#stray kids han x reader


Let Me Love You

pairing(s):Han & Reader

genre(s): Angst and Fluff

word count: 892


“Has anyone talked to Y/N today?” Han asked looking up from his phone. A chorus of ‘nos’ sounded from his friends. “Yesterday then?” Again, no one spoke to you. He scrolled through social media and was disturbed by your lack of updates. “When was the last time they called anyone?” he asked the room.

“I’ll ring them up,” Bang Chan said, “they’re probably holed up and making kissy faces with their boyfriend.” He typed in your phone number, not needing a saved contact. Crinkling his nose he left you a voice message. Felix tapped his friend’s leg and showed him an updated photo. Your boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend, posted a photo with his new partner. “Oh, shit,” he said to himself.

“Maybe that’s why they aren’t answering,” Felix thought. Chan agreed and called you a second and third time.

“What do you want Chan?” you rasped into the phone the fourth time he called. You sniffled and wiped tears from your face. Something was wrong, and he knew it. You never called him Chan.

“I just wanted to check on you,” he said softly. “We were worried about you. Haven’t heard from you in a few days.” All the boys huddled around Chan and his phone as he increased the call volume, making it easier for them to hear.

“I’m great Chris,” you lied. “Why wouldn’t I be ok,” you gasped, “Because I got dumped like yesterday’s trash? Because he moved on after 2 days?” Your chest contracted every passing second and it was harder to breathe. “I’m so tired,” you sobbed into the phone, unable to control it anymore, “I’m so tired of breaking down and having to pick myself back up. I’m tired of being the second choice. I’m so, so tired Chris.”

The sound of you crying on the other end of the line broke everyone’s heart. No one knew what to say. Chan looked around at the somber faces surrounding him. “Where is Han?” he asked. Everyone swapped glances and shook their head.

You flung your phone to the other end of the room and pulled your blanket over your head. Curling into yourself, you groaned and tried to ignore the knock on your door. Sadly, the longer you ignored it, the louder it got. Suddenly, it stopped, but you heard keys in your door and footsteps in your house. A few minutes later, there was a light knock on your door.

“Y/N,” you heard a voice call, “Are you sleeping?” Even though every fiber of your being wanted to tell him to leave, you pulled the blanket from your face.

“I’m awake Ji-Sung,” you said. He sighed in relief and opened your door gently. You turned on your bedside light and rubbed your eyes. “I only told you where that key was in case of emergencies.”

“It was an emergency,” he tried to lighten the mood, “I brought you ice cream. ” Taking one look at you, his heart broke. “Hey,” he said softly, sitting at the end of your bed. “Wanna talk?” Tears stung your eyes and he could see your lip tremble. He stretched his arms out and you launched yourself into them. Cradling your head against his shoulder, he rocked you side to side.

“What’s wrong with me?” you cried into his shirt. “What is so wrong with me that I can’t be loved?” He pulled away and cupped your face, searching for some sign that you were joking.

“What are you talking about?” he whispered. “Why do you think you’re not loved? Do you not see how the guys look at you? You are their literal sunshine. Our day doesn’t start until you arrive.” He swept the tears on your cheek away with his thumbs. “Do you not see how I look at you?” His voice was so soft and nervous. You brought your eyes up to meet his.

“How,” you asked, “Like a clown? I’m so pathetic.”

“Why can’t you see yourself the way I see you,” he said, smoothing your hair behind your ear. “So what, you hit a rough patch. You are smart and successful. Beautiful and funny. You’re not pathetic.”

“Sounds like you’ve given this a lot of thought,” you laughed dryly.

“Only since you walked into our practice room, with Chan. Your laugh was so infectious,” he admitted. After three years of loving you from a distance, he decided this was the time to shoot his shot. “I was so jealous. I wanted you to laugh with me like that. All I could think was 'Wow, how do I get someone like that’?”

“You don’t want someone like me,” you told him. He pulled your face closer to his and touched his forehead to yours.

“Oh,” he sighed, “But I do. I do. I want the person that makes everyone laugh. I want the person that looks effortlessly beautiful. I want the person that kicks my ass in video games. I want the person that holds me while watching horror movies. I want that person. I want you.”

“Sungie,” you muttered, “You don’t want me. I’m broken, no good.”

“Let me pick you up. Let me help you put yourself back together,” he pleaded. “Let me love you.”

“I don’t even love myself,” you admitted. “How can you?”

“Because I see how marvelous you are, even if you don’t,” he told you. “I’m not going to give up on this. Give me a chance, Y/N. I’m not going anywhere.” He brushed his lips against yours and to his delight you didn’t pull away.

“Han Ji-Sung,” you chuckled, “You are a fool. This is probably the worst idea you ever had.” He smirked and kissed you again.

“Or the greatest idea I ever had,” he countered.
