#stydia prompt

danniejgrayson:STYDIA – HEARTBREAK GIRL Stiles bolted upright at the loud noise of his phone echoi



Stiles bolted upright at the loud noise of his phone echoing around his dark bedroom. He grumbled, tripping over various pieces of clothing -which were meant to be washed by now – before finally grabbing the small device and silencing its yells. He prayed he hadn’t alerted his father as he took the call, running a hand over his face.

“I swear to god Scott, if you’re wolfing out again-“

But Stiles never got to finish his sassy remark, as a voice that certainly wasn’t Scott’s interrupted him.

“What?” the girl hiccupped quietly.

He knew that voice.

“N-never mind Lydia, just some stupid inside joke” Stiles stuttered quickly. Letting out a long breath of air, he closed his bedroom door as silently as he could before going back over to his messy bed “So, what’s up?”

“He did it again”


You call me up, it’s like a broken record.

Saying that your heart hurts, that you never get over him getting over you.


“I just can’t, I can’t understand it…”

And with that Stiles started to drone out of the conversation, as he had heard all of this before. This was a regular occurrence, he could almost recite what she would say next.

“And then he said that I-“she never did finish that sentence – as her sobs drowned her words - but Stiles could imagine the kind of things hesaid. Stiles could imagine many things actually. He could imagine punching Jackson straight in the face for all the pain he’d cause Lydia. He could imagine running his hands through her strawberry blonde hair at night as she lay on his chest, aimlessly explaining her frustrating day to him. He could imagine how proud his father would be when he brought her home to meet him, when they moved in together, - in some small cheap apartment neither really liked - when they finally got married,  when she announced her pregnancy in a fit of happy tears to him. Yes, he couldimagine many things.

“Stiles?” she asked quietly.

“Yes?” he whispered, tears springing to his eyes.

“Am I doing the right thing? Or am I just being stupid? Or-“

And you end up crying.



And I end up lying.


“Of course you’re doing the right thing…” he hardly even paid attention to the feverish words tripping out of his mouth, but he knew it was lies. All of it lies. But it was what he had to do.

Cause I’m just a sucker for anything that you do.


“Thanks Stiles, you always know what to say”


And when the phone call finally ends, you say “Thanks for being a friend”

Stiles smiled through the droplets rolling down his face.

“No problem. What are friends for, right?”

Each word pained him, but he knew she didn’t need the truth right now. He also knew he would have to repeat his words in only a few nights time.

And we’re going in circles again and again.


There was a silence from both of the pair, but neither hung up.

I dedicate this song to you, the one who never sees the truth, – that I can take away your hurt – heartbreak girl.


Hold you tight straight through the daylight, I’m right here.


“You’re the best stiles”


When ya gonna realise, that I’m your cure, heartbreak girl?

Tb to my first ever post!! Thanks again everyone for the support and love! If you’ve got any requests then fire away! 

Dannie x

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