once you found it.

“Show this to anyone and you’re dead, Y/L/N.” Billy threatened, but you knew he didn’t mean it. Billy reluctantly placed the headband back on his head and smiled for the camera.

“Why? Are you scared to ruin your reputation? Scared that people would think you’ve gone soft?” You teased as you pressed the button to take a picture. 

“That’s exactly why. Are you going to take another one or are we done here?” 

You shook the picture, watching the picture of Billy develop. Once it was done developing you smiled at the photo, it was cute and it showed who Billy Hargrove really was. Under his tough exterior is a soft and caring boy that only you get to see.

“Let me just take a hundred more so I can show the whole town.” You joked making Billy practically yank the headband off his head. 

“So this is why you’ve been bailing on us, you’re too busy entertaining whores.” An unfamiliar voice called from the entrance of the store followed by a chorus of laughter. You turned around to see who it was and saw a couple of guys around Billy’s age. 

“Don’t you ever fucking call her that,” Billy snapped as he charged towards the group of guys, “You’re fucking dead Tommy, you hear me?” 

You grabbed the back of Billy’s jacket, pulling him back with all your might. He struggled against your hold, wanting so badly to hurt the person who insulted you.

“Billy it’s okay, it’s not worth it. I don’t give a shit, it’s fine. Please Bill, stop!” You pleaded as you continue to pull him back. You could hear the group of guys laughing as Billy struggled to release himself from your grip. Eventually, your hold faltered which allowed him to escape. The way he walked towards the group made your skin crawl. As he stepped closer and closer to the group, you saw them began to panic, especially Tommy. Some of Tommy’s friends even walked out of the store, not wanting to get their ass beaten. You raced towards Billy to try to break off the potential fight but you were unfortunately not fast enough, Billy already grabbed a hold of Tommy’s collar and began to drag him outside. You burst out the door panicking, you didn’t want Billy to get in a fight because of you.

“Billy please! Stop! It’s not worth it! You could get in trouble, come on Billy please just take me home!” You shouted firmly, but despite that Billy didn’t seem to hear. You watched as he slammed Tommy on the snow covered pavement, preparing to punch the living daylights out of him. 

“IT WAS A JOKE I SWEAR! I DIDN’T MEAN IT! I’LL STOP JUST PLEASE DON’T-“ Tommy’s pleas were stopped by Billy as he took a hard blow at Tommy’s jaw. 

“BILLY STOP! JESUS CHRIST!” You screamed as you pulled him back with all of your strength, giving Tommy a chance to escape. Billy turned towards you with anger in his eyes which gave you goosebumps, but you ignored the feeling. You cupped his face and looked at him straight in the eye, “Billy breathe, it’s okay. Calm down.” You said in a soft voice, trying to calm him down.

“He called you a whore, Y/N! Why didn’t you let me beat his ass?” Billy responded angrily but the terrifying fire in his eyes disappeared. 

“It’s not worth it, that’s why. He’s  just being stupid and immature, picking a fight with guys like him is unnecessary.”

“Are you fucking serious? That’s how you’re going to react? You’re just going to let him say that shit about you? I can’t believe you!” Billy retorted, taking your hands off his face. He walked away from you and headed towards his car, you followed behind him. 

“You need to have patience, Bill. We could’ve handled that differently. Better yet, you could’ve just let me handle it. Beating the shit out of him won’t solve anything.” You said calmly as you opened the car door and stepped inside, Billy did the same except he opened the door so harshly that you were afraid it was going to be ripped off. 

“That’s fucking bullshit, he needed to get his ass handed to him! He can’t say shit like that to you, I won’t allow it. I’m going to find him and I’m going to beat his sorry little ass.” He started the car and sped away, you sighed in frustration and turned away from him to focus on the surroundings on your window.

“Whatever Hargrove, do what you want.” You replied coldly, now ignoring him. 

Billy didn’t bother to reply, the car ride was silent after that. Billy sped around downtown Hawkins trying to find Tommy but after ten minutes of driving around, you noticed he was now driving home. The whole ride was silent, but every once in a while you could feel Billy glancing at you. You didn’t know why and you didn’t bother to find out, you were too annoyed to talk to him. 

After a couple of minutes of driving, he stops in front of your house. You unbuckled your seatbelt, gathered all your purchased gifts, and opened the car door. 

“Thanks for the ride, goodnight.” You said while not bothering to look at Billy, but before you could close the door, Billy speaks up.

“Is that all you’re going to say? That’s it?” 

“What else do you want me to say?” You replied passively, finally looking at him in the eye. 

“Are we not going to talk about- You know what? Whatever, goodnight.” 

   You closed the door and walked towards your front door, you felt bad for leaving things the way they were with Billy, but you were too upset and too prideful to tell him that you may have overreacted a little. Before stepping inside you watched Billy as he backed up out of your driveway and drive to his house which was next door. He looked upset and you felt even worse than before. He sees you looking at him, making you quickly go inside your house. 

“Hey honey, how was shopping? Did you get everything?” Your dad greeted you with a warm smile as you stepped inside, he was helping your mom make dinner.

“We’re so sorry to make you have to go get all that for us, we just couldn’t get a day off today.” Your mom said while giving you a sympathetic look. You watched as she put a tray of asparagus inside the oven to bake. 

“It’s fine, it wasn’t a lot,” You replied while setting the bags full of gifts on the floor, “I’m going to head upstairs, night.” 

“You’re not going to eat dinner? Is everything okay?” Your dad asked, his voice filled with concern but you sped up the stairs and didn’t bother to reply. 

