#strep throat

Osteomyeltis of the femur, as a result of scarlet feverOsteomyelitis is an intensely painful, often

Osteomyeltis of the femur, as a result of scarlet fever

Osteomyelitis is an intensely painful, often disastrous infection of the bone, which can have grave consequences. This case was the sequelae of a case of scarlet fever (a body-wide rash caused by strep throat), and resulted in amputation of the limb. This patient survived, but a large percentage of patients did not. Prior to antibiotics, many who contracted osteomyelitis (due to scarlet fever or other reasons) developed severe bacteremia(bacteria in the bloodstream), which often progressed to sepsisanddeath.

Think you have strep throat? See a doctor!

An American Text-Book of Surgery, for Practitioners and Students. Ed. William W. Keen & J. William White, 1899.

Post link

That pure anxiety after strep throat at any sort of soreness in your throat that it’s coming back

I’m okay!  Well, mostly.

The con was fantastic, As always, there were good and bad things, but overall, I’m very glad I went. The first con is the hardest, but it should get easier the more I go to.

Then Tuesday happened. I was due not to go to work anyway, which was good, since I started feeling sick. Long story short, I had/have strep or something very strep-like. It was terrible for a few days there. I couldn’t breathe through my nose, swallowing hurt, my head was all fuzzy/loopy, I wasn’t hungry, and the lack of being able to breathe, combined with the incredibly painful swallowing, meant I couldn’t really fall asleep. Plus, everything took SO much out of me. Even just sending an email was exhausting.

I did have really interesting fever dreams, and whenever I closed my eyes, I could sort of go into the left over shapes and colors and stuff you see when you do that and it would turn into pictures, and then a story.

I’m on the mend (yay antibiotics!), and I’ll try to write and post more things as soon as I’m feeling up to it! I miss everyone! <3
