#stupid politicians





So, to recap: there’s a standard weight restriction that all bridges have.

Bridges in bad repair have special weight restrictions based on how shitty the bridge is.

Biden was talking about fixing bridges so they don’t require special restrictions.

Biden wanted to fix that specific bridge so it would not collapse. He was going to the specific bridge to talk about how shitty it was and how in need of repair it was.

The GOP has been standing in the way of bridge repair for decades.

And, of course, leftists are somehow arguing that Biden wanting to spend trillions to fix bridges is proof that he wants us all to die in bridge collapses.

Which is why leftists don’t vote for democrats and thus allow the GOP to take over and make things worse.

^^^^^ I am begging even one of yall to look into these things before just buying into the hur hur evil dumb politicians don’t know how bridges work shit.

ok, i´m very sorry, but i must do this.
