

In John 6 we find the miraculous feeding of the five thousand. This is the only miracle of Jesus that all four gospels reported. Furthermore, no other miracle of the Lord Jesus Christ was performed in the presence of so many witnesses, nor did it have so many beneficiaries at the same time. The disciples could only do calculations with their own possibilities, forgetting that the power of Jesus always surpasses all human calculation. So they kept looking to see what they had, and finally all they could find was “five barley loaves and two small fish” that a boy had. This was a ridiculous amount, and as they themselves stated, “What are they among so many?" 

However, although they probably weren’t very aware of it, they did two things that always make it easier for the Lord to start working:
On the one hand, they admitted that they didn’t have a solution to the problem, so they left the door open for the Lord to work.
And on the other hand, they put what little they had into the Lord’s hands.

For more information please read John Chapter 6: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/nt/john/6?lang=eng
