#stripe painting

square painting with pink and yellow horizontal stripes, completely covered in a layer of white, clear, and silver-lined glass beads, creating an effect similar to a dessert covered in sprinkles

We are settled enough into our new place that I’ve been thinking about starting another beaded painting soon. This prototype is only 6x6” yet took over 100 hrs, so it’s a bit of a commitment. I love spending that much time with a work of art though, slowly watching the vision come alive. When it’s done that experience is over.

Plus I do find the effect of several thousand beads pretty astounding. Each one of these was individually hand-stitched and meticulously adjusted so the thread isn’t visible. I did buy a luneville hook, which could speed things up, but I don’t yet know how to use it. I also love how the stitches on the back of the prototype look, so I’m not totally sure I even want to change techniques.

Untitled Prototype. 2019. Hand-stitched glass beads on oil on canvas. 6x6 inches.