You kicked off your shoes and tossed yourself into bed. You groaned in frustration, regretting the fact that you didn’t apologize and talk to Billy about things. You stared at your ceiling, your mind running a hundred miles per hour. Then, you finally fell asleep after staring for god knows how long.

You woke up to the sound of what it sounds to be like rocks hitting your window. You rubbed your eyes trying to get rid of the tiredness and stretched. You got up from your bed and looked out your window squinting to see who’s outside. When your eyes finally focused you see Billy standing on the snowy pavement grinning at the sight of you.

“What light through whatever window breaks! It is the west? East? And you’re the moon!” Billy slurred, giving you a drunk and awfully terrible rendition of Romeo and Juliet, clouds of vapor escaped his mouth as he spoke. You bite back a laugh and wondered how he knows Shakespeare even though he repulsed reading. 

“What the hell are you doing? And stop yelling it’s 1 a.m, you’re going to wake up the entire block idiot.” 

“So I went to a party, drank a little, but it got boring and you kept popping up in my head so I was like ‘Hey Billy since Y/N’s bothering you why don’t you bother her?’ and now I’m here! Also it’s cold Y/N, winter’s a bitch.” Billy said as he rubbed the sleeves of his jacket trying to warm himself. You blushed at his comment, even at his drunken state he still thought of you. 

“Shut up and hold still, I’m coming downstairs to let you in but you have to be quiet. You understand?” You said as you put on your jacket that was laying on your desk. 

“Okay I’ll be quiet I promise. Hurry please I’m reallllyyyy cold.” Billy mumbled as he sat down on the snow covered sidewalk to wait for you.

You tiptoed out of your bedroom, trying not to wake your parents. Then, you rushed down the stairs and opened the front door to go outside. 

“Y/N you came! I’m so glad you could be here! What a pleasant surprise!” Billy said as he struggled to get up from the sidewalk. You rolled your eyes and walked to him to help him up.

“You’re an idiot, Billy Hargrove. Do you know that?” 

“You’ve said that twice, but thanks for reminding me, sweetheart.” Billy gave you a lopsided smile as you grabbed his arm and pulled to help him stand. You then swung his arm on your shoulder and walked him inside your house. It was a struggle to bring Billy up the stairs to your room but you managed. Once you successfully reached your room, Billy kicked off his shoes and wasted no time to belly flop onto your bed.

“Make room for me dickhead, this is my bed.” You giggles softly as you tried to push him towards the wall. You hopped into bed and into the covers to try and warm yourself from the cold, you spread your thick comforter and covered Billy too so he could be warm. 

“I’m warm now, thanks babe.” Billy whispered while giving you a wink, which made you giggle at how dumb he’s acting. He scoots closer to you and stared into your eyes, a sweet smile was plastered on his face.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” You whispered softly so only he can hear and you tucked a loose strand of hair that was covering his eye behind his ear. 

“Nothing, I just love you.” Billy smiles, his eyes twinkling. He then reached over to caress your face, “but shhh, don’t tell anyone okay? It’s a secret, I have a reputation that I have to take care of.” Billy spoke in a hushed tone while he places his index finger on your lips to silence your already silent mouth. Your heart became heavy with sadness knowing that he probably doesn’t mean it and that he’ll forget about what he said first thing in the morning. For weeks you’ve struggled to avoid your feelings for Billy but now that he’d said what he said, everything that you’ve tried to avoid feeling came pouring out. You run your hand through his curls as a tear escaped your eye, you tried to wipe it away but Billy already noticed. His brows furrowed at the sight of you crying.

“Oh no why are you crying princess? Who should I fight? I’m ready to fight.” Billy said as he pulls you toward him for a hug. His arm rubs your back as he tries to soothe your crying. 

“I’m just sad because you’ve got too much to drink and you won’t remember what you just said tomorrow morning.” You said as you snuggled closer to him, taking in his scent. More tears fell from your eyes. 

“If that’s why you’re sad then I’m going to remember what I said. I’m smart Y/N, I got this. I won’t let you down. Also, I’m not drunk! That’s bullshit.” Billy slurred as he plants a kiss on your forehead making you cry even more. 

“You make it so easy to fall in love with you, I’ve only known you for a couple of weeks and you’ve already got me crying for you,” Three words were on your mind, three words that are dying to come out. Now, those same three words were finally leaving your mind after dodging it for the past few weeks, refusing to feel the emotions that were connected to it, “I love you, Billy Hargrove and it sucks because you won’t ever feel the same. You’re just drunk and saying things you don’t mean.” You confessed to him while softly sobbing into his jean jacket, you’ve finally let out all the pent up emotions that you’ve been struggling to ignore for the past few weeks. All those weeks of suppressing your emotions were all for nothing because now you’ve finally admitted everything. Now that you’ve said it, it was now real and concrete. There was no turning back.

“Shhh Y/N, don’t cry you’re too pretty to cry! Don’t cry my darling…” Billy said softly while he kissed your head. After a couple of seconds he began to softly snore which led you to believe that he fell asleep, leaving you to deal with your sadness by yourself. You sniffed and wiped your tears with your hand. You snuggled closer to him, taking in the moment knowing that he’ll be gone in the morning and there’ll be no one left for you to hold.

If you want to be tagged lmk :o)

Tag list:@qtmeryr 

The Floating Circus Page 4 #1 Dad Sheriff is ready for duty! (Likes, comments, reblogs are very much

The Floating Circus Page 4
#1 Dad Sheriff is ready for duty!

(Likes, comments, reblogs are very much appreciated)

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Monday Update

I’m pushing for ten clean pages this weekend plus I’m gonna start pushing out NSFW Reddie fanart on my Patreon this weekend as well :D
