#string gummy cookie


“You saved me…no matter what timeline we’re in…”

happy valentines day (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧


Some sketches I did to destress after an exam

Okay but like fuck it imma ramble about my persuit of lost time arc

Or the general ideas I got

The inciting incident is roguefort learns of a family heirloom being auctioned off, and decides they have to steal it back, or something idk maybe they just one day remember it existed. Then after some research learn this is the pocket watch that is rumored to be a time piece

Sometime after this discovery they make contact with timekeeper, either they find her or she finds them, either way they’re talking. And timekeeper finds this theif amusing, and knows what they want to do so they make a deal.

Roguefort will work at the tbd as a temporary employee for a time, and in exchange timekeeper will give roguefort their heirloom timepiece, fully functional, and give them the basic training so they can use it without breaking any time laws or something, essentially authorizing them to use it and the tbd can’t stop them (unless they do something that will break a timeline but that’s a time crime so yeah)

Roguefort agrees.

Somehow walnut catches wind of rogueforts most recent plans and investigates as she does, somehow this leads her to croissant and the tbd. And she somehow manages to sneak in (croissant isn’t even sure how this kid did so.) timekeeper, finding said kid amusing, decides to make a similar offer to them. Though instead of getting a timepiece getting like payed or something idk.

Walnut agrees becsuee she wants to keep an eye on roguefort. So timekeeper pairs the two together.

Something something plot happens.

At some point walnut does reveal an alternate motive of hers to find roguefort. …she doesn’t want to loose them, and learning about the heirloom and what it could do… well she’s a smart kid, she pieces together what roguefort was planning to do,

To go back to the past and save the blue cheese family, and then live in that new timeline. The current one they exist in would be fine but roguefort would be gone (It’s something similar to what I think timekeepr did to join the current timeline too, but no time god ascension just ditching the home timeline)

Roguefort by then has had doubts about their plan, especially with walnut being around because they got a found fsmily dynamic going on and walnut is their kid now, she got two parents. And roguefort kinda realized they don’t want to abandon this family they’ve made with walnut and almond.

So they change their plans, they want their heirloom back but they’re not gonna use it. They’ll just hold onto it for closures sake.

Idk what exactly happens between these points but probably fun time travel antics and character interactions. Walnut gets along with croissant who kinda acts like a big sister to her. String gummy is there, timekeeper is timekeeper. Also timekeeper is way too eager to teach a child about time theory and stuff like that which croissant finds mildly concerning, but hey little detective gets new info which is neat?

By the end of the arrangement roguefort gets their heirloom and walnut makes new friends.

Also I have no idea if almond knows what the two have been getting up to or not. Maybe they tell him they’re just doing their usual escapade? Not sure yet.

So yeah that’s what I got generally speaking. Some things might change or be added but I generaly want the arc to have a sorta theme of found family vs ‘real’ or bio family. Amd roguefort has to choose which one they value more in the end.


That’s not Twizzly Gummy

These two are either siblings, different selves belonging to different timelines, or are oppositions/rivals to each other, I’d say.

Both don’t want others to get in their way, have Gummy in their name, wield guns, and have the capability of time travelling. There’s also similar eye color but that’s a stretch.



so about that cookie run event
