#strong submissive




I got your email messages. Oh, yes, I did. After much blinking and twitching (who hasn’t done that?), I finally decided that you deserved a thoughtful reply. I hope it reaches you in the spirit it’s intended. Really. REALLY.

1. Thank you for starting our interaction so eloquently and yet succinctly. When I clicked on your message and saw that it was a one sentence long demand for me to beg to serve you, with the added bonus of calling me slut, I swear, my heart nearly did cartwheels right out of my chest. I have dreamed for YEARS of a man being bold enough to scoff in the face of such things as respect and foresight, and, holy crap, HERE YOU ARE!

2. Thank you for following the same methodology on your profile, upon which I was compelled to click. The absence of pesky things like capital letters and correct punctuation was beyond refreshing. Sure, I had to reread it a few times (must like anal fertile? Oh, wait… boy, a comma makes ALL the difference. Oopsie!), but still, it was time well spent.

3. Thank you for responding to my overly polite reply (wherein I had to sadly let you know I could not follow my heart to grovel at your feet, as I failed to meet some of the requirements you listed in your profile. I didn’t use those exact words, but I was fighting back tears at the injustice of it all) with a scathing denouncement of my character and my nature. If it weren’t for you going off on me in such a fashion, I might never have realized what a failure I am as a submissive woman. I mean, Jesus, I actually was confused enough to think being submissive didn’t equal automatic degradation and disrespect. I am so ashamed.

4. Above all, I want to thank you for your clarity; for letting me know who I was dealing with in the shortest amount of time possible. It was such a gift… I can never repay you.

Take care of yourself, and I hope you find someone more worthy than I. Just remember one thing, not just for me but for all women out there…


Author - @thegirlinthewoman

Previously written and posted by me on Fet

This….is awesome.

Note it. Submissive does not mean 1) stupid or 2) unworthy of respect. Please address us with a bit of common courtesy - at least at first - and then we’ll get around to kneeling for you.  


P.S. Only thoseIchoose get to call me their slut. 
